Welcome unit 词汇练习 高中英语新人教版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第1页
Welcome unit 词汇练习 高中英语新人教版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第2页
Welcome unit 词汇练习 高中英语新人教版必修第一册(2022-2023学年)_第3页




1、新人教高中英语必修一 Welcome Unit词汇练习一、用括号内单词的适当形式填空。To have a full discussion of the issue, they spent an hour (exchange) their ideas.The scientists have now set up a special group (exchange) information about the study. Some students feel that (exchange) gifts can help them make more friends.We have special

2、 programs (design) for customers aged above 60.The program is designed (help) people have been out of work for a long time.The study shows that those (live) the longest are (outgoing) than other people.While high school does not (general) encourage students (explore) new aspects of life, college set

3、s the stage for that (explore).The government announced a day of (nation) mourning for the victims.The whole class waited with (anxious) for the result of the examination.It was a close match and she stared (anxious) at the screen.The hall was full of people anxious (see) the famous actress.Tom talk

4、s to me like a child, which really (annoy) me.The picture book can best satisfy childrens (curious) about nature.She watched (curious)as I opened the box.Stress and tiredness often result in a lack of (concentrate).What was so (impress) about Jasmines victory was that she came first in the marathon

5、barefoot. (See) the tiger, the boy was .(frighten)We must concentrate our efforts on _(improve) education.二、用恰当的介词或连词填空。I am going to travel abroad,so I go to exchange some RMB _ dollars in the bank.We can exchange opinions the experts on this matter.Do you think he broke the vase design or chance?T

6、he houses are specially designed _ the old people.Parents are anxious our health and safety.I was annoyed him he kept disturbing me.She was annoyed her apparent indifference.I am curious what will happen next.I was so impressed one young man at my lectures.I wanted my music to make an impression the

7、 audience.My business partner is senior me two years.I have little confidence him.He answered the question confidence.Our school team is quite confident winning the game.I often go to either the English Corner _ the gym as my after-class activities.三、选择正确的词组填空,必要时可变换形式。by design concentrate on leave

8、 sb.alone look forward toregister for in exchange for out of curiosity give sb. a lectureI am teaching a foreigner Chinese_ her teaching me English.It is easy to suspect that these people are actually making our life harder _.The letter wasnt addressed to me, but I opened it _.I cant _ my homework w

9、ith all that noise going on.And I went up to her and she said she was going to _ classes for the next term.So thats it? Youve come all the way from London to _?When it comes to other peoples arguments, the sensible thing is to _.We all _ the day when the scientists can discover more secrets of the u

10、niverse四、翻译句子。1. 为了不去上学,她故意假装生病。(pretend 假装)_2. 这款游戏是专门为5岁以下的儿童设计的。_3. There is no smoke without fire._4. At night, I can never go to sleep without a novel in my hand._5. 人没有梦想就无法存活。_6.当我走进教室时,我发现我的一些同学已经在学习了。_7.我发现汤姆很诚实。_8.当我到的时候,我发现他们都出去了。_9.要是明天下雨怎么办?_如果有人决定打破这些规则怎么办?_答案:一、1.exchanging 2.to excha

11、nge 3.exchanging 4.designed5.to help, who 6.living, more outgoing 7.generally, to explore8.national 9.anxiety 10.anxiously 11.to see 12.annoys 13.curiosity 14.curiously 15.concentration 16.impressive 17.Seeing, frightening, frightened 18. improving二、1.for 2.with 3.by, by 4.for 5.about6.with, because

12、 7.at 8. about 9. by 10.on11.to, by 12.in 13.with 14.about 15.or三、1.in exchange for 2.by design 3.out of curiosity 4.concentrate on 5.register for 6. give me. a lecture 7.leave them alone 8.look forward to四、In order not to go to school, she pretended to be ill by design.The game is designed for children who under five years old.无风不起浪晚上我总要看小说才能入睡。Man cant live witho


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