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1、大学英语1 句子写作 2句子转换&句子合并Contents句子转换句子合并句子转换句子转换,即句型的转换,是指一个句子由一种语法结构变为另一种语法结构,而不改变其原来的意义。a.主动语态与被动语态之间的转换 b.肯定形式与否定形式之间的转换 c.反问型问句与陈述句之间的转换d.直接引语和间接引语之间的转换 a. 主动语态与被动语态之间的转换 He has finished his university studies His university studies have been finishedThey put him to death He was put to deathb.肯定形式与

2、否定形式之间的转换 He is sometimes silly He is not always cleverHe always objected He never agreedc.反问型问句与陈述句之间的转换Who cares about you? Nobody cares about youWhy should I apologize? I should not apologized.直接引语和间接引语之间的转换 I said to him,“Be a nice boy”I advised that he should be a nice boyI advised him to be a

3、nice boyI said to him,“See me at the station”I requested that he should see me at the stationI requested him to see me at the station句子合并简单句短小精悍,意义明确,但却无法表达各个单句之间的内在联系。读来让人觉得散乱,层次不清楚,重点不突出。有时思路的不连贯还会导致句子之间的关系游离,给人的印象是作者思路不完整,一会儿说东,一会说西,语句之间逻辑松散,给理解带来一定的困难。如果利用句子合并的技巧把几个单句合并成一个复合句,句子之间的主从关系一目了然 ,可以使句

4、子结构严谨、布局合理、主题突出。 简单句+ 简单句+简单句+并列连词=复合句从 属 连 词关系代词/副词=复合句连接代词/副词=名词性从句=定语从句=状语从句复合句=复杂句复合句=独立分句+独立分句(可多) 复杂句=独立分句+从句(可多) 简单句+并列连词=复合句并列连词(coordinating conjunctions)是用来连接语法地位相同的结构、单词、短语及分句一、表转折的并列连词:but, yet, while(而,却)二、表选择的并列连词主要 or , eitheror, neitheror, otherwise, 三、表联合的并列连词主要有 and, not onlybut al

5、so, when(=and just at this time 就在这时)四、表因果的并列连词:for, so EXAMPLE 1Honey is sweet.The bee stings. Honey is sweet but the bee stings.EXAMPLE 2You must hurry.Youll miss the plane. You must hurry or youll miss the plane.EXAMPLE 3Our outdoor activity will last three hours.Well be back at 11 oclock. Our ou

6、tdoor activity will last three hours and well be back at 11 oclock .EXAMPLE 4Ihavetostayup Ihavelotsofhomeworktodo. I have to stay up, for I have lots of homework to do简单句+连接代词/副词=名词性从句(复合句)引导名词性从句的连接代词:who, whom, whose, what, which 引导名词性从句的连接副词: when, where, how, why主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句、同位语从句 Example 1 W

7、hich one do you like best?Please tell me.Please tell me which one you like best.What are the doctors discussing at the meeting?It is quite important.What the doctors are discussing at the meeting is quite important.Example 2How many were killed?I am not sureI am not sure how many were killedHow did

8、he achieve this success?That is unknown to meHow he achieved this success is unknown to me简单句+关系代词/副词=定语从句(复合句)引导定语从句的关系代词:which, that, who, whom(现在少用), whose引导定语从句的关系副词:when, where, whyThe boy who stole my Pekinese dog was caught by the policeExample 1The boy was caught by the policeThe boy stole m

9、y Pekinese dogHe wanted to know the reason why I was late. Example 2He wanted to know the reason. I was late for the reason. 简单句+从属连词=状语从句(复合句)引导状语从句的从属连词(subordinating conjunction)主要有:引导时间:when, while, as, before, after, until引导条件:if, unless, provided, in case of, supposing, as long as引导目的:in order

10、 that, so that, for fear引导结果:so that, suchthat引导原因:because, as, since, now(that)引导让步:although, though, even though, even if, while, however, whatever, whoever, whenever引导地点:wherever, everywhereEXAMPLE 1(引导时间)He started the job soon.He left the university. He started the job soon after He left the un

11、iversity.If you turn to the right,you can see the hotelEXAMPLE 2(引导条件)You turn to the rightYou can see the hotelHe studies until midnight so that he may pass the examEXAMPLE 3(引导目的)He studies until midnightHe wishes to pass the examEXAMPLE 4(引导结果)Its a difficult question.None of us can answer the qu

12、estion. Its so difficult a question that none of us can answer it.Note: so+形容词+冠词+名词+that从句He suffered from cancer because he had smoked too muchEXAMPLE 5(引导原因)He suffered from cancerHe had smoked too muchHe looks stupid though he is cleverEXAMPLE 6(引导让步)He looks stupidHe is cleverWhere there is a w

13、ill, there is a way. EXAMPLE 7(引导地点)There is a will.There is a way.简单句+复合句=复杂句Example 1A wrist-watch is a time-telling deviceIts size is very small.It is very much convenientIt can be worn on the wrist A wrist-watch is a time telling device,which is so small and convenient that it can be wore on the wrist.Example 2There was once a famous detective.He was named Sherlock Holmes.He lived in London.The time was at the end of 19th Century. There was once a famous detective named Sherlock Holmes who lived in London at the end of 19th Century.Example 3There are many net bars along the stre


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