1、 外文资料翻译附件 1:外文资料翻译译文智能车辆本世纪初期,在计算机和信息革命的影响下,汽车经历了性能和与驾驶者之间的互动方面最富戏剧性的变革。1908 年,亨利福特 T 型车的出现体现了汽车设计上的重大突破。它不仅开创了轻松更换零件和大量生产的先河,而且其“用户友好”的运作方式,让任何人都可以轻松驾驶。近 90 年来,类似于福特 T 型车的简单汽车越来越少,汽车迅速成为了一种复杂的“移动电脑”,扮演着领航者,护航者,甚至第二司机的角色。这些新特性不仅改变了我们的驾驶方式,还提高了运输服务质量和挽救生命的能力,并对美国工业的竞争力提供了支持。然而,智能车的表现不仅如此。相反的,使车辆更加智能的
2、这些组件,如新信息,安全性和自动化技术,是作为零配件抵达市场的,或作为可选设备,或作为售后服务的特殊配件。为了提高司机的安全性,这些技术不断发展并上市销售。但是个别的技术还没有得到整合,不能创造出与司机高度协作的完全智能的车辆。汽车行业已经意识到并解决了潜在的不协调技术的大量涌入问题。但他们的进步受到技术和经济障碍,不确定的消费者喜好,不完善的标准和准则的阻碍。此外,无论是传统的汽车制造商或是政府监管机构(除非安全问题非常明显)都不能控制售后的产品的使用,特别是在卡车和公共汽车的使用方面。然而,还没有一个“以人为本”的智能车辆试图整合和协调各种技术以解决问题。我们也许1 不仅仅会失去实现新的车
3、载技术的机遇,甚至可能会在无意中降低行车的安全性和性能。意识到智能车辆的重要性和汽车设计中人为因素所产生的潜在危险之后,交通部于 1997 年启动智能车辆倡议(IVI)。这一举措旨在加快汽车系统的发展和集成,用以帮助汽车,卡车及巴士司机更安全和有效地操作。20 世纪 80 年代的电视连续剧“霹雳游侠”功能的智能车辆可以跨越颇高的大厦,似乎驾驶超音速本身,对坏人间谍,并有英文用词和管家的个性。这款车不仅是聪明,但自作聪明。虽然在现实世界中的智能车辆将无法飞越站在交通,他们将有强大的能力。正如所设想的国际疫苗研究所,智能车辆将能够提供路线指示,感觉对象,警告即将发生的碰撞司机,自动信号在紧急情况下
4、帮助司机保持警觉,并可能最终能够接管驾驶。信息和机动车辆的电脑为基础的技术,然而,是不是新的用途。将广泛的汽车电脑开始了旨在提高车辆运行和驾驶员舒适性技术的 20 世纪 80 年代。这些技术包括电子控制燃油喷射发动机的性能,特别是减少汽车排放,提高燃油经济性,防抱死制动系统,以帮助司机保持在湿滑路面控制,巡航控制系统以减轻司机的驾驶很长一段乏味。而这些技术主要是加强对车辆,在车辆技术的最新波,其中最感兴趣的是 IVI 的能力的目的,是智能交通,旨在加强对驾驶员的能力的系统。这些系统包括预警和信息,驾驶辅助和自动化技术。正如人们具有不同的专业能力,不同类型和层次的车载智能车辆技术赋予“情报”,以
5、补充该驱动程序。驾驶员信息系统,扩大了驾驶员的路线和地点的知识。预警系统,如防撞技术,提高驾驶员的感知能力发生了什么事在周围环境的。自动化和驱动技术援助和模拟驾驶者的思想和行动,以实际操作或在紧急情况下,长时间的车辆暂时的。但是,在智能车辆将扩大司机的能力,它也可能会增加司机的传统角色。特别是,在新车内的技术中,人的作用扩大从感觉运动技能,写道托马斯谢里登,教授谁负责的人机系统实验室在美国麻省理工学院(MIT),“这一规划,程序员,在自动化,诊断者,监控学习者和管理者 ITS 的研究显示出将在智能车辆中应用的许多技术的好处可行性。路线引导系统将帮助司机更好的行驶在不熟悉的街道或找到到达目的地最
6、快的路线。1992 年和 1993 年,在交通部主办的奥兰多 TravTek 实地测试中显示,配2 备了路线引导系统的游客驾驶汽车减少了 30%的车辆转错弯的问题。与使用纸质地图的游客相比,节省了 20%的时间。防撞系统可以加强交通安全规范,完全防止交通事故的发生。据研究表明,如果司机能多半秒钟反应时间,就可以避免 60%的岔路交通事故和 30%的迎面相撞,而 75%的车辆事故是由司机走神造成的。国家公路交通安全管理局(NHTSA)估计每年美国应用于这三类的防撞系统能够避免 110 万次交通事故,占总交通事故数的 17%。而这能够挽救 17,500 人的生命(安全带和气囊约挽救 10,500
7、人)并挽回260 亿美元的损失。其他的安全设施正在测试中,包括自动撞击告知系统,当一辆汽车的安全气囊弹出时,该系统会自动发出求救信号,而昏睡司机警告系统可以防止在汽车行驶过程中司机昏昏欲睡。车内自动化系统可以在紧急情况下接管驾驶,或在允许长时间行驶的情况下自动驾驶。1996 年,国家公路交通安全管理局开始实地测试智能巡航控制系统该系统能够自动调整车辆行驶速度,与前方车辆保持安全距离以评价这种技术在安全方面的影响。更加戏剧化的一幕出现在名为“放开手,放开脚”的驾驶中。去年夏天,由交通部和其他 9 个公、私营组织合办的全国自动公路系统联盟(NAHSC)在圣地亚哥 I-15 号路一段 12 公里的测
8、试路段示范了未来全自动车辆的原型。未来,自动公路管理系统将在速度越来越高、车距越来越短的高速地段提高交通管理者 2-3 倍的监管力度。该系统也可能消除人为操作错误引发的交通事故的发生,提高路段的安全性。除了为乘客提供安全和高效的交通以外,联邦政府预计,智能汽车固有的发展趋势也有可能提高美国的经济竞争能力。为了让智能汽车发挥出它最大的潜力,它们必须能够与智能交通基础设施系统和其他的智能汽车沟通交流,例如,与智能基础设施系统沟通可以使智能汽车了解事故的发生然后实时主动地选择路线。智能汽车还可以作为探针,将有关于路段条件的信息发送给智能基础设施系统,用以创建更加丰富的道路条件基本信息。此外,全自动汽
9、车应当还可以在某种程度上依赖于智能基础设施系统和其他的智能汽车提供的引导。例如,不久前圣地亚哥的美国直升机协会(AHS)显示,在保险杠下安装有磁动传感器的自动汽车,成功被植入路表下方 1.2 米的磁铁引导行驶。在未来的 5 到 10 年,我们应该能够看到具有特别驱动信息和报警系统能力的3 第一代产品。随着信息的发展这些系统将日益完善。虽然防撞系统会提供一些自动的援助,司机们仍然持有汽车的完全控制权。此外,因为和智能基础设施系统有了初步的沟通能力,汽车将在路段条件的实时侦查方面更加智能化。约 10 至 15 年,一些改进措施的应用将为我们带来更好更智能的第二代产品。虽然司机仍然有汽车的完全控制权
10、,但防撞系统将可以在紧急情况下采取暂时控制。另外,更加精密的语音识别系统将被纳入司机与汽车的互动方面。车辆之间能够互相沟通,以提高防撞能力。当然,与智能基础设施系统的沟通也将更加积极有效。大约 20 年,在第三代产品中,我们将能看到完全自动化的公路系统,车辆和基础设施的整合系统,司机与汽车之间更加贴近的互动,如视觉增强和平视显示仪的使用。回顾一个世纪泛滥如洪的技术,汽车作为一项尤为突出的动力学发明而鹤立鸡群。在下个世纪,这种活力将推动信息和计算机技术的发展。我们未来的挑战是整合新的信息,安全和自动化技术,用以创造以人为本的智能车辆,提高安全性、地面传动效率和经济竞争能力。4 5 附件 2:外文
11、原文The Intelligent Vehicle InitiativeIn the wake of the computer and information revolutions, motor vehicles areundergoing the most dramatic changes in their capabilities and how they interact withdrivers since the early years of the century.In 1908, Henry Fords Model T exemplified major breakthrough
12、s in automotivedesign. Not only did its interchangeable parts inaugurate easy and economical massproduction, but its user-friendly operation allowed almost anyone to drive. Nearly 90years later, the motor vehicle is resembling less and less Fords simple machine andquickly becoming a complex mobile c
13、omputer, capable of acting as a navigator, asafeguard, and even, a second driver. These new capabilities will not only change howwe drive; intelligent vehicles could also enhance transportation services, save lives, andbolster the competitiveness of U.S. industries.However, intelligent vehicles aren
14、t quite here. Instead, the components that makevehicles smarter - new information, safety, and automation technologies - are arrivingon the market as piecemeal accessories, offered either as optional equipment by newvehicle manufacturers or as speciality components by after-market suppliers. Thesete
15、chnologies are being developed and marketed to increase driver safety, performance,and convenience. These individual technologies, however, have yet to be integrated tocreate a fully intelligent vehicle that works cooperatively with the driver.The automotive industry is already aware of and addressi
16、ng potential problemsassociated with the uncoordinated influx of technology. But their progress is hamperedby technical and economic obstacles, uncertain consumer interest, and insufficientstandards and guidelines. Also, neither original vehicle manufacturers or governmentregulators (unless safety p
17、roblems are clearly proven) have control over after-marketproducts, especially their use in trucks and buses. However, without a human-centereddesign approach for the intelligent vehicle that attempts to integrate and coordinatevarious technologies, we may not only lose the opportunity to realize th
18、e benefits6 offered by new in-vehicle technologies, but we could inadvertently degrade drivingsafety and performance.Recognizing the importance of smart vehicles and the potential for unintendedconsequences if human factors are not placed at the center of their design, DOTlaunched the Intelligent Ve
19、hicle Initiative (IVI) in 1997. This initiative aims toaccelerate the development, availability, and use of integrated in-vehicle systems thathelp drivers of cars, trucks, and buses operate more safely and effectively.The 1980s television series Knight Rider featured an intelligent vehicle thatcould
20、 leap moderately tall buildings, drive itself at seemingly supersonic speeds, spy onbad guys, and had the diction and personality of an English butler. The car was not onlysmart, but smart-alecky. Although intelligent vehicles in the real world will not be ableto fly over standing traffic, they will
21、 have formidable capabilities. As envisioned by IVI,smart vehicles will be able to give route directions, sense objects, warn drivers ofimpending collisions, automatically signal for help in emergencies, keep drivers alert,and may ultimately be able to take over driving.The use of information- and c
22、omputer-based technologies in motor vehicles,however, is not new. Widescale computerization of motor vehicles began in the 1980swith technologies designed to enhance vehicle operation and driver comfort. Thesetechnologies included electronic fuel injection to control engine performance,particularly
23、to reduce vehicular emissions and improve fuel economy, antilock brakingsystems to help drivers retain control on slippery roads, and cruise control to relievedriver tedium during long stretches of driving. Whereas these technologies wereprimarily aimed at enhancing the capabilities of the vehicle,
24、the most recent wave ofin-vehicle technology, which is of most interest to IVI, are the intelligent transportationsystems designed to enhance the capabilities of the driver. These systems includewarning and information, driver assistance, and automation technologies.Just as people possess different
25、specialized abilities, in-vehicle ITS technologiesendow vehicles with different types and levels of intelligence to complement thedriver. Driver information systems expand the drivers knowledge of routes andlocations. Warning systems, such as collision-avoidance technologies, enhance the7 drivers ab
26、ility to sense whats going on in the surrounding environment. And driverassistance and automation technologies simulate a drivers thinking and physical actionsto operate a vehicle temporarily during emergencies or for prolonged periods.But while a smart vehicle will extend the drivers capabilities,
27、it will alsopotentially expand the drivers traditional role. In particular, in the midst of newin-vehicle technologies, the human role expands from that of sensory-motor skill, writesThomas Sheridan, a professor who heads the Human-Machine Systems Laboratory atthe Massachusetts Institute of Technolo
28、gy (MIT), to that of planner, programmer,monitor of the automation, diagnostician ., learner and manager.8Integration: The Key to Human-Centered DesignA key criteria of human-centered design is ensuring that a technology provides theintended benefits without engendering unintended adverse consequenc
29、es. Driving is apotentially dangerous activity that requires attentive and alert drivers. Althoughtechnologies in the vehicle can enhance the drivers capabilities and comfort, they canalso create potential distractions that transform even the best driver into a road hazard.The National Public Servic
30、es Research Institute, for example, found that individualswith cellular phones in their cars had a 34-percent higher chance of having a collisionITS research has already shown the benefits and feasibility of many of thetechnologies that will be contained within intelligent vehicles:Route guidance sy
31、stems will help drivers better navigate unfamiliar streets or findthe quickest route to their destinations. In the TravTek field test in Orlando, sponsoredby DOT in 1992 and 1993, tourists driving vehicles equipped with route guidancesystems made 30 percent fewer wrong turns and shortened their trav
32、el times by 20percent compared to drivers who used paper maps.Collision-avoidance systems will expand the paradigm of traffic safety fromprotecting the occupant of the vehicle to preventing accidents altogether. According toone study, 60 percent of crashes at intersections and about 30 percent of he
33、ad-oncollisions could be avoided if drivers had an additional half-second to react. Nearly 75percent of vehicular crashes are caused by inattentive drivers. NHTSA estimates thatthree types of collision-avoidance systems could prevent 1.1 million accidents in the8 United States each year - 17 percent
34、 of all traffic accidents. These same systems wouldsave 17,500 lives (compared to the 10,500 lives saved by seatbelts and airbags) and $26billion in accident-related costs. Other safety innovations that are now in testing includeautomatic collision notification systems, which will immediately signal
35、 for help if avehicles air bag deploys, and drowsy-driver warning systems that will keep driversfrom falling asleep at the wheel.In-vehicle automation systems will temporarily take over driving duringemergencies or allow autopiloting for prolonged durations. In 1996, NHTSA began fieldtesting intelli
36、gent cruise-control systems, which will automatically adjust a vehiclescruising speed to maintain a safe distance from vehicles ahead, to evaluate the safetyimpact of this technology. In a more dramatic step towards hands-off, feet-off driving,the National Automated Highway Systems Consortium (NAHSC
37、), which is apartnership of DOT and nine other public and private organizations, demonstratedautomated vehicle prototypes on a 12-kilometer test section of I-15 in San Diego thispast summer. In the future, automated highway systems will allow traffic managers todouble or even triple the effective ca
38、pacity of highways by increasing speeds andshortening distances between vehicles. Automated highways could also potentiallyimprove highway safety by eliminating accidents caused by human error.Aside from delivering safety and efficiency benefits for the traveling public, thefederal government expect
39、s that indigenous development of intelligent vehicles couldpromote Americas economic competitiveness.For intelligent vehicles to reach their maximum potential, they must be able tocommunicate with an intelligent transportation infrastructure and with other intelligentvehicles. For example, communica
40、tion with a smart infrastructure would allow anintelligent vehicle to learn of incidents and then proactively suggest alternative routes inreal time. Smart vehicles could also act as probes that could send information abouttravel conditions back to the infrastructure to create a richer base of knowl
41、edge abouttravel conditions on roads and highways. In addition, fully automated vehicles willlikely rely to some extent on the guidance provided by an intelligent infrastructure andon communication with other smart vehicles. For example, in the recent AHS9 demonstration in San Diego, automated vehic
42、les with magnetic sensors under theirbumpers were guided by magnets implanted at 1.2 meter intervals just below the roadsurface.Over the next five to 10 years, we should see the first generation with advances inthe capabilities of individual driver information and warning systems. These systemswill become increasingly integrated with information coordinated through displays.Drivers will still maintain full control over their vehicles although collision-warningsystems will provide limited automated assistance. In addition, vehicles woul
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