1、国际货物买买卖合同(中中英文对照照)1.售货合合同(saales conttractt) 编号 No. 日期 Datee:买方:The BBuyerrs: 电电报: 传传真:CCablee: FAAX卖方:The SSelleers: 电电报:电传:传真真:CCablee: Teelex: FFAX本合同由由买卖双方方订立,根根据本合同同规定的条条款,买方方同意购买买,卖方同同意出售下下述商品:Thiss Conntracct iss madde byy andd bettweenn thee Buyyers and Selllers ,wheerebyy thee Buyyers agree
2、e too buyy andd thee Selllerss agrree tto seell tthe uunderrmenttioneed coommoddity accoordinng too thee terrm annd coondittionss stiipulaated beloow.货名及规格格COMMOODITYYANDDSPEECIFIICATIIONS(2)数量量(3)单价价(4)总价价(5)生产产国别和制制造厂商:COUNNTRYOFOORIGIINANNDMAANUFAACTURRERS:(6)装运运期限:TTIMEOFSSHIPMMENT:(7)装运运口岸:PPOR
3、TOFSSHIPMMENT:(8)到货货口岸:PPORTOFDDESTIINGATTION:(9)保险:IINSURRANCEE:由买方投保保。To bee covverd by tthe BBuyerrs.(10)包包装:PAACKINNG:须用坚固的的新木箱/纸箱包装装,适合长长途海运,防防湿、防潮潮、防震、防锈,而而粗暴搬运运。由于包包装不良所所发生的损损失,由于于采用不充充分或不妥妥善的防护护措施而造造成的任何何锈损,卖卖方应负担担由此而产产生的一切切费用和/或损失。To bee paccked in nnew sstronng wooden casee (s) / ccartoon
4、(ss) suuitabble ffor llong disttancee oceean ttranssporttatioon annd weell pproteectedd agaainstt dammpensss, mmoistture, shoock, rustt andd rouugh hhandlling. Thee Selllerss shaall bbe liiablee forr anyy dammage to tthe ggoodss on accoount of iimprooper packking and for any rustt dammage attrributt
5、ablee to inaddequaate oor immpropper pproteectivve meeasurres ttakenn by the Selllers, andd inssuch casee or casees anny annd alll loossess andd/or expeensess inccurreed inn connsequuencee theereoff shaall bbe boorne by tthe SSelleers.(11) 唛 头头:SHIIPPINNGMAARK:卖方应在每每件包装上上,用不褪褪色油墨清清楚地标刷刷件号、尺尺码、毛重重、净重
6、、“此端向上上”、“小心轻放放”“切勿受受潮”等字样,并并刷有下列列唛头:On thhe suurfaccee oof eaach ppackaage, the packkage numbber ,meassuremmentss, grross weigght, net weigght, the liftting posiitionns, ssuch cauttionss as “DONNOTSSTACKKUPSIDEEDOWWN”,“HANDDLEWWITHCAREE”;“KEEPPAWAAYFRROMMMOISTTURE”and the folllowinng shhipinng maar
7、k sshalll be stenncileed leegiblly inn faddelesss paaint:(12)付付款条件:TERMMSOFFPAYYMENTT:甲、信用证证付款货物装运运前一个月月,买方应应由上海中中国银行开开立以卖方方为受益人人的不可撤撤销的信用用证,凭本本合同第113条甲项项规定的装装运单据交交到上海(银银行)后付付款。乙、托收付付款:货物物装运后,卖卖方应将以以买方为付付款人的汇汇票连同本本合同第113条甲项项所列各种种装运单据据,通过卖卖方银行寄寄交买方银银行即上海海中国银行行转交买方方,并托收收货款。丙、信汇付付款:买方方收到本合合同第133条甲项所所列单
8、据后后,应于天内信信汇祭款。A. Paaymennt byy L/CC: Onne moonth befoore sshipmment, thee Buyyers shalll esstabllish withh Bannk off Chiina, Shannghaii an Irreevocaable L/C in ffavouur off thee Selllerss, too be avaiilablle aggainsst prresenntatiion iin Shhanghhai oof thhe shhippiing ddocummentss stiipulaated in CC
9、lausse 133 herreof.B. Paaymennt byy Colllecttion: Aftter ddelivvery is mmade, thee Selllerss shaall ssend throough the Selllers, bannk drraft drawwn onn thee Buyyers togeetherr witth thhe shhippiing ddocummentss apeecifiied iin Cllausee 13 hereeof, to tthe BBuyerrs thhrouggh thhe Buuyerss bannk, tth
10、e BBank of CChinaa, Shhanghhai, for colllectiion.C. Paaymennt byy M/TT: Paaymennt too be effeectedd by the Buyeers nnot llaterr thaan dayss aftter rreceiipt oof thhe shhippiing ddocummentss speecifiied iin Cllausee 13 hereeof.(13)单单 据:DOCUUMENTT:甲、卖方应应将下列单单据提交付付款银行议议付货款/托收付款款,如为信信汇付款,下下列单据应应径寄买方方:1.
12、本本合同第118条甲项项规定由制制造厂签发发的质量和和数量/重重量证明书书及检验报报告各两份份。A. Thhe Seellerrs shhall pressent the folllowinng doocumeents to tthe ppayinng baank ffor nnegottiatiion/ccolleectioon, oor too thee Buyyers in ccase of ppaymeent bby M/T.1. Fuull sset oof Neegotiiablee Cleean oon Booard Oceaan Biills of LLadinng maark
13、edd “FREIIGHTTOCCOLLEECT”and madee outt to ordeer ,bblankk enddorseed,annd nootifyying the chinna Naationnal FForeiign TTradee Traanspoortattion Corpporattion at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion. 22. paarcell posst Reeceippt,inndicaatingg posstagee/Airr Wayy Billl3.Inssurannce PPoliccy orr Cerrtifiicate
14、e,covverinng Waar riisk aand aall rriskss inccludiing TTPND,Breaakagee andd Leaakagee irrrespeec-tiive oof peercenntagee andd inddicatting “In tthe eeventt of losss or damaage,rrequeest ffor ssurveey uppon aarrivval oof thhe caargo at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion bbe maade tto thhe Chhina Commmoditt
15、y Innspecctionn Burreau of tthat portt”.4.Invvoicee in quinntupllicatte,inndicaatingg conntracct nuumberr andd shiippinng maark.5.Pacckingg Lisst inn dupplicaate wwith indiicatiion oof booth ggrosss andd nett weiightss,meaasureementts annd quuantiity oof eaach iitem packked.6.Cerrtifiicatee off Quua
16、litty annd Quuantiity/WWeighht annd Teestinng Reeportt,eacch inn dupplicaate iissueed byy thee mannufacctureers aas sppeciffied in iitemss of Clauuse 118 heereoff.7.A ttrue copyy of cablle too advvise the Buyeers oof shhipmeent iim-meediattely the goodds arre looadedd on shipp as speccifieed inn Cla
17、anus 15 hhereoof.乙、货物装装运后十天天内,除上上述装运通通知电报副副本外,卖卖方应另外外准备各种种单据副本本三套,以以空邮将其其中一套寄寄交买方,另另外两套寄寄交到货囗囗岸中国对对外贸易运运输公司。b. Wiithinn 10 dayss afrrer sshipmment is eeffeccted,the Selllers shalll prreparre thhree setss,eacch coompriisingg onee coppy eaach oof thhe abbove menttioneed doocumeents withh thee exccepti
18、ion oof thhe caable shipppingg advvice one set to bbe aiirmaiiled to tthe BBuyerrs annd thhe otther two Setss to the Chinna Naationnal FForeiign TTradee Traanspoortattion Corpporattion at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion.(14) 技术资料料:TECCHNICCAL DDOCUMMENTSS:每次发货进进,卖方应应将下述英英文技术资资料一整套套与货物一一起装箱,运运交买方:1. 基基础
19、图2. 布布线说明,电电气及/或或气动及/或液压接接线图3. 易易损零件制制造图4. 零零件目录5. 本本合同第118条甲项项规定的品品质证明书书6. 安安装、操作作和维修说说明书a. Onne coompleete sset oof thhe loollowwing techhnicaal doocumeents writtten in EEngliish sshalll be packked aand ddepattchdee to-gethher wwith eachh connsignnmentt:Founddatioon drrawinngs2. Wiiringg insstrucc
20、tionns,diiagraams oof ellectrricall connnecttionss andd/of pneuumatiic annd/orr hyddraullic cconneectioons 3. Maanufaacturring drawwingss of easiily wworn partts4.spaare ppartss cattaloggues5.Cerrtifiicatee of quallity as sstipuulateed inn Iteem a of CClausse 188 herreof6.Ereectioon,opperattion, ser
21、rvicee andd reppair insttructtion bookks 乙、N个月月前,卖方方应将本条条甲项所列列1.各种技术术资料2套套,以空邮邮寄交买方方。b.moonthss beffore shippmentt ,thhe Seellerrs shhall air-maill to the Buyeers ttwo ccompllete setss of the techhnicaal doocumeents menttioneed inn poiints 1,2,3,4,5andd 6 uunderr iteems oof thhis CClausse.
22、 (F.U.M.P)(15)装装运条款:TERMMSOFFSHIIPMENNT:甲、每次发发货如毛重重超过两公公吨,卖方方应于本合合同第8条条规定的装装运期六十十天前,将将合同编号号、商品名名称、数量量、价值、件数、毛毛重、尺码码以及及货货物在装货货口岸备舀舀日期函/电告买方方,以便买买方订舱。如毛重不不超过两公公吨,则卖卖方应与装装货口岸的的买方超前前享受运代代理人直接接联系装运运事宜。a. Foor eaach sshipmment exceeedinng twwo meetricc tonns inn grooss wweighht, tthe SSelleers sshalll, 60
23、0 dayys beeforee thee datte off shiipmennt sttipullatedd in Clauuse 88 herreof, advvise the buyeers bby caable/lettter oof thhe coontraact nnumbeer naame oof coommoddity, quaantitty, vvaluee, nuumberr of packkagess, grross weigght aand mmeasuuremeents and datee of readdinesss att thee porrt off shii
24、pmennt inn ordder ffor tthe bbuyerrs too boook shhippiing sspacee. Foor eaach sshipmment not overr twoo mettric tonss in grosss weeightt, thhe Seellerrs shhall get in ddirecct toouch withh thee buyyers shipppingg ageent aat thhe looadinng poort.乙、每发货货毛重超过过两公吨时时,其订舱舱事宜将由由买方装运运代理人北北京中国租租船公司(电电报挂号:ZHON
25、NGZUBEIJJING)办办理,买方方与该公司司密切联系系有关装运运事宜。卖卖方则应与与在装货口口岸的中国国租船公司司装运代理理人密切联联系。b. Boookinng off shiippinng sppace for eachh shiipmennt exxceedding two metrric ttons in ggrosss weiight willl be atteendedd to by tthe bbuyerrs shhippiing aagentt, Chhina Natiionall Chaarterring Corpporattion, Beiijingg, Chhina
26、 (Cabble AAddreess: ZHONNGZU BEIJJNG) withh whoom thhe Buuyerss shaall kkeep in cclosee conntactt in the mattter oof shhipmeent. The Selllers shalll keeep iin cllose conttact withh ZHOONGZUUS shhippiing aagentt at the loadding portt.丙、北京中中国租船公公司或其港港口代理人人于估计承承运船到达达装货口岸岸日期十天天以前,将将船名、预预计装船日日期、合同同编号初步步通
27、知卖方方,以便卖卖方安排装装运。事先先指定的承承运船如有有变更,或或其估计到到达日期提提前或延期期时,买方方或其装运运代理人应应及时通知知卖方,如如果该船未未能于买方方或其装运运代理人所所通知的到到达日期后后三十天内内到达装运运口岸,则则从第三十十一天起货货物的仓租租和火灾保保险费用应应由买方负负担。c. Chhina Natiionall Chaarterring Corpporattion, Beiijingg, Chhina, or theiir shhippiing aagentt at the loadding portt, wiill ssend the Selllers, 10
28、dayss beffore the estiimateed daate oof arrrivaal off thee carrryinng veessell at the portt of shippmentt a ppreliiminaary nnoticce inndicaatingg thee namme off vesssel, esttimatted ddate of lloadiing, conttractt nummber in oorderr forr thee Selllerss to arraange shippmentt. Inn casse thhe caarryiin
29、g vvesseel prrevioouslyy dessignaated is tto bee repplaceed byy anootherr vesssel or iin caase tthe eestimmatedd datte off arrrivall of the carrryingg vesssel is tto bee advvanceed orr posstponned, the Buyeers oor thheir shipppingg ageent sshalll advvise the Selllers to tthat effeect iin tiime. Shou
30、uld tthe vvesseel faail tto arrrivee at the portt of loadding withhin 330 daays aafterr thee arrrivall datte addviseed byy thee buyyers or ttheirr shiippinng aggent, thee buyyers shalll beear tthe sstoraage aand ffire insuurancce exxpensses iincurrred fromm thee 31sst daay.丁、承运船船及时到达达装货口岸岸时,如卖卖方未将货货
31、物备妥待待装,因此此而发生的的空舱费和和延滞费均均应由卖方方负担。d. Thhe seellerrs shhall be lliablle foor anny deead ffreigght oor deemurrrage conssequeent uupon theiir faailurre too havve thhe gooods readdy foor looadinng affter the carrryingg vesssel has arriived at tthe pport of lloadiing iin tiime.戊、在货物物越过船舷舷并从吊钩钩上卸下以以前,所有有在搬
32、运中中发生的一一切费用和和风险均由由卖方负担担。在货物物超过船舷舷并从吊钩钩上卸下以以后,所发发生的一切切费用均由由买方负担担。e. Thhe Seellerrs shhall bearr alll exppensees annd riisks and riskks innvolvved iin thhe haandliing oof thhe gooods befoore tthey passs oveer thhe veessells raail aand aare rreleaased fromm thee tacckle, wheereass alll exppensees innvo
33、lvved iin thhe looadinng off thee gooods aafterr theey haave ppasseed ovver tthe vvesseels raail aand hhave beenn relleaseed frrom tthe vvesseels taacklee shaall bbe foor thhe Buuyerss acccountt. (16)装装运通知:SHIPPPINGG ADVVICE:货物全部装装船后,买买方应立即即将合同编编号、商品品名称、数数量、毛重重、发标金金额、船名名和开航日日期电告买买方。如单单件货物的的重量超过过9公吨或
34、或阔度34400超过过毫米,或或两旁调试试23500超过毫米米,则卖方方应将该件件重量和尺尺码告知买买方。如由由于卖方未未及时将装装运通知电电告买方,以以致货物未未及时保险险而发生的的一切损失失应由卖方方负担。如如货物系属属危险品,卖卖方应将其其性质及处处理办法电电告买方和和到货口岸岸中国对外外贸易运输输公司。Immeddiateely tthe ggoodss aree commplettely loadded,tthe SSelleers SShalll cabble tto nootifyy thee Buyyers OF tthe ccontrract numbber ,namee o
35、f commmoditty,quuantiity,ggrosss weiight,invooicedd namme off thee carrryinng veessell andd thee datte off saiilingg.If any packkage is aabovee 9 mmetriic toons iin weeightt,of overr 34000mmiin wiidth,of oover 23500mm oon booth ssidess in heigght,tthe SSell-ers shalll addvisee thee Buyyers of tthe w
36、weighht annd meeasurremennts oof suuch ppackaage.iin caase tthe ggoodss aree nott inssuredd in timee oviing tto thhe Seellerrs haavingg faiiled to ggive timeely aadvicce,anny annd alll coonseqquentt lossses shalll bee borrne bby thhe Seellerrs. IIn thhe caase oof daangerrous goodds ,tthe SSelleers S
37、SHALLL cabble TTO nooti-ffy thhe Buuyerss andd thee Chiina NNatioonal Foreeign Trannsporrta-ttion Corpporattion at tthe pport of ddestiinatiion oof thheir natuure aand tthe mmethood off hanndlinng thhen.(17) 质量保证证:CUAARANTTEEOOFQUUALITTY:卖方保证订订货系用最最上等的材材料和头等等工艺制成成,全新,未未曾用过,并并完全符合合本合同规规定的质量量、规格和和性能。卖
38、卖方并保证证本合同订订货在正确确安装、正正常使用和和维修的情情况下,自自化物到达达到货口岸岸之日起十十二个月内内运转良好好。The SSelleers sshalll guaaranttee tthat the goodds arre maade oof beest mmaterrialss,witth fiirst classs woorkmaanshiip,brrand now,unussed aand ccorreesponnd inn alll resspectts wiith tthe qqualiity,sspeciificaa-tioons aand pperfllrmannce
39、 aas sttipullatedd in thiss Conntracct.Thhe seellerrs shhallaalso guarranteee thhat tthe ggoodss wheen coorrecctly mounnted and propperlyy opeerateed annd maaintaainedd,willl giive ssatissfacttory perfformaance for a peeriodd of 12moonthss staartinng frrom tthe ddate on wwhichh thee gooods aarrivve
40、att thee porrt off dess-tinnatioon.(18) 检验和索索赔:INNSPECCTIONNANDDCLAAIMS:在交货以前前,制造厂厂就订货的的质量、规规格、性能能、数量/重量作出出准确和全全面的检验验、并出具具货物和本本合同规定定相符的证证明书,该该证书为议议付/托收收货款而应应上交银行行的单据的的组成部分分,但不得得为货物的的质量、规规格、性能能和数量/重量的最最后依据。制造厂应应将记载试试验细节和和结果的书书面报告附附在质量证证明书内。The mmanuffactuurerss shaall bbeforre maakingg delliverry,maa
41、ke aa preecisee andd commprehhensiive iinspeectioon off thee gooods aas reegardds thheir quallity ,speecifiicatiions ,perrformmancee andd quaantitty/weeightt,andd isssue ccertiificaates certtifyiing tthat the goddds arre inn connformmity withh thee stiipulaationns off thiis Coontraact.TThe ccertiifi
42、caates shalll frrom aan inntegrral ppart of tthe ddocummentss to be ppreseentedd to the payiing bbank for negootiattion/colllectiion oof paaymennt buut shhall not be cconsiidereed ass finnal iin reespecct off quaalityy,speecifiicatiions,perfformaance and quattity/weigght.PPartiiculaars aand rresullt
43、s oof thhe teest ccarriied oou byy thee mannufacctureers mmust be sshownn in a sttatemment to bbe atttachhed tto thhe saaid QQualiity CCertiificaate.货物到达到到货口岸后后,买方应应申请中国国商品检验验局(以下下称商检局局)就货物物的质量、规格和数数量/重量量进行初步步检验。如如发现到货货的规格或或数量/重重量与合同同不符,除除应由保险险公司或船船公司负责责者外,买买方于货物物在到货口口岸缺货后后120天天内凭商检检局出具之之检验证书书有权拒收收货
44、物或向向卖方索赔赔。Afterr arrrivall of the goodds att thee porrt off desstinaationn,thee Buyyers shalll appply to tthe CChinaa Commmodiity iinspeectioon Buureauu(herreinaafterr callled the Bureeau)ffor aa preelimiinaryy insspecttion of tthe ggoodss in resppect of ttheirr quaalityy,speecifiicatiions and quann
45、tityy/weiight.If aany ddiscrrepannciess aree fouund bby thhe Buureauu reggardiing tthe sspeciificaationns orr thee quaantitty/weeightt or bothh,exccept thosse foor whhich eithher tthe iinsurrancee commpanyy or the shipppingg commpanyy is respponsiible,the Buyeers sshalll,witthin 120 dayss aftter ddi
46、schhargee of the goodds att thee porrt off desstinaationn,havve thhe riight eithher tto reejectt thee gooods oor too claaim aagainnst tthe SSelleers oon thhe sttrenggth oof thhe innspecctionn cerrtifiicae issuued bby thhe Buuren.在合同第117条规定定的保证期期限内,如如发现货物物的质量及及/或规格格与本合同同规定不符符或发现货货物无论任任何原因引引起的缺陷陷包括内在在
47、缺陷或使使用不良的的原料,买买方应申请请商检局检检验,并有有权根据商商检证向卖卖方索赔。Withiin thhe guuaranntee periiod sstipuulateed inn Claause 17 hhere-of sshoulld thhe quualitty annd /oor thhe sppecifficattionss of the goodds bee fouund nnot iin coonforrmityy witth thhe coontraactedd stiipulaationns ,oor shhouldd thee gooods pprovee deff
48、ectiive ffor aany rreasoons,iincluudingg lattent defeect oof thhe usse off unssuitaable nateerialls,thhe Buuyerss shaall aarrannge ffor aan innspecctionn to be ccarriied oout bby thhe Buureauu andd havve thhe riight to cclaimm agaainstt thee Selllerss on the streengthh of the insppectiion ccer-ttifi
49、ccate issuued bby thhe Buureauu.丁.卖方收收到买方索索赔通知后后,如果在在三十天内内不答复,应应视为卖方方同意买方方提出的一一切索赔。d. Anny annd alll cllaimss shaall bbe reegardded aas accceptted iif thhe SSelleers ffail to rreplyy witthin 30 ddays afteer reeceippt off thee Buyyersclaiim.(19)索索赔解决方方法:SEETTLEEMENTTOFCLAIIMS:如货物不符符合本合同同规定应由由卖方者。同时买方
50、方按照本合合同第177条和第118条的规规定在索赔赔期限或质质量保证期期限内提出出索赔,卖卖方在取得得买方同意意后,应按按下列方式式理赔。In caase tthe SSelleers aare lliablle foor thhe diiscreepanccies and a cllaim is mmade by tthe BBuyerrs wiithinn thee perriod of cclaimm or quallity guarran-ttee pperiood ass stiipulaated in CClausses 117 annd 188 of thissConttract
51、t.thee Selllerss shaall ssettlle thhe cllaim uponn thee agrreemeent oof thhe Buuyerss in the folllowinng waays:甲、同意买买方退货,并并将通货金金额以成交交原币偿还还买方,并并负担因退退货而发生生的一切直直接损失和和费用,包包括利息,银银行费用,运运费,保险险费,商检检费,仓租租,码头装装卸费以及及为保管退退货而发生生的一切其其它必要费费用。a.Agrree tto thhe reejecttion of tthe ggoodss andd reffund to tthe BBuy-e
52、ers tthe vvaluee of the goodds soo rejjecteed inn thee samme cuurrenncy aas coontraactedd herrein,and to bbear all direect llossees annd exxpensses iin coonnecctionn theere wwith inclludinng inntereest aaccruued ,bankking charrges,freiight ,inssurannce ppremiium,iinapeectioon chhargees,sttoragge,stt
53、eveddore charrges and all otheer neecesssary expeensess reqquireed foor hee cusstodyy andd prootecttion of tthe rrejeccted goodds.乙、按照货货物的疵劣劣程度,损损坏的范围围和买方所所遭受的损损失,将货货物贬值。b.Devvaluaate tthe ggoodss acccordiing tto thhe deegreee of infeeriorrity,exteent oof daamagee andd amoount of llossees suustaiine
54、d by tthe BBuyerrs.调换有瑕疵疵的货物,换换货必须全全新并符合合本合同规规定的规格格、质量和和性能。卖卖方并负担担因此而发发生的一切切费用和买买方遭受的的一切直接接损失。对对换货的质质量,卖方方仍应按本本合同第117条的决决定,保证证十二个月月。c.Repplacee thee deffectiive ggoodss witth neew onnes wwhichh connformm to the speccificcatioons ,quallity and perfformaance as sstipuulateed inn thiis Coontraact ,and
55、bearr alll exppensees inncurrred tto annd diirectt lossses susttaineed byy thee Buyyers.The Selllers shalll ,aat thhe saame ttime,guarranteee tthe qqualiity oof thhe reeplaccemennt gooods for a fuurtheer peeriodd of 12 mmonthhs ass speecifiied iin Cllausee 17 of tthis Conttractt.(20)人人力不可抗抗拒事故:FORCC
56、E MAAJEURRE:由于人力不不可抗拒事事故,而卖卖方交货迟迟延或不能能交货时,责责任不在卖卖方。但卖卖方应立即即将事故通通知买方,并并于事故发发生后十四四天内将事事故发生地地政府主管管机关出给给的事故证证明书用空空邮寄交买买方为证,并并取得买方方认可。在在上述情况况下,卖方方仍负有采采取一切必必要措施从从速交货的的责任。如如果事故持持续超过十十个星期,买买方有权撤撤销本合同同The SSelleers sshalll nott be heldd ressponssiblee forr anyy dellay iin deeliveery oor noondelliverry off th
57、ee gooods ddue tto Foorce Majeeure.Howeever,the Selllers shalll addvisee thee Buyyers immeediattely of ssuch occuurrennce aand wwithiin foourteeen ddays therreaftter, shalll seend bby aiirmaiil too thee Buyyers for theiir acccepttancee a ccertiifi-ccate issuued bby thhe coompettent goveernmeent aaut
58、hooritiies oof thhe pllace wherre thhe acccideent ooccurrs ass eviidencce thhere of . Undden ssuch circcumsttancees thhe Seeelleers,hhowevver,aare sstilll undder tthe oobliggatioon too takke alll neecesssary meassuress to hastten tthe dde-liiveryy of the goodds.Inn casse thhe acccideent llastss forr
59、 morre thhan tten wweekss,thee Buyyers shalll haave tthe rrightt to canccel tthis conttractt.(21) 迟交和罚罚款:LAATEDDELIVVERYANDPENAALTY:如延迟货除除人力不可可抗拒事故故者外,卖卖方应会给给买方每一一星期按迟迟交货物总总值的0。5%的迟迟交罚款,不不足一星期期的迟交日日数作为一一星期计算算,此项罚罚款总额不不超过全部部迟交货物物总值的55%,在议议付货款时时由银行代代为扣除,或或由买方在在付款时进进行扣除。如迟延交货货超过原定定期限十星星期时,买买方有权终终止本合同同。但卖方仍应应向买方缴缴付以上规规定
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