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1、Why do we learn Accounting English?What are the learning objectives of Accounting English?Is Accounting English difficult?1CHAPTER 1ACCOUNTING:THE BASIS FOR DECISIONS2Learning ObjectivesExplain the definition of accounting;Understand the basic function of accounting;Understand the types of accountin

2、g information;Ascertain the users of accounting information and know why they need the information;Have a general idea of the professional fields of accounting and their duties.3Definition of AccountingAccounting is an information system designed to record, classify and summarize systematically sign

3、ificant financial and other economic information about business firms, and analyses and interprets its results, with monetary unit as its main criterion. 4Different expresses about “ 企业” in English BusinessEnterpriseFirm Accounting 会计(学)Accountant 会计师Bean Counter 56Accounting: Information for Decisi

4、on MakingThe primary objective of accounting is to provide information that is useful for making decisions.Types of accountingFinancial AccountingManagement Accounting Tax Accounting7Financial AccountingFinancial position 财务状况Result of operation 经营成果Income tax returns 纳税申报Question:Whats the purpose

5、of financial accounting?8 Management AccountingBank account 银行账户Owe to 欠债Question:Whats the purpose of management accounting?9Tax AccountingPrepare 编制Confirm to/with 与相一致Question:What functions does tax accounting encompass?10External usersInternal usersUsers of Accounting Information11Internal user

6、s of accounting informationQuestion:How to define internal users of accounting information?Who are internal users of accounting information?12Internal users of accounting informationMature = be due v.到期 Maturity n.到期Meet = pay off 偿还Inventory 存货Expense 费用Revenue 收入Earnings = profits 利润13Internal use

7、rs of accounting informationQuestion:Which decisions are to be made by internal users ?14External users of accounting informationWarranty obligations 保证责任Question:How to define external users of accounting information?Who are external users of accounting information? And who are the two primary exte

8、rnal users of accounting information? Which decisions are to be made by external users ?15Objectives of External Financial ReportingWholesale houses 批发商Debt-paying ability 偿债能力Return on investment 投资回报Return of investment 投资回收16Profession Fields of Accountingprivate accountingpublic accounting accou

9、nting for governments and nonprofit organization17Public AccountingCPA (Certificated Public Accountants)CPA firm普华永道(Price Waterhouse Coopers,PwC)安永(Ernst&Young,E&Y)毕马威(KPMG)德勤(Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu,DTT)安达信(Arthur Andersen)(已倒闭)ACCA (Association of Chartered Certificated Accountants)AICPA (Americ

10、an Institute of CPA)CICPA (Chinese Institute of CPA)18Auditing 审计,审计学Internal/external auditing Auditor19Private AccountingController 总会计师,会计主管Treasurer 财务主管Question:What are the responsibilities of accountants at the private business?20Accounting for Governments and Nonprofit Organizations21Merchan

11、dising Business ProductWal-MartGeneral merchandiseAInternet books, music, video retailerMajor Types of Businesses22Service Business ProductDisney EntertainmentMerrill Lynch Financial adviceMajor Types of Businesses23Manufacturing Business ProductBoeing PlanesFord Cars Major Types of Businesses24Ther

12、e are three types of business organizationsProprietorshipPartnershipCorporation25A sole proprietorship is owned by one individual. AdvantagesEasy formationLow cost of organizingtotal undivided authorityDisadvantageslimitation on size: fund raising powerUnlimited liabilitylife of entity: limited by o

13、wners choice or deathJoes 26A sole proprietorshipA sole proprietorship pays no separate income taxes. The owner merely adds any profits or subtracts any losses from the business when determining personal taxable income.This business form is widely used in service industry.27A partnership is owned by

14、 two or more individuals. AdvantagesRaise more fund than a sole proprietorship.Additional management skills.DisadvantagesUnlimited liability.life of entity: limited by owners choice or deathJoe and Martys 28A partnershipA partnership has two types: a general partnership and a limited partnership.In

15、a general partnership , all partners have unlimited liability for the debts of the firm. These partners are called general partners.29A corporation is organized under state or federal statutes as a separate legal entity.Advantagesseparate legal existencelimited liability of stockholderstransferabili

16、ty of ownership relatively easyDisadvantagesDouble taxation.Extensive governmental regulationJ & M, Inc. 3031Design of accounting systems会计制度设计包括会计核算制度,成本计算制度,内部控制制度,会计工作组织制度。32Internal control and auditing内部控制广义的讲是指企业的内部管理控制系统,包括为保证企业正常经营所采取的一系列必要的管理措施,贯穿于企业经营活动的各个方面。内部审计同样是一种内部控制,是服务于经营管理的。33内部审计对

17、内部控制的作用内部审计人员参与内部控制的制定内部审计人员监督内部控制的执行并对其进行评价内部审计在实际工作中独立于内部控制内控的设计、执行、检查和评估首先是经营管理部门的职责,而内部审计是在经营管理部门基础上的再监督。34What Is Accounting?The scope of accounting include first identifying economic events, then measuring, recording ,summarizing ,and reporting the information to users.Accounting covers a broa

18、der scope of activities than bookkeeping.summarization35Exhibit 1-1 Present the flow of information in an accounting system.Decision MakingEconomic EventsReports36What is bookkeeping?Bookkeeping is only the part of accounting that records transactions and events .Accounting includes the analysis and

19、 interpretation of accounting information intended to be used by both external and internal users in making economic decisions.37New Words, Phrases and Special TermsAccounting: the art or system of keeping and analyzing financial records 会计:指财务数据的记录、分类、汇总、计量和报告。主要用于反映企业的财务状况和经营成果,以及经营过程中的控制和经营决策的制定。

20、大中型企业的会计工作通常由主计长(controller)负责,其负责的工作范围一般包括财务会计(financial accounting/external account)、管理会计(management/managerial accounting/internal accounting)、数据处理(data processing)、内部审计(internal audit)、预算编制(budgeting)、税务会计(tax accounting)和财务分析(financial analysis)等项内容。 会计学:阐述会计理论与实务的一门学科。38New Words, Phrases and

21、Special TermsAudit:An independent examination of ,and the subsequent expression of opinion on ,the financial statements of an organization.This involves the auditor in collecting evidence by means of compliance tests(符合性测试) and substantive tests(实质性测试).39New Words, Phrases and Special TermsExternal

22、audits are required under statute for limited companies by the Companies Act and for various other undertakings, such as housing associations and building societies ,by other acts of parliament. 40New Words, Phrases and Special TermsInternal audits are performed by auditors within an organization ,u

23、sually an independent department ,such as an internal-audit department.Internal auditors examine various areas, including financial and non-financial concerns ,with emphasis on ensuring that internal controls are working effectively. Internal auditors may assist the external auditor of an organizati

24、on.41New Words, Phrases and Special TermsNon-statutory audits (非法定审计)can be performed at the request of the owners, members ,or trustees of an undertaking ,for example.Forms of financial statements ,other than the annual accounts, may also be audited; for example, summaries of sales made by an organ

25、ization.42New Words, Phrases and Special TermsAuditing: 审计:指有系统地审查会计记录和经营效率。审查者通常是与被审核单位无利害关系的独立审计师。独立审计师将审查结果报告给股东和债权人,以保护他们在企业单位中权益不受侵害。目前,经济发达国家大多数大型企业都进行年度审计,并且已经成为常规,有不少企业按按季或按月进行审计。除上述外部审计外,企业内部亦需要进行审计,借以防止舞弊行为和提高所属业务部门的经营效率。 审计学:会计学的一个分支,以审查会计记录和经营效率作为研究对象。43New Words, Phrases and Special Ter

26、msexternal audit 外部审计不是由企业内部审计师,而是由注册公共会计师进行审计。主要检查的对象是企业的年度会计报表。经过公共会计师签证的年度会计报表,才能够被社会公众所信赖。投资人和债权人需依据已审核的年度会计报表所反映的财务状况和经营成果,制定投资和信贷决策。internal audit 内部审计或称责任审计(responsibility audit)。指由企业内部专职审计人员所进行的审计。大中型企业通常设置内部审计部门,其主要审计内容是检查企业的内部控制制度(internal control system)是否正常执行,会计记录是否健全和完整,以及是否存在贪污舞弊情况等。44

27、New Words, Phrases and Special TermsCost accounting :成本会计Tax accounting :税务会计Budgetary accounting :预算会计Governmental and not-for-profit accounting :政府及非营利组织会计Human resources accounting : 人力资源会计Environmental accounting :环境会计Social accounting:社会会计International accounting :国际会计Tax returns:纳税申报单45Sentenc

28、esAccounting is an information system necessitated by the great complexity of modern business.One of the most important functions of accounting is to accumulate and report financial information that shows an organizations financial position and the results of its operations to its interested users.4

29、6SentencesBanks and other creditors must consider the financial strength of a business before permitting it to borrow funds .Also, many laws require that extensive financial information be reported to the various levels of government.47SentencesTo meet the needs of the external users ,a framework of

30、 accounting standards, principles and procedures known as generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) have been developed to insure the relevance and reliability of the accounting information contained in these external financial reports.48SentencesThe subdivision of the accounting process that

31、produces these external reports is referred to as financial accounting .会计过程中形成这类对外报告的分支,称为财务会计。49SentencesFor example, tax accounting encompasses the preparation of tax returns and the consideration of the tax consequences of proposed business transactions or alternative courses of action.50Individ

32、ualsBusinessesInvestors and CreditorsGovernment Regulatory AgenciesTaxing AuthoritiesNonprofit OrganizationsDECISION MAKERS WHO USE ACCOUNTING INFORMATION51Financial accounting provides information to managers and people outside the firmFinancial accounting information must meet certain standards of

33、 relevance and reliabilityManagement accounting generates confidential information for internal decision makers, e.g., Top executivesDepartment headsFINANCIAL ACCOUNTING AND MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING52Reading MaterialGenerally accepted accounting principles(GAAP):公认会计原则Accounting entity:会计主体Going concern:持续经营Measuring unit:计量单位Historical cost:历史成本Objectivity:客观性53Reading MaterialAccounting entry:会计分录Financial accounting standards board: FASB财务会计准则委员会Committee on Accounting Procedure: CAP会计程序委员会Accounting P


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