1、中国石油长庆油田数字化网络效力器虚拟化运用 第六采油厂-科技与信息中心2021年2月15日议程运用实施范围思索效力器采购思索虚拟机部署思索管理维护思索议程运用实施范围思索效力器采购思索虚拟机部署思索管理维护思索运用实施范围总体原那么不适宜采用虚拟化的运用具有特殊硬件访问要求的运用高性能图形显卡 不适用虚拟化 特殊的串/并行加密设备 不适用虚拟化USB设备衔接需求 能够不适用,可采用外置USB设备替代,需经过测试即使在高配置的效力器上依然具有很高负载的运用 能够不适用,需分析当前效力器配置情况可以采用虚拟化的运用除上述不适宜采用虚拟化的运用之外的一切运用可根据运用迁移的复杂程度决议虚拟化先后顺序
2、较易实现P2V的运用可先做迁移,如可用Converter工具直接迁移的运用较难或不能做P2V迁移的运用可思索采用重新安装方式后迁根据管理的需求决议能否做虚拟化虚拟化转变过程对现有业务的影响程度转变为虚拟化后对现有管理的影响程度部门之间协调的难易程度虚拟化宿主效力器的部署类型垂直扩展与程度扩展部署方式不同资源池的“量子化模型物理主机HypervisorVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppPhysical HostHypervisorVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSAppPhysical HostHype
3、rvisorVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSApp物理主机HypervisorVMOSAppVMOSAppVMOSApp不同资源池的类型垂直扩展的主机方式提供更大的延续性资源空间更容易满足不同负载的吻合性要求可提供更高的资源利用率程度扩展的集群主机方式更像是一组小池子的集合多组小容量资源池需求更多的监控管理模块化运用既有优点也有缺陷影响虚拟化部署的参数体系功能的多样化效力器的重要性独立效力器不重要重要(独立的, 本地存储等等)(群集的,多主机的等等)效力器农场(程度扩展效力器群集,公用效力器等等)(后端办公,本地运用等等)负载约束技术约束商业约束困难度添加负载约束不同的资源组都需求分别思索
4、CPU利用率磁盘 I/O网络 I/O内存利用率虚拟化呵斥的额外负载通常也要做一定思索,如磁盘和网络的I/O会添加CPU的负担iSCSI存储访问也会添加CPU负担运维的周期性负载变化也必需思索进来月末负载变化年末负载变化技术约束技术约束通常主要是指:兼容性 指系统/运用的兼容性关联性 如系统是摩格逻辑组的一部分大部分环境下,这些约束包括了:网络衔接子网段级别运用之间的互连性相关的存储运用技术所用的硬件和外设软件支持度和认证这些约束条件根据虚拟化在内核上下实现的不同而有所不同共享与分别OS镜像方式商业和流程的约束规模较小或集中的情况下容易被忽略的约束在实验室的测试环境可以不思索,但消费环境必需求思
5、索在虚拟化中常见的商业和流程约束包括:维护窗口和冻结改动地理位置和其他物理限制运维环境,平安区域,运用分层部署思索商业组织,部门以及客户法规政策的思索与限制忽视这些约束条件将能够导致不可预知的结果详细情况详细分析,根据目的制定方案议程运用实施范围思索效力器采购思索虚拟机部署思索管理维护思索虚拟化中运用的硬件应满足兼容性列表要求一切用于实现VMware VI3虚拟架构处理方案的设备,包括:效力器系统、存储系统、IO卡设备等,应满足VMware VI3产品兼容列表的要求,最新的兼容列表可从如下的衔接找到:vmware/resources/techresources/cat/119 效力器系统兼容列
6、表 存储系统兼容列表IO卡设备兼容列表,包括网卡、FC HBA卡和iSCSI HBA卡等 ESX效力器硬件配置思索要点 CPUsESX 调度CPU周期满足虚拟机和Service Console的处置恳求可用的CPU目的数量越多,ESX管理这个调度机制的效果越好 单台效力器配置8个以上的CPU核会有最好的效果超线程技术并不能提供等同于多核处置器的益处;建议封锁CPU的超线程功能假设有的话使器具有EM64T才干的Intel VT 或AMD V 技术的CPU可以同时支持运转32位和64位的虚拟机采用同一厂商、同一产品家族和同一代处置器的效力器组成的集群,可以获得最好的VMotion兼容才干ES的En
7、hanced VMotion兼容性扩展了原有VMotion的兼容才干-参见ESX效力器硬件配置思索要点- 内存内存资源往往比CPU资源更会成为潜在的瓶颈在某些时候,虚机环境的内存运用量能够会超越物理内存值:Host swap file (尽量少用以获得最正确性能)Transparent Page Sharing多个虚机共享一样内存页面留意效力器特定的内存配置要求DIMM sizes, bank pairing, parity, upgrade considerations (mix and match or forklift replacement)尽能够将效力器配置到最大内存,采用最大容量的
8、内存条特别是当没有配满全部内存条时参见虚拟架构的根本网络衔接部件组成(Management virtual machine)(Vmotion, iSCSI, NFS)(VM connectivity)Port GroupPort GroupPort GroupESX效力器硬件配置思索要点- 网络参见最少配置一个虚拟交换机,测试环境可用2个虚拟交换机,消费环境建议最少配置3个虚拟交换机虚拟交换机可同时支持3种类型的端口组 (Service Console, VMkernel, VM)建议将Service Console、VMkernel和虚机端口组各自运用本人的虚拟交换机可用VLAN技术分割不同
9、的端口组对于运用VMotion和DRS功能的效力器集群,网络配置应该相匹配 虚拟交换机的数量与网络卷标名应坚持一致ESX效力器Service Console运用固定IP,配置正确的speed和duplex。ESX效力器硬件配置思索要点- 网络-虚拟交换机和端口组参见ESX效力器,虚拟交换机,物理网卡出于冗余的思索,每个虚拟交换机建议至少分配两个物理网卡每个ESX效力器的物理网卡/口数量取决于预备配置的虚拟交换机的数量假设3种类型的端口组SC, VMkernel, VM都在不同的虚拟交换机上,消费环境建议至少6个物理网卡/口假设给包含虚拟机端口组的虚拟交换机分配更多的物理网卡/口,可以获得负载平
10、衡的益处ESX效力器硬件配置思索要点- 网络根本组件参见物理网卡/口与物理交换机同一个虚拟交换机上的不同物理网卡/口应衔接到不同的物理交换机上将一个集群中一切效力器的VMotion功能端口组所运用的物理网卡/口都连到同一套物理交换机上 同样遵照上述第一条规那么ESX效力器硬件配置思索要点- 与物理网络的衔接参见Example 1: Blade Server with 2 NIC PortsvSwitchvmnic0SCvmkernelActiveStandbyvmnic1Candidate Design:Team both NIC portsCreate one virtual switchC
11、reate three port groups:Use Active/Standby policy for each portgroupPortgroup1: Service Console (SC)Portgroup2: VMotionPortgroup3: VM trafficUse VLAN trunkingTrunk VLANs 10, 20, 30 on each uplinkPortgroup1VLAN 10Portgroup3VLAN 30Portgroup2VLAN 20VLAN Trunks(VLANs 10, 20, 30)Example 2: Server with 4
12、NIC Portsvmnic0SCvmkernelActiveStandbyvmnic1Candidate Design:Create two virtual switchesTeam two NICs to each vSwitchvSwitch0 (use active/standby for each portgroup):Portgroup1: Service Console (SC)Portgroup2: VMotionvSwitch1 (use Originating Virtual PortID)Portgroup3: VM traffic #1Portgroup4: VM tr
13、affic #2Use VLAN trunkingvmnic1 and vmnic3: Trunk VLANs 10, 20vmnic0 and vmnic2: Trunk VLANs 30, 40Portgroup4VLAN 40VLANs 10, 20vSwitch0Portgroup1VLAN 10Portgroup2VLAN 20vSwitch1vmnic2vmnic3Portgroup3VLAN 30VLANs 30, 40Example 3: Server with 4 NIC Ports (Slight Variation)vmnic0SCvmkernelActiveStandb
14、yvmnic1Candidate Design:Create one virtual switchCreate two NIC teamsvSwitch0 (use active/standby for portgroups 1 & 2):Portgroup1: Service Console (SC)Portgroup2: VmotionUse Originating Virtual PortID for Portgroups 3 & 4Portgroup3: VM traffic #1Portgroup4: VM traffic #2Use VLAN trunkingvmnic1 and
15、vmnic3: Trunk VLANs 10, 20vmnic0 and vmnic2: Trunk VLANs 30, 40VLANs 10, 20vSwitch0Portgroup1VLAN 10Portgroup2VLAN 20vmnic2vmnic3Portgroup3VLAN 30VLANs 30, 40Portgroup4VLAN 40Servers with More NIC PortsMore than 4 NIC PortsDesign ConsiderationsWith Trunks (VLAN tagging):Use previous approach and sca
16、le up to meet additional bandwidth and redundancy requirementsAdd NICs to NIC team supporting VM traffic VLAN Tagging always recommended, but options if NICs available:Dedicated NIC for VMotionAt least one NICDedicated NICs for IP Storage (NFS and/or iSCSI)Usually two teamed NICs (consider IP-hash &
17、 etherchannel if multiple destinations and Multi-Chassis Etherchannel employed on physical switches)Dedicated NIC(s) for Service ConsoleAt least two for availabilityNote: easy to consume many physical NICs and switch ports if not using VLAN taggingESX效力器硬件配置思索要点- 存储应尽能够采用外置共享磁盘阵列存放虚拟机文件ESX效力器内置硬盘应有充
18、分的冗余,建议采用RAID1ESX效力器本身对硬盘要求,安装时的Partition划分:不建议用安装时的自动硬盘划分方法,由于/、/var、/home会放再同一个目录下,当/(root)满了时,ESX效力器会发生严重问题。建议:/boot50 到100 MB (Primary Partition)/8.0 到18GB (Primary Partition)(swap)2倍的Service Console内存, 建议固定运用1.6G/var4GB 或更大建议足够的ESX效力器程序空间大小为18GB本地端的ISO以及其他文本文件的存放空间要思索存储对于虚拟机的呈现方式 7VM 层数据存储存储阵列S
19、CSI 控制器 虚拟磁盘呈现为 SCSI 控制器 SCSI 控制器显示为 BUS 或 LSI Logic 磁盘控制器 一个 VM 可具有 1 到 4 个虚拟 LSI Logic 或 BusLogic SCSI 适配器 每个 SCSI 适配器包含1 到 15 个虚拟 SCSI 存储设备 虚拟磁盘驻留在可格式化为 VMFS、 NFS 或裸磁盘的数据存储中 文件系统类型由底层物理磁盘驱动 器确定VMFSNFSFCiSCSINAS卷、数据存储和 LUN卷存储阵列数据存储8LUN 1020 GB LUN 是一个逻辑空间可由存储阵列的整个空间创建,也可由其中的 部分空间创建 LUN 映射到 ESX 后即成
20、为卷 当卷被格式化为某种文件系统之后即成为数据存储 不能在同一个 LUN 中混用不同类型的文件系统 每个 LUN 对应一个 VMFS 卷虚拟机内容位于数据存储中 数据存储ESX 数据存储类型: VMware 文件系统VMFS 运用 VMFS 的 RDM 网络文件系统NFS 卷 VM 内容ESX 主机 数据存储采用某种文件系统格式 可以像操作文件一样操作数据存储 每个系统具有 256 个 VMFS 数据存储 每个系统具有 8 个 NFS 数据存储 ISO 映像、VM 模板和软盘映像9虚拟机内容 文件名说明.vmxVM 配置.vmdk虚拟磁盘-flat.vmdk预分配的虚拟磁盘文件 (包含数据).
21、vswp交换文件nvram非易失性 RAM 文件.vmemVM 内存.vmssVM 挂起文件.vmsd快照数据 -Snapshot.vmsn快照状态文件VMware-0.log、vmware-1.log 等日志文件10文件夹/子目录数据存储类型 数据存储VMFS数据存储VMFS数据存储NFSIP 网络VM 内容VM 内容FC 交换机光纤通道SAN 磁盘阵列iSCSI SAN磁盘阵列NAS磁盘阵列VM 1ESX 主机 1VM 2VM 1ESX 主机 2VM 2VM 内容VM 3VM 312本地 SCSIVMDKIP 交换机ESX效力器建议配置-新购为了尽能够的发扬虚拟化的作用,最大限制的利用单台
22、效力器的资源,建议用于虚拟化宿主效力器的配置应到达或超越如下规范:服务器CPU路数双路四路八路CPU(建议主频2GHz以上)双路四核四路双核或四核四路双核或四核+内存16GB+32GB+64GB+千兆网口无外接存储4+ / 6+4+ / 6+4+ / 6+使用FC存储4+ / 6+4+ / 6+4+ / 6+使用IP存储6+ / 8+6+ / 8+6+ / 8+FC HBA口(建议4Gb或8Gb产品)222内置硬盘(使用外置磁盘阵列时)222电源双冗余双冗余双冗余从性价比和可用性思索,不建议在单路效力器上部署虚拟化虚拟化宿主效力器建议配置-现有对于目前业内用的比较多的四路效力器 ,建议如下:四
23、路单核效力器:运算才干较弱,虚机数量应控制在10个以内,内存配置建议在12GB-16GB;四路双核效力器:运算才干中等,虚机数量可做到10-15个左右,内存配置建议在16GB-24GB;四路四核效力器:运算才干强劲,虚机数量可做到15-30个左右,内存配置建议在24GB-32GB。VC效力器最正确配置建议处置器:2.0GHz或更高的Intel或AMD x86处置器,VC支持多处置,可支持至多2个CPU。内存:最低需求为2GB,假使数据库和VC安装于同一台,建议添加至4GB。磁盘空间:最小为560MB,建议2GB。网卡:建议用Gigabit。最低硬件配置单个2GHzCPU,2GB内存,千兆网口可
25、较弱,不建议在其上存放虚拟机,引荐运用外置高性能磁盘阵列运用负载大小由于物理效力器资源本身的最大限制,运用负载越大,所能同时运转的虚机数量越少建议将不同运用访问特性的运用混合部署在同一物理效力器上灵敏运用DRS和VMotion技术可将物理机与虚机的比率关系调到最优思索到HA及DRS所要求的资源冗余,一切运转虚机在正常负载下,总体资源运用率不超越三分之二会比较适宜阅历值:双路四核10个虚机左右,四路四核15-30个虚机仅为参考虚机资源的分配CPU、内存CPU分配原那么:尽量运用最少的vCPUs,假设是单线程运用,不支持多线程处置,请不要运用virtual SMP虚拟CPU数量不要等于或超越物理C
26、PU核数,如双路双核效力器配置的虚机最多运用两个虚拟CPU当配置虚拟机的时候须了解ESX效力器本身也有一些overhead。需留意不要超越一切虚拟机运用率和一切vCPU汇总数目。察看idle loop spin功能参数,某些操作系统当它们闲置时,并不会真正的释放virtual CPU。确认配置了单一处置器的虚拟机为UP HAL/kernel,多处置器的虚拟机必需设定为SMP HAL/kernel。内存分配原那么:内存总量为在资源评价后,计算虚拟机评价结果所需实践物理内存的总和,其他由于运用程序而产生的更多内存需求可以用ESX的磁盘内存来处理关键运用可思索固定内存的方法以保证性能的稳定性VMwa
27、re vSphere Client 虚拟化客户端的运用1、在客户端安装VS client以实现远程管理VSphere client 硬件配置2、Ensure hosts are CPU compatibleIntel vs AMDSimilar CPU family/SSE3 statusEnhanced VMotion Compatibility (EVC)“VMware VMotion and CPU Compatibility whitepaperCPU incompatibility = limited DRS VM migration optionsLarger Host CPU a
28、nd memory size preferred for VM placement (if all equal)Differences in cache or memory architecture = inconsistency in performanceDRS Best Practices: Cluster ConfigurationHigher number of hosts = more DRS balancing optionsRecommend up to 32 hosts/clusterMay vary with VC server configuration and VM/h
29、ost ratioNetwork configuration on all hostsVMotion network: Security policies, VMotion nic enabled, GigE network, etcVirtual Machine network present on all hostsVM datastore shared across all hostsVM floppy/CD connected to host deviceDRS Best Practices: VM Resource SettingsReservations, Limits, and
30、SharesShares take effect during resource contentionLow limits can lead to wasted resourcesHigh VM reservations may limit DRS balancingOverhead memoryUse resource pools (RP) for better manageabilityVirtual CPUs and Memory size High memory size and virtual CPUs = fewer migration opportunitiesConfigure
31、 VMs based on needDRS Best Practices: Algorithm SettingsAggressiveness thresholdModerate threshold (default) works well for most casesAggressive thresholds recommended ifHomogenous clusters andVM demand relatively constant andFew affinity/anti-affinity rulesUse affinity/anti-affinity rules only when
32、 needAffinity rules: closely interacting VMsAnti-affinity rules: I/O intensive workloads, availabilityAutomatic DRS mode recommended (cluster-wide)Manual/Partially automatic mode for location-critical VMs (per VM)Per VM setting overrides cluster-wide settingHA Best Practices - Setup & Networking Pro
33、per DNS & Network settings are needed for initial configurationAfter configuration DNS resolutions are cached to /etc/FT_HOSTS (minimizing the dependency on DNS server availability during an actual failover)DNS on each host is preferred (manual editing of /etc/hosts is error prone)Redundancy to ESX
34、Service Console networking is essential (several options)Choose the option that minimizes single points of failureGateways/isolation addresses should respond via ICMP (ping)Enable PortFast (or equivalent) on network switches to avoid spanning tree related isolationsNetwork maintenance activities sho
35、uld take into account dependencies on the ESX Service Console network(s)VMware HA can be temporarily disabled through the Cluster-Edit Settings dialogValid VM network label names required for proper failoverVirtual machines use them to re-establish network connectivity upon restart HA Network Config
36、uration A single service console network with underlying redundancy is usually sufficient:Use a team of 2 NICs connected to different physical switches to avoid a single point of failureConfigure vNics in vSwitch for Active/Standby configuration (rolling failover = “yes, default load balancing = rou
37、te based on originating port ID)Consider extending timeout values & adding multiple isolation addresses (*see appendix)Timeouts of 30-60 seconds will slightly extend recovery times, but will also allow for intermittent network outagesNetwork redundancy between the ESX service consoles is essential f
38、or reliable detection of host failures & isolation conditions HA Network Configuration (Continued) HA will detect and use a secondary service console networkAdding a secondary service console portgroup to an existing VMotion vSwitch avoids having to dedicate an additional subnet & NIC for this purpo
39、seAlso need to specify an additional isolation address for the cluster to account for the added redundancy (*see appendix)Continue using the primary service console network & IP address for management purposesBe careful with network maintenance that affects the primary service console network and th
40、e secondary / VMotion networkBeyond NIC teaming, a secondary service console network can be configured to provide redundant heartbeating & isolation detectionHA Best Practices Resource Management Larger groups of homogenous servers will allow higher levels of utilization across an HA/DRS enabled clu
41、ster (on average)More nodes per cluster (current maximum is 16) can tolerate multiple host failures while still guaranteeing failover capacitiesAdmission control heuristics are conservatively weighted (so that large servers with many VMs can failover to small servers)To define the sizing estimates u
42、sed for admission control, set reasonable reservations as the minimum resources neededAdmission control will exceed failover capacities when reservations are not set; otherwise HA will use largest reservation specified as the “slot size.At a minimum, set reservations for a few virtual machines consi
43、dered “averageAdmission control may be too conservative when host and VM sizes vary widelyPerform your own capacity planning by choosing “Allow virtual machines to be powered on even if they violate availability constraints. HA will still try to restart as many virtual machines as it can. 议程运用实施范围思索
44、效力器采购思索虚拟机部署思索管理维护思索Impact of VirtualCenter Downtime ComponentImpact ExperiencedVirtual MachinesUnaffected, management requires direct connections to ESX ServersESX ServersUnaffected, management requires direct connections to ESX ServersPerformance & Monitoring Statistics Historical records will hav
45、e gaps during outages, still available via ESX Servers VMotionUnavailableVMware DRSUnavailableVMware HAAgents unaffected & provide failover functionality, admission control unavailable参见VirtualCenter ComponentsVirtualCenter ServerWeb AccessLicense ServerAD Domain ControllerDNS ServerDatabase Server参
46、见VirtualCenter Recommended CollocationCollocation of VirtualCenter components is desirable for most environmentsFocus of this session is on providing protection for these componentsIndustry standard solutions assumed for other componentsOne Server, Physical or VirtualVirtualCenter ServerWeb AccessLi
47、cense ServerAD Domain ControllerDNS ServerDatabase Server参见VirtualCenter Components (Additional Details)VirtualCenter Service: almost statelessInformation about inventory stored in the databaseSome state files stored locally on VirtualCenter serverWeb AccessNo state informationLicense ServerLicense
48、file stored locally14 day Grace period if unavailable参见VirtualCenter Local Configuration FilesOne Server, Physical or VirtualVirtualCenter ServerWeb AccessLicense ServerDatabase ServerSSLCertificateLicense File Config.FileUpgradeFiles参见Step 1 for High Availability: Protect the DatabaseDatabase outag
49、e will terminate VirtualCenter serviceAs of VirtualCenter 2.0.1 Patch 2, Windows Service Manager will automatically attempt to restart it every 5 minutes, indefinitelyVirtualCenter Database should be independently installed and managedFor local availability use the preferred mechanism for the type o
50、f database being used (VMware HA, MSCS, Database specific mechanisms)For disaster recovery, database should be replicated to a remote site as part of an overall DR plan参见VCVCBang!FailoverStep 2 for High Availability: Protect VirtualCenterVMware HA and Microsoft Cluster Services (MSCS) are the two mo
51、st popular optionsOther 3rd party solutions possible*Supported directly by 3rd partyOption a): VMware HAVirtual instances onlySubject to shared storage / network constraintsOnly requires single OS & application instance; no explicit replicationOption b): MSCSVirtualCenter 2.0.2 patch 2 or beyond Phy
52、sical or virtual instancesRequires 2 identical OS & application installations; explicit replication of filesInvolves additional configuration efforts & ongoing maintenance参见VirtualCenter: Physical vs. VirtualPhysicalVirtualBackups done using traditional toolsBackups possible through traditional tool
53、s, VCB, snapshots, cloning, etc.Dedicated server requiredDedicated server not required, resources can be shared with other virtual machinesPerformance limited only by server hardwarePerformance from shared resources; tuning may be neededFor additional details refer to the following documentation:vmw
54、are/pdf/vi3_vc_in_vm.pdfVirtualCenter with VMware HA: Out-of-BandTwo approachesTwo VirtualCenter instances manage each other (pictured)Both run in HA clusterEach manages the others HA clusterSeparate VirtualCenter instance is used to manage 2-node HA cluster (not pictured)vpxdvpxdVirtualCenter Serve
55、r manages the VMware HA cluster providing its protectionWhen the ESX hosts with VirtualCenter VM fails, VM is restarted automatically by HAFailover functionality provided by HA is independent from VirtualCenter (post-configuration)vpxdVirtualCenter with VMware HA: In-BandVirtualCenter with MSCS Phys
56、icalBest practice: use Majority Node Set quorum with witness shareMay be used as geographically dispersed cluster for disaster recovery solutionVCDB may be used in another cluster group on the same clusterRequires a third nodeEthernet NetworkvcdbvpxdFor additional details refer to the following docu
57、mentation:vmware/pdf/VC_MSCS.pdf VirtualCenter with MSCS VirtualRequires use of quorum disk clustering:Quorum disk on the shared storageSystem disks for both clustered virtual machines on local storageIncompatible with VMotion or VMware HASANLANvpxdFor additional details refer to the following docum
58、entation:vmware/pdf/VC_MSCS.pdfRise of the Phoenix - Disaster RecoveryVirtualCenter ServerDatabase ServerVI ServicesVI InventoryDatabase ServerStandard DR SolutionStandbyVirtualCenter ServerPrimaryReplication ofstate filesVirtualCenter Disaster Recovery OverviewDisaster recovery solution consists of
59、 three pieces:VI Inventory dataUse the standard DR solution of the database vendorVI ServicesCold Standby Re-install VirtualCenter and restore local configuration filesWarm Standby Pre-install VirtualCenter and synchronize local configuration files, but keep 2nd instance disconnectedAll other infras
60、tructure services: AD, DNS, etc.Use existing product-specific solutionsCold Standby Recovery ProcedureAble to assignprimarys IP tostandby?Maintain separateup to date copy oflocal configurationfilesInstall freshVirtualCenterinstanceInstallconfig files; connect tostandby DBDisaster!ESX Server hostsrec
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