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1、汽 车 英 语UNIT FOUR STEERING4.UNIT THREE POWER TRAIN3.UNIT TWO ENGINE2.UNIT ONE AUTOMOBILE BASICS1.UNIT SIX ELECTRIC SYSTEM6.UNIT FIVE BRAKING5.UNIT SEVEN BODY7.GLOSSARY9.NEW WORDS EXPRESSIONS8.了解汽车的基本知识,掌握有关词汇、词组掌握汽车英语的习惯表达方式能查阅与汽车英语有关的英文资料学习目标会使用汽车词典会查找相关资料能力目标 如我们今天所知,汽车的成就是建立在伟大的发动机产业基础上的。1885年卡尔奔驰

2、发明了汽油发动机,一年之后戴姆勒制造了一辆由他自己设计的发动机驱动的汽车。 在汽车进入人们生活之后,三种动力源被普遍应用:蒸汽发动机、汽油发动机以及电动发动机。 An automobile or motor car(usually shortened to just car)is a wheeled passenger vehicle that carries its own engine or motor. Most definitions of it specify that automobiles are designed to run on roads, to have seating

3、 for one to eight people,to typically have four wheels , and to be constructed for the transport of people or goods1. However,the definition is not precise because there are many types of vehicles that do similar tasks. 1句子较长,可以采用拆句顺译,拆成短句,并符合原英文顺序,definitions of it specify that automobiles 翻译为“汽车的定

4、义为”,后面的三个“to”短语,是并列的。词汇学习词汇学习参考译文什么是汽车 自动车或机动车(常称为汽车)指的是带车轮的客车,它带有发动机或马达。大多数汽车的定义为:汽车是行驶在公路上的,可以乘一到八人的,常常是四个车轮的,并且,用于载客或载货的交通工具。可是,这一定义不够精确,因为各种各样类型的车辆完成着同样的任务。知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、带车轮的客车2、各种各样的车辆将下面的短文翻译成中文: An automobile or car is a passenger vehicle that usually has four wheels and is moved on land b

5、y an engine. A truck is a motor vehicle that is designed to carry heavy loads. 发动机:使燃料燃烧而发出动力的动力装置。 传动装置:将发动机输出的动力传给驱动车轮的装置。 行驶和控制装置:支撑全车并保证汽车正常行驶的装置。 车身:是驾驶员工作和装载乘客、货物的场所。 电气设备:汽车照明、信号装置等。 Todays car contains more than 15,000 parts that must work together.They can grouped into four major parts:engi

6、ne,body,chassis and electrical equipment. Engine The engine acts as1 the power unit.The internal combustion engine is most common. Body The body is designed to keep passengers safe and comfortable. Chassis The chassis is an assembly of those systems that are the major operating part of a vehicle2. E

7、lectrical Equipment The electrical system supplies electricity for the car. 1act asv.担当。 2总的说来,英语定语从句的位置比较灵活,前置、后置均可;汉语中的定语位置相对固定,放在被修饰语的前面。如定语从句不长,应尽量前置,这样既使语言简洁,又符合汉语思维习惯。词汇学习词汇学习参考译文汽车的组成 现代的汽车包含了超过15000个相互协调工作的零部件。它们组成了汽车的4个主要部分:发动机、车身、底盘和电气设备。 发动机 发动机是动力装置,内燃机是最常见的。 车身 车身的设计应使得乘客安全和舒适。 底盘 底盘是汽车

8、上主要操作系统的一个总成。 电气设备 电气系统为汽车提供电能。知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、内燃机2、电气系统将下面的短文翻译成英文:汽车的主要部件有:发动机、底盘、车身和电器设备等。 你会开车吗?知道怎么开始学车吗?教练会耐心指导你先熟悉挡位、离合,认识汽车仪表,开车中怎样使用后视镜、空调开关,告诉你发动机转速达到多少时可以加减挡位,并从起动汽车及一挡开始学开车。 What is the first thing you do to start a car? You put your car key into the ignition lock and turn it.The starte

9、r is just powerful enough to start the engine turning. Now the engine is running and you want to get moving.The gears1 in the gearbox go to work by connecting the moving parts of the engine to the wheel.There are at least three sets of gears in the gearbox.The first set of gears have the hardest wor

10、k of all,to start the car moving.When the next set of gears are used,the car picks up speed.Finally,when the car is moving,the gears are shifted again.We say then that the car is in high gear.1gearn.齿轮,传动装置;v.调整,(使)适合,换挡词汇学习参考译文汽车怎样工作 起动汽车的第一步是什么?就是把你的汽车钥匙放进点火锁并且转动它,此时起动机才有足够的动力来使发动机运转。 现在发动机运转,你的汽车

11、起步。变速器内的齿轮由发动机的传动部件带动,并驱动车轮。变速器内至少有3套齿轮。在所有挡位中一 挡的工作最艰苦,用于汽车起步。挂入下一挡位时,汽车速度加快。最后,汽车行驶中,齿轮再次变速,那时我们称汽车处于高速挡。知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、picks up speeds 2、in high gear将下面的短文翻译成英文:You put your car key into the ignition lock to start the engine turning.了解汽车发动机的基本知识,掌握有关词汇、词组掌握有关汽车发动机的英语习惯表达方式能借助字典阅读有关汽车发动机方面的文章学习目

12、标会看汽车方面的文章会查找相关资料能力目标 发动机是汽车的心脏。它为汽车的行走提供动力,即将汽油(柴油)的热能,通过在密封气缸内燃烧气体膨胀推动活塞而作功,转变为机械能,这是发动机最基本的原理。 The engine has hundreds of parts.The major parts of engine are engine block,engine heads,pistons,connecting rods,crankshaft and valves.The other parts are joined to make systems.These systems are the fu

13、el system,intake system,ignition system,cooling system,lubrication system,and exhaust system1.Each of these systems has a definite function.These systems will be discussed in detail later. 1在翻译时,既要做到忠实于原文又要符合汉语语言规范,因此不能机械地按原文词类“对号入座”,逐字硬译,而需要符合汽车常识。见下页译文。词汇学习词汇学习参考译文发动机的工作部件 发动机有数百个零件。发动机的主要部分有发动机气缸

14、体、发动机盖、活塞、连杆、曲轴和气门,以及其他零件组成的几个系统,即:燃料系统、进气系统、点火系统、冷却系统、润滑系统和排气系统。每一个系统都有明确的功能。稍后将详细介绍这些系统。知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、燃料系统2、进气系统3、点火系统4、冷却系统将下面的短文翻译成中文: Most engines in motor vehicles today are four-stroke, spark-ignition internal combustion engines. 我们先来了解发动机。发动机的基本工作过程是进气、压缩、做功、排气四个冲程,这其间曲轴转过了2圈。现在四冲程已经是汽油发动

15、机的主流形式。 To complete the full cycle it takes two revolutions of the crankshaft.(Fig.2.1) Intake Stroke The stroke starts when the piston moves downward from a position near the top of the cylinder1.During the intake stroke,inlet valve is opened and the exhaust valve remains tightly closed. Compressio

16、n Stroke As the piston moves upward to compress the fuel mixture trapped in the cylinder,the valves are closed tightly.This compression action confines the air/fuel mixture within a small area. 1中文中的状语和英文中的状语在句子中的位置是不同的,汉语习惯放在前面,而英语呢,习惯放在后面。词汇学习参考译文发动机怎样工作(I) 曲轴旋转两圈将完成整个循环。(图2.1) 进气行程 当活塞从接近气缸顶部的位置向

17、下移动的时候,进气行程开始。在进气行程中,进气门被打开,排气门仍然紧紧地关闭着。 压缩行程 当活塞向上移动压缩封闭在气缸里的燃料混合气时,气门被紧紧地关闭着。这一压缩过程把空气和燃料的混合气密封在一个小区域内。知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、进气门2、空气和燃料的混合气3、进气行程4、压缩行程将下面的短文翻译成英文:The four strokes are intake,compression,power and exhaust.The piston travels down on the intake stroke,up on the compression stroke,down on

18、the power stroke and up on the exhaust stroke. 发动机中的燃烧是剧烈的氧化反应。从理论上讲,完全燃烧时,主要产生二氧化碳和水(CO2,H2O),但实际上,发动机的燃烧排放物有很多有毒污染物。因此,各国都对发动机的排放制订了严格的标准。Power Stroke1 The spark ignites the compressed,heated mixture of fuel and air in the combustion chamber to cause rapid burning.The burning fuel produces intense

19、 heat that causes rapid expansion of the gases compressed within the cylinder.This pressure forces the piston downward.The downward stroke turns the crankshaft with great force.Exhaust Stroke Just before the bottom of the power stroke,the exhaust valve opens.This allows the piston,as it moves upward

20、,to push the hot,burned gases out through the open exhaust valve.1power stroke 指“做功行程”。词汇学习词汇学习参考译文汽车怎样工作(II)做功行程 电火花点燃在燃烧室里被压缩和加热的可燃混合气,使其迅速燃烧。燃料燃烧产生剧烈的热使压缩在气缸内的气体迅速地膨胀。膨胀产生的压力迫使活塞向下运动。下行行程产生巨大的力使曲轴转动。排气行程 在做功行程完成之前,排气门打开。这允许活塞在向上运动时通过打开的排气门把炽热的废气排出。知识拓展知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、燃料室2、燃料燃烧3、做功行程4、排气行程将下面的短文翻

21、译成英文:Twostrokea power stroke every revolution of the crank.Fourstrokea power stroke every other revolution of the crank. 在发动机的正中央有若干个连成一体的气缸,其整体叫气缸体。其质量占发动机总质量的15%30%,是发动机最大的零件。Block1 The engine block is the basic frame of the engine. All other engine parts either fit inside it or fasten to it. It h

22、olds the cylinders, water jackets, and oil galleries. The engine block also holds the crankshaft, which fastens to the bottom of the block. (Fig.2.2) Cylinder Head The cylinder head fastens to the top of the block, just as a roof fits over a house. The underside forms the combustion chamber with the

23、 top of the piston.(Fig.2.3) 1block n.木块,石块,块,街区。本文中指“气缸体”。词汇学习参考译文汽缸体和汽缸盖气缸体 气缸体是发动机的基本框架。发动机的其他零件都安装在它里面或者固定在它上面。它支撑气缸、水套和油道。气缸体也支撑固定在气缸体底部的曲轴。(图2.2)气缸盖 气缸盖固定在气缸体的顶上,正像屋顶套在房子的上面一样。气缸盖下面与活塞顶上的空间形成燃烧室。(图2.3)知识拓展 A cylinder head is bolted to the top of each bank of cylinders to seal the individual cy

24、linders and contain the combustion process that takes place inside the cylinder.思考练习翻译下列词组:1、汽缸体2、水套3、水道4、汽缸盖将下面的短文翻译成英文: The cylinder head contains at least one intake valve and one exhaust valve for each cylinder. 要使整个汽车行驶就需要发动机有一定的功率和转矩。因此只有一个气缸的发动机是无法驱动汽车的,所以小型轿车一般都有4个以上的气缸。当然若排量相同,气缸数越多,则气缸直径就越

25、小。 There are several engine types which are identified by the number of cylinders and the way the cylinders are laid out.Motor vehicles will have from 3 to 12 cylinders which are arranged in the engine block in several configurations.A few of them are shown on the Fig.2.4. Inline engines have their

26、cylinders arranged in a row. 3,4,5 and 6 cylinder engines commonly use this arrangement. The“V”arrangement uses two banks of cylinders side by side and is commonly used in V6,V8,V10 and V12 configurations.Flat engines use two opposing banks of cylinders and are less common than the other two designs

27、1. They are used in Subarus and Porsches in 4 and 6 cylinder arrangements as well as in the old VW beetles with 4 cylinders .Flat engines are also used in some Ferraris with 12 cylinders.1在翻译时增加“这种发动机”,更加明确。词汇学习参考译文发动机类型 根据气缸数目和气缸布局方式,发动机可以分成几种类型。汽车可以有312个气缸,它们以不同的分布形式安装在发动机内,其中有些布置形式如图24所示。直列式发动机的各

28、个气缸排成一排,常用在3缸、4缸、5缸和6缸发动机中。“V”型发动机的气缸使用双列并排方式,通常有V6、V8、V10和V12形式。对置式发动机的气缸两排相对排列,对置式发动机采用两排气缸相对的排列,与另外两种发动机相比,这种发动机较少使用。在斯巴鲁汽车、保时捷汽车和老式的大众甲壳虫汽车上,使用这种对置式的4缸和6缸发动机。对置式发动机也用在12缸法拉利汽车上。知识拓展 为了满足有关废气排放 (emissions) 和燃油效率的法规 (fuel efficiency law) 要求, 现代汽车的燃油供给系统多年来一直在改进。 20世纪50年代, 就已经普及了化油器 (carburettor),

29、约在1980年, 电子燃油喷射系统 (electronic fuel injection system) 开始风靡欧洲。 1990年, 在美国出售了最后一辆斯巴鲁贾斯蒂 (Subaru Justy) 带化油器的汽车。 现在, 美国市场上销售的汽车全部都是电子燃油喷射系统的。 思考练习翻译下列词组:1、直列式发动机2、双列并排方式3、对置式发动机4、两排相对排列将下面的短文翻译成英文: The“V”arrangement uses two banks of cylinders side by side and is commonly used in V6,V8,V10 and V12 confi

30、gurations.了解汽车传动系的相关知识,掌握有关词汇、词组掌握离合器、变速器、万向传动装置、主减速器、差速器和半轴等英语的习惯表达方法学习目标会看汽车传动系方面的文章会查找相关资料能力目标 离合器安装在发动机与变速器之间,用来分离或接合前后两者之间动力联系。其作用为:1、传递扭矩。2、保证汽车平稳起步。3、中断供给传动系的动力,配 合换挡。 The clutch(Fig.3.1)connects the two shafts so that they can either be locked together and spin at the same speed,or be decoup

31、led and spin at different speeds. In a car,the engine spins all the time and the car wheels dont. In order for a car to stop1,the wheels need to be disconnected from the engine. In a car it is operated by the pedal.No pressure on the pedal means that the clutch plates are engaged(driving),while depr

32、essing the pedal will disengage the clutch plates ,allowing the driver to shift gears2. Cars equipped with automatic transmissions normally do not have a clutch. On these,the transmission operates automatically so that the driver is not required to use a clutch to shift gears. 1in order to:为了 2 当英语长

33、句的内容的叙述层次与汉语基本一致时,可以按照英语原文的顺序翻译成汉语。该句子共有五层意思:A.No pressure on the pedal,“踏板上没有压力”;B.the clutch plates are engaged, “离合器盘接合”; C.depressing the pedal, “踩下离合器”; D.disengage the clutch plates, “离合器盘脱开”;E.allowing the driver to shift gears,“让驾驶员换挡”。上述五层意思的逻辑关系以及表达的顺序与汉语完全一致,因此,我们可以通过顺译法,把该句翻译成:“如果踏板上没有压力

34、,离合器就接合(可以传动);而驾驶员踩下离合器,离合器就分离,驾驶员可以换挡。”词汇学习词汇学习参考译文离合器是怎样工作的 离合器(图3.1)就是实现两轴的连接,或者使两轴接合,以相同的转速运转;或者使两轴分离,各自以不同的转速运转。 在汽车上,发动机始终不停地运转,而车轮却不能不停地转动。为了使汽车停下来,车轮需要断开与发动机的连接。离合器是由踏板控制的,如果踏板上没有压力,离合器就接合(可以传动);而驾驶员踩下离合器,离合器就分离,驾驶员可以换挡。 装有自动变速器的汽车一般不需要离合器。在这些汽车上,变速器自动换挡,因此驾驶员不必使用离合器来换挡。知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、离合器盘

35、2、自动变速器将下面的短文翻译成英文: 1、踩下踏板,离合器使发动机与传动系统彻底分离。 2、松开踏板,离合器使发动机和传动系统输入轴平稳接合。 变速器具有如下作用: 1、改变传动比; 2、在发动机旋转方向不变的情况下,使汽车能倒退行驶; 3、利用空挡,中断动力传递,使发动机能够起动、怠速,并便于换挡或进行动力输出。 To understand the basic idea behind a transmission,the diagram (Fig.3.2) below shows a very simple two-speed transmission,to understand how

36、each of the parts fit together: i.The green shaft comes from the engine through the clutch.The green shaft and green gear are connected as a single unit. ii.The red shaft and gears are called the layshaft.All of the gears on the layshaft and the layshaft itself spin as oneunit.The green shaft and th

37、e red shaft are directly connected through their meshed gears so that if the green shaft is spinning,so is the red shaft1.In this way,the layshaft receives its power directly from the engine whenever the clutch is engaged. iii.The yellow shaft is a splined shaft that connects directly to the drive s

38、haft through the differential to the drive wheels of the car2.If the wheels are spinning,the yellow shaft is spinning. iv.The purpose of the collar is to connect one of the two blue gears to the yellow drive shaft.The collar can slide left or right along the yellow shaft to engage either of the blue

39、 gears.When shifted into first gear,the collar engages the blue gear on the right: v.The blue gears ride on bearings,so they spin on the right shaft.If the engine is off but the car is coasting,the rightw shaft can turn inside the blue gears while the blue gears and the layshaft are motionless3. 1“

40、are directly connected through their meshed gears”。如果直接翻译就是“通过啮合的齿轮直接连接”。显然应该意译,理解为“通过齿轮啮合来带动”。 2当句子很长时,可以分开翻译。分成三个短句:“轴(黄色)是一个花键轴,直接和驱动轴相连,通过差速器来驱动汽车车轮。” 3某些词在翻译时可省略不译,并不影响意义的完整。如:原文中“ inside the blue gears”译成汉语时则可以省略;而原文已有某种含义但未用词汇直接表达,译文中需将这些含义补充进去,这样才更通顺易读,句中“the yellow shaft can turn”译成汉语时酌情增词,

41、为:“花键轴依然随车轮转动。”词汇学习词汇学习参考译文手动变速箱如何工作 为了更好地理解变速箱的基本工作原理,下面让我们先来看一个2挡变速箱的简单模型,看看各部分之间是如何配合的(图32): i、绿色输入轴通过离合器和发动机相连,绿色轴和上面的绿色齿轮是一体的。 ii、红色输入轴和齿轮叫做中间轴。轴和上面的齿轮是一个部件,一起旋转。输入轴(绿色)通过齿轮啮合来带动中间轴(红色),这时,轴(绿色)旋转,中间轴(红色)也旋转。以这种方式,当离合器结合时,中间轴就可以传输发动机的动力了。iii轴(黄色)是一个花键轴,直接和驱动轴相连,通过差速器来驱动汽车车轮。车轮转动会带着花键轴(黄色)一起转动。参

42、考译文 iv、轴环的作用是将两个蓝色齿轮中的一个连接到黄色驱动轴上。轴环可以沿着黄色轴左右滑动,从而选择性地结合两个蓝色齿轮中的一个。当挂入一挡,则轴环连接右齿轮。 v、齿轮(蓝色)装在轴承上,因此能在花键轴上自由转动。在发动机脱开,但汽车怠速运行时,齿轮(蓝色)和中间轴都在静止状态,而花键轴依然随车轮转动。知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、 two-speed transmission2、 meshed gears将下面的短文翻译成英文:A manual transmission works the same way. There is still a set of gear selecto

43、r forks that move collars that engage gears. 对于整个车辆来说,差速器只是装在两个驱动半轴之间的一个小总成。但是如果没有它,两个驱动半轴之间以刚性连接,左右车轮的转速保持一致,汽车将只能直线行驶,不能转弯。自从一百年前,雷诺汽车公司的创始人路易斯雷诺发明差速器后,它就在汽车上发挥着巨大作用。现在每辆汽车上都装有差速器。 The differential is a device that splits the engine torque two ways,allowing each output to spin at a different speed

44、.(Fig.3.3) The differential is found on all modern cars and trucks,and also in many allwheeldrive (fulltime fourwheeldrive) vehicles.These allwheeldrive vehicles need a differential between each set of drive wheels,and they need one between the front and the back wheels as well,because the front whe

45、els travel a different distance through a turn than the rear wheels1. The differential has three jobs:To aim the engine power at the wheels2.To act as the final gear reduction in the vehicle,slowing the rotational speed of the transmission one final time before it hits the wheels.To transmit the pow

46、er to the wheels while allowing them to rotate at different speeds. (This is the one that earned the differential its name.)3 1对于科技英语,可以适当调整词的顺序,符合习惯表达法,不必拘泥于语法。原文中“ travel a different distance ”可以翻译为“的距离和后桥的距离是不同的”。 2“aimpower at”意思是“传递动力”。 3在翻译时将代词转化为相应的名词,更加明确。句中“allowing them to rotate at differ

47、ent speeds”翻译为“允许车轮以不同的速度转动”。词汇学习词汇学习参考译文什么是差速器 差速器(图3.3)把发动机传来的力矩分成两半,允许每个输出端以不同的速度转动。 在各种不同类型的车辆上到处可见差速器:在轿车和卡车上,在很多全驱(全时段四驱)车辆上。对于全驱的车子,每一组驱动轮之间都需一个差速器,而且,前桥和后桥之间也需要一个差速器。因为前桥车轮通过的距离和后桥通过的距离是不同的。参考译文 差速器完成三大任务: 将发动机动力传递给车轮。 汽车的最后一级减速。将传动系统的输出速度再次减速,然后传给车轮。 传动到车轮时,允许车轮以不同的速度转动(这就是被称为“差速器”的原因)。知识拓展

48、知识拓展思考练习翻译下列词组:1、all-wheel-drive(full-time four-wheel-drive)vehicles2、 front wheel将下面的短文翻译成英文: A car has two differentials,one located between the two front wheels and one between the two rear wheels.They send the torque from the driveshaft or transmission to the drive wheels.They also allow the lef

49、t and right wheels to spin at different speeds when you go around a turn.UNIT FOUR STEERINGUNIT FOURSTEERINGTEXT AHow Car Steering Works TEXT BRack-and-pinion SteeringTEXT CRecirculating-ball Steering了解汽车转向系的相关知识,掌握有关词汇、词组掌握齿轮-齿条式、循环球式转向器等英语的习惯表达方法学习目标UNIT FOURSTEERING会看汽车转向系方面的文章会查找相关资料能力目标UNIT FOU

50、RSTEERINGTEXT AHow Car Steering Works TEXT AHow Car Steering Works 汽车行驶过程中,经常需要改变行驶方向,即所谓的转向,这就需要有一套能够按照司机意志使汽车转向的机构,它将司机转动方向盘的动作转变为车轮(通常是前轮)的偏转动作。 You might be surprised to learn that when you turn your car,your front wheels are not pointing in the same direction(Fig.4.1). For a car to turn smoothl

51、y,each wheel must follow a different circle1.Since the inside wheel is following a circle with a smaller radius,it is actually making a tighter turn than the outside wheel2.If you draw a line perpendicular to each wheel,the lines will intersect at the center point of the turn3.TEXT AHow Car Steering

52、 Works TEXT AHow Car Steering Works The geometry of the steering linkage makes the inside wheel turn more than the outside wheel. There are a couple different types of steering gears.The most common are rack-and-pinion and recirculating ball.1“a different circle”是指“不同的半径”。TEXT AHow Car Steering Work

53、s 2it is actually making a tighter turn than the outside wheel.如直译则为 “它正在实际上超过外面的轮子做一个较紧的旋转”。 分析一下, making a turn意为 “转弯”, tighter意为 “转弯半径比较小”。 因此原文翻译为 “实际上, 转弯时内侧车轮滚过的距离比外侧车轮小”。 3汽车转向时,要使各车轮都只滚动不滑动,各车轮必须围绕一个中心点转动。TEXT AHow Car Steering Works 词汇学习TEXT AHow Car Steering Works 词汇学习TEXT AHow Car Steerin

54、g Works 参考译文转向系统是如何工作的 你可能会很惊奇地发现,当你驾车转弯时,你的两个前轮并不在同一方向上(图4.1)。 为了车辆平稳转弯,每个车轮就必须沿不同半径的圆行驶。因为内侧车轮的轨迹圆半径小,所以实际上,转弯时内侧车轮滚过的距离比外侧车轮小。如你画出每个车轮的轴线,那么所有车轮的轴线都交汇于一点转向中心。这种转向几何关系使内侧车轮偏转角大于外侧车轮。 转向器中传动副的结构形式各不相同,目前广泛运用的有:齿轮-齿条式和循环球式。TEXT AHow Car Steering Works 知识拓展TEXT AHow Car Steering Works 思考练习翻译下列词组:1、转向

55、2、沿同一方向3、沿不同半径的轨迹圆4、交汇于转向中心TEXT AHow Car Steering Works TEXT BRack-and-pinion SteeringTEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering 因为齿轮齿条式转向器效率高,且结构简单,体积小,维修方便,而轿车、轻型车需要转向力小,所以可以用齿轮齿条式转向器。 Rack-and-pinion steering(Fig.4.2)is quickly becoming the most common type of steering on cars,small trucks and SUVs.It is ac

56、tually a pretty simple mechanism.A rack-and-pinion gearset is enclosed in a metal tube,with each end of the rack protruding from the tube1.A rod,called a tie rod,connects to each end of the rack2.TEXT B Rack-and-pinion SteeringTEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering The pinion gear is attached to the steeri

57、ng shaft.When you turn the steering wheel,the gear spins,moving the rack.The tie rod at each end of the rack connects to the steering arm on the spindle(see diagram above Fig.4.2). The rack-and-pinion gear set does two things:TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering It converts the rotational motion of the s

58、teering wheel into the linear motion needed to turn the wheels3. It provides a gear reduction,making it easier to turn the wheels. 1“each end”是齿条的“两端”。“the tube”是转向器外壳,直接翻译为“转向器。TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering 2A rod,called a tie rod,connects to each end of the rack.如直译则为“拉杆,或称为横拉杆,连接齿条每一端”,改变词序,翻译为

59、“齿条两端连接着拉杆,即横拉杆”。 3“converts into”为“使转变为”。TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering词汇学习TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering词汇学习TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering参考译文齿轮-齿条式转向器 齿轮-齿条式转向器(图4.2)正迅速发展,广泛运用于轿车、微型货车和旅行多用途车。事实上,它结构十分简单。整个齿轮齿条式转向器装在金属壳内,齿条两端从转向器内伸出。齿条两端连接着拉杆,即横拉杆。 齿轮连接转向轴。当转动转向盘时,齿轮即转动,带动齿条移动。齿条连接横拉杆,而横拉杆与车轮轴

60、上的转向摇臂相连接(图4.2)。 齿轮-齿条式转向器有两个作用: 把转向盘的旋转运动转变成车轮转向所需的直线运动。 减速增力,使转向更方便容易。TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering知识拓展TEXT B Rack-and-pinion Steering什么事EPS ESP是英文electronic stability program的缩写,中文译成“电子稳定程序”。这一系统通常是支持ABS及ASR(驱动防滑系统,又称牵引力控制系统)的功能的。它通过对从各传感器传来的车辆行驶状态信息进行分析,然后向ABS、ASR发出纠偏指令,来帮助车辆维持动态平衡。ESP可以使车辆在各种


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