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2、ersionRelative PPPAA Schedule Multiple Choice Questions (Each question just has only ONE correct answer)(30%)1.The movement to free international trade is most likely to generate short-term unemployment in which industries?(a)Industries producing non-tradable goods(b)Import-competing industries(c)Ex

3、port industries(d)Import sectors(e)None of the above.2.Given the following information:Unit Labor RequirementsClothWidgets(小器具)Home1020Foreign6030(a)Neither country has a comparative advantage.(b)Home has a comparative advantage in cloth.(c)Foreign has a comparative advantage in cloth.(d)Home has a

4、comparative advantage in widgets.(e)Home has a comparative advantage in both products.3.If the United Statess production possibility frontier was flatter to the widget axis(坐标轴), whereas Germanys was flatter to the butter axis, we know that(a)the United States has no comparative advantage(b)Germany

5、has a comparative advantage in butter.(c)the U.S. has a comparative advantage in butter.(d)Not enough information is given.(e)None of the above.4.In the 2-factor, 2 good Heckscher-Ohlin model, an influx(大量涌入) of workers from across the border would(a)move the point of production along the production

6、 possibility curve.(b)shift the production possibility curve outward, and increase the production of both goods.(c)shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production of the labor-intensive product.(d)shift the production possibility curve outward and decrease the production o

7、f the capital-intensive product.(e)None of the above.5.Suppose that there are two factors, capital and land, and that the United States is relatively land endowed while the European Union is relatively capital-endowed. According to the Heckscher-Ohlin model,(a)European landowners should support U.S.

8、-European free trade.(b)European capitalists should support U.S.-European free trade.(c)all capitalists in both countries should support free trade.(d)all landowners should support free trade.(e)None of the above.6.Assume that only two countries, A and B, exist.Consider the following data:CountriesF

9、actor EndowmentsABLabor Force4520Capital Stock1510If good S is capital intensive, then following the Heckscher-Ohlin Theory,(a)country A will export good S.(b)country B will export good S.(c)both countries will export good S.(d)trade will not occur between these two countries.(e)Insufficient informa

10、tion is given.7.If the U.S. (a large country) imposes a tariff on its imported good, this will tend to(a)have no effect on terms of trade.(b)improve the terms of trade of all countries.(c)improve the terms of trade of the United States.(d)cause a deterioration of U.S. terms of trade.(e)raise the wor

11、ld price of the good imported by the United States.8.If Slovenia is a small country in world trade, then if it imposes a large series of tariffs on many of its imports, this would(a)have no effect on its terms of trade.(b)improve its terms of trade.(c)deteriorate its terms of trade.(d)decrease its m

12、arginal propensity to consume.(e)None of the above.9.The simultaneous export and import of widgets by the United States is an example of(a)increasing returns to scale.(b)imperfect competition.(c)intra-industry trade.(d)inter-industry trade.(e)None of the above.10.When a government allows raw materia

13、ls and other intermediate products to enter a country duty free, this generally results in a(an)(a)effective tariff rate less than the nominal tariff rate.(b)nominal tariff rate less than the effective tariff rate.(c)rise in both nominal and effective tariff rates.(d)fall in both nominal and effecti

14、ve tariff rates.(e)None of the above.11.Which of the following policies permits a specified quantity of goods to be imported at one tariff rate and a higher tariff rate to imports above this quantity?(a)Import tariff(b)Voluntary exports restraint(c)Tariff quota(d)Ad valorum tariff(e)None of the abov

15、e.12.Which one of the following statements is the most accurate?(a)A depreciation of a countrys currency makes its goods cheaper for foreigners.(b)A depreciation of a countrys currency makes its goods more expensive for foreigners.(c)A depreciation of a countrys currency makes its goods cheaper for

16、its own residents.(d)A depreciation of a countrys currency makes its goods cheaper.(e)None of the above.13.Forward and spot exchange rates(a)Are necessarily equal(b)Do not move closely together(c)The forward exchange rate is always above the spot exchange rate.(d)While not necessarily equal, do move

17、 closely together.(e)None of the above.14.For a given level of(a)nominal GNP, changes in interest rates cause movements along the L(R,Y) schedule.(b)real GNP, changes in interest rates cause a decrease of the L(R,Y) schedule.(c)real GNP, changes in interest rates cause an increase of the L(R,Y) sche

18、dule.(d)nominal GNP, changes in interest rates cause an increase in the L(R,Y) schedule.(e)real GNP, changes in interest rates cause movements along the L(R,Y) schedule.15.An increase in a countrys money supply causes(a)its currency to appreciate in the foreign exchange market while a reduction in t

19、he money supply causes its currency to depreciate.(b)its currency to depreciate in the foreign exchange market while a reduction in the money supply causes its currency to appreciate.(c)no effect on the values of it currency in international markets.(d)its currency to depreciate in the foreign excha

20、nge market while a reduction in the money supply causes its currency to further depreciate.(e)None of the above.16.An individuals need for liquidity would be down if:(a)She got a raise in salary(b)She decided to spend less on small things on an average day(c)She took the train even though it was mor

21、e expensive than the bus(d)She got an ATM card(e)She received check for her birthday17.Which of the following statements is the most accurate?(a)The law of one price applies only to the general price level.(b)The law of one price applies to the general price level while PPP applies to individual com

22、modities.(c)The law of one price applies to individual commodities while PPP applies to both the general price level and to individual commodities.(d)PPP applies only to individual commodities.(e)The law of one price applies to individual commodities while PPP applies to the general price level.18.T

23、he expected real interest rate (re) in terms of the nominal interest rate (R) and the expected inflation rate (e) is given by(a)re e R(b)re 2e R2(c)re e R2(d)re R e (e)re R2 e19.How does a rise in real income affect aggregate demand?(a)Y Yd IM CA AD , but Y Yd C AD by more(b)Y Yd IM CA AD , but Y Yd

24、 C AD by more(c)Y Yd IM CA AD , and Y Yd C AD (d)Y Yd IM CA AD , but Y Yd C AD by less(e)Y Yd IM CA AD , but Y Yd C AD by less20. Which of the following compete to determine whether the current account improves or worsens following a rise in the real exchange rate:(a)Appreciation and depreciation.(b

25、)Crowding Out effect and producers effect.(c)Volume effect and value effect.(d)Volume effect and inflation.(e)Producers effect and value effect.Calculating Problems (10%)1、Given the following information: (5 points)Unit Produced by One Worker/HourClothWidgetsHome100200Foreign6030If these two countri

26、es trade these two goods with each other in the following the Ricardian model of comparative advantage, then what is the lower limit for the world equilibrium price of cloth?2、Assuming relative PPP, fill in the table below: (5 points)E$/E,tE$/E,t1US,t E,t20.030.081112.

27、. Answer Questions (20%)1. Answer the questions according to the following figures. (10%)1) Albania refused to engage in international trade for ideological reasons. To maximize its economic welfare it would choose to produce at which point in the left diagram above? (2%)2) Now th

28、at the Cold War is over, Albania is interested in obtaining economic welfare gains from trade. Suppose the PA/PB at point a was equal to 1 and the relevant international relative price is PA/PB= 2. Albania would therefore choose to produce at which point (a, b, or c)? Given this additional information, in which good does Albania enjoy a comparative advantage (4%)3) Suppose, as a result of various dynamic factors associated with exposure to international competition, Albanias economy grew, and is now represented by the rightmost production possibility frontier in the


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