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1、The World of English Writing1我的目标我努力2挑战自我一.说明类1贫困地区的教育引起了人们极大的关注,2 由于受传统观念的影响, 经费投入不足,师资短缺等诸多因素的制约,义务教育在这些地区的开展面临着种种困难,3 我们应该想办法去解决目前的这种状况3比比看! 范文 点评 Education has become a common part of peoples life. And nine years compulsory education has always Aroused the greatest concern. What impresses us mos

2、t is that education in poor areas is facing many difficulties. The reasons are varied. Among the various reasons ,traditional idea plays an important part. For example ,people in these regions are unwilling to send their daughters to school .because the custom is to educate boys rather girls, Whats

3、more, investment in education is limited because of poverty .in addition. most teachers dont want to work there. when we talk about how to solve the problem on the one hand ,government should provide “complete, free and compulsory primary education for all children in these regions. on the other han

4、d, we should try to change their old ideas 1n brief, reaching the target of nine years compulsory education there need all of us to work together.确定主题缩小范围引出要说明的事情 阐述原因原因之一原因之二谈论措施措施之一措施之二表明观点,发出倡议4套用模块演练一 _ has become a common part of peoples life._ has always aroused the greatest concern.What impre

5、sses us most is _.The reasons are varied. Among the various reasons ,_ plays an important part. For example,_Whats more, _.in addition_when we talk about_qn the one hand_on the other hand_1n brief,_依葫芦画瓢写作文:目前,农村医疗保健改革正在进行,但由于各方面的原因,一些农村居民正忍受着疾病的折磨,请以”Health Care”为题,谈谈你的看法。注意:1 短文应包括文中所提供的主要信息,适当发挥。

6、 2 词数不少于120字。 (源于Spark English )5套用模块演练二二.对比类:关于”上大学是高中生唯一的出路吗”的话题,我们班学生展开了激烈的讨论。 Recently/ at present/ now/As we all know,/as far as I know ,_ have had a heated discussion on whether sb should hold the view that/are for/think that First of allthenin addition, However, in others opinion. /others thi

7、nk thatshould./others are against the opinion. Becausefirst /second/ third/ In short/In a word./ After all,I want to say/As the saying goes,/in my opinion. Its good/bad for sb to do sth / From this matter I come to realize 60%的学生认为增长学识,提高素养.利于择业 30%的学生认为成功的路不只一条10%的学生认为学费高.就业难6比比看! 范文 点评 At present.

8、 we had a discussion about whether it is the only way out for senior students to go to college. Sixty percent of us consider it very necessary to go to college .it can widen their knowledge and improve their qulitiesonly in this way can they find better jobs after graduation. thirty percent of stude

9、nts., hold the view that it is no use going to college ,because the tuition is to high for their family to afford. whats more ,its rather hard for college graduates to seek jobs. However, Thirty percent of the students believe” All roads lead to Rome.” Therefore it doesnt make any difference whether

10、 they go to college or not. In my opinion, we can receive a better education at college so that we can serve our motherland.点题 60%的同学的意见综述 30%的同学的意见综述 10%的同学的意见综述进一步发表自己的看法71995年1997年1999年2001年某城市近年每百人中手机用户增长示意图8感悟一.层次清楚 首尾呼应 我们根据衔接词本身在文章中起到的作用,主要分为以下四类,“起”“承”“转”“合”。表示“起”的词/词组:用于开篇引出扩展句。如:at first/

11、at present / currently目前 /first / in the beginning 起初/ to begin with首先,第一/ generally speaking / it is said (believed/ reported/ thought-)有关“承”的常用词语:用来承接上文。如:after/ after that / afterwards此后 / after a few days/ also / too / at any rate无论如何 / at the same time有关“转”的常用词语:用来表示不同或相反的意见。如:after all / all t

12、he same / anyway / at the same time/but /by this time 此时.词语多样,有关“合”的常用词语:用于小结上文或结束本段落的内容。如:above all最重要的是 / accordingly于是 / as a consequence / as a result/ as has been noted / as I have said / at last / at length / by and large一般说来 / by doing so如此 / briefly / in my opinion / in brief .9感悟二.词语多样,句式多变

13、(见附页)三.检查到位主语Watch TV too much is harmful.Watching TV too much is harmful. ?/ It is harmful to watch TV too much.谓语I was not lost heart in learning EnglishI didnt lose heart in learning English.She picked all flowers give his parentsShe picked all flowers and gave his parents.I hope him to help me.I

14、 wish him to help me. / I hope he can help me.The school built in 1938.汉语化的句子I am very like it.I like it very much.We can take a bus go home.We can take a bus to go home./ We can go home by bus.Students will on foot the purple mountainStudents will walk to the purple mountain.Students are going to t

15、he purple mountain on foot.Our school is a study good place.Our school is a good place to study.10画龙点睛四.运用谚语,名言All is not gold that glitters.闪光的东西并不一定都是金子Better late than never 迟做总比不做好Constant dripping wears away the stone 滴水穿石God helps those who help themselves.苍天不负有心人Many hands make light work.众人拾

16、柴火焰高Never do things by halves.切勿半途而废Prevention is better than cure.惩穿于已然True love is giving ,not taking.真爱是付出,而不是索取.Knowledge is power .知识就是力量Look before you leap.三思而后行Its never too late to mend有志者事竟成Time and tide wait for no man 时不待人Dont judge a person by the clothes he wants不能以貌取人Seeing is believing 眼见为实Well beginning is half d


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