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1、民营银行二百问目录作者: HYPERLINK D:私人文件总 裁 的 智 慧readwriter.asp?userid=1655&classid= t _blank 徐滇庆 文章来源:中评网 发表于2002-7-27 前言 .徐滇庆序言 .刘国光作者简介一、改革潮流的历史呼唤(1) 什么样的银行才是我们呼唤的民营银行?.巴曙松,徐滇庆(2) 民营银行有哪些优点?.徐滇庆,郑玉歆,郑德呈(3) 对内开放民营银行的战略意义是什么?.徐滇庆,郑玉歆(4) 现在发展民营银行的呼声已经起来了,为什么在国有银行中还有人认为没有操作性?.张维迎(5) 什么时候才能说开放民营银行的时机已经成熟?.徐滇庆(6)

2、 民营银行是早点还是晚点放开好呢?.张维迎(7) 为什么说民营银行的出现有利于培养中国的金融家?.徐滇庆,郑玉歆(8) 既然银行的规模经济非常重要,还有必要办些小银行吗?.徐滇庆,郑玉歆(9) 在未来的国际竞争中规模很小的民营银行能起什么作用?.徐滇庆,郑玉歆(10)民营金融是否在中国有足够的生存空间?.徐滇庆(11)老百姓会相信民营银行吗?.徐滇庆,姚洋(12)民营银行能长大吗?.曹远征,徐滇庆二、民营银行是中国发展战略的必然选择(13)为什么说一个国家的要素禀赋结构决定了它的最佳产业结构的选择?.林毅夫(14)为什么说中小企业在中国经济发展中起到决定性的作用?.林毅夫(15)为什么说中小企

3、业能给社会创造更多的财富?.林毅夫 (16)企业外部融资与内部融资有什么区别?.林毅夫(17)直接融资与间接融资有什么区别?.林毅夫(18)为什么发行股票或债权的融资方式在大多数情况下并不适合中小企业?. 林毅夫(19)为什么说银行业首先是金融“服务业”?.樊纲(20)为什么说中小金融机构比较适合对民营企业融资?.林毅夫(21)为什么说在发展中国家民营银行是为中小企业提供金融服务的主要渠道?.张新,王一文(22)为什么说当前中国金融结构的变迁决定了必须大力发展民营银行?.巴曙松(23)为什么说大力发展民营银行可以提高储蓄向投资转化的效率?.巴曙松三、支持中小企业的金融体系(24)什么是发展中小


5、营银行有些什么风险?.张新,王一文(35)民营银行能不能象民营企业一样,只要政府放开手就可以蓬勃发展?.巴曙松(36)政府在发展民营银行的过程中应当扮演什么角色?.史晋川(37)为什么在金融领域中“一放就乱”?.徐滇庆(38)为什么过去几度尝试对民间开放金融都不成功?.郑德呈(39)中小型银行的金融风险一定比大型银行更高吗?.林毅夫(40)为什么股份制银行并不一定保证现代经营管理机制?.徐滇庆(41)产权清晰就一定能够保证银行运行成功吗?.徐滇庆 (42)为什么特别需要重视基础性的体制建设?.樊纲五、民营银行与金融体制改革(43)究竟国有银行和民营银行孰优孰劣?.张新,王一文(44)开放民营银

6、行和国有银行改革有什么关系?. 徐滇庆,樊纲(45)如何在中国的金融领域逐步建立竞争机制?. 徐滇庆,曹远征(46)为什么国有银行出现了巨额不良贷款?.徐滇庆,曹远征(47)为什么国有银行贷不好款?.张维迎(48)为什么许多金融机构会说假话,报假帐?.徐滇庆,陆军(49)什么是金融行业的寻租现象?.徐滇庆,姚洋(50)近年来,中国融资结构发生了什么变化?.巴曙松(51)中国现有的储蓄投资转化机制有什么弊端?.巴曙松(52)为什么说当前国有银行的风险过于集中?.巴曙松(53)为什么国有银行的改革进展缓慢?.张曙光,林毅夫,曹远征(54)为什么说股份制银行以及民生银行都没有达成金融改革的目的?.徐

7、滇庆(55)为什么说没有适度竞争环境是国有银行缺乏改革动力的主要原因?.徐滇庆(56)究竟国有银行改革的症结在哪里?.徐滇庆,曹远征六、民营金融的国际经验(57)发达国家有没有中小型民营金融机构?.史晋川,王劲敏(58)世界各国民营银行的基本现状和发展趋势如何?.张新,王一文(59)世界各国的国有银行民营化有些什么成功的经验?.张新,王一文(60)民营银行大规模准入与政府金融监管能力之间有什么关系?.张新,王一文七、金融监管体制的国际比较(61)世界各国有哪些金融监管基本模式?.陆军,徐滇庆,杨再平(62)世界各国主要有哪些金融监管机构?.徐滇庆,汤敏(63)美国银行监管体制的特点是什么? .


9、展趋势(74)什么是格拉斯斯蒂格尔法的主要内容?.史晋川,王劲敏(75)为什么美国在三十年代大萧条之后推出格拉斯斯蒂格尔法?.史晋川,王劲敏(76)在什么时候美国废除了格拉斯斯蒂格尔法?.史晋川,王劲敏(77)美国废除格拉斯斯蒂格尔法的主要理由是什么?.史晋川,王劲敏(78)当前美国金融业的兼并风是怎么回事?.史晋川,王劲敏(79)目前的金融兼并风是否波及到欧盟金融业?.史晋川,王劲敏(80)什么是全能银行?.巴曙松(81)全能银行的基本特征是什么?.巴曙松(82)全能银行在经营发展中具有什么优势?.巴曙松(83)全能银行体制可能会有哪些负面影响?.巴曙松 (84)关于全能银行体制有哪些理论争


11、 加入WTO之后,如何监管进入中国的外资银行?.姚洋(95) 加入WTO之后,中小银行能够和外国大银行竞争吗?.樊纲 (96) 民营银行与金融开放之间有什么关系?.张俊喜(97) 对外开放金融领域需要遵循什么顺序?.张俊喜,史晋川(98) 开放民营银行有哪些前车之鉴?.徐滇庆(99) 在世界各国,外资银行进入当地金融市场有什么方式和特点?.张新,王一文十、民营银行的准入法规(100) 为什么需要民营银行准入法则?.茅于轼,陈平(101) 民营银行的市场准入原则是什么?.徐滇庆(102) 民营金融机构准入审查的要点是什么?.徐滇庆(103) 为什么只允许股份制的民营银行进入金融行业?.徐滇庆,汤

12、敏(104) 为什么对民营银行要有最低资本额的要求?.徐滇庆,陈平(105) 对民营银行的高层管理人员有些什么资格要求?.徐滇庆(106) 由谁来担当审查民营银行资格的任务?.茅于轼,陈平,徐滇庆(107) 如何实现民营银行准入过程中的公平竞争?.徐滇庆(108) 什么是审批的标准?申请人要符合哪些条件?.茅于轼,陈平(109) 出资人和银行的资产证明有些什么要求?.茅于轼,陈平(110) 银行章程应包括什么内容?.茅于轼,陈平十一、银行与金融监管(111) 为什么说银行面临很高的风险?.陆军,徐滇庆,汤敏(112) 为什么要对银行实行监管?.徐滇庆,史晋川(113) 什么是金融系统的信息不对

13、称问题?.徐滇庆,姚洋(114) 什么是金融行业的道德风险?.姚洋,徐滇庆(115) 为什么说不能让银行自身来解决和储户之间的信息不对称问题?.史晋川,王劲敏(116) 银行风险监管包括哪些内容?.陆军,徐滇庆(117) 银行业务监管包括哪些内容?.陆军(118) 银行市场退出监管包括哪些内容?.陆军(119) 为什么说及时关闭那些资不抵债的银行是保证金融体制稳定的一个重要条件?.徐滇庆(120) 银行自身的内部监管包括哪些内容?.陆军(121) 银行行业的自律监管包括哪些内容?.陆军(122) 社会力量的公开监督包括哪些内容?.陆军(123) 维护存款的安全的三种监管手段是什么?.史晋川,王

14、劲敏(124) 为什么说两级多元式金融监管体制不适合中国的国情?.徐滇庆十二、加强金融监管力度(125) 当前我国金融监管体制上的主要问题是什么?.董辅仍,杨再平,徐滇庆,史晋川,王劲敏(126) 历年来中国金融监管制度有哪些主要的变迁?.曹远征(127) 中国人民银行在整治金融违法方面采取了哪些动作?.曹远征(128) 我国有哪些金融机构退出了金融市场?.陆军(129) 如何让经营失败的民营银行退出金融市场?.陆军,徐滇庆(130) 目前的金融整治措施能不能有效地防范风险?.董辅仍,杨再平(131) 有哪些加强金融监管体制的建议?.徐滇庆(132) 怎么样才能加强金融监管的力度?.徐滇庆(1

15、33) 为什么说金融监管机构必须保持其独立性?.董辅仍,杨再平(134) 为什么金融监管体制必须多元化?.董辅仍,杨再平,徐滇庆(135) 如何发挥市场机制提高金融监管的效率?.史晋川,王劲敏,徐滇庆,姚洋(136) 是不是金融监管越多,欺诈行为就越少?.张维迎十三、民营银行金融监管制度创新(137) 中国金融监管制度创新的要点是什么?.徐滇庆(138) 民营银行监管制度设计的基本框架是什么?.陆军,樊纲(139) 如何实现金融监管体制的多元化?.徐滇庆(140) 什么是民营银行监管的三个支柱?.巴曙松(141) 民营银行应当建立什么样的内部风险资产评级和风险监控体系?.巴曙松(142) 为什

16、么民营银行需要全面风险管理的理念?.巴曙松(143) 为什么民营银行要主动通过信息披露接受市场的约束?.巴曙松(144) 怎样才能实现对民营银行监管程序的规范化和全程化?.巴曙松十四、银行存款保险制度(145) 为什么需要建立存款保险制度?.陆军,徐滇庆(146) 为什么有必要成立独立的银行存款保险公司?.徐滇庆(147) 世界各国的存款保险体系都是什么时候成立的?.陆军(148) 世界各国有些什么类型的存款保险机构?.陆军,徐滇庆(149) 在世界各国银行存款保险是强制性的还是自愿的?.陆军(150) 世界各国存款保险的范围有何不同?.陆军(151) 世界各国的银行存款保险体制是如何筹资的?

17、.陆军(152) 美国的银行存款保险制度有何特点?.陆军(153) 美国存款保险公司的具体职责是什么?.陆军(154) 美国存款保险公司拥有什么权力?.陆军,徐滇庆(155) 美国存款保险公司(FDIC)处理紧急情况的主要办法是什么?.徐滇庆(156) 日本的银行存款保险制度有何特点?.陆军(157) 存款保险制度的主要缺陷是什么?.陆军,徐滇庆(158) 为什么中国一直没有建立存款保险体系?.徐滇庆(159) 在中国建立存款保险体系的主要困难在哪里?.徐滇庆(160) 如何改进存款保险制度?.陆军,徐滇庆十五、金融审计与民营银行(161) 为什么审计事务所审计制度在西方行之有效,而在中国却难

18、以发挥作用?.许定波(162) 在世界上有多少金融评级机构?它们是如何运作的?.许定波(163) 如何建立具有中国特色的金融机构信誉评级制度?.许定波(164) 为什么必须要设计好审计机构的利益与成本?.徐滇庆(165) 什么是具有中国特色的金融审计公司?.徐滇庆(166) 银行监管系统和国家审计机构之间有什么关系?. 杨再平,董辅仍十六、香港的中小银行(167) 香港有多少家中小银行?.刘志强(168) 香港的中小银行有些什么特点?.刘志强(169) 香港的中小银行如何面对激烈的竞争?.刘志强(170) 香港中小银行是如何管理的?.刘志强(171) 香港中小银行的风险管理制度有什么特色?.刘

19、志强(172) 香港的金融监管体系有什么特点?.徐滇庆(173) 香港监管部门对中小银行是如何监管的?.刘志强(174) 香港中小银行在80年代以来银行危机中的表现如何?.刘志强(175) 香港中小银行的清算是如何进行的?.刘志强(176) 香港有没有银行存款保险制度?.徐滇庆十七、台湾开放民营银行的经验教训(177) 在什么时候台湾开放了民营银行?.徐滇庆(178) 台湾开放民营银行,在市场准入上有些什么教训?.徐滇庆(179) 目前台湾有多少家民营银行?.徐滇庆(180) 台湾的民营银行和中小企业之间有些什么联系?.徐滇庆(181) 台湾开放民营银行过程中如何解决高级管理人才的问题?.徐滇

20、庆(182) 台湾是如何改进金融监管体制的?.徐滇庆(183) 为什么在亚洲金融危机之后,台湾反而出现了金融震荡?.徐滇庆(184) 台湾的民营银行和股市之间有什么关系?.徐滇庆(185) 台湾如何处理破产的民营银行?.徐滇庆(186) 为什么说在台湾的基层金融机构是金融风险的一大隐患?.徐滇庆(187) 台湾是如何搞金融业培训的?.徐滇庆十八、民营银行试点的制度创新(188) 为什么要进行民营银行试点?.徐滇庆(189) 民营银行的试点是如何选定的?.徐滇庆(190) 民营银行试点的进展情况如何?.徐滇庆(191) 广东地区金融有什么特点?.郑德呈(192) 在广东创办民营银行有什么客观条件

21、?.郑德呈(193) 在广东试点民营银行混业经营的切入点是什么?.郑德呈(194) 浙江省的金融行业有何基本特征?.胡云耿(195) 浙江民营社区银行的生存空间是什么?.胡云耿(196) 陕西地区金融有些什么特点?.江其务,彭恩泽(197) 在西安创办一家民营银行有什么客观条件?.彭恩泽,员玉玲(198) 东北地区金融有些什么特点?.王振山,范立夫(199) 在东北创办一家民营银行有什么客观条件?.王振山,范立夫(200) 拟议中的东北的民营银行有些什么制度创新?.王振山,范立夫 (201) 江苏地区金融有些什么特点?.左学金,杨建文,潘正彦(202) 苏南民营银行试点有哪些制度创新?.左学金

22、,杨建文,潘正彦Private Banks in ChinaTable of ContentsChapter I Significance in Opening to Private Banks in China(1) What kind of private banks are we clamoring for?(2) What are the main advantages of a private bank?(3) Why do we need to open private banks in China?(4) Why did many officials in the state o

23、wned banks believe that it is impossible to open private banks in China?(5) What is the timing for opening to private banks?(6) When is the right time for a trial operation of private banks?(7) Why are private banks essential to the nurture of Chinas own financiers?(8) Is it still necessary to open

24、small banks since scale economy is important to banks?(9) What function can small-scale private banks play in the forthcoming international competitions?(10) Is there space large enough for private banks to survive?(11) Will Chinese civilians believe private banks?(12) Can private banks grow up?II.

25、Private Banks - Inevitable Selection in Chinas Development Strategies(13) Why should we say that it is the essential factor given structure of a country that decides the selection of its best industrial structure?(14) Why is it the small and medium-sized enterprises that have played a decisive role

26、in Chinas economic development?(15) Why is it the small and medium-sized enterprises that can create more wealth for the society?(16) What is the difference between an enterprises external and internal financing?(17) What is the difference between direct financing and indirect financing?(18) Why do

27、such methods of financing like issuing stocks or bonds are not adequate to small and medium-sized enterprises in most cases?(19) Why should the financial “service” be of the most and foremost importance in the banking sector?(20) Why should small and medium-sized financial institutions be more adequ

28、ate to handle financing for private banks?(21) Why should private banks constitute the main channel for the financing of small and medium-sized enterprises in a developing country?(22) Why should we say Chinas financial structural changes have determined that China has to develop private banks in a

29、big way?(23) Why can development of private banks in a big way improve the efficiency in the conversion of deposits to investment?III. Financial System that Supports Small and medium-sized enterprises(24) What are the main obstacles that hinder the development of small and medium-sized economies?(25

30、) Why do small and medium-sized enterprises find it very difficult to secure a loan when the balance is great between the interest rates for depositors and those for borrowers in a bank? (26) Why do small and medium-sized enterprises still find it very difficult to secure financing in spite of over

31、100 joint-stock banks and urban banks available already?(27) What are the financial policies supporting the small and medium-sized enterprises at present?(28) Why are there no marked results from these financial policies supporting the small and medium-sized enterprises?(29) What should be included

32、in the financial system supporting the small and medium-sized enterprises?(30) Why are illegal underground financial activities still active even if forbidden?(31) What causes the high-degree of monopoly in the banking sector?IV. Development Strategies for Private Banks(32) What are the fundamental

33、concepts in the development of private banks?(33) What kind of management structure should private banks establish?(34) What are the risks in opening to private banks?(35) Can private banks, like private enterprises, develop vigorously so long as the government lets loose its control? (36) What role

34、 should the government play in the process of opening to private banks?(37) Why does the chaotic situation always appear once the policy of opening to the financial sector is implemented?(38) What causes the failure in opening to financial sector in the past?(39) Will small and medium-sized banks be

35、 more liable to financial risks than their large counterparts?(40) Why cant joint-stock bank guarantee the adoption of modern management mechanics?(41) Can clearly defined property right guarantee the successful operation of private banks?(42) Why should special attention be paid to the basic system

36、 construction?V. Private Banks and Financial System Reform(43) State-owned bank or private bank, which is better?(44) What is the relationship between opening to private banks and reform in state-owned banks?(45) How can competition mechanism be gradually established in Chinas financing area?(46) Wh

37、y has immense amount of bad debts occurred to Chinas state-owned banks?(47) Why cant state-owned banks handle loans properly?(48) Why do many financial institutions liable to tell lies and report false accounts? (49) What is the “rental seeking” phenomenon in the financial sector?(50) What changes h

38、ave taken place in Chinas financing structure in recent years?(51) What is the malpractice in Chinas current conversion mechanism from deposits to investment?(52) Why should we say that the risks for Chinas state-owned banks are too concentrated?(53) Why is the pace for reforms in Chinas state-owned

39、 banks slow?(54) Why should we say that the establishment of joint-stock banks as well as Minsheng Bank (a private bank) has not fulfilled the aims of the reforms in Chinas financial sector?(55) Why should we say that lack of adequate competitive environment is the main reason for state-owned banks

40、lack of motivation for reforms?(56) What is the crux of problems in the reform of state-banks?VI. International Experience in the Operation of Non-state-owned Banks(57) Are there small and medium-sized private banks in the developed countries?(58) What is the basic status and trend in the developmen

41、t of private banks in various countries in the world?(59) What are the successful experiences in their privatization of state-owned banks in the World?(60) What is the relationship between approval of a large number of private banks to the market and government supervision capacity in the financial

42、sector?VII. Comparison of Financial Supervisory Systems in the World(61) What are the basic-forms of supervision in the world today?(62) What are the main monetary supervisory institutions available in the world?(63) What are the characteristics in the US banking supervisory system?(64) What are the

43、 characteristics in the European banking supervisory system?(65) What are the characteristics in the German banking supervisory system?(66) What are the advantages and disadvantages in the US mode of banking supervisory system?(67) What are the advantages and disadvantages in the UK mode of banking

44、supervisory system?(68) What are the advantages and disadvantages in the German mode of banking supervisory system?(69) What is the development trend in the supervision of banking sector in the USA and Europe?(70) What are the guidelines in the supervision of financial sector in the USA and Europe?(

45、71) What is the current globalization trend in the supervision of financial sector?(72) How is the supervision exercised over foreign-capital banks in the world?(73) What revelations can the comparisons between the supervisory modes in the US and European banking sector shed on Chinas financial refo

46、rms?VIII. Universal Banks and Development Trend in International Finance(74) What are the main contents of “Glass Stegall Law”?(75) Why should “Glass Stegall Law” be implemented after the great depression in the 1930s in the USA?(76) When was the “Glass Stegall Law” abolished in the USA?(77) What we

47、re the main reasons for the USA to abolish the “Glass Stegall Law”? (78) What is the merger and acquisition trend now prevailing in the US financial sector?(79) Has the merger and acquisition trend spread to the financial sector in the EU?(80) What is a universal bank?(81) What are the basic charact

48、eristics of a universal bank?(82) What are the advantages for a universal bank in business development?(83) What adverse effects may exist in the universal banking system?(84) What are the theoretical arguments as to the universal banking system?(85) What are the advantages and disadvantages for a s

49、uper-large bank?(86) How many banks go bankruptcy every year? How high is the cost for a bank to go bankruptcy?(87) What does it mean by turning the financial assets of a bank into securities?(88) Is it possible to turn the financial assets of a bank into securities on Chinas financial market?(89) C

50、an Euro facilitate the union among the banks in the EU member countries?(90) What effects has the liberalization in international finance had on the European and UK modes of financial supervision?IX. Relationship between Private Banks & WTO(91) Why is it necessary to open to internal private banks b

51、efore China opens to foreign financial institutions?(92) How strong will the adverse impacts be on Chinas financial industry upon Chinas entry into WTO? (93) Why can China evade the impacts from Asian financial crisis?(94) How can supervision be exercised over the foreign-capital banks that have ent

52、ered Chinas financial market after Chinas entry into WTO?(95) Can small and medium-sized banks compete with the foreign-capital banks that have entered Chinas financial market after Chinas entry into WTO?(96) What is the relationship between private banks and opening of financial sector?(97) What se

53、quence should be followed in opening to foreign financial sector?(98) What lessons can be drawn in respect of opening to private banks?(99) What are the ways and characteristics when foreign capital banks enter into the local financial markets in various countries in the world?X. Rules and Laws for

54、Opening to Private Banks(100) Why is it necessary to stipulate principles in approving private banks to the market?(101) What is the principle in approving private banks to the market?(102) What are the key criteria in the examination and approval of private financial institutions to the market?(103

55、) Why is it necessary to allow only joint-stock private banks to enter the financial sector?(104) Why is it necessary to set a minimum capital requirement for a private bank?(105) What is the qualification required for senior managerial personnel of a private bank?(106) Who is to take charge of the

56、examination of the qualification of a private bank?(107) How can fair competitions be realized in the process of approving private banks to the market?(108) What are the criteria for the examination? What qualifications should an applicant satisfy?(109) What are the requirements of a certificate for

57、 assets owned by a contributor and a private bank?(110) What contents should be included in the constitution of a private bank?XI. Banks and Financial Supervision(111) Why should we say that banks are confronting very high risks?(112) Why should strict supervisions be exercised on banks?(113) What d

58、oes it mean by imbalance in respect of information in the financial system?(114) What does it mean by moral risk in the financial sector?(115) Why is it impossible for banks to solve the problem of imbalance by themselves in respect of information between banks and depositors?(116) What should be in

59、cluded in the supervision of banks risks?(117) What should be included in the supervision of banks business operations?(118) What should be included when a bank market withdraws from the supervision?(119) Why is it an important condition to ensure the stabilization of the financial system to shut do

60、wn those banks whose assets cannot offset their debts?(120) What should be included in the internal supervision of a bank?(121) What should be included in the self-disciplined supervision in the banking sector?(122) What should be included in the open supervision of banks by the social power?(123) W


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