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1、The Balanced ScorecardMichael L. WernerUniversity of MiamiCoral Gables, FloridaWhat is Business Success?Solid financial performance?Balanced Scorecard Refocuses Management Financial perspectiveCustomer perspectiveInternal perspectiveLearning and Growth perspectiveThe Balanced ScorecardDeveloped in 1

2、992 by Robert Kaplan and David NortonKaplan and Nortons Premise“exclusive reliance on financial measures in a management system was causing organizations to do the wrong things.”PopularityEmployed by half of Global 1000(According to Bain & Company)“One of the most powerful management ideas ever”(Har

3、vard Business Review)Most requested and #1 in sales atHarvard Business PublishingThe Balanced ScorecardOriginally developed as a measurement toolAlso helps companies manage and implement strategyThe Balanced ScorecardBased on corporate strategyA balanced plan for businessMore than a financial plan(R

4、obert Kaplan and David Norton)Basic Business StrategyFinancialWe will ensure that we use our resources and people to maintain financial success. CustomerWe will meet or exceed our customers current and future expectations and requirements with high quality products, reasonable prices and superior se

5、rvice.InternalWe will provide high quality on-time imaging products and services and provide an efficient and effective means to deliver them in a high quality fashion. Learning and GrowthWe will attract and retain high caliber people and promote an environment that develops their interpersonal, bus

6、iness and technical skills and knowledge. We will strive to develop and maintain the best sourcing for our products. We will strive to be aware and on the cutting edge of imaging and business technology. The Trouble with StrategyIt is unlikely that a poor strategy is the problemGenerally, the proble

7、m is implementing strategyEven if strategy is communicated, employees may not know what to do.How can the Balanced Scorecard help?Four Distinct PerspectivesFinancialperspectiveCustomerperspectiveInternalperspectiveLearning andgrowth perspectiveStrategyTranslating a Mission into Desired OutcomesMissi

8、onCore ValuesVisionStrategyBalanced ScorecardObjectivesStrategic InitiativesStrategic OutcomesMotivated and Prepared WorkforceEffective Processes DelightedCustomersSatisfiedShareholdersAdapted fromKaplan, NortonFor Each PerspectiveObjectives (Goals)MeasuresTargetsInitiativesSimple Form and Relations

9、hipsSource:Kaplan, NortonObjectivesConcise statements that articulate what the organization hopes to accomplishEach tied to the companys strategyFinancial PerspectiveOverall objective:To succeed financiallyCustomer PerspectiveOverall objective:To achieve our vision of howthe company shouldappear to

10、customersInternal PerspectiveOverall objective:To excel at having superior businessprocesses to satisfyshareholders and customersLearning and GrowthPerspectiveOverall objective:To sustain the ability to change and improve(Employee capabilities are a keyingredient to this objective.)MeasuresDescripti

11、ons of how success in achieving objectives will be measuredEach tied to the companys objectivesCore Financial MeasuresROI/EVAProfitabilityRevenue growth/mixCost reductionCore Customer MeasuresMarket shareCustomer acquisitionCustomer retentionCustomer profitabilityCustomer satisfactionInternal Perspe

12、ctive MeasuresProcess quality measuresTime to process an orderNumber of ReturnsDefect ratesYield ratiosLead-timesWaste, scrap, and reworkCore Learning and Growth MeasuresEmployees trained per month Employee retentionEmployee productivityDevelopment and research measuresNumber of training programsTar

13、getsLevel of performance or rate of improvement desired for each measureEach tied to one of the companys measuresInitiativesShort-term programs and actions that will help achieve the established targetsEach tied to company objectives and measuresExamples of InitiativesNew maintenance programUpgrade

14、selected equipmentEstablish performance benchmarksNew training programEstablish frequent purchase programNext: An example to help students understand howthe Balanced Scorecard worksA Balanced ScorecardExampleLarge camera store25,000 square feet$10+ million in salesProfits unacceptably lowIndustry ch

15、anging due to technologyBasic Business StrategyFinancialWe will ensure that we use our resources and people to maintain financial success. CustomerWe will meet or exceed our customers current and future expectations and requirements with high quality products, reasonable prices and superior service.

16、InternalWe will provide high quality on-time imaging products and services and provide an efficient and effective means to deliver them in a high quality fashion. Learning and GrowthWe will attract and retain high caliber people and promote an environment that develops their interpersonal, business

17、and technical skills and knowledge. We will strive to develop and maintain the best sourcing for our products. We will strive to be aware and on the cutting edge of imaging and business technology. Achieve the strategy? How do we get there?With a mapA strategy mapStrategy Map ObjectivesFinancial Suc

18、cessCustomers impressed with quality products and servicesLeading edge production capabilities Trained workforceAttract new customersRetain customersOn-time products and servicesWell functioning facilitiesOn cutting edge of technologyBest product sourcingFinancialCustomerInternalLearningand GrowthSt

19、rategy Map Measures and TargetsOperating incomeIncrease gross marginAmount of operating expensesNumber of new customersNo. of returning new customersNumber of customer complaintsNumber of items per invoiceNumber of rejected printsPercent of late ordersNew products and services Amount of employee tra

20、iningAmount of technology trainingSales from new product sourcingTBDIncrease by 20%ZeroIncrease by 30% 1%0%10% Increase1 Session per month1 Session per monthIncrease by 30%FinancialCustomerInternalLearningand Growth$100,000Increase by 5%Maintain MeasuresTargetsStrategy Map InitiativesNew Price Compa

21、rison ReportMonthly sales promotionsNew Frequent Customer Sales ProgramEmployee sales and product training programOperator and lab training programDaily services backlog reportNew products and services program Employee training programTechnology training programThree purchasing tripsFinancialCustome

22、rInternalLearningand GrowthMissionCore ValuesVisionStrategyBalanced ScorecardObjectivesStrategic InitiativesStrategic OutcomesMotivated and Prepared WorkforceEffective Processes DelightedCustomersSatisfiedShareholdersAdapted fromKaplan, NortonTargetsMeasuresEmployee RewardsOperating income Returning

23、 new customersCustomer complaintsNumber of items per invoiceRejected printsLate ordersNew products and services Employee trainingTechnology trainingSales from new product sourcingIncrease by 20%ZeroIncrease by 30% 1%0%10% Increase1 per month1 per monthIncrease 30%FinancialCustomerInternalLearningand

24、 Growth$100,00020% of net incomeEmployee Rewards$25,000 Equally to Five Managers Sales Price Comparison ReportMonthly sales promotionsFrequent Customer Sales ProgramReturning new customersCustomer complaintsNumber of items per invoiceRejected printsLate ordersNew products and services Employee train

25、ingTechnology trainingSales new prod. sourcingThree purchasing trips1 per monthFunctioningIncrease by 20%ZeroIncrease by 30% 1%0%10% Increase1 per month1 per monthIncrease 30%3FinancialCustomerInternalLearningand GrowthMonthly10%10%05%05%10% 10%00%10%05%10%10%05%10%Measure or InitiativeTargetWeightE

26、mployee Rewards$25,000 Equally to Five Managers Sales Price Comparison ReportMonthly sales promotionsFrequent customer sales programReturning new customersCustomer complaintsNumber of items per invoiceRejected printsLate ordersNew products and services Employee trainingTechnology trainingSales new p

27、rod. sourcingThree purchasing trips$ 2,500002,5002,500$ 02,5000$ 2,5002,50002,500FinancialCustomerInternalLearningand Growth$ 0NoYesNoNoYes YesYesYesNoYesYesNoYesMeasure or InitiativeBonus AmountGreen?10%10%05%05%10% 10%00%10%5%10%10%05%10%WeightTotalNumber of managersAmount per manager $17,500 5$ 3

28、,500TotalTotal Balanced Scorecard Employee Incentives (Assuming Net Income of $115,000)Net incomeBonus percentageTotal net income bonusNet income bonus per manager Number of managersMeasures and initiatives bonus Total bonus per manager Number of managersTotal bonuses $115,000 20%$ 23,000 5 $ 4,600

29、$ 3,500 $ 8,100 5 $40,500 Next: Moving Beyond the Companys Overall ScorecardDepartmental and Personal ScorecardsEach department develops its ownscorecard based on thecompanys overall scorecard.Each employee develops his or herscorecard based on the companysand departments scorecard.Departmental and

30、Personal ScorecardsScorecards must be closely aligned withoverall company goals and objectives.Each objective must be aligned.Each measure must be aligned.Each PerspectiveMust be AddressedSet objectives for each perspective.Set basis for measurement for each objective.This allows managers and employ

31、ees tofocus on the success of each perspective.It also keeps them from focusing onone perspective while neglecting another.Implementing theBalanced ScorecardThe push to implement mustcome from top management.Managers must buy in.It takes 15 to 36 monthsin large organizations.Possible Pitfalls of the

32、 Balanced ScorecardSenior management not committedOne senior manager tries to build the scorecard aloneScorecard responsibilities dont filter downThe solution is overdesigned, or scorecard treated as a one-time eventThe balanced scorecard is treated as a systems projectAnthony Atkinson, Robert Kapla

33、n, S. Mark YongSuggested ReadingThe Balanced Scorecard, Robert S. Kaplanand David P. Norton, HBS PressThe Strategy-Focused Organization, Kaplan and Norton, HBS PressThe Balanced Scorecard Step by StepPaul R. Niven, John Wiley & SonsSuggested ReadingJust out this year: Strategy Maps: Converting Intan

34、gible Assets into Tangible Outcomes,Robert S. Kaplanand David P. Norton, HBS PressSuggested Internet SurfingThe Balanced Scorecard Collaborative at The Balanced Scorecard Institute at Free basic online presentation by Paul Niven seminar.aspx?LibraryID=6199Suggested Internet SurfingFree netconference

35、s are also available atThe Balanced Scorecard Collaborative netconferences/Generally on the fourth Thursdayof each month at 11:00 A.M. ET.Next netconference: October 28, 2004Questions?Comments?Thank YouBeyond the ScopeThe slides that follow provide additional insight into the balanced scorecard. Han

36、dling InitiativesInventory current initiativesMap them to BCS ObjectivesEliminate nonstrategic initiativesAdd new initiativesPrioritize remaining initiativesFive Principles of Strategy-Focused OrganizationsPrinciple 1: Translate the strategy to operational termsPrinciple 2: Align the organization to

37、 the strategyPrinciple 3: Make strategy everyones jobPrinciple 4: Make strategy a continual processPrinciple 5: Mobilize leadership for changeAnthony Atkinson, Robert Kaplan, S. Mark YongImplementing theBalanced ScorecardSelect an architect and form a taskforce.Develop business strategiesDetermine w

38、here businessunits fit into the big picture.Hold meetings, workshops,and synthesis sessions.Implementing theBalanced ScorecardSelect and design measures.Establish targetsEstablish initiativesBuild a consensus aroundstrategic objectives.The Balanced Scorecard and aNew Management ProcessesNew manageme

39、nt processesmay result from implementingthe balanced scorecard.New Management Processes1. Translating the vision2. Communicating and linking3. Business planning4. Feedback and learning1. Translating The VisionTo build a consensus around theorganizations vision and strategyTo express the vision in te

40、rms of an integrated set of objectives, measures and initiativesMust be agreed upon by all senior executives2. Communicating and LinkingCommunicates the strategy upand down in the organizationLinks strategy to departmental objectivesLinks strategy to individual objectivesExpands on performance measures thatfocus only on financial performance2. Communicating and LinkingA way to ensure that all levelsof the organization understandthe strategyA way to ensure that departmentand individual objectives arealigned with the strategyLinks rewards to performance


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