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1、Unit 1 Past and presentWelcome to the unit一、单词1. past几过去2. present 机现在,目前just adn刚才二、短语1. past and present过去和现在2. in the bowl在碗里3. an hour ago一小时前你见过我的食物吗?Yes, fve just eaten it.一是的,我刚把它吃了。Have you seen my food?过去常常和我提供食物used to share food with me6. be so kind to me对我那么好不同时代的交通工具transport at differe

2、nt timesby bike/ bus/ underground/ car/ taxi/ coach/ train/ plane骑自行车/乘公交车/地铁/汽车/出租车/长途汽车/火车/飞机Why didnt you take a bus?你为什么不乘公交车呢?too many people 太多人It took a long time to wait for the next bus.花费很长时间等到下一班公交车。Its easy and fast (to go to school by bus). (乘公交车去上学)既简便又快捷。Unit 1 Past and presentGrammar

3、精品文档精心整理Unit 2 TravellingGrammar一、单词sand .沙;沙滩over结束marry历结婚,嫁,娶dead adj.死的九、短语play on the sand 在沙滩上玩by the way顺便说一下invite Andy to go fbr a picnic 邀请 Andy 去野餐go to the countryside 去农村be away from Beijing fbr a week离开北京一周be on/ over 开始/结束on the first day of the winter holiday在寒假的第一天keep the book with

4、 me for a few days将这本书在我身边保存几天Chinese gardens 中国园林精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 2 TravellingIntegrated skills一、单词beauty .美丽;美人seaside q打海边的sailing .帆船运动;航行except prep.除了以外view .景色,风景mountain .高山business .公事;商业;生意direct adj.直达的,直接的flight n.航班;航行十、短语theme park主题公园on business 出差places of natural beauty自然美景

5、区seaside cities 海边城市theme parks主题公园all year round 整年water sports水上运动go there in any season在任何季节去那儿Its dangerous to climb the mountains on cold and snowy days.在寒冷的下雪天去爬山很危险。The best time to go there is in spring. 春天是去那儿的最正确时间。There may be some rain. / It may be rainy.可能有雨。精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编

6、辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 2 TravellingStudy skills一、单词point 1 要点detail .细节十一、短语at that time of year一年的那个时候My dad has been to Chengdu on business twice.我爸爸去成都出差两次 了。take a direct flight to Chengdu乘直飞航班去成都main points 主要的要点during the winter holiday在寒假期间enjoy the natural beauty 欣赏自然美景精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit

7、2 TravellingTask、单词delicious adj.狭窄的seafood n.海鲜airport n.机场relative n.亲戚参观名胜古迹参观名胜古迹十二、短语1. visit places of interestdelicious seafood美味的海鲜leave for the airport动身去机场in the early morning在清晨5. three and a half hours5. three and a half hours三个半小时6. enjoy that day most6. enjoy that day most最喜欢那天7. buy a

8、 lot of presents for our relatives and friends给我们的亲戚朋友买了 很多礼物精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 2 TravellingReading I一、单词miss vt.想念,思念fantastic adj.极好的,美好的indoor adj,(在)室内speed n.速度ride n,乘坐(游乐设施)cartoon n.卡通片,动画片character n.人物such det.& pron.这样的(人或物)parade (庆祝)游行十三、短语roller coaster (游乐场的)过山车,环滑车such as例如mis

9、s you so much.我如此想念你。have a fantastic time 玩得很愉快have fun on Space Mountain在太空山玩得愉快an indoor roller coaster 室内 过山车move at high speed 快速移动scream and laugh through the ride整个行程都在尖叫大笑hurry to a restaurant to have a quick meal急忙赶去饭店匆匆吃了 一顿饭on the way to 在去路上meet some Disney cartoon characters遇见一些迪士尼卡通人物精

10、品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 3 Online toursWelcome to the unit一、单词online n.过去programme n.现在,目 前ah excl.(表示惊奇、高兴等)啊channel n.频道keyboard n,键盘unit n.机件,单位mouse n.鼠标screen n,显示屏,屏幕receive泣.收到,接到十四、短语1. remote control遥控器2. main unit2. main unit(电脑)主机3. word processing3. word processing文字

11、处理online tours 在线旅行look like a TV看起来像电视机Lets change the channel.让我们换频道吧。the remote control遥控苕浮chat with friends 和朋友聊天send and receive emails收发邮件Its fast and easy to use it to search for information.用它来查找信息又快又容易。watch videos 看视频精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理12. What do you usually use your computer for?你经常用电脑

12、做什么?精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 3 Online toursGrammar十五、单词dream vi. & 做梦,梦想passport n.护照短语learn to swim学会 了 游泳Daniel has already written two emails. Daniel 已经写 了 2 封电子邮件 了。visited many places of interest and ate lots of local food.我参观了许多名胜并且吃了许多当地小吃。dream of? about doing sth.梦想做某事travel around the wor

13、ld without a passport不带护照环游世界realize your dream by taking an online tour通过进行在线旅行实现你的梦想7.1 have never seen so many wonderful pictures. 我从未见过如此多精彩的照片。精品文档 可编辑的精品文档一、单词yet 还,仍recently adv.近来,最近past a”过去的三、短语Ive read the book many times. 这本书我已经读过屡次了。We havent seen each other for years. 我们已经好几年彼此没有见面了。te

14、ach us a lot about the history of China.教我们许多关于中国历史的知识over the past century 在过去的一个世纪learn more about Beijings past and present了解更多北京的过去和现在hear of the film 听说这部电影hear about the film听到关于这部电影的事精品文档精心整理Unit 3 Online toursIntegrated skills十六、单词coast n,海岸sail n.帆Australian q的.澳大利亚(人)的opposite n.对立的人(或物)mi

15、nd vt. & vL 介意print vt. & vi.打印,印刷pleasure .高兴,乐意二、短语My dad has just returned from the USA.我的父亲刚刚从美国回来。hope I can visit the USA some day.我希望有一天能访问美国。how to use the website 怎样使用网站The website takes you to different places around the world.这个网站带你去世界各地。find it at the top of the page在页面的顶部找到它on the north

16、-east coast of Australia在澳大利亚的东北海岸look like a ship with many sails看上去像带有很多帆的轮船精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 3 Online toursStudy skills十七、单词book预订,订(房间、车票等)10.短语Australian seasons are the opposite of ours.澳大利亚的天气和我们的相反。一Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour?你介意给我展示一下如何开始在线旅行吗?一Of course

17、 not. 一当然不(介意)。一Thanks for your help.一谢谢你的帮助。My pleasure. / If s my pleasure.不客气;不用谢。Can you help me with the heavy bag?你能帮我拎这个重的包吗?一With pleasure.一乐意效劳。an online course一个网上课程book tickets and hotels预订票和宾馆use English in daily communication在日常交流中使用英语精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 3 Online toursTask一、单词Engl

18、and n.(英国)英格兰queen n.女王ruler /i.统治者;管理者pound n.英镑European adj.欧洲的dollar n.美元十八、短语the best time to visit the UK访问英国的最正确时间an island country 一个岛国be made up of many islands 由很多岛屿组成The capital city is big and modem. Like China, the UK has a long history.这个首都城市规模大并且现代化。像中国一样,英国历史悠久。Kings and queens were o

19、nce rulers.国王和王后是曾经的统治者。in this old European country在这个古老的欧洲国家It has been the home of kings and queens for a long time.它长期是国王和王后的家。learn a lot about the worlds culture更多地了 解世界文化many places of natural beauty 许多有自然美景的地方The weather changes often there. 在那气候经常变化多端。Ifs sunny one minute, but rainy the nex

20、t. 时而晴,口寸而雨。prepare for sth.为某事做好准备精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 3 Online toursReading I一、单词guide .导游,向导icon .图标click 5点击Asia .亚洲Africa .非洲Europe .欧洲America .美洲world-famous。的.世界著名的,举世闻名的trade n.贸易southern adj.南方的,南部的international adj.国际的gather vt.&vi.聚集,集合huge adj.巨大的darkness /黑暗isl

21、and九岛屿several det. & 几个,数个lawn .草坪relax vi.放松,休息hard adj.辛苦的,艰难的musical n.音乐剧bottom n.底,底部pick vt.挑选精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理十九、短语around the world in eight hours八小时环游世界the tour guide 导游the icon at the top of the page页面顶部的图标click on the icon 点击这个图标the world-famous trade centre 闻名世界的贸易中心at the southern en

22、d of the island在这个岛屿的最南端many big companies and international banks很多大公司和国际银行Further on is Times Square.继续往下是时报广场。Thousands of people gather here on New Years Eve.在新年前夜成千上万的人聚集在这里。Its exciting to see the huge glass ball falling through the darkness.看到巨大的玻璃球在黑暗中落下,真是太令人兴奋了!in the centre of the island

23、在岛中心The park is a good place to relax after a hard days work.公园是人们辛苦工作一天后放松的好去处。It has been famous fbr its theatres since the early twentieth century.自二十世纪早期以来,它便以剧院闻名。be famous as作为而闻名精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 4 A good readWelcome to the unit一、单词read比读物cooking .烹饪,烹调novel .小说Germany n.德国knowledge n

24、.知识spare a的.空闲的;多余的French 法国(人)的writer .作者,作家ugly。的.丑陋的touch 感动,触动二十、短语a good read 一本好的读物Have you decided what to do with these books? 你已经决定怎样处理这些书 了吗?didnt know you liked books.我原来不知道你喜欢书。use them to reach the box on the fridge.用它们够到冰箱上的盒子What type of book do you like?你喜欢什么类型的书?a book about Germany

25、 in World War0 一本关于二战时的德国的书be interested in history books对历史书感兴趣improve my knowledge of the past增进我对过去的 了 解in your spare time在你的空余时间read novels and plays阅读小说和戏剧精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理the book by the French writer那个法国作家写的一本书The story of the ugly man really touched me.这个丑男的故事真正地感动 了 我。精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精

26、心整理Unit 4 A good readGrammar一、单词hand vi.交;递,给review力,评论return泣.归还renew 续借;更新;重新开始二H-一、短语hand in上交;递交and so on 等等on time 准时talk to him about the book 和他讲这本书advise us which to choose as after-school activities 建议我们选择哪些作为课外活动teach oneself how to use a computer to draw自学怎么用电脑画画Have you decided which to

27、read first?你决定先读哪个 了吗?find out how to travel around the world in such a short time弄清楚怎么能在如此短的时间内环游世界hand in the report 上交报告Tm still not sure what to write about in the report.我仍然不确定在报告中该写什么。write anything about your book写关于你的书的任何东西精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 4 A good readIntegrated skills一、单词series九一系

28、列;系列节目refuse近.&应拒绝;回绝publish泣出版success 5.成功translate odu 番切译sales adu【复】销售量copy adj.一本(份,册);副本Canadian vi, &泣.加拿大(人)的online adv.在线,联网二十二、短语publishing house 出版社so far 到目前为止at a time 每次,依次read some reviews about the book读一些关于这本书的评论keep the books clean and tidy使书保持干净整洁return the books on time 按时还书renew

29、 the books续借这些书remember to bring your library/ student card 记得带上你的借书证/学生证get the idea fbr the first story on a trip to London在去伦敦的一次旅途中萌生了第一个故事的想法All the British publishing houses refused to publish the book.所有的英国出版社拒绝出版这本书。精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 1 Past and presentIntegrated skills一、单词environment

30、 .环境transport .交通车辆,运输工具condition九环境,条件,状况return W.返回last adu最近,上一次;最后abroad q”到(在)国外primary。祝小学教育的;初级的communicate vi. & 交流,交际communication n.交流,交际exactly adv.(答语)正是,没错四、短语living conditions 生活条件travel to and from the town by bus乘公交车来去镇上Another big change is the many tall buildings in the town.另一个大的变

31、化是镇上的很多高楼。return from the USA/ come back from the USA 从美国回来go abroad with her parents 和她父母一起出国at primary school 在小学keep in touch with each other彼止匕保持联系mainly communicate by email 主要通过邮件联系精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理a great success一个巨大 的成功translate the story into 70 languages把这个故事翻译成 70 种语言400 million copie

32、s 4 亿册in over 200 countries and areas在二百多个国家和地区a Canadian writer一个加拿大的作者精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 4 A good readStudy skills一、单词sail L&W.航行hidden a的.隐藏的confidence .信 心、experience .经历,经验二十三、短语search for information on the computer在电脑上搜寻信息at a time 一次How long can I keep the books? 我能够借这些书多久?renew them

33、online在网上续借他们find them really interesting发现它们真的很有趣sail the sea to look for hidden treasure 航海去寻找隐藏的宝藏the main character in the book 书中的主人公give me a lot of confidence给我很多自信Fm not as shy as I used to be.我不再像以前那样害羞了。exciting experiences 令人兴奋的经历精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 4 A good readTask一、单词advice n.建议,

34、忠告,劝告librarian几图书管理员habit .习惯classical。的.古典的opposite prep.在对面; 与相反二十四、短语ask for advice on books询问关于书的意见my reading habits 我的阅读习惯different types of books不同种类的书the four great classical Chinese novels 中国的四大名著opposite my home在我家对面give me lots of advice on books给我很多关于书的意见help me relax after a busy day 忙碌一

35、天后帮我放松open up a whole new world to me向我开启一个全新的世界精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 4 A good readReading I一、单词against prep,紧靠,碰,撞tie 捆,绑over “ep.从一边到另一边stomach九腹部,胃until co灯,直到为止finger拉.手指tiny。力:极小的二十五、短语crash against the rocks 撞击那岩石swim as far as I can 奋力前游feel the land under my feet感觉到我脚下的土地be tired out筋疲力尽

36、fall down on the beach 摔倒在沙滩上go to sleep 睡觉My arms, legs and hair were tied to the ground.我的胳膊、腿和头发被拴在地上。look down 向下看the same size as my little finger和我的小手指一样大小the tiny person4、人fall over 摔倒continue moving across my body 继续在我身上移动try to pull one hand free试着挣脱一只手精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档

37、精心整理Unit 5 Good mannersWelcome to the unit一、单词10. turn .轮流,(轮流的)顺序1.mannersn.礼貌,礼仪;规矩2.eheccl.嗯,什么 ,啊3.politelyadv.礼貌地4.litter.垃圾,杂物5. tap77.水龙头;旋塞6.run近流动7.pickM采摘8.obey遵守,顺从9.queuevz.(A 、车等)排队 等候二十六、短语good manners良好的礼仪be old enough to do sth.年龄够大可以做某事share your things with others 和别人提供你的东西cut in (

38、on sb/sth)打断某人wait for sb politely礼貌地等待某人You are never too old to learn.活到老,学到老。drop littler everywhere 随处扔垃圾leave the tap running让水龙头一直流着pick flowers in the park 在公园里采花keep quiet in the library在图书馆里保持安静obey traffic rules 遵守交通规那么queue for your turn 排队等候你的顺序Anything else? 还有其他什么吗?put them back after

39、reading在读完后把它们放回去精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 5 Good mannersGrammar一、单词discussion .讨论express 表达二十七、短语join (in) the discussion力口入讨论express himself clearly清晰地表达他自己write down all the main points写下所有的要点be busy with sth./ be busy doing sth 忙于做某事public signs 公共标记in public places=in publi

40、c 在公共场合explain sth to sb/ explain to sb sth 给某人解释某事精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 5 Good mannersIntegrated skills二十八、单词publicadj. 公 共 的publicadj. 公 共 的explainwarnparkingvt. &vi.vt. &vi.警告n.公 开解,告停的释诫车litter vz. & vt.乱丢杂物litter vz. & vt.乱丢杂物11.短语keep us safe from danger使我们平安,远离危险warn sb of /about sth告诫某人某

41、事warn sb to do/ not to do sth警告某人做/不要做某事.No smoking/ photos/ parking/ littering 禁止吸烟/ 拍照/ 停车/ 乱扔垃圾be bright in colours 颜色醒目be successful 成功sth happened to sb.某人发生某事soon after不久以后精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 5 Good mannersStudy skills二十九、单词successfuladj.sometiine adv. (= some time)在某时riskvt.wormn,软 体pai

42、nn.gainindeed adu真正地practice.练 习;成功的冒险做虫,蠕虫痛,疼痛n.收获训练;实践成功的冒险做虫,蠕虫痛,疼痛n.收获训练;实践2. at one time一次性,同时candle n.蜡烛 12.短语 1. risk losing everything 冒险失去一切after years of hard work 几年努力工作之后No pain, no gain.一分耕耘,一分收获。A friend in need is a friend indeed.,患难见真情 o熟能生巧。熟能生巧。Practice makes perfect.bum the candle

43、 at both ends 燃烧蜡烛的两头精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 5 Good mannersTask三十、单词purpose .目的九内容;目录,归纳人, 宾 客九内容;目录,归纳人, 宾 客contentconclusion.总结guest.客host九主人;主持impolite adj.不礼貌的13.短语1. purpose of the talk演讲的目的teach students rules fbr eating 教学生吃的规那么It is impolite to make too much noise whil

44、e eating or drinking.吃东西或喝饮品时发出太大的声音是不礼貌的。Dont eat with your mouth open.不要张大嘴巴吃东西。Don飞talk with food in your mouth.不要嘴里含着食物讲话。reach over someones plate for sth.越过别人的盘子去够某物Wait for everyone to finish before you leave the table.等到别人吃完再离开。Mare sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the tabl

45、e.确保客人和主人在饭桌上都舒适/轻松自在。hold a talk 举办一次演讲find them useful发现它们有用above all 首要的是精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 5 Good mannersReading (I)一、单词1. proper adj.符合习俗的;正确的2.greet问候,打招呼3.kiss.杀吻4.closeadj.亲密的;严密的5.conversation九(非正式)交谈,谈话6.avoid注避免7.subject.话题;主题8.behavevi. & 表现9.public.民众群体10. push vi. & W.推,挤三十一、短语i

46、nvite Jenny to talk about manners in the UK 邀请 Jenny 去谈论英国 的礼仪the proper way to greet people和人们打招呼的正确方式shake one? s hand 与某人握手meet you for the first time 第一次见到你greet relatives or close friends with a kiss 用亲吻和亲戚朋友打招呼start a conversation 开始一次谈话avoid subjects like age, weight or money防止像年龄,体重或金钱那样的话题b

47、ehave politely in public在公共场所表现得有礼貌It s rude to push/ cut in before others.插队到别人前面是不礼貌的。bump into someone in the street在街上撞上某人in one s way挡住某人的路touch you or push past you 碰到你或从你身边挤过去excuse me 劳驾wait till you move 一直等到你移动精品文档 可编辑的精品文档15. as well (as)也,还有精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 6 Sunshine fo

48、r allWelcome to the unit三十二、单词train 5. & 接受训练;培训,训练the Olympic Games (= the Olympics) n. supportmeaningfuladj.有blind deafdisabled adj.残疾的奥林匹克运动会 TOC o 1-5 h z Vt.支持意义的M.瞎的adj. 聋 的elderly adj.年老的 homeless adj.无家可归的14.短语train to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games/ the Olympics受训成为一名奥运会的志愿者support me

49、 支持我Ifs meaningful to do sth.做某事是有意义的need some more food to eat 需要更多一些吃的食物at work在工作时the blind/ deaf? disabled/ elderly/ homeless/ poor (people)盲人/聋哑人/残疾人/年纪大的人/无家可归的人/穷人have no place(s) to live/ dont have any place to live没有住的地方write to the local government给当地政府写信provide special places for homeless

50、 people to stay为无家可归者提供居住的精品文档 可编辑的精品文档地方精品文档精心整理精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 6 Sunshine for allGrammar三十三、单词one-to-one adv,对地donatevt.捐-th献charityn.慈善;慈善机构organization (=organisation)n.机构,组织=v美one-on-oneblood n.血.短语give the seats to the elderly 把座位让给老人donate money to charities给慈善机构捐款many organizations

51、 彳艮多组织do their work one-to-one/ one-on-one 对土也开展工作精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 6 Sunshine for allIntegrated skills三十四、单词south-westn., adj. & adv,西 南 方north-west n., adj. & adv. 西 1 匕方project .工程,工程;课题.短语have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有困难make friends with sb.和某人交朋友donate blood to people in need给需要的人献血in

52、 the south-west/ north-west of Chinain South-west/ North-west China 在中国西南部/西北部in the southern/ northern part of China 在中国南/北部精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 6 Sunshine for allStudy skills三十五、单词n.n.引言;介绍introductiondisease n.疾病二、短语1. improve their lives改善他们的生活2. save our pocket money节约我们的零花钱learn about dif

53、ferent cultures 了 解不同的文化help our mind relax帮助我们的大脑放松teenagers9 after-school activities 青少年的课外活动精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 6 Sunshine for allTask三十六、单operation n.手术 survivor n.幸存者二、短语a serious blood disease 一种严重的血液病have/ do an operation 做手术as soon as possible 尽早,尽快lose ones life 丧生Many hands make ligh

54、t work.人多力量大give a helping hand伸出援助之手children without parents 没有父母的孩子earthquake survivors地震幸存者精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 6 Sunshine for allReading (I)三十七、单词volunteervi.&vt.expect vt.&vi.期待,指望;预料adultintellectual adj.智力的disability n.缺陷,障碍chanceevent 几(运动)比赛工程;大事volunteervi.&vt.expect vt.&vi.期待,指望;预料ad

55、ultintellectual adj.智力的disability n.缺陷,障碍chanceevent 几(运动)比赛工程;大事志 愿 做, 义 务 做n. 成 年 人机 会similaradj.necessary adj.必须的,必要的trainingtask 九任务,工作17 .短语volunteer fbr 当.的志愿者what to expect 期待什么他一生中最惊人的经历the most amazing experience of his life4. work as a volunteer4. work as a volunteer以志愿者身份工作give sb a chanc

56、e to do sth给某人一个做某事的机会children and adults with intellectual disabilities 有智力缺陷的孩子和成人be similar to 与相似give up their spare time放弃他们的空余时间receive training before doing the task在开始执行任务前接受训练精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 1 Past and presentStudy skills一、单词tiring。力使人疲劳的,累人的step .台阶;阶梯chopsticks n.(复)筷子五、短语be/ ge

57、t used to习惯于,适应于The Internet makes communication much easier. 因特网使得交流简单得多。all around至U 处run through the centre of town 穿过镇中心get/ be used to the changes of life quickly很快习惯生活的变化go to school by bus on ones own单独乘车上学精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理provide support for the athletes给运发动提供支持make the event a great suc

58、cess使比赛获得巨大成功a young boy from North China来自华北的一个小伙子the swimming coach游泳教练be bom with intellectual disabilities 生来有智力障碍join (in) the competition 参力口 比赛精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 7 International charitiesWelcome to the unitespecially 特别,尤其basiceducation .教育adj.equalrightspread .扩散;分布;展开adj.单词的 ,基 本的平等的

59、n.权利基 础二、短语learn/ know about some international charities了解一些国际慈善机构have some pocket money left 还剩些零花钱have five kilometers left还剩下五千米have a big lunch吃顿丰富的午餐Im too weak to walk any further. 我太虚弱,走不动 了。help build a better world for everyone帮着为每个人建立一个更好的世界provide basic education提供基石出教育work for the equal

60、 rights of girls and women 为女孩和妇女的平等权利而工作prevent the spread of some serious diseases among young people预防年轻人中一些严重疾病的扩散精品文档 可编辑的精品文档精品文档精心整理Unit 7 International charitiesGrammar、单leafletn.传单;散页印刷holdvt.举setvt.&vi.仓 ij建,建including 心,包括,包含二、短语hand out the leaflets分发传单hold a charity show 举行慈善演出be set up


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