Unit 7 (TOPIC TALK )单词用法讲解课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第三册_第1页
Unit 7 (TOPIC TALK )单词用法讲解课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第三册_第2页
Unit 7 (TOPIC TALK )单词用法讲解课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第三册_第3页
Unit 7 (TOPIC TALK )单词用法讲解课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第三册_第4页
Unit 7 (TOPIC TALK )单词用法讲解课件-高中英语北师大版选择性必修第三册_第5页
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1、单词课堂A word is a microcosm of human consciousness. Vygotsky版本:新北师单元:选择性必修三 Unit 7 (TOPIC TALK)本单元词汇梳理1.lawyerlaw (n 法律) + -yer (从事的人)2.assistantassist (v 帮助) + -ant (人)词族:assist, assistance, assistant 3.physicianphysic (natural science 自然科学) + -ian (的人) 研究自然科学 (医学) 的人 (内科) 医生词块:a resident physician 4

2、.architectarchi- (chief 主要的) + tect (builder 建造者) 房子的主要建造者 建筑师 派生词:architecture5. receptionistreception (n 接待) + -ist (从事的人)6.dentistdent (tooth 牙齿) + -ist (专家)7.chef注意与cook的区别,cook指一般厨师,chef尤指主厨,级别比一般厨师高。8. chemist同源词:chemical;派生词:chemistry9.consultantconsult (v 咨询) + -ant (人)词族:consult, consultant

3、, consultation 10. librarianlibrary (图书馆) + -ian (从事的人) 11. operatoroperate (v 操作) + -or (人) 12.salesmansales + man13.saleswomansales + woman14.fascinated词族:fascinate, fascinated (分词形容词), fascination, fascinating (分词形容词) 词块:be fascinated by sth15. departmentde- (from / apart 离) + part (to part 分开) +

4、 -ment (名词后缀) 公司内部分开的部分 部门词块:a department store, the English / sales department16.institutionin- (on / upon 在上) + stitu (to stand / establish 站、建立) + -tion (名词后缀) 在上建立起来的组织 机构词族:institute, institution, institutional17. economy词族:economy, economic, economical, economically, economics, economist 词块:ec

5、onomy class18. managementmanage (v 管理) + -ment (名词后缀)词族:manage, management, manager19. reliablerely (v 依赖) + -able (可的) 可以依赖的 可信赖的;近义词:dependable 20.persuade一词多义,基本义“(使) 相信”使信服:词块:persuade sb of sth, persuade sb / oneself that 说服:词块:persuade sb to do sth, persuade sb into / out of (doing) sth派生词:per

6、suasion (the power of persuasion), persuasive 21.clientclient 来自拉丁语 clientem,在古罗马时期, clientem 指的是置身于某一贵族保护下的平民。作为代价,这些平民必须服从贵族,听候贵族的差遣,因此被称为 clientem,意思是“服从者、追随者”。刚进入英语时,client专指律师的客户,因为在法律事务上,客户必须听从律师的建议,就像是古代平民听从贵族的命令一样。随后, client 还可指医生、咨询顾问等专业人士的客户,通常会尊重并听从这些专业人士的建议。22.creditcred (to believe / tr

7、ust 相信、信任) + -it (名词后缀) 信任 (基本义);熟词生义“学分”词块:a credit card, take the credit for sth23.brilliant 词块:a brilliant idea, a brilliant musician / scientist 派生词:brilliantly24.CV英式英语,美式是rsum25.impressiveimpress (v 给留下极深的印象) + -ive (形容词后缀)词族:impress, impressed, impression, impressive, impressively重难点词精讲credit

8、一词多义impress & impressiveeconomy词根词缀英语释义词族一词多义词族话题词汇persuade一词多义搭配义19世纪明治维新时代,日本人大量系统性翻译西方书籍。为解决翻译新概念时“无词可用”的问题,利用汉字表意的特性翻译出一系列意译词。 随后,这些意译词又传入了中国,慢慢融入了现代汉语。这些日译词大多涉及各类学科和表达概念的抽象名词,比如economy“经济”是日本思想家福泽谕吉翻译的,出处就是“经世济民” 。由于汉语中原本没有这些概念,因此,在学习这类词汇时,需要通过英语释义来精准理解。economy C 经济(情况);经济制度 the system by which

9、 a countrys money and goods are produced and used, or a country considered in this way:the age of “information economy” 2011 上海a low-carbon economy 2010 江苏The fast-growing economy has caused environmentalproblems. C & U 节约;经济实惠 the careful use of things so that nothing is wasted and less money is sp

10、ent:Walking to work instead of driving ones car is an economy. Do you want to fly first or economy class? economy n通过英语释义学习抽象名词【温故】economic R3 adj 只用于名词前经济(学)的;经济上的 connected with trade, industry and the management of money: an economic crisis economic theory 有利可图的;合算的 producing a profit (profitable

11、):The mine was closed because it was not economic. economics n U 经济学选必二 Unit 5选必二 Unit 6【词汇拓展】economical adj 经济的;实惠的;节约的 using money, time, goods, etc. carefully and without wasting any:an economical car economically adv 在经济上;节约地:Although the country has had political independence for over a century

12、, economically it needs the support of its neighbors. 同族词:economy, economic(选必二U6), economical, economically, economics(选必二U5), economistpersuade生活中有的时候我们不得不试图说服别人。比如,你可能要说服朋友一起去看你最喜欢的电影,或是说服父母给你买某样东西。劝说是一门艺术,需要的不仅仅是口若悬河。你认为应该如何劝说别人呢?We cant force someone to do what they dont want. The art of persua

13、sion is to get them to want what you want.persuade vt 使相信;使信服 (convince): persuade sb of sth:Im persuaded of his honesty. persuade sb + that 从句:I persuaded him that I was telling the truth. 说服;劝服 (talk into):She is always easily persuaded. persuade sb to do sth:She persuaded me to go to a dental sch

14、ool. persuade sb 后接that从句,sb不能省略 persuade sb into (doing) sth:I managed to persuade my classmates into accepting my idea. 2015 浙江书面表达 persuade sb out of (doing) sth:We persuaded him out of his foolish plan. 【词汇拓展】persuasion n U 说服:the power of persuasionpersuasive adj 有说服力的注:表示“劝说”,但不一定“劝服”时,用 try t

15、o persuade。She would try to persuade local business leaders to contribute money to the cause. 2017 北京改persuade使相信基本义使某人相信某事 使某人相信并去做某事使相信;使信服说服;劝服程度递进persuade 语义网络图 不用于进行时 认为是的功劳;把归功于:The company is credited with inventing the industrial robot. Much of the teams success can be credited to their mana

16、ger. credit vt信任 (基本义)credit学分基于“信任”的延期付款被“信任”能还款的状态赞扬;功劳做出成绩被“信任”credit语义网络图被“信任”的学业成绩基于“信任”的存款存款额赊账;信贷信用;信誉认为是的功劳;把归功于nvimpressimpress看图猜词印;盖(印)于 印;盖(印)于 不用于进行时 给留下极深的印象;使钦佩 to make sb feel admiration and respect:It impressed me that he remembered my name. impress sb with / by sth:One candidate in

17、 particular impressed us with her knowledge. 正式用语 使意识到 to try to make sb understand how important sth is:The teacher impressed the importance of English on / upon me.impress vt 构词:im-(in- 向内)+ press(按;压) 向内压(基本义)impress 语义网络图向内压impress基本义“向内压”到某物体表面上 印;盖(印)于 使意识到“向思想里压”的结果程度递进“向内压”到思想里 给留下极深的印象;使钦佩

18、impressimpressionimpressionistimpressionismimpressivelyimpressedimpressiveimpress 同族词【词汇拓展】impressive adj 给人深刻印象的;令人钦佩的:(对)印象深刻的 / 钦佩的:(be) impressed with / by:impressed adj The teachers were deeply impressed by your performance in the exam.She was very impressive in the interview. 【必修二 Unit 6 & 选必三 Unit 7】【必修三 Unit 9 & 选必四 Unit 10】impression n C 印记;压痕 印象;感觉:He left / made a deep impression on me. / He left me with a deep impre


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