2023年统考版高考英语总复习考点限时提分练(三十一)选修七 Unit 1 Living well_第1页
2023年统考版高考英语总复习考点限时提分练(三十一)选修七 Unit 1 Living well_第2页
2023年统考版高考英语总复习考点限时提分练(三十一)选修七 Unit 1 Living well_第3页
2023年统考版高考英语总复习考点限时提分练(三十一)选修七 Unit 1 Living well_第4页
2023年统考版高考英语总复习考点限时提分练(三十一)选修七 Unit 1 Living well_第5页
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1、限时提分练(三十一)选修 Unit 1 Living well限时40分钟I .阅读理解A2022-日照市高三二模I was 16 years old and on a fortnight-long trip to visit a college in Iowa. On the way our group stopped in Chicago for a day. We were staying in a building on the south side of the city and were warned not to go out alone.It wasnt long, thoug

2、h, before I felt bored and I decided to go for a short walk. I was going down a street when I saw some people making a wide circle around a man sitting on the sidewalk. His clothes were worn out and I could smell him from several feet away. I stopped in my tracks. My mind flashed back and I realized

3、 I had seen a homeless person once before: Me.It was a summer night in my 11th year when the house I grew up in caught fire in the middle of the night. I can still remember the fire destroyed everything we owned. Thankfully, our small town community showered us with love and care. They fed us, broug

4、ht us clothes, and within a few days helped us to rent a temporary house. A few months later they helped us to finance a new home. I could remember the feeling of being loved even after losing so much.The homeless man sitting in front of me, however, had no one to help him. I could see the sadness a

5、nd desperation in his eyes. I only had a few dollars left in my wallet, but I went to him directly, bent down and handed them to him, talking with him, touching his hands and wishing him well before I left.He isnt the first one to get my help these years. Seeing the joy on their faces, I feel more t

6、han happy. I wont stop and say no to those who are in need. Even though what I can do is really limited, I believe that the world will change if each of us gives a little.What happened when the author went out for a walk?He got his clothes torn.He lost his wallet carelessly.Some strangers stopped hi

7、m.A man reminded him of his past.What does the author say about the fire?A. It hurt some people.B , It happened during the day.C. It made him homeless.D. It didn*t do much damage.How did the author react to the homeless man?He turned a blind eye to him.He raised money for him.He shared his experienc

8、e with him.He helped and comforted him.What does the author convey in the last paragraph?A Care makes the world warmer.Mans nature at birth is good.You will never know till you have tried.D. Everything comes to him who waits.2022豫北名校联考高三上学期定位考试How important is fish farming? Very. Although its an anc

9、ient business, the rise of aquaculture has been one of the biggest revolutions in food supply over the past half century.Aquaculture has made fish more affordable for consumers around the world, popularizing the consumption of what used to be expensive, and easing the pressure on hard-pressed wild s

10、tocks. Aquaculture also has many clear environmental benefits: compared with other ways of growing animal protein, it uses little or no land, and has low greenhouse emission. And while the world has traditionally had a bad record of regulating wild fishing, fish farming generally occurs within the b

11、oundaries of governments, meaning it should, in theory, be much easier to ensure that good practices are upheld.Crowding large numbers of fish into limited spaces means that waste products, including waste, uneaten food and dead fish, are poured into the surrounding waters, polluting them. Besides,

12、the pesticides and drugs used to treat conditions that upset fish in concentrated numbers can also affect local wildlife. Many farmed fish are fed on other fish, so the industry also puts pressure on wild stocks: about a fifth of all caught fish, some 18 million tonnes, are used for fish oil and fis

13、hmeal production. There is also the problem of fish escaping, with potentially dangerous effects on surrounding ecosystems.In 2018 the Scottish Parliaments environment committee published a report on the fish farming industrys environmental effects, stating that key problems simply hadnt been tackle

14、d, and that the Scottish governments plan to double salmon output by 2030 could cause irrecoverable damage” to ecosystems. Since then, protection has been toughened. There is now more pressure from regulators to situate farms in remote, deep-water locations. Meanwhile, though, catches of Scottish wi

15、ld salmon have fallen to their lowest level since records began in 1952. uThere are good reasons for fish farming and real dangers to it as well, “ concludes an official. The question is how to make it work.”5 . How has fish farming benefited people?It has many clear environmental effects.It can mon

16、itor the wild fish in limited areas.It makes it easier for more people to consume fish.Its easier for the government to make fish product.What is Paragraph 3 mainly about?The reasons for fish farming.The downside of aquaculture.The development of sea exploring.The effects on surrounding ecosystems.W

17、hat do we know about fish farming according to the Scottish report?A. The massive fish fanning may damage ecosystems.The problems of fish farming are likely to be solved.The fish farming industry has no effect on the environment.The Scottish government plans to double fish output now.8 . What is the

18、 writers attitude towards aquaculture?A. Objective.B. Doubtful.C. Critical.D. Disapproving.II .完形填空2022贵阳市高三摸底考试试卷Once a gentleman was traveling by train. At dusk, he felt 1 and got down at a station 2 water. No sooner had he reached the water tap than the engine 3 and started. He ran after but 4 th

19、e train.After spending the night at the station, he 5 about the next train, but was 6 to know that the next train was on the next day.So, he decided to find for a days stay. He went to the 8 inns to ask for a room but found 9. At last, he reached a small cottage. He asked the owner of the hut whethe

20、r he could stay in his 1。 for a day and a night. The owner 1 agreed. That day the owner 12 him food and gave him a room to stay in, but did not 13 anything in return.At night when it did strike seven in the 14, the gentleman heard a 15 at the door. The villageropened the door. The gentleman saw that

21、 a man dressed in gaudy (花哨的)and rich clothes 16 the cottage and demanded the owner to pay his 17 .The gentleman came to know that the villager was in need of 18 . The next morning, he slipped a pocket in the room and left.When the villager found the pocket, he saw that there was a note 19_ to him,

22、which read You helped me but did not expect anything from me. Yesterday I heard the 20 between you and the stranger. This is whatyou need.”A.tiredC. thirstyA.at the end ofC. on behalf ofA.roseC stoppedA.missedC avoidedA.worriedC. quarreledA.disappointedC. satisfiedA.agreementC. administrationA.faraw

23、ayC nearbyA.nothingC. oneyou need.”A.tiredC. thirstyA.at the end ofC. on behalf ofA.roseC stoppedA.missedC avoidedA.worriedC. quarreledA.disappointedC. satisfiedA.agreementC. administrationA.farawayC nearbyA.nothingC. oneB. curiousD hungryB. in search ofD in addition toB. boiledD. whistledB . lostD

24、. boardedB . talkedD. enquiredB preparedD - frightenedB accommodationD advertisementB , comfortableD. wealthyB. nobody D- noneA.garage C gardenA.readily C. proudly 12. A.returned C. lentA.design C createA.clockbag 15. A.burst C knockA.garage C gardenA.readily C. proudly 12. A.returned C. lentA.desig

25、n C createA.clockbag 15. A.burst C knockB factory D. houseB. hardlyshylyB. soldD servedB expectD. permitB trainD. laughB whisper D. laughA.decoratedC. firedA.productsC. clothesA.powerC. hopeA.addressedC contributed. A.conservationconversationA.decoratedC. firedA.productsC. clothesA.powerC. hopeA.add

26、ressedC contributed. A.conservationconversationB enteredD. leftB giftsD. debtsB moneyD workB addictedappliedB corporationD. connectionin.短文改错2022合肥市高三第二次检测Ill never forget the last winter holiday in my hometown. On the way to my grandpa, my father drove very carefully or slowly all the way, for it w

27、as snowing heavily. When we arrived, my cousin Maomao grabbed my arm at once, inviting me collect snow with our grandpa. We felt not a little excitedly. After a while, in the yard was some snowmen, all look funny. Look, heres another snowman, “ shouted Maomao, joyfully clapping his hand. It was our

28、grandpa who grey hair was blowing in the wind. We laughed, which made our grandpa a kind of awkward. How I wish 1 can go back there this year!限时提分练(三十一)I .阅读理解A语篇类型:记叙文 主题语境:人与社会好人好事作者乐于助人并传递爱心【语篇解读】 作者外出散步时遇到一个衣衫褴褛并且无家可归的人。这一场景使作者想到了以前的 自己。作者因火灾而失去了一切,多亏了好心人的救助才渡过难关。于是作者给予了这位无家可归的人精 神和物质上的帮助。.答案与解析

29、:D 考查理解具体信息的能力。根据第二段最后一句My mind flashed back and I realized I had seen a homeless person once before: Me”可知,散步时遇到一位无家可归的人让作者想到了曾经的自 己。应选D项。.答案与解析:C 考查理解具体信息的能力。根据第三段中的“It was a summer night. I can still remember the fire destroyed everything we owned. Thankfully, our small town community showered us

30、 with love and care. They. a temporary house”可知大火烧掉了 一切,让作者无家可归。应选C项。.答案与解析:D 考查理解具体信息的能力。根据第四段内容“I only had a few dollars left in my wallet. before I left”可知,作者帮助并抚慰了这个无家可归的人。应选D项。.答案与解析:A 考查推断的能力。根据最后一段中的“Even though what I can do is really limited, I believe that the world will change if each of

31、us gives a little”可知,“关怀会让世界更加温暖”是作者在最后一 段想表达的主题。B语篇类型:说明文 主题语境:人与自然人与环境水产养殖【语篇解读】文中主要介绍了水产养殖的利与弊以及存在的问题。.答案与解析:C 考查理解具体信息的能力。根据第二段中的u Aquaculture has made. on hard-pressed wild stocks”可知,水产养殖可以使更多的人吃上鱼。应选C。.答案与解析:B 考查理解段落主旨要义的能力。根据第三段中的“Crowding large numbers. affect local wildlife”及There is also.

32、on surrounding ecosystems”可知,第三段谈论的是水产养殖的弊端。应选B。.答案与解析:A 考查理解具体信息的能力。根据最后一段中的“In 2018 the Scottish Parliaments environment. irrecoverable damage9 to ecosystemsv可知,大规模的水产养殖可能会破坏生态系统。应选A。.答案与解析:A 考查理解观点、态度的能力。文章前面介绍了水产养殖的利与弊。再根据最后一 段 中的“ There are good reasons for fish farming and real dangers to it a

33、s well 及 “The question is how to make it work ”可以推测,作者对水产养殖持客观的态度。应选A。H.完形填空语篇类型:记叙文 主题语境:人与社会人物故事意外的回报【语篇解读】一位绅士被火车落下,四处寻求帮助无果,最终得到一位村民的帮助。在村民家留宿 的夜间,他偶然得知村民被债主追债。第二天离开时,他给村民留下一笔钱表示谢意。考点分布:动词7个,名词7个,形容词3个,副词1个,介词短语1个,代词1个。.答案与解析:C考查语境推断。根据下句中的“走到水龙头边”可推知,此处指的是绅士感到口 渴。应选C。B项“好奇的”。.答案与解析:B考查语境推断。根据上文

34、内容可知,这位绅士感到口渴。由此可推知绅士在车站 下车寻找水。A项“在的尽头”;B项“寻找”;C项“代表”;D项“除以外(还)”。应选B。.答案与解析:D考查语境推断。根据空后的“火车发动”可知,此处是火车引擎发动前的鸣笛。B 项“沸腾” ;D项“呼啸,发出鸣笛声”。应选D。.答案与解析:A 考查语境推断。根据but可知,他跑着回去,但还是错过了火车。C项“防止”; D项“上火车”。应选A。.答案与解析:D考查语境推断。根据下句中的“得知下一列火车在第二天”可知,此处是他在车 站询问下一列火车的情况。C项意为“争吵” ;D项意为“询问”。应选D。.答案与解析:A 考查语境和常识推断。根据常识可

35、知下一列火车第二天才有,他应该是失望的。 A项“失望的”;B项“有所准备”;C项“满意的”;D项“害怕的”。应选A。.答案与解析:B考查语境推断。根据下句中的“寻找房间”可知,此处是他决定寻找住宿。A项 “同意,协议”;B项“住宿” ;C项“管理,行政” ;D项“广告”。应选B。.答案与解析:C考查常识推断。黄昏时,这位绅士被火车落下,在车站逗留了一晚,根据常识可 知,他应当到附近的旅馆寻找住处。A项“遥远的”;B项“舒服的”;C项“附近的”;D项“富裕的”。 应选C。.答案与解析:D 考查语境推断。根据空前的but可知,他没有找到任何一个房间。none “没有一 个,毫无,应选D。.答案与解析:D 考查语境推断。根据上句中的cottage可知,此处是他询问小屋的主人,他是否 能够在他家待上一天一夜。A项“车库”。应选D。.答案与解析:A 考查语境推断。根据下句中的“给他提供了一个房间住”可知,此处是房屋主人 欣然同意了。A项意为“乐意地”;B项“几乎不”;C项“骄傲地” ;D项“害羞地”。应选A。.答案与解析:D考查语境推断。根据空后的“给他提供了 一个房间住”可推知,此处是房


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