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1、 PAGE 页码 12 / NUMPAGES 总页数 12译林版四年级下学期英语期末综合复习积累练习班级:_ 姓名:_ 单词拼写1. 看图片,将单词补充完整。2. 单词拼写。(1)星期日_(2)星期一_(3)星期二_(4)星期三_(5)星期四_(6)星期五_(7)星期六_3. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1._the housework2._songs3._a bike 4._a kite5.take_4. 按要求完成下列各题。1.juggle(名词)_ 2.do(第三人称单数)_3.teach(第三人称单数)_ 4.he(宾格)_5.has(原形)_5. 补全下列单词,并翻译成中文。1. sev

2、_ _( ) 2. ei_ _teen( ) 3. fi_e( )4. s_x( ) 5. thr_ _( ) 6. _ _ght( )7. tw_( ) 8. fi_teen( ) 9. m_ _ning( )6. 单词拼写(词汇运用)。1.We want to s_in the sea. 2.I go to Shanghai by p_. 3.She is going to v_the Great Wall tomorrow. 4.T_is a cat under the chair. 5.Her f_is round and her eyes are big.7. 找出下列各组中同类的单

3、词,写在横线上。1thin tall quiet eye dog three to one run_2fork table soup spoon door aunt knife pen beef_3brother family parents ten cousin beef music tiger grandpa_4vegetables maths bedroom chair kitchen rice bathroom short noodles_5take bread phone computer chicken study window fish strong_8. 按要求,写单词,并用适

4、当的形式填空。1.The_(mango)areonthetree.2.Doyouhave_pies?No,butIhave_hotdogs.(some)3.Idontlike_(peach).4._(that)areyellowbananas.6.Pleaselet_(our)makeafruitsalad.7.Dontrunwith_(I).8.Wouldyoulike_icecream?Yes,_.9._youlikehorses?No,Idont.填空题9. 将下列单词归类。note big milk side Jonestime hope fine fit Cokewin Tom ga

5、me hot racename lake doll dog nine1_2_3_4_5_10. 选择括号内正确的单词填空。1I like_. (robot; robots)2_ is Nancy. (She; Her)3Her hair_ long, and his eyes_big. (is; are)4Look at_(our; we) doll.5_(Those; That) toys are for Yang Ling.11. 用给出动词的正确形式完成句子。1Tom is_(play) with his toy cars.2Do you_(want) some rice?3Daming

6、 can swim. Look! Hes_(swim).4Are you going_(run) 400 metres on sports day?5At the Spring Festival, we_(eat) a lot of food.12. 将下列单词或词组分类。A. art roomB. PE classC. getD. goE. teachers officeF. music classG. libraryH. eatI. Chinese classJ. computer room1English class_2music room_3read_13. 根据提示将下列词语归类。f

7、at, under, black, young, cute, near, in, dog, pig, yellow,two, blue, four, book,three, storybook,Englishbook1under_2fat_3black_4cat_5two_6book_选择题14. 选出与所给例词划线部分发音相同的一项。1horse ( )A.nurse B.world C.fork2work ( )A.homework B.born C.morning3hen( )A.come B.second C.these4bean( )A.eat B.head C.breakfast5

8、girl( )A.doctor B.computer C.hamburger15. This is the _. ( )A.vegetable garden B.vegetables garden C.vegetable gardens16. Of course. Here you _. ( )A.are B.is C.has17. Thebagisverypretty.Ill _it. ( )A.play B.take C.read18. Look at the potatoes. _ are so big. ( )A.It B.they C.They句型转换19. 按要求改写下列句子。1.

9、 Those books are thick. (改为同义句,意思不变)2. I can seeAlices dogin the photo. (对句子主题意思提问)3. What can you do with your nose? (根据实际情况回答)4. The sun rises behind the hill in the morning. (改为一般疑问句)5. you, red, green, apples, apples, like, or, do, (.) (连词成句)20. 按要求改写句子。1.Marysfatherisadriver.(否定句)2.Hasherdeskma

10、tegotanyblueskateboards?(肯定句)3.Grandmaisacook.(主题提问)4.Playwithfire,children.(否定句)5.Wearesad.(主题提问)How_you_?6.Iamabusdriver.(一般疑问句)21. 句型转换。1. It was my birthday on Saturday (变否定句)It_my birthday on Saturday2. She isreading a book.(对句子主题意思提问)_is she_?22. 按要求完成句子。1.Write on your book.(改为否定句)2. Id like

11、some coffee.(改为一般疑问句)3.This isMikesjacket. (对句子主题意思提问)4.This jacket is Mikes.(改为复数句)5.My shirt is short.(改为同义句)23. 句型转换。1I am in front of the river.(改为否定句,但意思不变)I am_the river.2This is the office. Its teachers.(合并成一句)This is the_.3Her sister cansing and dance.(根据句子主题意思提问)_can her sister_?4There is a

12、 pencil in the case.(改为复数句)_some_in the case.5I have some bread.(改为一般疑问句)_you_any bread?阅读理解24. 阅读短文,根据短文内容,选择正确的选项。(1) Where are Tom and his father? They are _.A. at school B. at home C. at the zoo(2) Whats Toms fathers job? Hes a _.A. B. C.(3) How many years is Tom in school? _ year(s).A. 1 B. 8 C

13、. 18(4)The underlined word(画线单词) letters means(意思是) _.A.信 B.字母 C.相片(5)Which of the following is Right?( )A. Tom is a good student.B. English Alphabet has 26 letters.C. Father can answer (回答) Toms question (问题).25. 读短文,填空完成句子。Dogs are colour-blind (色盲的)Dogs are mans good friend. Some dogs are big, an

14、d some dogs are small. Dogs are very clever, but they cannot see colours. They are colour-blind. In a dogs eyes, everything is black, white and grey. How can a dog hunt (捕猎) for food then? Dogs can run very fast. They can hear and smell very well too. Many animals cannot see colours, Lions, tigers,

15、cats, cows and sheep are all colour-blind. But monkeys can see colours. Many birds, fish and insects con see colours too.(1)In a dogs eyes, everything is,and grey.(2)Dogs cannot see colours, but they canandvery well.(3)Dogs,andcannot see colours.(4)and many, and insects can see colours.26. 阅读下文,判断正误

16、。Hello, boys and girls. Im Kitty. Im short. Im thin. I can draw my teacher.Look, this is my teacher. Shes a new teacher. Shes Mrs Wang. Shes tall. She is big. She can dance and swim. She can ride a bicycle, too. Look at the bicycle. Its not blue.Its red. Its new. I like her bicycle. Can you ride a b

17、icycle?( )(1)Kitty is a fat girl.( )(2)She can draw Mr Wang.( )(3)The teacher is new.( )(4)The teacher can swim and dance.( )(5)The bicycle is new and blue.27. 阅读对话,判断句子正误。( )(1)There are forty students in Bobs class.( )(2)There are two American girl in Bobs class.( )(3)The library is on the first f

18、loor.( )(4)Bob is going to the teachers office.( )(5)Bob wants to say hello to the teacher.28. 阅读理解,判断正误。正确的用“T”表示,错误的用“F”表示。A: Good morning, Su Hai. B: Good morning, Nancy.A: Whats that? B: Its a big basketball.A: Is that your ball? B: No, it isnt. I think(认为)its Liu Taos.A: Wheres Liu Tao? B: In t

19、he library.A: I want(想)to get the ball for him. B: OK. Here you are.1The football is big.(_)2Its Su Hais ball.(_)3Liu Tao is in the library.(_)4Its in the morning.(_)5A is Su Hai. B is Nancy.(_)29. 阅读短文,判断下列句子,正确的写(T),错误的写(F)。This is my new friend. He is Tom. He is very tall and strong .He has short

20、 hair and two big eyes. He has a new schoolbag. Its orange and white. Whats in the schoolbag? Let me have a look. There are three storybooks, a maths book, a Chinese book , two English books and a pencil box . Its so heavy.( )1. Tom is my new friend.( )2. Tom is short and thin.( ). He has short hair

21、 and two big eyes.( )4. Tom has a new black and white schoolbag.( )5. Toms schoolbag is heavy.30. 读对话,判断正“T”误“F”。Peter: Hi!Dad,look at this picture. This is our classroom.Dad: Oh,its so big.Peter: Many people are cleaning the classroom. Amy is cleaning the windows. Mike is cleaning the board,and Che

22、n Fang is sweeping the floor.Dad: Oh,good boys and girls.Peter: Look! Dad,I have a new friend.Dad: A Chinese friend?Peter:Yes.Dad: Boy or girl?Peter: My friend is a boy. He has short black hair and big eyes. He is tall and strong.Dad: Whats his name?Peter: His name is Zhou Chong.()1. Our classroom i

23、s small.()2. Amy is cleaning the windows and the board.()3. Peter has a new friend.()4. Peters friend is American.()5. Zhou Chong is a boy. He has short black hair and big eyes.31. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。I lost my pencil box this morning. I put it in my desk. Its blue and black. The picture on it is a toy

24、car. Its new. There is a red pen, two pencils, two rulers, three erasers and three candies in it. I like it very much. Can you help me find it?( )1. My pencil box is blue and black.( )2. My pencil box is in my desk this morning.( )3. I have two pens in my pencil box.( )4. My pencil box is new.( )5.

25、I put my pencil box in my schoolbag.32. 阅读理解,判断下面的句子与文章描述是否相符,相符“”,不相符打“” 。This is Amys family. There are seven people in her family. Her parents are doctors. They work in a big hospital(医院). They are good doctors. Her uncle and her aunt are teachers. Her uncle is a math teacher. Her aunt teacher(教)English. They are not in the same(相同的)school. Her uncle works in No.2 Primary school(第二小学), and her au


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