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1、密级:保密Classification: Confidential奥星管理体系文件Standard Operating Procedure编号(SOP NO.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训与发展控制程序Training and Development ControlProcedure编制Author姓名 Name 张楠 傅占绣 张新日期Date年 月 年 月 年月日日日签名Signature审核 Reviewed by 批准 Approved by变更记录版本VersionADocument Change Record修改条款及主要内容Change DescriptionEnglis

2、h version corrected实施日期Effective Date 2010-10-1此变更记录最少保存最近3次修改内容。The latest three times change should be kept .发放编号(Issue No.):实施日期(Effective Date): 2010 年 10 月 1 日全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):2/14目的 Purpose提升员工职业技能与职业素质,使之适应公司发展的需要。To enhance the prof

3、essional skills and qualities of staff through training so as to meet the companys needs.范围 Scope2.1适用范围 本程序适用于员工的在职培训及关键技术培训。员工指与公司签订劳动合 同的员工,不包括兼职及短期顾问合同的人员。Apply scope This procedure applies to on-the-job training or key technological training of staff . All staff includes employees contracted by

4、 the company and does not include part-time or short-term employees.2.2发放范围(北京制造中心)本标准适用于奥星医药包装材料北京制造中心各公司。The procedure applies to all business units of Austar pharmaceutical packaging material Beijing center职责和权限 Responsibility3.1人力行政部负责公司各类培训工作的管理,并负责建立员工培训档案,是公司各类培训工作 的主管部门;As the main competent

5、 authority, the human resources department is responsible for managing and setting up the various training programs and training files.3.2各部门负责对本部门员工进行岗位技能培训,制订各自公司年度内部培训计划报人力行 政部批准,各部门组织实施;Each department is responsible for training its employees, formulating its respective internal training annual

6、 plan,and reporting it to human resources for approval. Each department organizes the implementation of its training regimen.3.3各部门负责向人力行政部提交本年度部门培训需求;Each department is responsible for submitting its training requirements annually to the human resources department.3.4,人力行政部负责会同各部门制订新员工入职时的公司级以及部门级基

7、础培训计划,制订新 员工入职导入计划表,并跟踪培训实施情况;The human resources department is responsible for formulating in-department and company level basic training plans when new staff are employed, forming the import plan for new staff chart,and monitoring the implementation.全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Traini

8、ng Control Procedure页码(Page):3/14工作程序Procedure4.1培训原则Training principle围绕公司愿景战略规划和阶段性业务发展状况来安排员工的培训,培训应根据员工实际从事 工作内容分类别、分层次、持续地开展,提高员工的整体素质,满足公司持续经营和发展需求。Focusing on the strategy plan and business development in a stage to train the staff .The training should be carried out according to categories ,

9、layer constantly and improve the overall quality of staff to meet the develop demand .培训分类 Training classification岗位技能培训 Job skill training根据员工的岗位水平存在问题以及未来要求,确定技能性专项培训的内容。Identify the special training according to post demand and future demand .cGMP 专项培训:cGMP specialized training培训内容包括:国家食品与药品监督管理局

10、13号令内容、cGMP基础知识、公司质量管理 体系文件有关内容。The training include : the No.13 rule of state food and drug administration ,rudiments of cGMP and related contents of quality management system .EHS 培训;EHS trainingEHS基础知识、安全操作防范等。Rudiments of EHS and safe operation prevention ,ect.管理类培训 Administrative training适用于班组长

11、以上的岗位管理人员、非生产岗位的工作人员所需要进行的管理类培训。Apply to position management higher than monitor and nonproductive staff training .其他培训 Other training包括以下内容但不限于以下内容:公司介绍、组织机构、行政介绍(包括员工手册)等。Includes but is not limited to the following: introduction to the company, organizational structure, administrational policies,

12、 (includes a workers handbook) etc.全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):4/14培训形式 Training types在职培训(On job Training , OJT)内部授课培训;internal lessons training外聘授课培训;external lessons training公开课培训;Public lessons training其他类型培训。Other types of training培训需求Training re

13、quirements每年年底,根据集团人力资源部的要求,事业部的人力资源部向各业务单元和部门主管面 谈沟通培训需求,及对培训评价和期望的调查。各主管综合公司的要求、业务单元和部门的业 务需求、以及员工的培训需求,填写培训需求调查表,报事业部人力资源部。Business unit should report to the human department and the manager to communicate training demand and investigate the assessment and expectation of training in time accordin

14、g to human resource department in the end of every year .Each director should combine the demand of business department ,business unit and training requirement and fill the questionnaire of training requirement and report to human resource department of business unit .培训计戈UTraining program4.5.1事业部人力

15、资源部根据各业务单元和部门提交的培训需求,结合公司战略规划、业务单 元和部门的情况,以及员工绩效考核的结果等内容,进行分析、修订及整合,拟订年度培 训项目计划表;同时对产生费用的培训,拟订培训预算。培训计划需要经企业质量负责人、 生产负责人批准。The human resource department of business unit should analyse ,revise and combine the training demand raised by business unit and department and combine the strategy plan ,busin

16、ess unit and department condition and performance appraisal and draft plan of annual training item.The fee due to the training should be put into the budget .4.5.2事业部的年度培训项目计划及培训预算,上报事业部总经理、集团人力资源部审批。The annual training plan and training budget of business unit should be reported to general manager

17、and human resource department of group for approval .全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):5/14培训的组织实施Training implementation培训工作流程The procedure of training work .全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):6/14Responsibilities职

18、责Process 程序Interface接口部门负责人HR部门人力资源部事业部总经理集团人力资源部培训组织部门人力资源部培训组织部门培训组织部门人力资源部4.1培训需求培训需求调查4.2年度培训计划4.3培训实施发放培训通知培训签到培训效果评估及考核培训信息录入Uniforce培训资料统计、存档审批4.4计划内外部培训4.5计划外外部培训提出申请撤回培训需求调查表年度培训项目计划表国内培训/研讨会/申请表、出国审批表培训通知HR/部门主管询价、确认4是否签订协议签定协议行政/财务手续培训记录表内部培训效果评估表培训小结培训与服务期协议培训实施人力资源部培训资料记录表培训资料借阅表向人力资源部提

19、交培训资料进入内部培训流程4.6.1培训实施内部培训Training implementation-internal training全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):7/年度培训计划内的内部培训实施之前,涉及到培训费用,人力资源部负责详细 询价、拟订培训方案、列明费用清单,事业部总经理或集团人力资源部审批后实施培 训。费用主要指外请培训咨询公司的培训费、场地费和餐宿费用等。Before the implementation of internal trai

20、ning within the annual training plan ,the human resource department should responsible for detailed price checking ,drafting training plan and formulating expenditure list on those involving training fee .The general manager or human resource department of group should approve the implementation tra

21、ining .The expenditure mainly refers to training fee ,court fee and board and lodging fee of external consulting company .根据培训计划,确定具体培训课题、时间、地点、培训人后,人力资源部向相 关人员发出培训通知。Defining specific training topic ,time ,place and participants according to training plan .The human resource department shoul

22、d release the training notice培训实施时,培训组织部门准备培训记录表,负责记录工作。培训结束后, 将培训记录表交人力资源部备案,培训组织部门可复印一份备案。The training organization department should prepare training recordand responsible for recording when implementation is taking .After the training ,the training recordshould be handed into human resou

23、rce department for filing and a copy should be made by training organization department ,培训过程中或结束时,培训讲师根据讲课内容、对学员的要求等进行不同形 式的培训考核,如课堂随时提问,培训结束后书面考试、口试等形式,考察学员对培 训内容掌握的程度。人力资源部对考试成绩记录备案。During and after the training process ,the tutor should make assessment in various kinds according to studen

24、ts requirements such as questioning ,written examination or oral test after training to check the master level .The human resource department should record the examination record ,培训结束时,培训组织者根据实际情况,可以进行培训效果评估,组织学员填 写内部培训效果评估表,汇总评估结果,并提供给讲师以及相关人员。帮助讲师全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序T

25、raining Control Procedure页码(Page):8/14提升授课水平,促使以后的培训组织工作能够更加完善。人力资源部对培训效果评估 记录备案。After the training ,the training organizer should assess training results and organize students to fill internal training result assessmentand conclusion results according to facts and release to tutor and related staff

26、 .The human resource department should also help improving class level ,pushing the training become better .The human resource should keep the results assessment on file .对于公司要求提交培训小结的,培训组织部门在培训完成后,需提交培训 小结,对本次培训进行总结、回顾。The training organization department should submit training conclusion wh

27、ich include review and summarization after training as for those required .培训完成后,人力资源部将培训情况录入Uniforce员工培训档案。The human resource department should input the training condition to training files in the Uniforce after training .年度培训计划外的内部培训,由申请部门提出,经过事业部人力资源审核, 必须上报事业部总经理、集团人力资源部审批。审批后的培训实

28、施流程同计划内内部 培训。The internal training besides annual training plan should be come up by application department .Through the verification of human resource of business unit ,it should be reported to general manger of business unit and human resource department of group .The implementation procedure afte

29、r approval equal to internal training .4.6.2培训实施一一公开课培训(仅指涉及费用的培训)Training implementationpublic training (only refer to training fee)计划内外部培训实施之前,培训申请部门、人力资源部提前寻找合适的培训 机构、培训资源,制定培训实施方案,包括培训的具体时间、课时、地点、培训机构、 参加人员等。Before the implementation of internal and external training ,the application depa

30、rtment ,human resource should find appropriate training institution ,training全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):9/14materials and formulate training implementation including specific time ,place ,session and participants .计划外外部培训,由部门申请一事业部人力资源部一事业部总经理

31、一集团人力 资源部审批。经审批后,进入外部培训实施阶段。As to external training out of plan ,the approval procedure is as below :department -business unit HR-HR of group .After approval ,the external training can be implemented .公司出资外训的员工,如公司要求,参加培训的员工须签订培训与服务期协 议;由各事业部人力资源部办理。The staff taking external training should s

32、ighagreements targeted to training and service periodif required ,It should be made by human resource department .外部培训批准后,由培训申请部门向财务部办理请款手续。After the external approval ,the training application department should make borrow formalities to financial department .培训结束后,所有与培训相关的资料、报告、培训小结

33、等,以书面形式提交人 力资源部,人力资源部对相关费用签字确认。After the training ,all the materials ,reports and training conclusions related to training should be submitted to human resource department in written form and the human resource department should make signature on the fee.财务部门根据人力资源部的确认,予以报销相关费用。The financial

34、department should do the reimbursement and verify with the human resource department .人力资源部根据具体情况安排参训人员在公司内部宣讲及培训,培训情况录入 Uniforce员工培训档案。The human resource department should input the staff training file to Uniforce and organize related staff to preach and do the training work ,外部培训如不涉及

35、费用,参加培训后,由参加人员将培训资料、报告、小结 等提交人力资源部备案,人力资源部将培训情况录入Uniforce员工培训档案。全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):10/14The attendances should hand materials ,reports and conclusions of the external training exclusive to fee into the human resource department for filing and

36、 then ,the human resource department should input training conditions to staff training file of the Uniforce .4.6.3 参加国内、外培训/研讨会/展会 Join a domestic or international training session/seminar/exhibition4.6.3.1国内:员工因工作需要,需要参加相关的培训/研讨会/展会,填写国内培训 /研讨会/申请表一部门主管一事业部人力资源部一事业部总经理一集团人力资源部 审批。Domestic : those

37、staff who need to attend related training/seminar/exposition should fill the National training /seminar/application-department director -human resource department of business unit -general manager of business unit -human resource department of group for approval .国外:部门因业务发展,需要进行出国相关的培训/研讨会/展会

38、,需提前向人 力资源部提交参加人员候选名单。如参加培训,原则上需提前3个月提出书面申请。Overseas : Candidate list for attending should be handed to human resource department when overseas training/seminar/exhibitions are needed due to business expansion .Handling the written application 3 months ahead in principal if attending training .4.6.3

39、.3参加研讨会与展会需提前1个月提出书面申请。部门主管推荐参训人员名单, 填写出国审批表一事业部人力资源部一事业部总经理一集团人力资源部一集团 总裁审批。The written application should be handed one month ahead before attending the seminar and exhibition .The department director should recommend participants to training ,filling approval form for going abroadhuman resource d

40、epartment of business unitgeneral manager of business unithuman resource department of groupapproval ofPresident of group .参加国内、外培训/研讨会/展会经审批后,进入外部培训流程4.6.2。全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):11/14After the approval for internal and external training/

41、seminar/exhibition ,it going to the external training procedure 4.6.2 .行政部门配合办理订票、办理护照签证等相关手续。The administration department should cooperate with related formalities such as booking tickets and passport issues .4.6.4 培训资料Training materials4.6.4.1培训教材的载体可以是书面文字、电子文档、录音、录像等形式。The vector of trai

42、ning materials can be written ones ,electronic documents,audio and vedio.培训教材分为内部教材和外部教材。其他培训资料还可以通过工作提升计划的 经验分享与教训总结、公司本年度重大事件(成功或失败)的案例、公司的规章制度 等渠道获得。The training materials can be divided to internal and external ones .Other materials can also be formed though experience share and conclusio

43、ns of working promotion ,success or failure cases of annual major events and the regulations of the company.各部门在培训完成后一周内将教材交人力资源部存档。由人力资源部统一管 理,并填写培训资料记录表。The training materials should be handed to human resource department for file after department training and managed by human resource depa

44、rtment which should also fill therecord of training materials.员工可以按照规定填写培训资料借阅表,借阅相关主题的培训教材。The staff can fill theborrow record of training materialsaccording to regulation when borrowing training materials on related issue .4.6.5培训纪律Training discipline4.6.5.1每次培训将会确定参加范围,参加范围之内的员工原则上必须参加公司指定

45、的 培训,无特殊情况不予请假。全奥星管理体系文件SOP编号(No.): AU/QMSP-6.2-01A培训控制程序Training Control Procedure页码(Page):12/14Each training should define participation scope .Those within the scope should attend appointed training in principle and no departure is allowed without exceptional cases. 培训纪律: Training discipli

46、ne按时到课,不得迟到,早退;Be on time for class, no arriving late, no leaving early.认真听课,关闭手机或调为振动档,不得在培训场所接听电话;Payattention to the class, turn off your phone or set it to vibrate, dont us your phone in class.不得在培训期间抽烟、吃东西及睡觉;No smoking, eating, or sleeping during class time.要求认真做好培训笔记,积极配合讲师讲课;understand the t

47、raining by taking notes and following along with the lecture.外部培训,无故中断学习者,本人要承担此次培训费用,并将此情况记录,不再安排该员工外出培训;Those break the training without excuse in external training ,the student should bear the tuition and record the condition .The staff should not take external training any more .违反纪律的,处理方式和上班的迟到

48、、请假的方式相同,按考勤管理 规定执行。f . The dealing of breaking disciplines are similar to late for and ask for leaving and should be executed according to attendance management regulation.4.6.6新员工培训由人力行政部负责讲解公司的基本情况、企业文化、员工手册、规章制度等,由职能部门进行公司安全教育、cGMP质量管理体系标准基础知识、岗位标准操作规程等。The training for freshman should be done by human resource and administration showing basic information of cooperation ,cooperate culturestaff brochureand regulations and laws .As to t


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