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1、绝密启用前翼教版六年级下册毕业检测英语试题考试范围:XXX;考试时间:100分钟;命题人:XXX考前须知:题 号四五六七八九十1-总 分得 分1.答题前填写好自己的姓名、班级、考号等信息2 .请将答案正确填写在答题卡上第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分1. I a Christmas gift for you yesterday. ()A. buysB. bringed2. Please listen to.()A. IB. weA. buysB. bringed2. Please listen to.()A. IB. weC. buyedD. broughtC. me3.

2、up, 2, 4, 6 and 8.( )A. StandA. StandB. SixC. Sit一What do you on Saturdays?()We often play with our cat.A. haveB. do. Look, the dog is behind the sofa.()A. hideB. hidingLook at the rabbit. Its fast.( )A. runingB. runningWhere Bob at seven oclock?()A. wereB. wasShe born in 1995, and she twelve now.一W

3、hat do you on Saturdays?()We often play with our cat.A. haveB. do. Look, the dog is behind the sofa.()A. hideB. hidingLook at the rabbit. Its fast.( )A. runingB. runningWhere Bob at seven oclock?()A. wereB. wasShe born in 1995, and she twelve now.C , readC. hidesC. runC. is)A. is; isA. is; isB. was;

4、 wasC. is; wasD. was; is.Do you have stickers?()一Yes, I have.C. any;anyA. any; someB. some; any. Please write the numbers 15 25.() 参考句型: There are .; The rabbits/birds are ; Oh, those monkeys are ; Theyre【点睛】cooks cooking#to cook【解析】【详解】句意:他们是厨师。他们喜欢烹饪。cook厨师,主语They是复数人称,故用复数形式cooks; cook烹饪,like doi

5、ng sth/like to do sth喜欢做某事,cook的动名词形式为cooking,不定式为 to cooko 故答案为 cooks; cooking/to cooko. Are having【解析】【详解】句意:格林一家正在吃做早饭吗?根据now,可知句子是现在进行时,结构为be+动词的现 在分词,the Greens表示格林一家,be用are, have的现在分词是having。故答案为Are, havingo【点睛】helpsteacherteacheschildren Chinesedon*tcountriesvisitgoingto swim【解析】句意:我爸爸是一名医生。他

6、病人。空格处缺少谓语动词,根据句意可知help帮助,符合。又因为主语He是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词help要用第三人称单数helps,故答 案为helps。句意:王小姐是一名 o她我们音乐。第一个空格处需要填名词,根据Music可知她是一名老师。teach教,动词,名词是teacher老师。第二个空格处填动词,teach教, 符合句意。又因为主语She是第三人称单数,所以谓语动词teach要用第三人称单数teacheso 答案第4页,共12页故答案为 teacher; teacheso句意:那些学习 吗?不,他们。第一个空格处需要填名词,child孩子,符合句意。those修饰可数名词复数,

7、所以child要用复数children。第二个空格处需要填名 词,根据句意可知Chinese“中文”符合。第三个空格是对D。引导的一般疑问句的否认回答, No, they dont.不,他们不学。故答案为 children; Chinese; donto句意:在许多,咖啡很受欢迎。空格处需要填名词,country国家,符合句意。又因 为many修饰可数名词复数,所以country要用复数形式countries,故答案为countries。 23.句意:南希总是她叔叔吗?空格处需要填动词,visit拜访,符合句意,does+动词原形。故答案为visit。句意:去公园怎么样? go to the

8、park去公园,动词短语。how about后接动名词,g。的动名 词形式是going,故答案为going。句意:你想 吗? swim游泳,符合句意。want to do sth.想要做某事,故答案为to swim。playing shouldnt【解析】【详解】句意:迈克喜欢踢足球。但他不应该在教室里踢。喜欢干某事like doing sth,根据常识得知, 不应该在教室踢足球,shouldn匕 故答案为playing; shouldnl。drawing#to draw【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:她喜欢 美丽的地方。like doing/to do sth喜欢做某事,draw画,动词原形,

9、现在分词drawing,不定式形式为to draw,故答案为drawing / to drawohas【解析】答案第5页,共12页【分析】【详解】 句意:她总是上舞蹈课。根据句意可知该句是一般现在时,主语She是第三人称单数,后面 的动词用第三人称单数has,故答案为has。【点睛】says【解析】【分析】【详解】 句意:每天早上每个学生都要说一些单词,say说,根据时间every morning可知该句是一般 现在时,主语Every student是单数第三人称,故say用第三人称单数形式says,故答案为says。【点睛】went【解析】【详解】 句意:昨天我去游泳了。昨天用过去时态wen

10、t,故答案为went。fun【解析】【分析】【详解】 句意:很有趣。fun当乐趣讲,是不可数名词,故答案为fun。【点睛】What are they doing?【解析】【详解】 原句句意:他们正在打篮球。画线局部是做的事情,用what提问,后面跟一般疑问句,are提前,故答案为What are they doing?My schoolbag is smaller than yours.【解析】【详解】答案第6页,共12页 句意为“你的书包比我的大。同义句是我的书包比你的小。故答案为My schoolbag is smaller than yours.Will you go to the be

11、ach?【解析】【详解】Wil为助动词,变一般疑问句时,需要将其提前,另外还要注意人称的转换.dont have any【解析】略Does that little boy want to be a writer?【解析】略DEABC【解析】句意:它是什么颜色?答语回答颜色,D它是黄白相间的。符合语境,应选D。句意:你能听到什么?答语回答能看到什么,E我能听到汽车的声音。符合语境,应选E。句意:这是球吗? 一般疑问句用yes或no回答,A不,它不是。符合语境,应选A。句意:它怎样?结合选项,答语回答它很甜。Its sweet.应选B。句意:它是什么?答语回答是什么,C它是个怪物。符合语境,应选C

12、。【点睛】March答案第7页,共12页thirdmonth. nightJuneturndrivercity【解析】【分析】四月March,专有名词,故答案为March。第三third,序数词,故答案为third。月份month,名词,故答案为month。夜晚night,名词,故答案为night。六月June,专有名词,故答案为June。转向turn,动词,故答案为turn。司机driver,名词,故答案为driver。城市city,名词,故答案为city。【点睛】are tellingwellhimbrought答案第8页,共12页cloudywroteworkswereinteresti

13、ngshopping【解析】.句子含义为“看!他们在讲故事。由look (看)可判断该句时态为现在进行时,现在进 行时结构为:be+doing,主语they为复数,be应该用are, tell的现在分词为telling,故答案 为 are telling o.句子含义为“这件夹克很适合我L该句中修饰动词应该用副词well,故答案为well。.句子含义为“那个女人对他很好: 介词t。后应用he的宾格him,故答案为him。.句子含义为“我昨晚给派对带了些苹果”,由last night可判断该句时态为一般过去时, 谓语动词应用bring的过去式brought,故答案为broughto.句子含义为“

14、昨天是乌云”,在英语中,形容词不能单独作谓语,必须要在前面加上be动 词来一同构成谓语,cloud的形容词形式为cloudy (多云的),故答案为cloudy。.句子含义为“我五年前给朋友写过信”,由five years ago (五年前)可判断该句时态为一 般过去时,谓语动词应用write的过去式wrote,故答案为wroteo.句子含义为“现在他每天都在努力工作”,由everyday (每天)可判断该句时态为一般现 在时,谓语动词应用work的过去式works,故答案为works。.句子含义为“学生们上周在上海“,由last week可判断该句时态为一般过去时,主语The students

15、为复数,谓语动词应用are的过去式were,故答案为were。.句子含义为“我有本很有趣的书,interesting和interested都表示“有趣的,interesting 通常用于修饰物,interested通常用于修饰人,此处修饰book (书),故答案为interesting。.句子含义为“今天下午我们去购物吧,doshopping意为“去购物”,是固定搭配,故答案 为 shoppingoBBAC答案第9页,共12页C【解析】文章讲述了妈妈让杰克喂鸡,但是杰克忙着玩电脑,最后鸡从鸡舍中跑出来,杰克不得不工 作一整天的故事。句意:杰克的妈妈让杰克做什么? A.玩电脑。B.喂鸡。C.吃一

16、些食物。根据原文Can you feed the hens?可知,杰克妈妈让杰克喂鸡。应选B。句意:杰克听妈妈的话并且立刻去喂鸡了嘛? A.是的。B.不是。C.我们不知道。根据原Jake put the food on the floor. He stayed at the computer.可知,杰克没有立刻去喂鸡。应选Bo句意:杰克妈妈感觉怎么样当她看到鸡在她的花园里? A.生气;B.开心;C.难过。根据 原文They have made a big mess! she shouted (喊叫).可知,杰克妈妈很生气。应选A。句意:a big mess是什么意思?根据原文可知,a big

17、mess是一团糟的意思。应选C。句意:杰克最后不得不做什么? A.把鸡放回鸡舍。B.喂鸡并清理花园。C.A和B。根据原 文 Jake had to put the hens in the hen house and get the hens some food. Jake had to clean up the garden too.可知,杰克A和B两项工作都要做。应选Co【点睛】打网球get to the park好主意go on a picnic11点半【解析】【分析】play tennis,动词短语,中文为打网球,故答案为打网球。答案第10页,共12页到达get to,公园the par

18、k,动词短语,故答案为get to the park。good好的,idea主意,名词词组,故答案为好主意。去野餐,动词短语,英文为go on a picnic,故答案为go on a picnic。half past eleven,名词词组,中文为11点半,故答案为11点半。【点睛】fly kitesin Beijingwatch TVturn left去睡觉二十元在左边长城【解析】放风筝,是一个动词短语,英文为fly kites,故答案为fly kites。在北京,是一个介词短语,英文为in Beijing,故答案为in Beijing。看电视,是一个动词短语,英文为watch TV,故答

19、案为watch TV。左转,是一个动词短语,英文为turn left,故答案为turn left。go to bed是动词短语,英文为去睡觉,故答案为去睡觉。答案第11页,共12页75.twenty二十,yuan元,故答案为二十元。on the left是介词短语,翻译为在左边,故答案为在左边。the Great Wall是名词词组,翻译为长城,故答案为长城。答案第12页,共12页A. to; toB. between; toC. from; to11. What did he do just now?()He told meA. how the machine startB.the mach

20、ine how to startC , how to start the machineD.the machine start how12.The catsleep.(A.loveB . lovesC.loves toD. love to13.Can you seeelephants?(A.anB someC.any14.What does itA.lookB. likeC.look like15.Wea new experiment this afternoon.(A. shall be to performB.will be to performC - are to be performe

21、dD.are to perform第H卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明16.今天是星期日,你去动物园看动物。请以“The Animals at the Zoo”为题写一篇小短文,介绍动物园里的动物正在做什么。要求:1.条理清楚,语法正确。2.书写规范、认真。3.不少于50个单词。(可能用至的单词:rabbit, elephant, bird, tiger; sleeping, eating, climbing, drinking.)The Animals at the Zoo髭n郛一一期祖邸氐酒派 o 郑 o 区 o 堞 o试卷第2页,共6页评卷人得分三、用单词正确形式填空17. T

22、hey are(cook). They like(cook).18 . the Greens(have) breakfast now?visit teach go drive help swim do child country ChinaMy father is a doctor. He sick people.Miss Wang is a. She us Music.Do those study? No, theyIn many, coffee is very popular.Does Nancy always her uncle?How about to the park?. Do yo

23、u want?Mike likes(play) football. But he(should) play in the classroom.She likes(draw) beautiful places.She always(have) dancing lessons.Every student(say) some English words every morning.Yesterday I(go) swimming.Its great(fun)四、对划线局部提问评卷入得分They are playing basketball.(就画线局部提问)评卷人得分五、同义句转换33. Your

24、schoolbagis bigger than mine.(改为同义句)军 评卷人 得分六、改写句子评卷人得分41. What is it?(髭n郛一一期祖邸氐酒派I will go to the beach.(改为一般疑问句)I have some hamburgers.(改为否认句)I hamburgers.That little boy wants to be a writer.(改写一般疑问句)评卷人 得分七、句子匹配A. No, it isnt.B . Ifs sweet.It9s a monster.Its yellow and white.I can hear cars. TOC

25、 o 1-5 h z What colour is it?()What can you hear?()Is this a ball?()How is it?()八、根据字母/中文提示完成单词单词拼写。42.四月 TOC o 1-5 h z 第三一月份夜晚试卷第4页,共6页46.46.六月47.转向48.司机49.城市评卷人得分九、按要求填空用所给单词的适当形式填空Look!They(tell) a story.The jacket fits me(good).The woman is nice to(he).I(bring) some apples to the party last nigh

26、t.It was(cloud) yesterday.I(write) letters to my friends five years ago.Now he(work) hard every day.The students(be) in Shanghai last week.I have an(interest) book.评卷入得分Lefs do(shop) this afternoon.十、阅读选择Jake was playing on the computer. Mum came in and said Can you feed the hens? Here is the fbod.

27、Jake put the food on the floor. He stayed at the computer. Flies came in thewindow and went down to the food. Mum came in and said “Look at all the flies! You have to feed the hens! But Jake stayed at the computer.The hens got out of the hen house and went into the garden. Mum looked out the window.

28、 She saw the hens in her garden. The hens are in my garden! They have made a big mess!” she shouted (喊叫).Jake had to put the hens in the hen house and get the hens some food.Jake had to clean up the garden too. He was working all day. TOC o 1-5 h z What did Jake9s mum ask Jake to do?()A. Play on the

29、 computer.B.Feed the hens.C.Have some food.Did Jake listen to hismum andfeed the hens at once?()A. Yes, he did.B.No, he didnt.C.We dont know.How did Jakes mum feel when she saw the hens in her garden?()A. angryB. happyC. sadWhat does “a big mess mean?()A. 一个大人物B. 一堆草C. 一团糟What did Jake have to do at

30、 last?()A. Put the hens in the hen house.B , Get the hens some food and clean up the garden.C. Both A and B.评卷人 得分十一、中英互译:单词/短语英汉互译。play tennis到达公园good idea去野餐. half past eleven短语英汉互译。放风筝在北京看电视左转. go to bedtwenty yuanon the leftthe Great Wall * o rib7 o * * *O 瑞 * O * * O . . O 氐 . O. *疆建任郛一一堞母鄙K-磐

31、* o rib7 o * * *O 瑞 * O * * O . . O 氐 . O. *疆建任郛一一堞母鄙K-磐试卷第6页,共6页参考答案:D【解析】【详解】略C【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:请听我说。A我,人称代词主格;B我们,人称代词主格;C我,人称代词宾格。listen t。听,后面的人称代词用宾格,应选C。【点睛】A【解析】略B【解析】【分析】【详解】句意:一在星期六你什么?一我们经常和我们的猫玩。A. have有;B. do做;C. read读; 根据答语可知B选项符合,应选B。【点睛】B【解析】【详解】句意:看,狗藏在沙发后面。横线处填hide的现在分词hiding,与is构成现在进行时,故 选B。B【解析】【分析】答案第1页,共12页【详解】句意:看那只兔子。它正在快速奔跑。It*s=It i


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