



1、XXXX大学关于新冠疫情防控期间来华留学生违规违纪行为的处理办法Measures for Handling Disciplinary Violations of International Students in Fujian Medical University during the Prevention and Control of COVID-19为进一步贯彻落实福建省和学校对新冠疫情防控的部署,确保各项防控措施落实到位,充分保障我校来华留学生生命安全,根据刑法、传染病防治法、治安管理处罚法、突发公共卫生事件应急条例、关于办理妨害预防、控制突发传染病疫情等祸患 的刑事案件具体应用法律若干

2、问题的解释等法律法规和管理条例,结合普通高等学校学生管理规定(教育部令第41号)、学校招收和培养国际学生管理办法(教育部、外交部、公安令第42号),结合XXXX大学学生违纪处分管理规定和来华留学生实际情况,特制定本办法。In order to further implementarrangements of Fujian Province and the university on preventing and controlling the COVID-19, ensure that various prevention and control measures are in place,

3、and fully protect the lives of our universitys international students, based on the actual situation of international students, these Measures are herebyformulated in accordance with Criminal Law of the Peoples Republic of China, Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and Treatment o

4、f Infectious Diseases, Law of the Peoples Republic of China on Penalties for Administration of Public Security, Regulations on Preparedness for and Response to Emergent Public Health Hazards, and Interpretation on Several Issues Concerning the Specific Application of Laws in Handling Criminal Cases

5、of Impeding the Prevention and Control Work of Sudden Infectious Diseases and Other Disasters and other national laws, regulations and management regulations, as well as Provisions on the Administration of University Students issued by the MinistryofEducation (Order No. 41 of the MinistryofEducation

6、), Provisions of Management forRecruiting and Training International Students (Order No. 42 of the MinistryofEducation, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the MinistryofPublicSecurity), and Student Disciplinary Punishment Regulations of Fujian Medical University.第一条 本办法适用于在处于境内的我校来华留学生(以下简称学生)Artic

7、le I These Measures apply to international students enrolled by our university and living within the territory of China (hereinafter referred to as “students”).第二条 所有学生必须遵守我国、福建省和学校的疫情相关管理规定,积极配合做好疫情防控的各项措施。对违反疫情防控要求的学生,视情节轻重分别给予警告、严重警告、记过、留校察看和开除学籍处分。Article II All students must abide by the epidem

8、ic-related management regulations of the university, Fujian Province, and China, and actively cooperate with various measures for epidemic prevention and control. Students who violatetherequirementsfor epidemic prevention and control shall be subject to punishments including warning, serious warning

9、, demerit on record, at-school probation, and expulsion, depending onthe seriousness of the situation.第三条 违纪行为与处分Article III Disciplinary Offence and Punishment所有学生必须坚持履行“日报告”、“零报告”等健康报告制度,对未能及时如实填写健康报告,经教育后依然不改正的,给予警告及以上处分;1. All students must adhere to health report systems such as daily report an

10、d zero report . Students, who fail to fill in the health report timely and truthfully, and refuse to mendtheirwaysafter education, shall be given punishment of warning or more severe ones. 对所处位置或近期出行记录报告不及时,影响疫情防控工作,造成不良后果的或经教育仍不改正的,给予警告及以上处分;2. If students fail to timely report their current locati

11、ons or recent travel records, which affectsthework of epidemic prevention and control and leads to adverse consequences, or such students refuse to mendtheirwaysafter education, they shall be given punishment of warning or more severe ones.旅居在境内其他城市或从其他入境的学生,在未得到学校批准擅自返校者,视情节轻重给予严重警告及以上处分;3. If stud

12、ents who travel to and live in other Chinese cities or enter China from other countries and return to the university without the universitys permission, they shall be given punishment of serious warning or more severe ones, depending onthe seriousness of the situation. 学校封闭管理期间,有强行进出学校或翻越障碍进出学校的,视情节

13、轻重给予严重警告及以上处分;4. Students, who enter or leave the campus by force or by climbing over barricades during the closed-off management period of the university, shall be given punishment of serious warning or more severe ones, depending onthe seriousness of the situation. 对有隐瞒、谎报所处位置或近期出行记录的,给予记过及以上处分;5.

14、 Students who conceal or misrepresent their current locations or recent travel records shall be given punishment of demerit on record or more severe ones.接受居家健康观察或集中隔离学生,如不服从居家隔离或集中隔离管理规定的,视情节轻重给予记过及以上处分;6. Students, who must be subject to home-basedhealth observation or concentratedisolation, but r

15、efuse to observe the regulations of home-based isolation or concentratedisolation, shall be given punishment of demerit on record or more severe ones, depending onthe seriousness of the situation.对不配合学校、社区、公安或疫情防控部门进行必要的调查、采样、技术分析和检验的,视情节轻重给予记过及以上处分;7. Students who do not cooperate in the necessary

16、investigation, sampling, technical analysis and testing carried out by the university, the local neighborhood committee, public security departments or epidemic prevention and control departments, shall be given punishment of demerit on record or more severe ones, depending onthe seriousness of the

17、situation.对防疫工作人员和教育管理人员有恶意辱骂、言语攻击或人身威胁的,视情节轻重给予记过以上处分;8. Students who impose insults, verbal attacks or physicalthreats on epidemic prevention staff and education management staff shall be given punishment of demerit on record or more severe ones, depending onthe seriousness of the situation.未经学校许可

18、擅自接受媒体采访、传播疫情防控相关的非官方信息,产生负面影响的,视情节轻重给予记过以上处分;9. Students, who accept media interviews without the universitys permission, disseminate unofficial information related to epidemic prevention and control and cause negative influence, shall be given punishment of demerit on record or more severe ones, d

19、epending onthe seriousness of the situation. 对制造、散布谣言或以其他方式故意扰乱公共秩序的,视情节轻重给予留校察看或以上处分。10. Students who fabricate and spread rumor or deliberately disturb public order in other ways shall be given punishment of at-school probation or more severe ones, depending onthe seriousness of the situation. 第四条 在新冠疫情防控工作期间不遵守相关管理规定,引起严重后果,涉及触犯法律法规,构成犯罪的,由司法机关依法追究刑事责任。Article IV If students do not observe relevant manageme


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