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1、高中英语必修四知识清单高中英语必修四知识清单PAGE12高中英语必修四知识清单必修4 Unit1Canada-“The True North”知识清单 Step 1 Language points 1. behave vt.& vi. 主要义项有_举止_、_表现_, 其名词形式_behaviour_。短语behave yourself_规矩点_ 。 1) The parents encouraged the children to behave well (表现良好) in front of the guests.2) Dont make noises! Please behave yours

2、elves (规矩点)before the guests.3) Everyone praises the childrens good behaviour (行为).4) 我希望自己不在家时孩子们会表现良好。I hope my kids will behave well while I am away.2. worthwhile adj. 意思是_值得的_,可作表语或定语。 常用结构 :Its worthwhile doing sth. / to do sth. 做某事是值得的、1)The effort seemed worthwhile (值得的). 2) I think teaching

3、is always a worthwhile job (值得的工作). 注意: worth, 及worthy 的用法 be worth doing be worthy of being done to be done 这部电影值得再看一遍。(分别用worth, worthy, worthwhile造句) : 1)_The film is worth seeing again. _ 2)_The film is worthy of being seen again./ to be seen _ 3)_Its worthwhile seeing the film again. /_to see t

4、he film 3. observe vt. 主要义项有_观察_、_遵守_ _、_庆祝_ n. observation 观察某人做某事: observe sb.(省略to)do sth. (变被动时加上 to ) observe sb. doing sth. (表正在进行的动作) 1) A telescope can be used to observe (观察) the moon and the stars.2)I observed him stop at the gate.我观察到他在门口停下(翻译)3) He observed a stranger hanging around the

5、store. 我观察到一个陌生人在商店周围闲逛。 4) This law must be strictly observed. 必须严格遵守法律。5) Some people observe Christmas here 一些人们在这儿庆祝圣诞节。 1) Someone observed the woman follow him.(变为被动) The woman was observed _to_ follow him. 2)人们举行多种活动来庆祝国庆节。(National Day)_People hold many activities to observe National Day .4.

6、 the rest of后面可接_可数_名词,也可接_不可数_名词,其意思是_其余的_。后面动词的单复数取决于the rest of后的名词。(用was 或were 填空)1) The rest of the money was given to his son.2) The rest of the sailors were missing.1) 其余的同学在植树。 _The rest of the students were planting 2)剩下的钱属于李明。 _The rest of the money belonged to Liming. 5. argue vt /vi _争辩_

7、、_辩论_,名词是_argument_;短语: argue with sb. over/ about sth. _与某人因某事争论_argue for_为争辩1) The lawyer argues for the poor man. 律师为这个穷人辩护。 2) I argued that we needed a larger office. (后可跟 that 从句)3)我与Tom就这一计划争论了起来。 _I _argued with Tom over /about the plan. 6. inspire 动词,主要义项有_激励_、_鼓舞_; 常用结构:inspire sb. to do

8、sth. 激励某人做某事inspiring 激励人心的 inspire受到激励的1) His speech inspired us to try again. (激励我们再试一次).2) The beautiful scenery inspired the writer. 美丽的景色给作者以灵感。 3) I was inspired by his inspiring speech.4) 我受激励比以往任何时候都更加努力地工作。 (be inspired to do sth.) I was inspired to work harder than ever before. 7. refer to

9、 _参考;查阅_、提及;涉及_;to是_介词_ 1) If you want to know his telephone number, you may refer to (查阅)the telephone notebook. 2) I didnt refer to (指的是)you when I was saying that somebody had made a mistake.3) He gave us a wonderful speech without referring to (参考)the notes. 4) 我们在学习中经常查阅词典。 We often refer to th

10、e dictionary in our study. 5) 我说的话与你们都有关。 What I said referred to all of you. Step 2 Part 2 Language pointsintend vt. 打算;想要 常用短语:intend to do sth./ that从句(从句中用should do) be intended for 打算供使用He had intended to help you(本来打算帮你),but he was too busy.这本书是打算为初学者使用的。 The book is intended for beginners. 2.

11、 respect vt. / n. 尊重;尊敬 常用短语:show respect for 我们应当尊敬老人。We should respect the old. =We should show respect for the old.3. strike-struck-struck vt./vi. 打击;划火柴;突然想起; 打动; 敲钟;罢工 He struck me on the head.In the dark , the little boy struck a match. 3)An idea struck me.4) If you travel in Hangzhou, you wil

12、l be struck by the beauty by the West Lake.5) The clock struck 12.The workers were striking for better working conditions.4. condition n. 条件 on condition that 只要 on no condition 无论在任何条件下都不You can go there on condition that you promise to come back before 10 oclock.无论在任何情况下都不能告诉他所发生的事情。 You must on n

13、o condition tell him what has happened.Step 3 Memorize the following phrases. 1. move off 离开;启程 2. lead a life 过着的生活 3. crowd in 涌上心头 4. look down upon 瞧不起 5. refer to 谈到;查阅;参考 6. by chance 碰巧 7. come across (偶然)遇见 8. carry on 继续;坚持 必修4 Unit 2 Working the Land 知识集萃 Step 1. Part 1 Language points str

14、uggle vi./ n. 斗争;拼搏;努力常用短语:struggle with/ against 与斗争 struggle for 为奋斗 struggle to do sth. 努力做某事我们应当学会与困难作斗争。We should learn to struggle with /against difficulties. 2)He has been struggling for success. 他一直为成功而奋斗。 3)They were struggling to get out of (挣扎着出来) the burning car. 2. expand vt./ vi. 使变大;伸

15、展 1)Metals expand ( 膨胀)when they are heated.2) The eagle expands (伸展)its wings.3) 他的事业在过去的十年里有了很大的发展。 His business has expanded greatly in the past ten years. 3. thanks to幸亏;由于 (= because of) ;be thankful for = be grateful for 对.感激 1) Thanks to your help (幸亏你的帮助), we achieved great success. 2) We ar

16、e thankful for your useful advice. 我们感谢你有用的建议。 3) 由于他的努力,他在比赛中得了第一名。 Thanks to his efforts, he won the first place in the match. 4. be satisfied with 对满意 1)袁博士很满意自己的生活。 is satisfied with his life. 2) To my satisfaction (令我满意的是), he told me the news in time. 3). What he said satisfied everyone. (使大家满

17、意)。 4)Hearing the satisfying answer, he gave a satisfied smile. (满意的)5. equip vt./ vi. 配备; 装备 n. equipment ,含义为 设备;装备 (不可数) 常用短语: equip sb. with sth. 给某人配备某物 be equipped with sth. 配备了某物 equip sb. for sth. 使某人能够做某事1)The soldiers were well equipped with weapons. 战士们装备精良 2) A good education can equip y

18、ou for life. 良好的教育会使你受用一生。 3)这个工厂配备了一些现代设备。 The factory is equipped with some modern equipment. 6. export vt./ vi. 出口;输出 1)Many goods are exported to (被出口到)foreign countries.2)中国向外国出口了很多货物。 China has exported many goods to foreign countries. 7. regret vt. _后悔_;_遗憾_ n. _悔恨_;后悔_ 常用表达: regret + n./ doi

19、ng/ that-clause 后悔/ 懊悔(做过)某事 I / We regret to say/ tell you/ inform you that 很遗憾1)我后悔没有听从你的建议。 I regretted not having followed your advice. that I hadnt followed your advice. 2) I regret to say ( 遗憾地说) that I cant help you now.Step 2 Part 2 Language points1. build up _逐渐增强_;_建立_ As the final exam is

20、 coming, my pressure builds up (逐渐增加)在海边呆了一段时间之后,他的体质已经增强。After staying for a while in the seaside, he has built up his body. 3) 他已使他的生意兴隆起来了。 He has built up his business. 2. lead to _导致_ 、 _造成_, to 是_介_词,后面跟_n_、_doing_.1)His mistake led to great failure. (造成巨大失败).2) 条条大路通罗马。 All roads leads to Rom

21、e. 3) The discovery of new evidence led to the thief being caught. (小偷被抓住). 注意_pay_attention to _ 盼望_look forward to _ 坚持 stick to 强调 attach importance to 献身于,致力于_devote oneself to 习惯于_be_/get used to doing _ on 集中 focus ones attentionthoughtsefforts on=_集中精力于1) We should focus on (专注于 ) the rising

22、of prices of daily food.2)Being sleepy, he couldnt focus his attention on the lesson(把注意力放在功课上).3)你应该把注意力集中在工作和学习上。You should focus your attention on your work and study. 4.keep free of/from 后跟n. 使免于/远离 keep from doing 阻止某人做某事 1)Eating well and good exercise keep you free of / from illnesses. (远离疾病)

23、 2) 是什么阻止你没参加我们的活动? What kept you from taking part in our activities? Step 3 Memorize the following phrases. 1. thanks to 幸亏;由于 2. rid of 使摆脱 3. be satisfied with 对满意 4. would rather 宁愿 5. build up 逐步增强 6. lead to 导致 7. focus on 集中 8. keep free of/from 使免于、远离 9. struggle with/ against 与做斗争 10. regre

24、t doing sth. 后悔做过某事 必修4 Unit 3 A Taste of English Humor 知识清单 Step 1 Language pointscontent adj. 满意的 满足的 n. 内容 常用短语: be/ feel content with _对_.满意_(同 be satisfied with ) be /feel content to do sth. 满足于做某事 1)他对考试结果不满意。_He_is not content with the result of the 2)他满足于一个人住在乡里。He is content to live in the

25、countryside alone.3)I dont like the content of the article. ( 文章的内容)【巩固运用】 2. badly off _穷的_ 比较级_worse off _ well off _富裕的_ 比较级_better off_1)我们过去穷,但现在富了。We used to be badly off , but now we are well off . 2) We are badly off, but they are even _worse off_ than we are. 3. entertain vt. & vi. 使 欢乐_;_款

26、待_ adj. _entertaining_ n. _entertainment_ 1) He entertained us with his stories and jokes. 2) 我要款待我的朋友 entertain my friends at dinner this weekend. 3) The children performed an entertaining play.4)这部电影太乏味而不能给学生带来欢乐。(too to)_The film is too boring to entertain the 4. pick out _挑选_;_辨认出_.pick up 拾起;用车

27、接人;学习语言;收听信号;恢复健康; 1)Mother asked Tom to pick out the rotten apples.2) Though there are so many cars in the parking place, he can pick out his own easily. 3)She soon picked up French when she went to live in Paris. 4)The program cant be picked up by radio here.5)Her health soon picked up after a few

28、 days rest. 6)He is _picking up _ after an operation, so try not to worry about her. 5. cut off _切断_;_断绝 down _削减_ cut up 切碎 1)The electricity was cut off for several days. 2)This small mountain village has been cut off from the outside world for 20 years. 3)The doctor advised me to _cut down_ on sm

29、oking.4)_Cut up_the carrot before you put them into the pot.6. convince vt. _;_. convincing adj 常用短语:convince sb. of sth. 使某人相信某事 convince sb. that 使某人相信convince sb. to do sth. 说服某人做某事 be convinced that (某人)相信1)He tried to convince her of his honesty (使她相信他的诚实), but in vain.2)We convince him that he

30、 can make it. 我们使他相信他能成功。 3)我们相信 We are convinced that we will win the match. 4) His speech was so convincing(令人信服的) that everyone present believed what he said. particular adj. _特殊的_;_特别的_ adv. _particularly_ 常用短语:be particular about_对挑剔_;_对讲究_. in particular _特别;尤其_1)She is particular about (对挑剔)w

31、hat she wears.2) 孩子们往往对食物非常挑剔。_Children are particular about food. _ 3)I like to eat fruit, apples in particular. (特别是苹果). 8. whisper vt. &vi . _低语_;_小声说_. n. _低语_;_耳语She whispered the news to me.2) 孩子们正在角落里窃窃私语。 The children were whispering in the corner. 3) She said it in a whisper (小声说), so I did

32、nt hear. 4)上课时和同桌小声说话是不礼貌的。_Its impolite to whisper to your classmate in Step2 Memorize the following phrases. to now 直到现在 2. feel/be content with 对满意 3. badly off 穷的 4. pick out 挑选;辨认出 5. cut off 切断 6. star in 主演 7. convince sb of sth. 使某人相信 8. be particular about 对挑剔 9. in particular 特别;尤其 10. in

33、a whisper 小声地 必修4 Unit4Body language知识集萃Step 1 Language points1. represent vt. _代表_;_象征_ n. representative 代表1) He will represent our school (他将代表我们的学校)to compete in the match. 2)A dove represents peace (代表和平).3) 在西方国家,“V”常常象征着胜利。 In western countries, “V” usually represents victory. 2. approach vt.

34、/ 接近_;_走近_ 接近_;_方法 a new approach to sth./ doing sth. 一种的新方法1) The summer is approaching (来临).2) 他容易接近。He is easy to approach . 3) All approaches to the town were blocked. 所有通往城镇的通道被阻挡了。 4) They found a new approach to treating cancer. 找到了治疗癌症的新方法).5) 我们发现了学英语的新方法。 We found a new approach to learnin

35、g English. 3. major adj. _主要的_ v. 主修_ major in _主修_ n. majority (大多数) 1) Water plays a major role in our life. (在我们的生活中起重要作用).2) She majors in English (主修英语)at Shandong University.3)他在大学主修法语。 He majored in French in college. 4. be likely to do 可能做某事_ = It is likely that 有可能 likely,possible 与 probabl

36、e likely 可用人或物做主语;possible 与 probable 往往用于it 做形式主语的句子中。 possible 指十有二三的可能,likely 指十有五六的可能,probable 指十有八九的可能性。他有可能成功。He is likely to succeed. = Its likely that he will succeed. 2)It is possible / likely /probable that he will be admitted to the famous university.5. defend vt. _保护_;_保卫_ n. _defence_常用

37、短语:defend against _保卫.以免受_ 1)The army defend our country against (保卫我们的国家以免受)possible attack.2)我们要保护着自己免受伤害。 We should defend ourselves against injury. 6. statement n. _陈述_;_说明_ make a statement _陈述;说明 state vt. 陈述 n. 状态 be in a state of _处于的状态1)Id like to make a statement about my ideas. (陈述一下我的想法)

38、 2) 他对这个故事的一些细节做了说明。 He made a statement about some details of the story. 3)Please state your name and address. (说明你的姓名和地址).4) He is in a good state of health. (健康状况良好).Step 2 Part 2 Language points ease 舒适,轻松 put sb. at ease 使轻松 feel at ease 觉得自在;轻松 1) I never feel at ease (感到轻松) with him.When you

39、feel nervous ,youd better listen to some light music to put yourself at ease. (使自己轻松)3)He felt at ease and confident (轻松自信) about the future.2. rank n. 等级;军衔 vt. 位居 rank as one of /rank among 位居.之一(之中 ) rank first 位居第一 Shanghai ranks as one of (位居之一) the biggest cities in the world. 2) 他们是班上的优等生。 Th

40、ey rank among the excellent students. 3) Export sales of the company were up by 32% last year, ranking second in the world. (位居世界第二). 3. be close to 离.近 get close to 接近;靠近 注意:close 可做形容词。但做副词时,close强调距离离得近;closely侧重“密切;近距离”。1)Our house is close to (离.近) the bus stop. 2)She is buying a flat close to

41、her office (离她的办公室近).3)不要太靠近那条狗。 Dont get close to that dog. 用close 或closely 填空 1)The little boy sat close to his mother and listened closely with great interest. 2)Our hearts are closely linked3)It was raining heavily . Little Tom was frightened, so he stood close to his mother. Step 3 Memorize the

42、 following phrases. 1. defend against 保卫以免受 2. be likely to 有可能 3. in general 总的来说; 通常 4. at ease 舒服;自由自在 5. lose face 丢脸 ones back to 背对;背弃 7. major in 主修 8. be close to 离近 必修4 Unit5 Theme Parks知识清单Step 1 Part 1 Language points1. various adj. 各种各样的;不同的 n. variety 1) There are various ( 各种各样的)ways o

43、f getting to the station from here. 2)There are various (各种各样的)colors to choose from. 3)He left for a variety of reasons. 由于各种原因他离开了。 4)We demanded more variety (多样化) in our food. be famous for 以而闻名 be famous as 作为出名 用be famous for 或be famous as 填空 1)He is famous for his novels and poetry. 2)Beijing

44、 is famous for many places of interest. 3) Beckham is famous as a fine football player. 4)This area is famous as a green tea producing place.3. whatever 和whichever 可引导让步状语从句,相当于no matter + 疑问词 1)Whatever happens, dont be surprised. = No matter what happens , dont be surprised. 2) It takes three hour

45、s, whichever route (路线) you take. = It takes three hours, no matter which route you take. 3) No matter who telephones, say Im out. = _ Whoever telephones , sayIm out. 4) Wherever you go, youll find Coca-cola. = No matter where you go , youll find Coca-cola. 5) However difficult the problems are, we

46、must find a way to solve them. = No matter how difficult the problems are , we must find a way to solve them.4. no wonder 难怪;不足为奇 Its no/ little/ small/ wonder that 意为_ 难怪 . 简单说 No wonder that . Its a wonder that 意为令人惊奇的是 wonder at (about) doing sth. 对感到惊讶 1) No wonder (难怪)you have got a headache, y

47、ou drank too much last night. 2)Its no wonder that (难怪) children like to visit the farm. 3) I wondered at (对感到奇怪)her rudeness.5. fun 娱乐; 乐趣;玩笑 adj. funny make fun of sb. _取笑某人 _ have fun _玩得开心_for fun _闹着玩地 1)Dont feel sorry for the disabled or _make fun of _(取笑) them, and dont ignore them either. 2)We _had fun


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