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1、无词阅读长难句综合训练(二):祁连山老师个人简介法学院精英带你体验最强英语思辨ll著名英语出国培训首批托福认证教师l 中国ACT培训第一人l雅思无词阅读法作者l托福无词写做法作者l 享誉雅思阅读、托福写作提分王分词结构1、He had never been to school or university buthad studied privay and by the time he was twentyhe was a skillful chemist and excellent linguist, speaking Swedish, Russian, German, French, and

2、 English.分词结构句子主干- He had never been to school oruniversity bud studied privay, and he was askillful chemist and excellent linguist .分词部分- speaking Swedish, Russian, German,French, and English分词结构1、他从来没有上过中学或大学,但是他。而且截止到他20岁时,他是一个熟练的化学家,一个优秀的语言学家,会说瑞典语,俄语,德语,法语和英语。分词结构2、Being very short of money and

3、 wanting to dosomething useful, I appd, fearing as I did so,twithout a degree and with no experienceeaching mychanof getting the job were slim.分词结构句子主干- I app分词部分-d.1)Being very short of money 2)wanting to do something useful 3)fearing as I did so分词结构2、由于很缺钱,又想干点有用的事,我就申请了,但随着我这样做也害怕,没有文凭也没有教学经验,我得到

4、这份工作的机会是渺茫的。分词结构3、They also bring together in one display a groupof objects drawn from various parts of the museumin an effort to represent the whole life-style of a region or a historical period.分词结构句子主干- They also bring together a group ofobjects.分词部分- drawn from various parts of the museum分词结构3、他

5、们也在一场展览中了一批被从博物馆的各个部分抽取的展品,力图去展示一个地区或一个历史时期的整个生活方式。从句结构4、it will pass through sharp metal bars which will tearopen the plastic bags in which rubbish is usually packed.从句结构句子主干- It will pass through sharp metal bars.拆分句子-1)it will pass through sharp metal bars.2)The metal bars will tear open the plas

6、tic bags.3)Rubbish is usually packedhe bags.从句结构4、首先,它将会通过尖的金属棒,这个金属棒将会把袋扯破,通常被打包在袋里。从句结构5、Competition is not only good in itself, it is themeans by which other basic American valuechas individual freedom, equality of opportunity and hard work are protected.从句结构拆分句子-1)Competition is not only good in

7、 itself. 2)It is the means.3)Other basic American valuech as individualfreedom, equality of opportunity and hard work are protected by the means.从句结构5、竞争不但本身是件好事,它还是一种,通过这种手、勤奋工作受段其他基本到保护。价值观如个人、机会从句结构6、Those who ope the building of flats basetheir case primarily on the amptionteveryone prefers an i

8、ndividual home and gardenand on the high cost per unit ofmodation.从句结构句子主干- Those base their case primarily onthe amption and on the high cost 从句结构6、那些建设公寓的人主要把他们的情况基于这种假设也就是大家都喜欢单独的住宅和花园,以及基于每个居住单位的高成本。从句结构7、My poist the frequent complaof onegeneration about the one immedia inevitable.y following i

9、t is从句结构句子主干- My po拆分句子-ist1)My pois .2)The frequent complaof one generation about the oneimmediay following is inevitable.从句结构7、意思是一代人关于紧邻的下一代人的频繁的抱怨是不可避免的。从句结构8、Part of the reason we view ourselves sofavorably is advantage.t we use criteriat work to our从句结构句子主干- Part of the reason ist 从句结构8、如此肯定地自己的一部分原因是使用对我们有利的标准。从句结构9、It merely sayst evolution has programmedus to perform those funct


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