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1、 -CAL-FENGHAI-(2020YEAR-YICAI)_JINGBIAN 教 案课程名称 新生代英语基础教程 1课 时班 级专 业教 师系 部教 研 室教 材 新生代英语基础教程 1教 学单 元单 元主 题Unit 2 “Its raining hard.”2 Fun facts on British WeatherChat TimeDo you mind if I borrow your umbrella?WritingPresent continuous tenseMy StoryThe weatherWarm-upHave students look at the picture

2、and askthem to tell you as much as they canabout it. Then, go through the questionsand complete each fortableandrelaxed mannerRead the paragraph together and checktheir answers.Vocabulary BuilderA and BHave the students listen and repeat thewords. Ask the students which wordsthey know and which they

3、 arent sureabout. The most difficult words on thislist are probably poncho and canceled. Ifyou have a real poncho, it may be goodto bring it to class. For canceled, you cangive an example of when school wascanceled recently, perhaps due to arelated to weatherand weather clothing3 public holiday or p

4、oor weather. Try torelate the vocabulary to students lives asmuch as possible.Talk about weather conditions withstudents. Ask questions like “ Do you likea rainy day”Students should answer in a completesentence beginning with “I like/dont likea day.”Finish the exercise and check theiranswers.C and D

5、For Exercise C, tell the students that theywill hear a weather forecast. Explain thata forecast is when people try to predict(or guess) what the weather will be.Review the words describing weatherwith students like sunny, rainy andstormy.To improve studentslisteningandcomprehension skillsShow some e

6、xamples to prime thestudents for the listening. Now, listen tothe forecast. Have students fill in thecorrect answers, pausing the recording ifnecessary. Check their answers and listenagain.Read though Words and Expressions. Askthem questions about their favoriteweather and then have them practicesuc

7、h conversations in pair.For exercise D, the teacher can design agame. Divide the class into six groups,each group choosing one task. Thenstudents select nouns that can go withthe adjectives in question. Use these4 words to make sentences or make up asmall story.First, have the students watch thepict

8、ures and read statements below. Askbasic comprehension questions such as,“Who are the main characters in thisvideo” “Where are they” “What are theydoing” “Why are they doing that” “Howare they doing it” Try to match eachstatement to the picture.Next, have students take turns inexplaining what is hap

9、pening in eachpicture. You can do the first picture, andthen have a more confident student trythe second one. To make it more fun, youcould choose two students, and thenhave them race to explain what ishappening in the picture. The studentwith the fastest and best explanationwins.B, C and DFor Exerc

10、ise B, have students read eachstatement. Play the video and remindthem to pay attention to how Naomi,Mateo and Hector describe the weather.Then have students finish the exerciseand check their answers. Ask studentswhy statement F is wrong.Before doing Exercise C, you may askstudents to guess the mis

11、sing words.Then play the video again. You can pausethe video when you reach the part of thedialogue with missing words and havestudents call out the answers. Check theiranswers and have them read thedialogue. (Ask three students to role-play5 or have boys read Hectors lines whilegirls Naomis and the

12、 teacher acts asMateo.)Finally, for Exercise D, have students putthe events is the correct order tocomplete Exercise D. Check their answersand read the sentences in correct ordertogether.If time permits, play the video but turnoff the volume. Have students dub thecharacters.First, have the students

13、read text quietlyand read through sentences in Exercise A.After they have finished the exercise,check their answers and ask them forproofs from the prehensionAsk students to read the text again inthree minutes. Then have them finish theExercise B. Make them understand thatthey dont need figure out t

14、he meaningof every word to answer the questions.For Exercise C, have students read newwordsinboxes. Correcttheirpronunciation. Then have them finish theexercise. Ask students to read thecomplete sentences and correct theirmistakes.DFor Exercise D, ask students to readEnglish expressions. If they enc

15、ounternew words, encourage them to guess themeaning. Then you may explain whatthey fail to understand. Have them finishthe exercise and check their answers.Finally, you say Chinese proverbs and letstudents say corresponding English ones.Toawaketheir6 For Exercise A, explain to students thatthey will

16、 hear a conversation betweentwo people discussing the weather.Encourage them to guess the missinginformation. Tell the students to listencarefully and write down what they hearin the blank spaces. If necessary, pausethe recording so that students have timeto write. Next, have students practiceasking

17、 a favor in pairs, monitoring themwhile they do so.speaking,For Exercise B, have students practice thedialogue in example in pair. Write morephrases such as “close the door, open thewindow, borrow your bike on theblackboard” for more practices.For Exercise C, have students perform adialogue about as

18、king for a lift in a rainyday. Monitor their performance andprovide help when necessary.WritingA, B and CHave students read the picture and teachthem how to get information from aweather forecast picture. Have them lookthrough words in the boxes and fill in theblanks. The teacher gives necessaryexpl

19、anation, such as the pronunciation of16. Check their answers and havethem read sentences.Have students finish Exercise B andencourage them to discuss with partners.For Exercise C, divide the class intoseveral groups. Group members discussand predict the weather condition onweekends. Look back to Exe

20、rcise A and Bas clues. Invite representatives toperform a weather forecast.GrammarA and BExplain to students that we use the7 present continuous tense to describe anaction happening now or in the very nearfuture. Give some examples such as “Youare sitting in class now.” “I am teachingyou now.” In ad

21、dition, point out that weuse it for actions that happen “close tonow,” for example, today or tonight.Again, give examples, asking yourstudents “What are you doing today /tonight”Remind students that the structure weuse for this tense is “Subject + be + v-ing.” Write this structure on the boardand ha

22、ve students practice out loud. Youmay also want to briefly explain the rulesof adding “ing.” Students essentially needto know the rules regarding “e” (cut eadd ing), “ie” (cut ie add ying), such ashave and take; and consonantshortvowelconsonant (in which we doublethe last consonant), such as put and

23、 run.Once students seem comfortable usingthe tense, have them do Exercise A,checking for mistakes when they arefinished.Have students make up a short storyusing continuous tense with the pictureand words given. Ask questions andanswer based on the picture. Do this inpair or in group.Tell the student

24、s that they will see a video inwhich real people talk about the weatherin the places they come from. A placestudents may not know is “Jamaica.”Now watch the video and have studentscomplete the true or false statements. Incomprehension andspeakingability8 Watch the video again and havestudents write

25、in the missing words,pausing the video if necessary. Check thestudents answers, correcting anymistakes.课后学习设计Finish all the exercises in Unit 2.Read the text in this unit again and try tosummarise its content.课后总结与反思您正在收听的是您最喜欢的广播电台,“波浪”调频广播。今天是星期二。以下是本周后几天的天气预报:9 1. Its ten after three. 三点过十分了。5:10 ten past five (ten after five)10:05 five past ten (five after t


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