八年级英语The yard sale 教学设计_第1页
八年级英语The yard sale 教学设计_第2页
八年级英语The yard sale 教学设计_第3页
八年级英语The yard sale 教学设计_第4页




1、组别中学英语组教材鲁教版年级八年级课题The yard sale课型阅读课教时第二课时教材分析本节课选自鲁教版八年级上册 Unit 8 Fve had this bike for three years. Section A (3a-3c).本节课围绕庭院售卖(yard sale)开展活动。学生通过学习目标语,掌握如何“谈 论所有物”以及目标结构“现在完成时表示持续性动作或状态”的用法。本节课是Section A局部的阅读板块,本文介绍了一家人将自己的旧物品售卖所得捐献给儿童之家的故事。 教学目标新课标指出,英语教学的根本目的是培养学生运用英语进行交际的能力,这是英语 教学的出发点和归宿,也是

2、我们英语教学的总体理念。在教学设计中要侧重学生交际练 习,真正表达以学生为中心,重视对学生能力的培养。本节课通过设置问题,启发学生 进行深度思考,并为学生创设大量用目标语言表达自己思想的机会,能够很好地表达语 用目的。本节课的教学目标设置如下:.全班同学了解庭院售卖,学会用现在完成时表示持续的动作或状态;.阅读文章,获取信息。一二号同学能流利地复述文章,三四号同学能认识重点单 词和词组的含义,如 own, no longer, part with, to be honest 等;.学生组织班级售卖活动,并形成口头报告。教学过程教学环节教师活动学生活动设计意图(一) Leading-in (6

3、minutes)T: We have many old things. What could we do with the old things? What do Americans do with their old things?Lets watch a video.Think about what they can do with their old things.Watch the video and findoutwhatAmericans do with their old things.视频导入,引入主题。(二)Fast-reading (3 minutes)T: A fathe

4、r and his family are also going to have a yard sale. Why are they going to have a yard sale?Read the passage very quickly and find out why the family are going to have a yard sale.速读文章,找到文中庭 院售卖的原因。学生对 文章有初步的感知。Careful-T: What are they going to sell? Can you guess?Guess what the family is going to s

5、ell.学生猜想文中家人要卖 的物品。以学生的生活reading Para. 2 & 3 (12 minutes)Lets read para. 2 carefully and find out what the son is going to sell and what he thinks of the old things.Check answers and ask students to pay attention to the present perfect tense.Ask students to read the following passage and finish the

6、chart in groups.Read para. 2 carefully and fill in the blanks. Check answers with their classmates.Students learn the present perfect tense.Discuss with their group members and finish the chart.经验为基础,激发学生 的旧知,到达旧知带新 知的目的。利用了 “教结构、用结 构”的方式,重点朗读 和分析小男孩所卖之物 以及他的心情和原因, 得出结构,并通过设置 小组活动,运用所学结 构分析有关女儿和父亲 的

7、局部学生通过结构的 学习,组内讨论出女儿 和父亲要卖的物品以及 感受。到达教结构用结 构的目的。学生通过精读文章,一 是锻炼通过关键词获取 答案的能力,二是从文 章中习得“现在完成时 表示持续动作或状态” 的用法。(四)Readandretell(8 minutes)T: Lets read with the recording! Please pay attentiontoyourpronunciationandintonation.Invite three students to read the passage. Let othersgivetheirevaluation.Lets ma

8、ke a summary. Can you tell us something about the yard sale?Ask some students to do corrections.Students read with the recording out loud.Prepare for two minutes and make asummary.跟录音朗读全文,第三 遍阅读文章,复习巩固、 整体感知文章。检查学生朗读情况并邀 请同学作出评价。思维导图对文章进行总 结和复述,帮助学生梳 理文章脉络。对于复述时出现的错 误,鼓励学生互相纠错, 生生评价。(五) Group work (

9、15 minutes)T: What does the family want to do with the money from the sale? Have you ever thought about helping the poor children? What can you do?Students think about what they can do to help the poor children. Students work in groups and have a class sale. Discuss with their group融合本节课的目标语 言,对学生进行

10、情感渗 透。让学生行动起来帮 助福利院儿童,为社会 贡献自己的一份力量。 举行班级拍卖会,一是 考查学生对现在完成时Lets have a class sale to raise money to Childrens home.Lets do what we can to make the world a better place! Enjoy the song “Heal the world together.members about what they want to sell and how long have they had the things. Finish the chart

11、 and let one student give the report.Enjoy the song “Heal the world together.If possible, students can sing along.的掌握情况,二是结合 主题开展小组合作。与学生提供课外歌曲 Heal the world. Make a better place for you and for me and the entire human race.v(六) Homework (1 minute)Write down the report on your own class sale.Students write down their homework and finish it after class.作业设置以作文的形 式,帮助学生回顾本节 课内容。板书设计9r*ow up fast.get bigger*, get sma


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