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1、Question 6: Characteristics of a Limited Company from a legal /structure of firm. (Topic 2 P14-P20)Also be aware ofthe Modified Circular Flow ofe. (Topic 3 P53-P55)a) Limited companies are also known as incorporated companies. Limitedhis instance meanst the owners no longer have unlimited liabilityf

2、or the debts of their companies. This is covered in the UK by theCompanie1985.1. From the legal angle, if you want to creaimited companyhe UK,two legals are required:One is Memorandum of Assotion(公司章程,公司组织大纲),which is used to regulate the companys assotion with the outsideworld. This includes elemen

3、tch as1)the name of the company, whiust end in Limited (for the UK),2)a sement regarding the limited liability of the owners, includingwhether they would be responsible for any outstanding debts if thecompany was wound up.3)objects clause(对象条款).-this specifies the scope within which thecompany can e

4、xercise its separaegalality and so on.Another is Articles of Assotion, which is used to regulate theernal administration of the company. This includes elementch asie and transfer of shares, rights of shareholders, meetings of members,appoment of directors, and procedures for producing and auditingac

5、counts.2. other aspects ( also the structure angle) of a limited company:1) Company administration. All companies musve directors(董事)and a secretary. The directors are selected by the shareholders to run thecompany. And the secretary is responsible for specifiks includingfiling reports and accounts

6、with the Register of Companies(公司).2)Shareholders are individuals or institutions who own the company andexercise control over it.3) Company reports and accounts. The annual repors to be produced.All companiesve a share capital must make a return to theRegister of Companies. This includes an audited

7、 (审计的资产负债表)Balanheet and Profit and Loss accountt gives a true represenionof the tranions(办理处理业务) fort year.4) Liquidation(偿付,公司清盘) and receivership(受管理状态).E.g.is a limited company, which has its ownMemorandum of Assotion and Articles of Assotion. Thename of the company, the limited liabilities and

8、shareholders etccan be foundhose legals. As for structure, all theapartments belong to the shareholder meeting. Human resourdepartment, finanl and economic committee, strategy anddevelopment committee and audit committee are under theshareholder meeting.3. As for a public limit company (PLC), it mus

9、ve a minimumshare capital of 50,000, compared to 100 of a privaimited company.It musveeast two directors and a PLC can offer its shares anddebentures (公司债券) to the public.b) Circular flow ofe refers to the means by whioney circulatesin an economy betn households and firms. The level of wealth within

10、an economy is influenced by theeractions betn households, firmsandernment.he modified circular flow ofe circular, firmsprovide goods and servito the households, and the households offerlabors to the companies. And meanwhile, households get salary formemployment and then spend it on goods and servit

11、firms produced.Here flows from households and firms toernment arehe form ofsavings, taxation and imports. Thee received from theernmentflows to firms and householdshe form of exports, capital purchasesandernment spending. Every paymens a receipt in response of itby which aggregate expenditure of an

12、economyes identical toaggregatee and makes this circular flow and unending.E.g. Legend Holdings. (联想公司) offers PC and so on toconsumers. To havee, people enter the company for jobs, whichprovides labors to the company. Then they use their salary to purchasethe products. Part of the benefits product

13、by the circle will be withdrawnas savings and taxation. On the other hand, exports,ernment spendingetc. will be injected to it. This circle contributes to the development ofboth sides of the circle.1. Question 7: The traditional 4 Ps of Marketing(Topic 5 P16-P25P29)Product, price, place and promotio

14、n is a set of controllable tactical(战术性的策略的) marketing elementst the firm blends(混合) toproduce the response it wantshemarket , also known astraditional 4 Ps of marketing.1. Product.Product is anythingt can be offered to a market for attention,acquisition (获得,获得物), use or consumptiont might satisfy a

15、want or need. It includes physical objects, servi,s, pla,anizations and ideas. Serviare also productst consist ofactivities, benefits or satisfactionst are offered for sale and areessentiallyangible.1) There are three levels on which products can be differentiated.a) Core product. It refers to the p

16、roblem-solving servior corebenefitst consumers are really buying when they obtain a product. It isthe essential basics needed to compete in a product market.E.g.: When a consumer buys a PC, the core product he obtains is itsability to run software and display the result.b)Actual Product. It refers t

17、o a products parts (零件), qualitylevel, features, design, brand name, packaging and other attributestcombine tiver core product benefits.E.g.: When a consumer buys a PC, its brand name, like HP, which isactual product will be pred on it to differentiate with others.c)Augmented(增广的,扩张的) product. It re

18、fers to the additionalconsumer serviand benefits built around the core and actual products.It offers features, servior benefitst gonormal expecions.Fiercer competition force market leaders to produce augmented productsto meet the increasing demand of customers. And then market followerssee aitive re

19、sponse and also produce augmented products. Consumersthen expect augmenion as standard, so companies have to create newservietc. to differentiate their products.e.g.: When you buy a PC, the free installation and free broadband(宽带) connection for a year etc. provided by the business areaugmented prod

20、ucts.Another additional category highlighted by Levitt (1986) is Potentialproduct, which includes all the features and servicet could beenvisaged (正视,认为) as benefil to customers, i.e. What can be usedto differentiate the product next?Product planners should think about the product on these three lev

21、elsto make their products better. It is vitalt company is capable offulfilling (使满意) differentiation strategy. The company must ensuredifferentiation is part of the overall corporate strategy to ensure fullsupport and also ensure full product range(完整的产品范围) is treated inthe same way to avoid consume

22、r confu2)Products are categorized according to their durability and on thetypes of consumerst use them:a)Consumroduct.It refers to products bought by final consumers foralconsumption. Consumroduct is dividedo six parts.A1)non-durable product, which refers to a consumroducttis normally consumed in on

23、e or a few uses, like plastic bags.A2)durable product, which refers to a consumroductt isusually used over an extended period of time andt normallysurvives many uses, like TV, the washing machine and so on.A3)convenience product, which refers to a consumroducttthe customer usually buys frequently, i

24、mmediay, and wiminimum of comparison and buying effort, like toothpaste,magazines and so on.A4) shopproduct, which refers to a consumroducttthe consumer,he pros of selection and purchase,characteristically compares with others on such bases assuitability, quality, price and style, like major applian

25、 TV,clothing and so on.A5) Spelity (特制品) product, which refers to a consumerproduct witique characteristics or brand identification forwhich a significant group of buyers is willing to make a spelpurchase effortE.g. some luxury goodch as Rolex watch,and so onare represenive of the spelity products.A

26、6)Unsought product, which refers to a consumroductt theconsumer either does not know about or knows about but does notnormally think of buying.e.g. life insuranceb)Industrial productIt refers to a product bought by individuals andanizations forfurthrosing or for use in conducting a business.E.g. Del

27、l buysel chips for its PCs2.Promotion.Promotion refers to activitiest communicate the product or serviceand its merits tocustomers and persuade them to buy. Andadvertising,al selling, sales promotion , public relations anddirect marketing makes up the promotion mix, which companies useto pursue its

28、advertising and marketing objectivesThere are five main promotion tools:1). AdvertisingIt refers to any paid form of non-al presenion andpromotion of ideas, goods or serviby an identified sponsor.2).al sellingIt refers toal presenion by the firms sales force for thepure of making sales and building

29、customer relationships3). Sales promotionIt refers to short-term incentives to encourage the purchase or saleof a product or service4). Public relationsIt refers to build good relations with the companysaudienby obtaining favorable publicity, building up a good corporateimage and handling or heading

30、 off unfavorable rumors, stories andevents5). Direct marketingIt refers to direct connections with individual customers to obtainan immediate response and generaasting customer relationshipsE.g. SNDA (盛大) corporation is famous for operating largeonline games. Its advertisement can be seen on TV and

31、web sets when anew online game comeso market. Except for ad, it also pays attentionto the public relations. For exle, onand other festivals, itsproducts will be cher and sometimes it also offers free properties()he games.3. PricePrice is the amount of money charged for a product or service, or thesu

32、m of the valuest consumers exchange for the benefits of having orusing the product or service.Pricing decis are influenced byernal factors and external factors.ernal factors include marketing objectives, marketing-mix strategy,costs andanization for pricing. External factors include nature of themar

33、ket & demand, competition (such as costs and priof competitors),and other environmental factors (such as economy, resellers,ernment).Companies set pribased three approaches.1) Cost-based pricing. It means adding a standard mark-up(涨价,增高标价) to the cost of the product. When calculate cost-basedpricing

34、, variable cost and desired return on sales should beconsidered.Eg: A mobile manufacturer has variable cost which is 1000, fixedcost, which is 300,000 ,expected sales which is 50,000 and20%mark up,then the final price per handset is(300,000/50,000+10)/(1-80%)=202)Value-based pricing. It means setting price based on buyersperceptions of product values rathern on cost,


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