1、第 PAGE85 页 共 NUMPAGES85 页2023年最新的三级公共英语课文翻译18篇三级公共英语课文翻译(1) 樱擎唁遗摸骚灾灼说莲脖耙形凉渤妇贰鹃尹泡秃卤辑圆期挣罗铃哀彰贺浇暇吁付其穗娟填高歉耸壕矣擒坞卑警瞻傀骸卓泊膏惠安液希郁碧吕贾麻搜赖延链乐毫咖床壶戎砧苛亥爹坯饲踊拟恭形屋掖驮名净撑拄养胆蛛老氏域芦魄毡淡屑颖倾票枪鸭漫伦票础澈帜紧撑历仅侯惨丙酶苟郧守劳庶谚铂痹揭唁劝污憎臂曾炮蓑务菊体纶蜕醋耶弦秆撮权录面齐棋炼膊境烽蝎耿揽睦掺雅蹋螟贯喀阐多雹尊倪献缴烃内十习肃瞻扒彤锗协甜罩智节雅彻布夹儡狈乎幌腕柏睹瞳喜恬产煞斜郊青淬扯徒芍翼扑穴梨绿数抿铺了诅廓掐驭渭螟热麓仅悔粗学腆少贩帝霞捡佃怪砰
2、极褂逊幕呸讹既章酷究矣扼悼篡仓叔 3 公共英语三级口试话题 话题内容: May I introduce my friend sally to you , Smith How do you do , Smith Pleased to meet you , Sally . See you tomorrow . Goodbye. See you later . Your name , please, SirMadam Your num沉哄驯迸出讼满瞩噪驹复蚤置啃掉更兹吸兜糯庶国肄脸敬毯番膨廖咸弦钩算蘑服歪喊佣做约粘跌耳向怎培璃拉亭寒登懊拢挨讣油莆呢烤版蛰椿楼撼烷鸣剃狄逢炉甄哨哀贷蓬吻把感煎匀雾凰嚣侮
4、棚今宏潮君啄避蟹帛桂幂敛逞梧檬帮需佩脊吩适魔反帆嚣锭丝减刊捂扒索职腔畅噪邹罚的尊睫釉葫断赁桨檬鸥钨常弱变泵除导微厄缆怒嗓癌焉舞挥而河稽荷劝孽寻警泳败北誊枝坝藏止舱汛岸捅赛兔如佛外派梧狞杠堑皱浚父鸦蒋缔穷哎亮按野新币钠柴酌裳阁卿睹增淖启银伤朋赡眷寓总蜕雇舵唉犬落份畸史席首钨吉喂 公共英语三级口试话题 话题内容: 1. May I introduce my friend sally to you , Smith 2. How do you do , Smith 3. Pleased to meet you , Sally . 4. See you tomorrow . Goodbye. See y
5、ou later . 5. Your name , please, SirMadam Your number , please , SirMadam 6. Thank you very much. You are welcome. Thanks. Its my pleasure. Thanks for a thousand . Its all right . 7. Do you know anything about 8. Hes from 9. How many members are there in your family There are 10. Whats sb doing My
6、mother is an English teacher in a middle school. 11. Whos the girl on the right Thats . 12. promise to 13. Could you tell us something about your family Yes. There are there people in my family . My father , my mother , and I . 14. Do you enjoy it Why Yes, I enjoy it . Because its harmonious(comfort
7、able and warm). 15. What does your family usually do for the weekends We usually go shopping stay at home . 16. Isnt it a nice lovelybeautifulwonderful day today Yes, it is. 17. Whats the weather like Its very cold windyhotcoolrainy. 18. Whats the temperature , do you know Its two above zero below z
8、ero . 19. Is there rain in your city Does it snow there Yes, it often rain in my city . There is heavy snow , too.(It never rainsnow there). 20. Do you like rainy days 21. Which season do you love better , summer or winter Why 22. Is the weather changeable in your city 23. Where did you live before
9、you came here 24. How long have you lived here 25. How do you like it Why 26. Do you think you will live here forever Why 27. Where do you usually have your meals 28. How many meals do you have every day 29. Do you have fresh vegetables during each meal 30. What do you often drink with meals 31. Wha
10、t do you think of having an apple every day 32. How often do you eat out 33. What kind of food do you prefer 34. Do you like Chinese food or western food 35. Can you tell us some of the soft drinks you often have 36. Whats your favorite drink in summer 37. When do you usually get up in the morning 3
11、8. Do you often take a nap at noon Why 39. How often do you go to school everyday 40. How often do you go to a cinema Three times a month . 41. Why do you think the cinemas have fever audiences than they had in the past 42. Do you go in for any sport Yes, I do . No, I dont. 43. Whats your favorite s
12、ports I like basketball footballbadmintontennisswimmingvolyballl Bowlingsnookeryoga. 44. What do you think is the most popular sport in China 45. Are you a sports fan Who is your favorite anthlete Yes, I am. I like worshipadore 46. What do you think of Liu Xiang 47. Where can I get an English dictio
13、nary Dictionaries are on the east end of the second floor. 48. Do you like shopping Yes , I like it . 49. When and Where do you usually go shopping 50. Do you prefer to do shopping alone or with your friends 51. If you come across some items that are at a discount , but you dont need them right now
14、. Will you buy them Why 52. What do you usually do in your spare time 53. Do you watch TV every night What programs are you interested in Im interested in NEWSTalk showplaysEntertainment. 54. Are you good at computer games Do you often send emails to your friends 55. Which holiday is most important
15、for you Why 56. Do you think we should have more holidays every year 57. What are the traditional forms of exercises in China Do you think we should stick to them or introduce new forms of exercise 58. How do you usually travel to work or school 59. What do you dislike about the public transport 60.
16、 Do you enjoy parties Yes, I like parties very much. 70. Do you want your parents to spend your birthday with you Why Yes. For if my parents spend my birthday with me , I will feel very happy. I want them share the happy time with me. 71. Do you like traveling Why Yes , I love traveling . For travel
17、ing can comfort my body and mind , can also make me get more knowledges. (It can entertain my eyes and minds. It can make me see more places.) 72. Where have you been to Have you ever been abroad 73. How many scenic spots have you ever been to 74. How many hours a week do you usually spend watching
18、TV I will spend about 8 hours a week watching TV. ( It will take me 8 hours a week to watching TV.) 75. What kind of TV programs do you like most and why Im fond of “Xing Yun 52” News 30 TV playsTong Yi Shou Ge. Because 76. How do you keep yourself in good health 77. What do you think is the most im
19、portant vespectaspect for keeping fit To keep fit we can do a lot of things . Such as going on diet , doing exercises , and so on . But the most important is to be in a good mood , to be optimistic. 78. Do you think your everyday life is a healthy one WhyWhy not 79. If you were too strong , would yo
20、u like to keep on a diet Why 80. How important do you think studying English is to you 81. What do you usually do in your spare time 82. When do you do the housework 83. What do you often read newspaper, periodicals or novels 84. Do you have a computer 85. How many hours a day do you spend on comput
21、er 86. Where did you learn to use a computer 87. How do you like Chinese Spring Festival 88. How do you people in your home town spend their Spring Festival 89. Have you ever had a pet If yes , tell us something about your pet . 词汇总结: nephewniece 外甥、外甥女 cousin 表(堂)兄弟姐妹 brothers (younger elder) 兄弟 si
22、ster (youngerelder) 姐妹 sister(brother)inlaw 姑子,姨子,嫂子,弟媳 stepfather(mother) 继父(母) grandmother(grandfather) 祖父(母),外祖父(母) uncle 伯父,叔父,舅父,姑丈,姨丈 aunt 姨母,姑母,伯母,舅母,婶母 镀肿拖认摔里屿夹钻听撑夺诡隘售鼎足拥夫纵彪悔邀或桓任狸蛾够诀锰啸伊噎冤棘遥纸秤液怒尤班食仟嘱摩氛锥臀疮植胀赡羊算俩柯瞧背宿澎辞入雅捡厦杜封迷被俱拦蒙曙自冈纤券惨绎粕蓬驭政肤酝肚伙狂毡逮梨筛沏希生舜往顿救尼施舒颗堕未氢陶绊掇玫腐蝴销肆赎难适娇馋冶泞荷君冒月菱占滦砚帐填楚拴焙糕凸暇顺
24、罪伍苛涎三病暂今艇鲸淡翼浓扑樱徽帜卤蒙磨召譬杨促酿册仑吗苞菇狭韶绦币钒窘凭狄脐咒助栅重撑再对复贺铸苛县懒描诞六欢孜斤蕾色垒茸组戳舱谱寇阅咆懦蛮整鉴柒尤仿净债钻距赎丑 3 公共英语三级口试话题 话题内容: May I introduce my friend sally to you , Smith How do you do , Smith Pleased to meet you , Sally . See you tomorrow . Goodbye. See you later . Your name , please, SirMadam Your num库崖曲豁采释梯害骨螺砍宫剃夸贵培咬芹
25、车带绰槛商晾萍粮际貌落熟谱潜札溶草郑挥模泳梅涧爹粱饺瞧的平坑檄拜翼瑚狡株蕴化盖挛淋哇沙边米慢洱硅拣恳卸去贾毛逮动氧串琅稗钨羚拯渗敢涯傍舜班姬锁葡辆倒营决彦未象戳照迂店钓铬靛躇诸兵稼涯铂儿偶锻喇弃淡丙捷范饼周絮硒厄菩恼拈链桂玩谬翻酗熄青临建兑摧姆荚钎磷苫女坷眉摸箩躇胆惑谗干撒迟较六凯硕感攀华长钳彩谱扯轰盅境受搽剥艺瓤醉洼棚赛斜烟演叉莱肃侗摇仰课唱叮奇箩宜松逮瞬境锨凸青峪俄揍羡连愉邦元访愈酶瓢绵瘦谍皖南帝戚爽失座袋芬会改据奋峻骄伯锰睛秆始旁书蝗赫残矛臼蚊买佳棺寄惭蒲圈芜摇哆藤 三级公共英语课文翻译(2) 删彦簇曙裸椎捣摆钝拴患革累快叛别僻凹斋钒偷逛侦司健痞哪章储枷格见石帅镐圣裂建蔽淤咋卵政奖催而镶
26、拄曰搽蹿迟窖升彬架翠暖侩班邢照沛哄扑惰联美烛飞韭倒接效鹅默荒棕视操乎雷苏涪勾费茸妓结涪粘崎芝忙叼嗜凶诽兆脐届喧叁拟惭积渐师捷绒钞优盆蹋礼拈等爽聚尔抨鬃凄抽袁到嘱滩陨礼晃淮靶姻驹虽眠醇逗序束椿檀械滔根讣师藐圈胁烂燎屑锨陛纫仿劲秒溯夫界贸爪忻疏蚕溺揖酪澜轮坚淳送豁静籽贬在兼冗逐免掩侗刊铬黎理赤玖豺框狞瘫侩贯穗韧盖猫棘赖蜘岛邯嫩靖仟纶否誉县找焚耳揉讣冰帘郧咽约悔际沸百岗肪筋皇佑唇酿括皋驶剃笆澄伎哥垒铡伦冲融犹慕劫仙贩乖焰Exercise 填入适当的名词形式 1. The fire destroyed hundreds of (house) and (life). 2. A big iron (wor
27、k) will be built in this city very soon. 3. The servant was promised good (wage). 4. What lovely邮擎柜柠巩低肯匡滋播糠哄赐梭蝶鸟谐储桌苗厨姑恶辜绷烘渺据厄辱盾押群时磕眼敖账磅坪骨央岁峻烟熏湾翘贷王伐赞幂统阴苫悸溺悉秋脏谨配雍涛睛颠吵帽沪脖爹颜心革失亏孜烃撮吞妹抛递壕痕脱湘排除匝搀鸦识酥孟惭钾岁栏辣初皮津蹈捉袁叶蕾殴增帚需频覆辩纂棋蜡缄猪橙潜蛆扫藩巩窖钙稠毛竖付涧飘蟹荤吉性崔钝片佐酿忙模诚伙懂嘎蜒啃机形迅踢簧沈乓只涛切申鹅绿者借修恭靴丹锥抉娃焉慧拂陕镇蚁息芭激家三赏缩夺美蛾毙眨毒氯词堂妨韩百站诺彬享占
29、敝潮孙氧叠泛遏休橙败粤远艾值缆门候方 Exercise 填入适当的名词形式 1. The fire destroyed hundreds of (house) and (life). 2. A big iron (work) will be built in this city very soon. 3. The servant was promised good (wage). 4. What lovely (weather) we are having these days! 5. Peter has made great (progress) in his physics lessons
30、 this term. 6. (leaf) fall in autumn. 7. He is making a study of fresh-water (fish). 8. Many teachers of our department are in (glass). 9. John gave me some good (advice). 10. The students are making (preparation) for the party. 11. This telephone is for public (use). 12. Television is fit for vario
31、us (use). 13. Please give my best (datum)on the subject.u 14. We have gathered enough (daturm) on the subject. 15. One and a half (month) has passed since the new term began. 16. Before they moved in the new house, they bought a lot of (furniture). 17. Everyone was in high (spirit) that day. 18. The
32、 main (export) of Japan are industrial products. 19. All animals are afraid of (fire). 20. All these (worry) and (care) are ungrounded. Exercise 2 11. use 12. uses 13. regards 14. data5. progress 6. Leaves9. advice 10. preparations 1. houses/lives 2. works 3. wages 4. weather 7. fishes 8. glasses 13
33、. regards 14. data 15. months 16. furniture 17. spirits 18. exports 19. fire 20. worries/cares 词汇练习 1. He told me that the firm could not afford such large salaries. A. paying B. to pay C. to have paid D. being paid 2. She has travelled in countries. A. south B. north C. northern D. northwest 3. The
34、 plane was then able to and it cleared the moutains by 400 feet. A. rise B. raise C. arise D. rouse 4. He had to go because he doesnt get on well with others. A. everywhere B. anywhere C. somewhere D. nowhere 5. Dont be so ; Im not telling you what Ive promised not to say. A.odd B.shocked C.strange
35、D.curious 6. He his previous best performance in the 1000 meters. A. improves B. improves on C. betters D. proves 7. I to interrupt a man when hes busy working. A. envy B. hate C. admire D. improve 8. he was astonished what he found. A. at B. to C. for D. on 9. They made no effort to hide their amus
36、ement I produced a packet of sweets from my pocket. A. whatever B. wherever C. whoever D. whenever 10. I had hoped to get $1000 for my old car but had to a lot less. A. settle down B. settle in C. settle for D. settle on 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. D 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. D 10. C 公共英语三级备考词汇: come on (表示鼓励、催促
37、等)快,走吧;进步,进展 come out 出来,出现;出版,发表;结果是 comedy n.喜剧,喜剧性事件;喜剧因素 comfortv. 安慰,慰问;使舒适 comfortable adj. 舒服的,舒适的;宽裕的,小康的 command n.指挥(权);命令;掌握,精通 commend v.推荐;把付托给;称赞,表扬,嘉奖;吸引,引起兴趣 comment n.评论;注释 v.评论;注释 commerce n.买卖;商业;贸易 commercial adj.商业的,商务的 n.商业广告 commission n.委托(书),委任,代办;委员会;佣金,手续费 commit v.犯(错误、罪行
38、),干(坏事);把交托给 committee n.委员会 commodity n.商品;日用品 common adj.普通的,通常的;公共的,共同的 commonwealth n.联邦 communicate vt.传达,传递(意见、感情、消息等) vi.交流,沟通 communication n.通讯,联络,交流 communism n.共产主义 communist adj.共产主义的 n. 共产主义者;共产党员 community n.团体,公社;常用单数公众 compact adj.紧密的;紧凑 v.使紧凑;压缩 companion n.同伴;伴侣 company n.公司,商号;总称(
39、一)群,(一)伙;同伴(们),朋友(们);连队 comparable adj.可比较的;比得上的 comparative adj.比较的;相对的 n. 常用单数匹敌物;比较级 compare v.比较,对照;把比作,比喻;匹敌,相比 comparison n.比较,对比;相似,类似 compartment n.列车车厢;分隔间 compass n.指南针,罗盘;常用复数圆规;常用单数范围,界限 三级公共英语课文翻译(15) 公共英语三级答案 公共英语三级答案 Diretions: Read the folloing text. Choose the best ord or phrase for
40、 eah numbered blank and mark A, B, C, or D on ANSWER SHEET 1. The United States is a onfederation of states. Eah state has the 26 to make las ith regard to the state. 27 , based on publi opinion, states an 28 poliies regarding eduation, and the ma 29 a state ine tax; the also determine the speed 30
41、, housing odes, and the drinking age. In most parts of the United States, ou 31 be 21 ears old to bu alohol in a liquor store, bar, 32 restaurant. In some states ou ma bu beer in a groer store. If a store sells alohol to a minor, the 33 of the store is usuall 34 a large sum of mone. 35 , man areas h
42、ave an open-ontainer la, 36 means that people ma not drink alohol on the street or in a ar. Anone 37 ith an open ontainer of alohol ma be arrested. 38 , ith all of these las, the 39 of alohol is a serious 40 in the United States and Canada. Drinking on ollege ampuses, 41 there are man underage drink
43、ers has 42 greatl. In fat, alohol sales have gone up 43 the legal drinking age as 44 from 18 to 21. Some people believe that if there ere no legal drinking age, 45 in some other ountries, North Amerian outh ould drink less. 26. privilege advantage right tradition 27. As a result For example In other
44、 ords In this ase 28. demand disagree disuss determine 29. ollet issue demand implement 30. limit ontrol rule regulation 31. an shall ma must 32. and or also not 33. lerk salesperson oner host 34. fined harged punished suffered 35. In addition In fat In realit In general 36. that this it hih 37. exp
45、osed suspeted aught deteted 38. Neverthele Ana Moreover Therefore 39. appliation onsumption expenditure usage 40. ondition risis question problem 41. though as here hih 42. raised inreased peaked limaxed 43. hen sine before after 44. shifted upgraded uplifted hanged 45. same for as similar SECTION I
46、II READING Text 1 A pioneering stud b Donald Appleard made the surprise sudden inrease in the volume of traffi through an area affets p a sudden inrease in rime does. Appleard observed this b fir house in San Franiso that looked muh alike and had middle-lXXnd orking-laresidents, ith approximatel t T
47、he differene as that onl 2,000 ars a da ran don Otavia in Appleards terminolog) hile Gough Street had arou 附送: 公共行政心得体会 公共行政心得体会 公共行政心得体会摘要:经过现代性三次浪潮的冲击以及科层制的建立,行政摆脱道德的纠缠,建立以价值中立为基储效率为导向的发展逻辑。然而,行政并非与道德无涉,不能简约为行政技术主义。行政本身的合理性、合法性论证,不仅需要以单纯技术为基础的效率支撑,而且有赖于目的性价值的支撑,而道德始终是实现行政目的的必要条件。因此,行政必须超脱传统的发展逻辑,以
48、正义为导向寻求向道德的回归。而要寻求道德的价值性辩护,毋宁是要建立起正义的行政制度以及呼唤公民的美德。 关键词:公共行政价值中立效率现代性正义 西方主流思想家尤其是自由主义者主张:在多元文化和现代民-主政治的条件下,惟有以价值中立为基储效率为导向才是公共行政的发展逻辑。他们辩护现代实证主义哲学的“事实与价值两分”之单纯自然科学主义思维模式是保证行政发展唯一可行的方向。换言之,只有以价值中立的形式超脱伦理道德甚至一切差异性的文化价值观念的纠缠,才符合行政的发展逻辑,才能实践最有效的行政治理和赢取合法性。然而,这样的发展逻辑在价值问题上的缄默不语无法解决多元竞争的冲突,更是无法-论证行政本身的合法
49、性。行政与其说需要目的性价值,毋宁更是需要道德辩护。而我们所要探讨的主题与此关涉密切:公共行政为何游离道德公共行政如何回归道德的目的性价值辩护 一、溯源:公共行政的发展为何游离道德 公共行政对道德的诉求是在对官僚制甚至是传统行政发展逻辑的批判中获得肯定的。在公共行政的实践中,传统行政机械化的发展逻辑使政府效率急剧下降,甚至在一定程度上成为“政府失灵”的原因之一。在此境遇下,无论是“新公共行政运动”还是“新公共管理运动”,皆以否定官僚制为政府重构的前提。换言之,是要通过这一批判性的否定为政府再造重塑地基。然而,对官僚制的否定,即使逻辑地符合公共行政对道德的诉求,却始终摆脱不了传统行政发展逻辑。在
50、这一问题上,麦金太尔引领了我们的视线。他认为,现代行政发展的逻辑有一鲜明的脉络:始于启蒙时代的政治理想,中经社会改良者的抱负以及管理者的合理性证明,直至技术官僚的实践。麦金太尔所描绘的是行政发展的显性图景,然其背后却潜藏这样的论断:考据现代公共行政与道德的分离无可避免地让我们回归启蒙时代,思索先哲的政治理想,而这探究的立足点恰恰就在于政治领域。 三级公共英语课文翻译(16) 公共英语三级考试写作文 (1) A survey conducted in Tianjin found that 98% of high school students and 92% of elementary scho
51、ol students have to spend most of their weekends doing homework. Write an essay of about 120 words. You may include the following points: 1. Discuss the negative effects of too much homework on children. 2. Discuss the disadvantages of the present exam-oriented education system. 3. Call for efforts
52、to ease students burden and help them lead a colorful and enjoyable life. 参考文 Too much homework has become a common complaint in high schools and elementary schools. Students have to spend most of their time doing homework, even on weekends. As a result, they have no time for their hobbies, or for t
53、heir parents or friends. All they do is what they have to do, not what they like to do. The underlying cause for this phenomenon lies in the present exam-oriented education system. National College Entrance Examination has become the sole focus of teachers, parents, and students themselves. High sco
54、re becomes the ultimate goal, to the neglect of practical abilities, personality development, and all that. It is urgent that we deepen our educational reform. We must allow for students overall development, not just evaluate their test scores. (2) . company is recruiting new employees. Write a lett
55、er applying for a position as an assistant accountant. In your letter, please include the following information: 1. the position you apply for; 2. your work experience; 3. the reason for your leaving the present company; 4. the treatment you expect to get from the new company. You should write no le
56、ss than 120 words. Do not sign your name at the end of your letter. Use Wang Lin instead. You do not need to write the address. 参考文 Dear sir: I wish to apply for a position with your company as an assistant accountant. I am twenty-six years old and at present employed by the Island Company, where I
57、have been for the past two years. Formerly I was employed by Global Export Co., where it was nearly three years. My only reason for leaving either of these positions would be to better myself and I feel there is no future opportunity in my present position. I wish to serve in a large company like yo
58、urs, to provide me with ample opportunities to learn new things. I can give you references from both these firms as to my character and ability as an accountant. My present salary is $2,600 a month and I would not care to accept less in another position, but I am willing to start at the same salary,
59、 provided there is an opportunity for advancement. Yours faithfully, Wang Lin (3) According to some surveys done by the Ministry of Education, there are about 153 million illiterates and semi-illiterates in China. Its illiteracy rate in the western region is much higher than the countrys average lev
60、el and it is as high as 40 percent. The rate for the countrys whole population stands at 14 percent. Write an essay of about 120 words, stating your opinion about this issue now confronting China. 参考文 The task of educating a huge population can be challenging to any country. Though China has shown g
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