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1、1.1 History of Computer Development1.2 Computer in Action1.3 Notebook Computers History of Computer Development1.1主要内容正文生词Nothing epitomizes modern life better than the computer. For better or worse, computers have infiltrated every aspect of our society. Today computer do much more than simply comp

2、uter: computerized telephone switching centers play traffic cop to millions of calls and keep lines of communication untangled; and automatic teller machines (ATM) let us conduct banking transactions from virtually anywhere in the world. But where did all this technology come from and where is it he

3、ading? To fully understand and appreciate the impact computers have on our lives and promises they hold for the future, it is important to understand their evolution. The advancement in computer technology is divided into four time periods called generations.没有任何东西比计算机更能够称为现代生活的缩影了。不论好与坏,计算机渗透在我们社会的

4、每一个方面。今天的计算机并不是一台机器那么简单:计算机电话转换中心对数以百万的电话起着交通中转的作用,并且维持交流线路的畅通;自动取款机让我们在世界上任何地方进行银行交易操作。可是所有的这些技术从何而来,又将怎样发展?为了充分认识和理解计算机对我们生活的影响,和它们所预示的未来,了解计算机的发展是重要的。计算机技术的发展进程被划分为四个时代。正文First Generation ComputersThe first generation of computers lasted from 1951 until 1958. They were large, costly to buy, expen

5、sive to power, and often unreliable. It was during this period that symbolic language was developed. Symbolic language use symbols made up of letters and numbers to stand for the 0s and 1s of machine languages. For example, ADD may stand for addition. Computer instructions written in symbolic langua

6、ges were easier for people to use than machine languages.第一代计算机第一代计算机从1951年发展到1958年。这一代计算机的体积大、价格昂贵、耗电量大而且可靠性差。在这个时期,符号语言得到了发展。用字母和数字组成的符号语言来代表机器语言的0和1状态。例如,ADD代表加法。用符号语言写的计算机指令比用机器语言写的指令对人们来说要方便得多。正文Second Generation ComputersThe second generation of computers spanned the years from 1959 to 1964. T

7、he most notable change was that transistors replaced vacuum tubes. As a result, computers became much smaller, faster, and more reliable and efficient. Next, second generation computers were given auxiliary storage, sometimes called external or secondary storage ended the limitation on how much data

8、 the computer could store and reduced the use of punched cards. Using magnetic tapes for input and output operations increased the speed of the computer. 第二代计算机第二代计算机经过了1959年到1964年。最显著的变化是晶体管代替了真空管。其结果使计算机变得更小、更快、更可靠、更有效了。其次,第二代计算机有了辅助存储器,有的时候也叫做外存或二级存储器。辅助存储器的使用结束了在计算机上存储数据量的限制并减少了使用穿孔卡的次数。用磁带来进行输入

9、和输出的方式提高了计算机的运行速度。正文Finally, improvements were made in the symbolic programming languages. New languages were more like English than the earlier ones, making programming the computer much easier.Third Generation ComputersThe third generation of computers lasted from 1965 to 1970. During this time, t

10、echnology continued to improve and computers became even smaller, while their memory capacities became larger. The third generation is marked chiefly by the development of integrated circuits, which replaced transistors.后来,符号程序设计语言也得到了改善。新的语言比以前任何一种都更像英语,从而用计算机进行程序设计就变得更加容易了。第三代计算机第三代计算机从1965年到1970年

11、。在此期间,技术继续得到改善,同时计算机体积变得更小了,而其存储容量变得更大了。第三代计算机的主要标志是集成电路的发展,集成电路取代了晶体管。正文With integrated circuits, hundreds of electronic components could be included on one silicon chip less than one eighth inch square. A number of other developments characterized this period. For example, minicomputers were intro

12、duced. These machines had many of the same capabilities as large computers, but they were much smaller, had more storage space, and cost less. Another development was the use of remote terminals, so input/output devices can be electronically linked to a main computer but located at some distance fro

13、m it.集成电路使成百上千的电子元件可以被集成在一块不到1/8平方英寸的硅片上。一些其他的发展也称为这个时期的特色。例如,产生了小型计算机,这些机器与大型机相比有着许多相同的功能,但是它的体积更小,存储容量更大而且更便宜。另外一个发展是远程终端的使用,即把一些远离主机的输入输出设备通过电子线路与主机连接在一起。正文Fourth Generation ComputersThe period for the fourth generation of computers is given from 1971 to the present. Chip circuit has become incre

14、asingly miniaturized in fourth generation machines circuits. Large scale integration (LSI) circuits, featuring thousands of electronic components on a single silicon chip, became common during the 1970s. From large scale integration (LSI) technology, comes the microprocessor, the small “computer on

15、a chip”.第四代计算机第四代计算机所处的阶段是从1971年至今。在第四代计算机中,芯片电路已日益小型化。20世纪70年代,在单个硅片上集成成百上千个电子元件的大规模集成电路已变得很普及了。由大规模集成技术而产生了微处理机,即“在一块芯片上的小型计算机”。正文Microprocessor chips can manage the functions of the computer, perform calculations, and control other devices just as large computers can. The combination of the micro

16、processor and other densely packed chips used for storage and input/output operations forms a microcomputer. Modern microcomputers have more powers than the large computers of earlier generations. LSI has already progressed into VLSI (very large scale integration), which means even more capabilities

17、 in even smaller packages.微处理器芯片能像大型机那样管理计算机的操作,执行运算,控制其他设备。微处理器和其他用于存储和输入输出操作的高密组件组成了微机。现在的微机比早期的大型机有更强的功能。大规模集成电路已发展成了超大规模集成电路,这意味着在更小的组件里有更强大的能力。正文epitomizevt. 摘要,概括,称为缩影infiltratevt. 渗透computerizevt. 用计算机处理,使计算机化electronicadj. 电子的evolutionn. 发展,进化,演变generationn. 代auxiliaryadj. 辅助的,补助的installvt.

18、安装,安置instructionn. 指示,指令,用法说明书spanvt. 跨越 n. 跨度,范围生词efficientadj. 高效率的 median. 媒体,媒介capacityn. 容量programn. 程序 vt. 编程序silicon chipn. 硅片characterizen. 表现的特色,展现个性minicomputern. 小型计算机microcomputern. 微型计算机memoryn. 内存,存储器denseadj. 密集的,浓厚的生词packagen. 组件,包裹miniaturizevt. 使小型化integrated circuit 集成电路vacuum tub

19、e 真空管remote terminal 远程终端LSI(large scale integration) n. 大规模集成电路VLSI(very large scale integration) n. 超大规模集成电路生词主要内容Computer in Action1.2正文生词Today we are witnessing one of the most dramatic technologies ever developed-the computer.Computers are used in large and small business, government, education

20、, health care, and almost all other profession.Computers are used in almost every field of business. In investment, computers are used to get-uptothe minute information on stocks and bonds and to make split-second buy and sell decisions. In real estate and finance, computers are used to investigate

21、cash flow, return on investment, and depreciation. 现在我们正目睹着当今发展最迅猛的技术之一计算机的发展。计算机被用于各种规模的商业,政府教育,医疗保健及其他几乎所有的行业。计算机被用于几乎所有的商业领域。在投资业,使用计算机可以得到最新的股票证券行情,以便作出瞬间的买断决定。在房地产与金融业,计算机可以用来调查现金流动、投资回收和贬值等情况。正文Banks use computer to process the huge amount of checks and credit card transactions that take place

22、 daily. Without computers, todays banks couldnt handle the large number of transactions that take place every second. In manufacturing, computers are used to design new products, control manufacturing equipment, and regulate inventory and other raw materials. Computers are used to automatically plac

23、e orders, alert customers when there are possible stock outs, and help managers control every aspect of a manufacturing operation. 银行利用计算机处理每天进行的大量的支票和信用卡交易。没有计算机,今日的银行便无法处理每秒进行的大量业务。在制造业,计算机用来设计新产品、控制生产设备并管理存货和其他原材料。计算机被用来自动下订单,在库存可能缺货时提醒客户,帮助经营管理生产运作的各个方面。正文Computerized robots are used to paint, w

24、eld, fasten, and attach parts along the assembly line. Computers are also used at the retail and wholesale level. At the retail level, computers are used to check out customers quickly at grocery stores, hardware stores, and department stores. They are also used to determine where to locate retail a

25、nd wholesale facilities. The best shipping pattern between factories, warehouse, wholesale outlets, and retail establishments can also be determined quickly and efficiently.计算机控制的机器人用在喷漆、焊接、加固以及装配线的组装上。计算机还用在零售与批发上,在零售方面,计算机在杂货店、五金店和百货商店快速地收款;它们还被用来确定零售与批发点;也能快速有效地制定工厂库房、批发商店以及零售商店之间的最佳运输方式。正文The co

26、mputer has had a profound effect on office procedures. With word processing, companies can electronically store key paragraphs. Then these key paragraphs can be called up on a screen, rearranged in every conceivable manner, and printed. Some word processing programs have dictionaries with over 100,0

27、00 words, which automatically check spelling and grammar. Electronic mail (E-mail) is another exciting innovation in office automation. Acting like mailboxes and postal service, the computer quickly and efficiently routs messages to the appropriate individuals. 计算机对办公程序有着深远的影响。有了文字处理,公司能够将重要的段落进行电子存

28、档,然后再把它们调出来,以各种想象的形式重新组织安排后打印。有些文字处理程序配有收词量在10万词以上,可以自动检查拼写和语法的词典。电子邮件是办公自动化的又一激动人心的革新,起着信箱和邮政服务的作用。计算机迅速地把信息分发给相应的人。正文With voice storage and forwarding, people can use the telephone to dial up a computer to leave instructions or messages for other people. Once stored, these verbal messages can be t

29、ranscribed and printed electronically, they can be stored for future reference and action, and they can be forwarded using electronic mail to locations throughout the world. Think of a facsimile machine as a copy machine where the original document is placed in the FAX machine at one location and a

30、copy of the original document appears on another FAX machine at another location.有了声音存储与传送,人们能用电话接通计算机给其他人留下指令和信息。一旦存储,这些口头信息能够被高效自动地抄录并打印出来。它们能被存储起来以备将来使用参考,也能用电子邮件发送到世界各地。把传真机作为一台复印机,原件放进此地的传真机中,在另一地的传真机上便会出现原件的复印件。正文Most of the technology for teleconferencing already exists. Key components are te

31、rminals connected to computer systems and a video system that allows pictures to be transmitted from one spot to another. Local area networks are unifying much of the traditional equipment found in the office. The purpose of a local area network is to electronically connect word processing, electron

32、ic mail, voice storage and forwarding, dictation, and even coping machines together.远距离通信会议的大部分技术已经具备。主要的构成是终端与计算机系统连接,然后录像系统把图像从一地传到另一地,局域网把办公室的传统设备连为一体。局域网的目的是高效自动地将文字处理、电子邮件、声音存储和发送、发布命令,甚至把复印机也统统连接起来。正文Computers are now helping us in almost every area of science and engineering. Over half of the

33、 worlds scientific knowledge has been obtained since the construction of the first electronic computer. While business applications require the handling of a large number of documents, the scientific community requires speed and accuracy in making complex computations. The average individual can mak

34、e from 5 to 10 simple computations per minute. The average computer can make 10,000 complex computations per second, and fast computers can make millions of complex calculations per second. Computations that would take a computer a few seconds would take you a few months or even a few years.现在计算机几乎在

35、科学和工程的每个方面给我们提供帮助。自从第一台电子计算机问世以来,我们获得了世界一半以上的科学知识。由于商业应用需要处理大量的文件,科学领域要迅速准确地进行复杂的运算,普通人每分钟能做5到10个简单运算,一般的计算机每秒能做1万个复杂运算。快速的计算机每秒能做几百万个复杂运算。用计算机运算只需几秒钟而用人则要几个月甚至几年的时间。正文Computers can be used to help astronomers test physics theories. They are also needed to help forecast complicated and unpredictable

36、 weather patterns.Computers can also process and enhance images or pictures. This is called image processing. Image processing is using the computer to enhance and gain a better understanding of images or pictures. It can be used to develop cartoons, touch up photographs, and generate movies. Digiti

37、zed images are sent to earth receiving stations, and the images are processed. Satellites like Landsat are able to locate oil fields, help farmers determine what to plant, locate mineral deposits, locate ships, missiles, and military installations, and more.计算机可以用来帮助天文学家检验物理理论,人们还需要计算机来帮助预报复杂多变的气候结构

38、。计算机还能处理和增强图像与画图的效果,称为图像处理。图像处理就是用计算机来提高并更好地理解图像与画面。图像处理可以用于开发动画、润色照片、生产电影。数字图像被送到地面接收站进行处理。像Landsat这样的卫星能确定油田的位置;帮助农民决定种什么;确定矿物沉淀的位置;确定船、导弹、军事装备等的位置。正文Computers are widely used in health care too. Small inexpensive personal computers, costing under a thousand dollars, have been used in ambulances t

39、o locate invalids or other patients quickly. These personal computers have also been used to diagnose potential problems and prescribe their remedies at the scene of an accident. Video games have been developed to allow you to play games and lose weight at the same time. Some software program can he

40、lp you to relieve stress and tension.计算机还被广泛应用于卫生保健。体积小价格又不贵(价钱在1 000美元以下)的个人电脑已被安装在救护车上用来迅速测定伤残人及其他患者的位置。这些个人电脑也被用来诊断潜在的问题,并在事故现场开药治疗。另外,还开发出来了人们能在玩游戏的同时达到减肥目的的录像游戏。某些软件程序能帮你解除紧张和压力。正文At home, computer can be used to entertain you, educate you, keep track of your personal budget, plan meals, and de

41、termine what food items to buy for the next week. You can use personal computers to communicate with friends, relatives, or business associates anywhere in the world as long as they also have personal computers and access to an electronic mail network. Personal computers can be used as the centers o

42、f sophisticated security systems. These computers can be sensitive to heat, smoke, water damage, and more. They can be programmed to call you automatically at another phone number or to call the police or the fire department.在家中计算机能用于娱乐、教育、记录个人预算、制订饮食计划及决定下周买哪些食品等。你能用个人电脑与亲朋好友和世界任何地方的商业合作伙伴进行交流,只要他们

43、也有个人电脑并能进入电子邮件网。个人计算机能用做复杂的安全系统的核心部分。这些电脑对热、烟、水质破坏等很敏感,它们可以根据设定的程序自动地打电话通知你或者拨通警察局或消防部门。正文Computers are extensively used in the entertainment and leisure industry. Computers are used to analyze and create beautiful musical sounds and tones. You can even get novel sent to you electronically over tele

44、phone lines using home computers. These electronic novels can be stored in your computers and then printed at any time.In education, with computer-aided instruction (CAI), the computer is being used to help students learn other subjects. CAI programs are available today for people ranging in age fro

45、m one year old to well past retirement age. You are never too young or too old to learn.计算机被广泛用于娱乐和休闲业。计算机用来分析和创作优美的乐曲。你甚至能够通过家庭电脑收到由电话线寄送给你的小说,这些电子小说可以存储在你的电脑里,且随时都可以打印出来。就教育而言,人们可以利用计算机辅助指令帮助学生学习其他科目。今天,计算机辅助指令程序能为一岁到退休年龄的各个年龄段的人学习使用。何时学都不为早,何时学也不为晚。正文In the military, computers are being used to d

46、esign both conventional and strategic weapons. These military computers are special purpose computers expensive computers designed to perform only one function.Computers are working everywhere now.在军事上,计算机用来设计常规武器和战略武器。这些军用计算机是特殊用途的计算机昂贵的、只能起一种作用的计算机。我们已经发现计算机无处不在。正文witnessvt. 目睹,作证dramaticadj. 戏剧性的

47、,生动的investmentn. 投资,可获利的东西inventoryn. 存货,详细目录alertn. 警报,提醒estaten. 状态,不动产,阶层weldn. 焊接,接缝 vt. 焊接depreciationn. 贬值,减价,跌落生词wholesalen. 批发 adj. 批发的warehousen. 仓库,货栈postaladj. 邮政的,邮局的diagnosevt. 诊断scenen. 现场,场面,情景,景色astronomern. 天文学家invalidn. 病人,伤残者remedyn. 药物,疗法 vt. 治疗,补救 生词sophisticatevt. 篡改,曲解,诡辩 n. 久

48、经世故的人leisuren. 空闲,闲暇,安逸availableadj. 可利用的,有用的retirementn. 退休,撤退militaryadj. 军用的,军事的strategicadj. 战略的,战略上的performvt. 旅行,执行,表演split-secondadj. 瞬间发生的,片刻的生词主要内容Notebook Computers1.3正文生词Notebook computers are the further development of PCs. The primary innovation is to ensure the performance and speed of

49、 the new generation of notebook computers, so that users who are used to their powerful PCs on the desktops need not computers while they are on the road (traveling on the duty, doing business outside office, interviewing guests or audience in public places, or even accessing to Internet anywhere th

50、ey go). Today, notebook computers are no longer the “luxury toy” of executives as they are now more affordable than ever before.笔记本电脑是个人计算机(PC)的进一步发展。初步的创新就是要保证新一代的笔记本电脑的性能和速度,这样,习惯于使用功能强大的台式机的使用者在路上(出差,在室外做生意,在公众场合进行采访,甚至在任何地方访问因特网时)转用笔记本式计算机也不会牺牲性能和速度。今天,笔记本计算机不再是经理们的“奢侈玩具”了,因为的价格比以前更低,人们可以轻松买得起它。

51、正文Higher performance of CPUs, multimedia technology, as well as bigger memory and large-capacity silicon chips allow manufactures to put in fancier things into notebook computers. For example, as some executive prefer their notebook computers and their desktop PCs to be one system, so docking statio

52、ns are provided. For Apples Duo line, models 210 and 230, two docks are available, which provide their users with the mobility of notebook computers with the advantages of a desktop base.性能更高的CPU、多媒体技术以及容量更大的存储器和容量更大的硅芯片使得制造厂家可以把更多奇妙的东西装进笔记本电脑里。例如,有些经理们喜欢把他们的笔记本电脑与他们的台式机合成为一个系统,于是停泊台就出现了。Apple 公司的Du

53、o 系列,210和230 型机有两种停泊台,使使用者既有笔记本式计算机的流动性,又有台式机的优点。正文The Duo allows users to dock the notebook computer at home or the office, and charge the batteries while they use the machine as a desktop, with extra hard drives or DVD-ROM. IBM provides a portable docking station for its Thinkpad 750 series that h

54、as an AT-bus card slot, and interfaces for five SCSI (Small Computer System Interface) devices, full-motion video, loudspeakers and space for mass-storage DVD-ROM. Today, a unattached notebook computer can also satisfy the users needs.Duo 允许使用者把笔记本电脑在家里或在办公室停泊在停泊台上,在把它当作桌面式计算机使用时给电池充电,只要附加硬盘驱动器或DVD-

55、ROM。IBM为它的Thinkpad 750系列提供便携式停泊台。该机种有一个AT总线卡插座和连接5只SCSI(小型计算机系统接口)的设备,全动式图像和扬声器的插口和连接大容量存储器,包括DVD-ROM(插口)。今天,一个独立的笔记本电脑也能够满足用户的需求。正文Taking into consideration that executive on the move work under some demanding space constraints like on an airplane, notebook computers are supporting other methods of

56、 input besides keyboard. Compaqs Concerto notebook computer has an interactive keyboard and pen. The pen is an intelligent pointing and input device. It is the ideal mouse replacement, since it can initiate a command just by tapping the screen. Documents can be edited with “gestures” redefined symbo

57、ls for common edits like inserting or deleting characters. The pen-keyboard combination may have particular advantages in Asian languages.考虑到在旅程中的经理们工作在受到制约的环境中,例如,在飞机里,笔记本电脑支持除了键盘以外的输入方法。Compaq的Concerto笔记本电脑有交互式键盘和光笔。这光笔是智能的触指和输入工具。它是理想的鼠标替代物,因为它在显示屏上一点就可以启动一条命令。用“手势”就可以编辑文件重新定义符号,做一般的编辑工作,如插入或删除字。

58、这种光笔、键盘的结合会对亚洲语言特别有利。正文To make the Compaq notebook easy to use, the company preloads all models with the Tab words, software for launching, organizing and accessing applications and documents. This graphical interface looks like a notebook-diary to encourage intuitive working.为了使它的笔记本式计算机容易使用,Compaq

59、公司利用Tab-words预先把所有的模块加载到计算机里;Tab-words是一种软件,用来启动、组织和访问应用程序和文件。这种图形接口貌似笔记本的日记,有助于直观的工作。正文In summary, the trend of notebook computer is as follows:Faster speed: Processors used are now usually fast CPUs, (for example, Intel Duo Core 2 running at 1.66 GHz);Multimedia capabilities: to support microphone

60、, headphones, video-performance, DVD-ROM;Easier input methods: Pen, Voice, and even speech recognition in future;Built-in data communication support: Build-in modem, even wireless support;Lighter (for example, Sony, 1 kg) although packed with more features.总起来说,笔记本电脑的发展趋势是:速度更快,使用的处理器是快速的CPU (例如,因特尔


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