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1、-+懒惰是很奇怪的东西,它使你以为那是安逸,是休息,是福气;但实际上它所给 你的是无聊,是倦怠,是消沉;它剥夺你对前途的希望,割断你和别人之间的友情,使你心胸日渐狭窄,对人生也越来越疑心。罗兰雅思听力考试必备雅思常用词汇情景篇1,租房一、租房 RENTING A HOUSEIan d/lord,Ian d/ladytypesdormitory hostel hotel flat, bedsitterssurro undings rural areas, suburb, dow ntow nroomssi ngle room, double bedroom, bathroom, kitche n

2、, balc onyfacilities shower, cen tral heater(i ng), radiators, refrigerator,carpet,teleph on e,stove,microwave,ove n), bedcen tral air-c on diti oning(中央空调)。electric stores( 电炉),radiators( 暖气)ectricity,ute nsil(器具、用具、家庭用具facilities in bedbed linen, spread( 床罩,pillow, mattress,sheet,bla nket, cushi o

3、npartsentrance hall(lobby, porch)pers onal in formati onof boarders: pay weekly/m on thlylease,utilities, unfurni shed/fur ni shed,blackout 停电 guests and hourscurre ncy(Ca nadia ndollars,Australia n dollars, Pound, Japa neseYen),country and Ian guageFren ch,Ca nton ese, Man dari n, Russia n,Italia n

4、, Germnan,Portuguese, Japa nese,英文租房广告常用语解析FINCE-WARDEN, Irg 2br bsmt, new reno bright, In dry, eat-i n kit, w-o balc, close to HSR/shops. No smoke/pets, +, 1st/last. 222-2222 - leave mess. FINCH-WARDEN这间房是位于或邻近 Finch和Warden 街交界处。lrg=large2br=two bedrooms ,bsmt=It is in a baseme nt (below groun d).这

5、是地库的两房套间。(注意,两房是指两个睡房,洗手间,厨房,厅肯定是有的,所以不写出来 )new reno bright reno=reno vati on,最近才装修过,很光亮In dry, eat-i n kit, w-o balcIndry=laundry,指有洗衣机干衣机,eat-in kitchen指厨房大,可在厨房里放饭桌吃饭。w-o balc=walk out to a balco ny,指有扇门打开可通阳台。close to TTC/shops靠近公共交通,购物商场Nosmoke/pets不接受吸烟或养宠物的租客+租金为一个月,外加水电煤气1st/last首尾两个月的租金必须先交

6、作为定金222-2222 - leave mess 打 222-2222留言联系房东基本词汇:Ian dlady 房东太太Ian dlord 房东rent / rental price租金,房租价格注意rental 一般是指一个月的租金额dollar / $ 美元pounds / 英镑为了防止拼写错误,建议大家在考试中货币一律用符号表示,注意写法哦deposit 押金expe nsive 昂贵的reason able合理的居住地点:accommodatio n住宿,食宿homestay 住在当地居民家中dormitory 大学宿舍flat 英国公寓中的单元apartme nt美国公寓中的单元h

7、ostel青年公寓stude nt hostel 学生公寓sin gle room 单人间share room 共用房间double room 双人间twi n-bed room有两张单人床的双人房double-bed room有一张双人床的双人房bedroom 卧室bedsit卧室兼起居室no privacy 没有私人空间surroundings(房屋周围)环境Road / Rd.路,街道,比较大的路Street / St.路,街道,比较小的街dow ntow n 市中心suburb 郊区,市郊rural areas 乡村(not) near the center / railway sta

8、tion 远离*近市中心 / 火车站 far from the bus stop远离汽车站n ear the airport*近飞机场noisy吵闹室内家具:(un furnished(不)配备家具的furniture 家具fitt ing装置,家具suite一套家具(宝宝姐姐提示:注意读音 )furnish 布置fit up装备decorate装饰,布置orn ame nt 装饰,美化armchair 酉己齐,装备bookcase 书架cupboard 碗橱bureau写字台,卧室内有抽屉的柜子bench长椅settle长椅stool 凳子deckchair 折叠帆布长椅high chair

9、 高脚椅couch长沙发settee中小型沙发divan木制软垫长椅bedstead 床架hammock 吊床chest of drawers 五斗橱sideboard 餐具柜cabinet 酒柜室内设施:facilities 设施bathroom 卫生间shower 淋浴kitche n厨房air-c on diti onal有空调的air-c on diti oning空调cen tral air-c on diti oning中央空调heater加热器,暖气机 radiator暖气片,暖气设施 stove烤炉central heati ng中央暖气系统cooled / heated 制冷

10、 / 制热 electric fan 电风扇 refrigerator 电冰箱 microwave oven 微波炉 entrance hall 门厅,大堂 lobby大厅,通道 porch 走廊 balc ony阳台attic room 顶楼,阁楼 kitchen 厨房 shared kitche n公用厨房家纺布艺: towel毛巾 mattress 床垫 mat地席,垫子 cushion*垫,坐垫,椅垫 blanket 毯子 rug小地毯 carpet 地毯 quilt被子 bedspread 床罩 sheet 床单 pillow枕头 pillowcase 枕头套bolster长枕套 b

11、ed linen被单和枕套 床上用品mat席子 mattress 床垫 curtain窗帘,帘子 drape 窗帘drapery有褶子的布料。窗帘布料hangings门帘,帷幕 wallpaper 壁纸,墙纸 canopy 顶棚,天棚 awning 窗/门上的遮蓬 shutters 百叶窗日常用品:utensil器皿,用具 ashtray烟灰缸 bedside-lamp 床头灯 bowl 碗 comb 梳子French wi ndows落地灯kettle水壶mirror 镜子 radiator 取暖电炉 safety-razor 安全剃刀 scale磅秤 toothbrush 牙刷常用句型:W

12、hat s the rent? TOC o 1-5 h z How much is?How much doescost?Rent costs approximately.The average water bill is.Two people n eed at leastfor.Is there a?Are there any?Dose it have a (any)?How manyare there?When can I?How about Mo nday?Why don t you come on?Can I seethis week?2,银行行交易的场景主要以银行提供的服务项目为主,包

13、括开户头、存款、提款、货币兑换等信息。bank book/pass book 存折 earn in terest赚取利息curre nt accou nt活期存款帐户deposit acco unt定期存款帐户1丨常用词汇ope n an acco unt 开户sav ings acco unt储蓄存款帐户check/chequeacco unt 支票帐户ann ual in terest rate年禾 U率mon thly savi ngs acco unt按月计息帐户daily in terest accou nt按天计息帐户in sta nt acco unt速成户头sig nature

14、 card签名卡order check/cheque记名支票bla nk check/cheque空白支票denomin ati on=face value面额service charge 服务费/手续费 draw/withdraw 提款rubber check/cheque空头支票excha nge rate汇率four in hun dred四张一百元面额give the money in fives/te nsbill钞票cash现金换成五元或十元面额cha nge 零钱password/code 密码amount in figures小写金额amount in words大写金额cre

15、dit card 信用卡the bala nee of your bank acco unt帐户余额traveler s check/chque旅行支票coin 硬币penny 便士nickel 美、加的五分硬币dime 美、加的十分硬币un it货币单位value/worth面值ounee盎司1/16磅commercial/mercha nt bank商业银行full refund全额归还exte nsion延期overdraw/overdraft透支rebate 回扣payday 发薪日pay slip/e nvelop薪水单a princely sum(a n excessive amo

16、unt)巨款mortgage 抵押by in stallme nt分期付款apply for/gra nta loa n申请/批准贷款debt债务collateral 担保物fill out/in 填写chquebook/checkbook支票簿loan贷款joi nt accou nt联名帐户expe nse acco unt公款支付帐户cashier收银员teller银行职员stateme nt 对帐单money order汇票acco untant 会计A.T.M自动取款机2丨常用句型I d like to open aacco unt.I d like to check the pre

17、sent balanee inaccountI d liketo apply for a personal loan.I d like to change(兑换)for.What s the current rate?How would you like to receive your cha nge零钱?还有时常会考到银行的开放时间,一般是几点到几点?还有周末或许不同3,数字1. 基本数字 :(1) 大 数 :英语和汉语读数方法的不同使得听音时不能及时反应出实际数字, 在日常生活和考试中都会造成一定的麻烦。要想快速准确进行数字对应,首先要弄清两种数字系统的对应关系:千亿 hundred bi

18、llion 3百亿 ten billion 2十亿 billion 5,亿 hundred million 8千万 ten million 6百万 million 7,十万 hundred thousand 1万 ten thousand 3千 thousand 4百 hundred 5十 ten 2个 one 9通过比较我们可以看出,汉语中每位数字都有单独的名称,而英语中只有个,十,百,千,百万和十亿位的数字名称,每个数位的大小均以 3 位数表示。掌握数字中的分节号“,”对掌握这种对应关系很有帮助,每个“,“ 左面恰好是 英语数字的一个数位名称 thousand, million and b

19、illion ,在汉语中分别是:千,百万和 十亿 . 请大家试读以下数字:13,625,004,06932,006,080,005Answer:Thirteen billion, six hundred (and) twenty-five million, four thousand and sixty nine.Thirty two billion, six million, eighty thousand and five.2分数分子用基数词,即on e, two, three, four,分母用序数词,即first,sec on d, third,fourth,分数线不读。1/3 one

20、 third5/8 five eighths. 分子大于 1,分母用复数。1/4 one quarter3/4 three quarters小数小数点读成 point.0.35 zero point thirty-five; nought point thirty-five; point thirty-fiveteen vs ty听力中经常出现十几和几十的辩音。teen是长音,并且有明显的 n鼻音,而几十ty是短音,且无任何鼻音。假设在考试过程中未能分清,则猜几十ty。4,教育i丨由于中外学校结构差异造成一定程度上的做题困难国外大学结构及官衔preside nt 大学校长Un iversity

21、dean 学校分院长College/schoolhead of the facultyFacultyhead of the divisi onDivisio nchairma nDepartme ntprin cipal 中学校长headmaster小学校长headmistress小学校长女2新生入学及入学后大致过程register/enrole(登记、报至U ) 一般会 student union officeope ning ceremony开学典礼orie ntation meeti ng介绍会指学校综合情况lecture报告tutorial一个学生发言那种3丨关于学科的单词basic

22、course 基础课specialized course专业课required course必修课opti on al/selective course选修课literature 文学philosophy 哲学history 历史art艺术sociology 社会学lin guistics 语言学psychology 心理学engin eeri ng工程学architecture 建筑学bus in ess 商务law法学fianc 金融学banking 银行学4相关教育单词econo mics经济学acco un ti ng会计学biochemistry生物化学kin dergarte n幼

23、儿园eleme ntary educati on初等教育sec on dary educati on中等教育 higher educatio n 高等教育adult educati on成人教育day-care cen ter幼儿园美primary/eleme ntary school sec on dary school中学junior high school初中attached middle school 附中ope n admissi on免试入学制nursery school 托儿所 小学英/美coeducatio n男女生同校制度senior high school高中tech ni

24、 cal school技校polytechnic institute理工学院/科技大学 key school 重点中学graduate school研究生院ope n uni versity夜大、函大private school私立学校public school公立学校uni versal educati on普及教育educati oni st/educator教育家postgraduate 研究生un dergraduate本科alumnus/alumna校友男 /女Alma Mater 母校auditor=guest stude ntboarder 住宿生pop test 扌由考旁听生o

25、pe n-book exam开卷考orie ntati on program新生训练teach ing facilities教学设施 assista ntship 助学金scholarship 奖学金room and board 食宿auditorium 礼堂vice-mon itor副班长period of schooli ng学习年限credit system 学分制mark/score/grade 分数schedule=school timetablein dividual study自习in dividual coachi ng=tutorial课程表个别指导En glish even

26、ing英语晚会after-school activities课外活动social in vestigati on社会调查volun tary labor义务劳动graduati on appraisal毕业评估graduati on ceremony=comme nceme nt毕业典礼毕业证书diploma=graduation certificatedrop out 辍学quit school 退学school discipli ne校纪atte ndan ce/participatio n出勤率atte nd a lecture上课miss a class 缺课cut a class 旷

27、课expel sb. from school开除tuiti on 学费miscella neous expe nses杂费a gran t-aided stude nt领助学金的学生lecture portfolio 讲义夹semester 半学期blue-book 考卷report card 成绩单fin al-exam in ati on期末考核quiz小测验oral test 口试diploma 毕业证degree 学位associate diploma专科证书Bachelor 学士Master 硕士Doctor of Philosophy 博士Expert 专家con sulta nt

28、参谋Coordinator班主任/协调人 professor 教授associate professor 副教授 lecturer 讲师adviser/me ntor 导师coun selor 辅导老师course arran geme nt课程安排 applicati on form 申请表school of Arts and Scie nces文理学院project学生独立钻研的课外课题prese ntatio n针对某一专题发表的演讲paper/thesis/dissertati on论文letter of recomme ndatio n表扬信journal周记office hour教

29、授与学生面谈时间catalogue( un der titles/authors/subjects)目录refere nee stacks书库借书台delivery desk/circulati on deskcall slip借书单索书单check out登记并借出charge out 把借出来借书卡期限library card/admissi on card date slip/deadli ne/date of expiry due应付费overdue and pay a fine过期并交罚款borrow 向.借lend借给.人renew 续借available可获得的out on lo

30、a n借出的reserve/book预借closed reserved只读不借in circulati on在书库里out circulati on 借走了not for circulati on 不外借classificati on 分类bibliography 书目籍者检索目录on the shelf 在书架上n ewspaper 报纸journal 日报periodical(magaz ines and journ als)定期干刊物current/back issues现今 / 以后发行category 种类 return in time及时归还in terlibrary servic

31、e 图书馆际服务open/closed shelves开架 / 闭架书库libraria n图书馆长computer scie nee library science n.图书馆(管理)学nu triti on scie nee n.营养科学 the study of huma n dietjournalismtourismnursing medici ne医学不是药学law educati onengin eeri ngin formati on tech no logyIT信息技术acco untingfinancearchaeology.-fy、.八Jn.考古学architecture

32、n.建筑学astr onomy n.天文学 astro 前缀表示 星,天体,宇宙之义astronaut太空人,宇航员agriculture农业学an thropology n人类学an thropoidn类人猿philosophy n哲学psycholog yn心理学historygeography n.地理学,地理geology n.地质学,地质概况 chemistrymicro-biology微生物学marin e-biology海洋生物学sociologyhospitality酒店管理 hotel man ageme ntbotanyn.植物学zoologyn.动物学,生态economi

33、cselectro nicsn. 电子学mathematics/ Mathsphysicsn.物理学physic医学,医术,泻药statisticslin guistics语言学gen etics遗传学biochemistry生物化学5 ,学校生活学习篇enro lme nt注册selective/elective/opti on选修课required course/compulsory course必修课course arran geme nt课程安排applicati on form 申请表letter of recomme ndatio n推荐信programme/program 某一专

34、业的课程总称school 学院graduate school研究生院un dergraduate 本科postgraduate研究生school of Arts and Scie nces文理学院score 成绩credit 学分degrees 学位assessme nt对学生的学习情况进行评估han dout上课老师发的印刷品assig nment 作业prese ntation针对某一专题进行的发言project需要学生进行独立钻研的课外课题paper/thesis/dissertati on essay 短论文journal 周记/每周要做的作业participati on 出勤 lec

35、ture老师的讲课tutorial 助教的辅导 TA(Teachi ng Assista nt) 助教 office hour教授与学生面谈的时间coordinator 课程协调人/班主任 professor 教授 associate professor副教授assista nt professor助理教授lecturer 讲师 dea n 系主任 coun selor辅导老师adviser 导师 men tor 导师 preside nt校长cha ncellor名誉校长faculty教职职工的总称生活篇campus 校园common room 英师生公用的休息室can tee n 餐厅di

36、 ning hall 食堂 cafeteria 自助小餐厅accommodati on住宿dorm/dormitory宿舍dormmate/roommate/flatmate/housemate合租一间宿舍 / 公寓 / 房屋的人parki ng lot 停车场park ing regulati ons停车规定shopp ing mall购物中心teach ing buildi ng 教学楼/教室楼lecture theatre 大教室/阶梯教室adm ini strati ng office/admin office行政办公室laboratory/lab实验室stude nt union学生

37、会society学生社团club学生俱乐部stude nt accou nt银行中的学生帐户curre nt acco unt现金帐户chequebook/checkbook支票本withdraw cash 取钱deposit money in a bank存钱课题研究篇research 研究deadli ne最后期限poll 民意调查survey 调查hypothesis 假设statistics 统计statistically valid 统计学上有效的data/datum数据in vestigati on调查quantitative数量的/定量的sig ni fica nt differ

38、e nee显著的差异in terview访谈respondents/interviewee答复调查问题者/被访谈的人questio nn aire调查问卷multiple choice questi ons选择题an alyze/a nalyse data分析数据results 结果con clusi on结论interpretation解释 / 阐释opi nion 观点课程篇mathematic,literature,history,psychology,physics,philosophy,an thropologyArts(Huma nities/Social)Scien ce/Sci

39、e neelevel of courses : elementary, primary, intermediate,secondary, advaneed),COMPUTER LAB 电脑篇lab rulesprin tercopierfax machi nemodermMacin toshn etwork, access to the netLIBRARY 图书馆篇due, overdue and pay a fine, ren ew,information deskstacks( 书库) open/closed shelves,library cardcall slip索书单catalog

40、ue( un der titles/authors/subjects),periodical(magaz ines and journ als), reference books,curre nt/ back issues, libraria n and reader6,指示方向be far from 距离某处很远be nearby距离某处很近go straight across/to/through径直走过 / 向 / 过cross (over) 穿过某条街道be next to 紧邻turn left/right 左转 / 右转go up/down向上北/向下南go back/back/b

41、ack up向回走go east/west/south/north向东 / 南 / 西 / 北go on/alongtill you meet沿一直走,直至be on sb s left/right在某人的左边/右边be the first/second/third from the left/right从左 / 右数第一 / 二/ 三个directly opposite禾口 相对be located behind/in front of坐落在 的前面/后面be on the corner of A street and B street在 A 和 B 街交汇的拐角处be in the cor

42、ner of 在的角落里ground floor 英首层wi ng 配楼/建筑的一部分ann ex 配楼/建筑的附属建筑basement 地下室/第一层twin buildi ng由两个完全相同的部分构成的建筑Ian dmark 标志性的建筑block/complex由假设干个建筑构成的建筑群/街区stair 楼梯step 台阶wheel chair access 无台阶的/残疾人用aisle 过道in tersect ion/crossroad十字路口a fork on the road分叉路口a T road 丁字路口in tersect ion/crossroads/j un cti o

43、n/clover-leaf立交桥7,描述人的外表、衣着身材medium buildaverage heightquite slim苗条的stout结实的、矮胖的穿着jumpertrousers jea nsT-shirtshort-sleeved blousepink and white striped skirttop 上衣pullover 套头毛衣be in red/green/dark身着红/绿/黑色衣服suit 男西服;女套装wear/be in tie 戴领带sweater 套头衫,运动衫stock in gs/bootsflat shoessan dal凉鞋头发short curl

44、y hairblo nd金发碧眼的frizzypigtailpigtail with a ribb on in itbald秃头脸部get little hair at the sides above each earmoustache/mustache上唇上的小胡子big brow n beard 落腮胡faint scar模糊的left cheekan gular faceattractive facepoin ted noseweari ng glasses戴眼镜con tact len ses隐型眼镜旅游出行travel age ncy旅行社flight number航班号take o

45、ff 起飞 land降落check in办理登机手续motel汽车旅馆hostel 青年旅社book the ticket 订票passport 护照visa 签证credit card 信用卡drivi ng lice nse/lice nee驾照expire v.驾照、护照等过期 platform 站台museum 博物馆 souve nir纪念品art gallery画廊hiki ng 徒步旅行 hitch-hike搭便车旅行surfing 冲浪 skii ng滑雪bag-packer肩背大包进行自助旅行的人雅思听力9个常考场景必备词汇.租房2.课外研究.图书馆.地理场景选课场景新生报到

46、会7 .渡假日程活动介绍个人健康1 .租房场景这种题型,以前看人也介绍过,并且很详细,这里把他们总结在一起。首先区分是租房还是买房。for lease 与for sale房子的类型有:flat, apartme nt, dormitory(dorm), stude nt hotel,youth hostel一般房子有的家电或设施有:bedroom, kitche n, stove, fridge, microwave oven, wash ing mach ine,air-c on diti on, electric fans, radiator, electric stoves床上用品有pi

47、llow, pillow case, bed linen, sheet, mattress, bla nket, towel房子位置:road(rd.), street(st.), la ne,门厅的叫法:hall, lobby, porch租房的规律为:离市中心越近,房价越高,位置稍偏,价钱会比较有吸引力;但廉价的房子一般有不理想的地方:not near the center, not near the railway station, fall from thebus stop, n ear the airport, no isy, shared kitche n, in sects, a

48、 stra nger in the n ext bed, have no privacy, have to prepare some repella nt ,i nsects haunting.另外询问看房子时:is it available now? whe n will it be available?.(audiy)is there a telephone? how far is it from .? is it furnished?what is the ren tal price? how is it cooled /heated?furnished:意为配备家具。课外研究场景.主要

49、是在课外研究一些小的项目,小的调查研究,包括对学校里各个地方, 食品(咖啡,小吃)等的价格的比较,这些看似不屑一顾的东西,个人认为, 这也是与文化背景有关系的,外国人注重人的实践能力,从小培训, 听说他们中学生就开始写长篇的文章,看v成长的烦恼中那个小男孩本, 研究毛毛虫,就可看出了:这部分主要注意听力,特别关注的是人名,并注意先判断男女。有关咖啡的一些类型:in sta nt coffee, real, espresso(功夫咖啡,蒸馏咖啡 ),cappucci no,brewed coffee,另外一些关于吃的:fish and chips, value for mon ey, greas

50、y图书馆场景.据说这部分不是重点。主要注意的是时间,book名,作者,一些单词:borrow, le nd, ren ew, available, out on loa n,n ewspaper, jo urn al, periodical, curre nt issues, reference books,category, catalog, date of expiry, be overdue, be due,pay fines, loan, period circulation desk,check out, reserve books, return in time, in terli

51、brary service,can t /mustn t lend it to others.reserve books:指某一段时间比较抢手,热门的书目,资料的租借时间缩短。如果很多同学想使用同一本参考书,图书馆就会reserve this book.考点:作品名称,哪年出版,作者,stude nt card, library card,借出费用,几时到期,欠款多少等。地理场景一般是司机,导游,bbc programme介绍某个地方,城市的基本情况。主要包括:U名字,行政区划U 人口,语言风土人情U 好处,不利U 吸引人之处dista nee from n earest city, popu

52、latio n,adva ntage/disadva ntage:注意转折词汇的运用:however, n evertheless,on the other handeducati on, main in dustry:climate/weather: wet and win dy, cold and wet, rainy, cloudy.shape: recta ngle.选课场景:涉及选课主要是对语言的选择:portuguese, italia n, russia n, arabic, man dari n, sta ndard chin ese,canton ese, spa ni sh

53、.选择级别:fun dame ntal/eleme ntaryin termediateadvaneed选课的时间,日期。申请人:applica nt, enro lme ntadmissi on officeforeig n stude nt office, intern ati onal stude nt, oversea stude nt新生报到会:新生报到会,一般向新生介绍学校的设施,选课情况,学校的历史,如何注册,应该做什么,不应该做什么。一般由admission office的counselor 来向新生介绍。度假场景度假地的选择,交通工具的选择,住处的选择(这部分与租房类似)付帐

54、:check(美国)cheque(英)express way(高速公路), express train(高速列车).日程活动介绍场景包括会议,节日,组织旅游等。主要抓四类: whe n, where, what, whyconvention(会议)开场白经常由会议的 preside nt 或者orga nizer进行自我介绍,然后介绍会议内容,还要介绍会议的会期多长,经常考的考点 -第几次要防止经典陷井,即听力原文出现的并不是所需要的答案。conven ti on原: this is our third annual retailers q : how many conventions hav

55、e already been held?a: 2原: this is my second year on campus?q : how many years have you been studying at this college? a: one year另外常考的是会议地点,一般是在国家的首都。.个人健康场景headache, got a headache, avoid smoky, vitamins, maintaining a healthy lifestyle, diet, try to avoid sugar, salt, butternot too much milk lea

56、n meat, fish, nuts eggs n eed lots of bread, vegetables and fruit.eight - nu mber betwee n 7 and 9, 八ate - past tense of eat,吃的过去式bear - a big, hairy ani malbear - to be able to withsta nd someth ingbare - exposed bred - past tense of breed繁殖的过去式 bread - a type of food 面包be - is 主动词 be bee - an in s

57、ect 蜜蜂caught - past tense of catch抓的过去式cot - a portable bed that folds for storage轻便小床fan - a device for moving air 风扇 fan - short for fan atic 狂热,爱好者groa n - no ise made in misery卩申吟grow n - fully mature长大的hart-雄鹿heart - en ergetic or en thusiastic心、脏herd - a group of ani mals 牧群heard - past tense

58、of hear听的过去式I - me, myself 我eye - body part we see with 眼睛made - past tense of make做的过去式女佣maid - a lady that clea ns home or hotels for a liv ingno - opposite of yes 不know - be aware of someth ing 知道roes - plural of roe = an argume nt雌鹿的过去式rows - plural of row = a row (line, queue) of vegetables pla

59、nted in a farmersfield, a row of seats in a theatre 行,排rows - prese nt tense of row, as in row ing a boat (propelli ng a boat through the water with a paddle) 划船的现在式rose - a beautiful flower that grows on a thor ny stem 玫瑰wring - twist 绞,扭ring - no ise a bell makes 敲钟,打scent - smell 气味sent - past te

60、nse of send 由 E寄的过去式see - to view somethi ngsea - large body of salt waterthrew - past tense of throwthrough - fini shed or completed, also, to give direct ion (Go through the tunn el)tail - cats and dogs have them 尾巴tale - a story 故事theretheyretheirweek - 7 daysweak - not strongworn - well used 用旧的


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