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1、第 PAGE13 页 共 NUMPAGES13 页新概念英语第四册多项选择题:Aman-madedisease新概念英语第四册多项选择题:A man-made diseaseMultiple choice questions多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.prehension理解1,One of the reasons rabbits multiplied so rapidly in Australia is that they _.a.were unwisely introduced by enterpri

2、sing settlersb.breed rapidlyc.overran the continentd.overcame their natural enemies in the Antipodes2,Scientists found _ of spreading myxomatosis.a.one wayb.two waysc.three waysd.a large number of ways3,The disease was spread right across the continent of Australia largely because _.a.of the mosquit

3、ob.of the rabbitc.scientists let infected animals loose in burrowsd.Australia encouraged diseased rabbits to migrate to other places4,Myxomatosis, that was a blessing in Australia, proved to be _in Europe.a.domesticatedb.a fitabled.a curseStructure 句型1,This rabbit had no natural enemies

4、in theAntipodes _.(1.2)a.and as a result it multipliedb.in order to multiplyc.so that it might multiplyd.because it multiplied2,It_ and caused devastation.(1.3)a.burrowingb.burrowedc.was burrowingd.has burrowed3,_ were local epidemics created? By infecting animals.(1.6)a.Whyb.Howc.Whered.When4,It wa

5、s _ to create local epidemics of this disease.(11.6-7)a.potentb.ablec.enabledd.possibleVocabulary 词汇1,It caused devastation by _ the herbage.(11.3-4)a.burrowing intob.infectingd.digging2,By infecting animals and _them loose in burrows .(1.6)roducingd.turning3,The rabbits were

6、 able to _this disease to a certain extent.(1.10)a.react tob.preventc.withstandd.oppose4,Australia _the rabbit as a pest from Europe.(1.13)a.inheritedb.obtainedc.assumed新概念英语第四册多项选择题:The modern cityMultiple choice questions多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.prehension理解1,The

7、purpose of modern industry is to _.duce as much as possible as cheaply as possibleb.ignore the mental and physical state of the workersc.enable individuals to earn as much money as possibled.achieve maximum production regardless of cost2,Factories require people to _.a.run machines without thin

8、kingb.lead an unnatural way of lifec.ignore the effects produced on individualsd.take into account the true nature of human beings3,According to the writer, some people who live in modern cities _.a.try to obtain maximum ine from propertyb.are responsible for the shape and dimension of skyscrapersc.

9、take pleasure in living in the conditions a city imposesd.offer tenants offices and apartments that please them4,The writer believes that conditions in modern cities _.a.have caused the construction of gigantic buildingsb.are deprived of the necessities of lifec.are fortable and luxuriousd.are activ

10、ely harmful to the inhabitantsStructure 句型1,It is based on maximum production _earn asmuch as possible.(11.2-3)a.for individuals tob.so as individualsc.for individualsd.in order individuals2,It has expanded with _idea of the truenature of human beings.(1.4)a.littleb.fewc.somed.no3,This caused the co

11、nstruction of gigantic buildings _too large masses .(1.9)a.at whichb.on whichc.to whichd.in which4,_ they enjoy the fort and banal luxury of their dwelling .(11.10-11)a.Duringb.Thoughc.At the timed.WhenVocabulary 词汇1,The _of the factory on workers has been pletely neglected.(11.1-2)a.effectb.affecti

12、onc.extentd.measurement2,The city has _without any idea of the true nature of human beings.(1.4)a.grown upb.grownc.been grownd.been grown up3,They are _the necessities of life.(1.11)a.deniedb.refusedc.discardedd.ignored4,The modern city _monstrous edifices and dark narrow streets.(11.11-12)新概念英语第四册多

13、项选择题:Secrecy in industryMultiple choice questions多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.prehension理解1,Fear of industrial espionage _.a.leads to lack of freedom in scientific researchb.especially applies to scientific research of a general and fundamental nature2,Which of these st

14、atements is true?a.Some kinds of scientific research are more secret than others.b.All kinds of scientific research are top secret.c.Firms never tell anyone anything about their scientific research.d.Scientific research workers never speak to each other.3,Firms want to be sure _.a.they limit all tho

15、se engaged in carrying out scientific researchb.that larger panies cant find out about their scientific researchc.they are working in an atmosphere of plete secrecyd.they own the rights to intellectual property before they reveal what theyre doing4,The possibility of making discoveries by accident _

16、.a.make it difficult to obtain scientific books from librariesb.encourages petition from other agentsc.increases the need for secrecyd.means that every discovery has to be patentedStructure 句型1,One is the general atmosphere of secrecy _.(11.1-2)a.which it is carried outb.which is carried outc.it is

17、carried outd.it is carried out in2,_ any inquiry is a secret one, it naturallylimits - (1.3)a.With regard tob.As well asc.Supposing thatd.To the extent that3,Some of the bigger firms are engaged inresearches which are _ general that it is apositive advantage to them not to keep themsecret.(11.6-7)a.suchb.soc.so thatd.in order that4,They _even more processes as secret processes.(11.8-9)a.keepb.keptc.are keptd.are keepingVocabulary 词汇1,There is the _of freedom of the individual research worker.(1.2)a.lossb.emptinessc.absenced.luck2,It naturally limits all those engaged i


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