Unit 6 How do you feel 单元教案(6 课时)人教版PEP英语六年级上册_第1页
Unit 6 How do you feel 单元教案(6 课时)人教版PEP英语六年级上册_第2页
Unit 6 How do you feel 单元教案(6 课时)人教版PEP英语六年级上册_第3页
Unit 6 How do you feel 单元教案(6 课时)人教版PEP英语六年级上册_第4页
Unit 6 How do you feel 单元教案(6 课时)人教版PEP英语六年级上册_第5页
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1、Unit 6 How do you feelPart A第一课时Lets learn & write and say教学目标.能够听、说、读、写单词:angry、afraid sad, worried, happy.能认读句型:人+be+表示感受的形容词。教学重难点掌握四会单词并能用他们描述自己或他人的情绪。教学准备教学课件,教学挂图,录音机,磁带教学过程Step 1 Warm-upFree talkT:(教师出示姚明的照片)Do you know him?S:Yes.He is Yao Ming.T:What does he do?S:He is a basketball player.T:

2、Very good! He is tall and strong.Step 2 Presentation.教学单词sad和happyo.Write down the Chinese meanings and make sentences.be afraid of be angry withStep 2 Presentation.教学: see a doctor.教师做咳嗽状,说:I think Im ill. What should I do?学生回答后,教师说:Yes, KI I see a doctor after class.板书see a doctor.让学生齐读词组,然后教师板书句子

3、:What should I do?You should*师生对话:T: Im ill. What should I do?S:You should see a doctor.教学词组:do more exercise.教师说: Well have a sports meeting next month. Tm going to run 100 meters. But Im worried I cant run fast. What should I do?学生提出建议后,教师说:Yes, I should do more exercise.板书:do more exercise.师生对话:T

4、: I cant run fast. What should I do?Ss: You should do more exercise.T: I cant swim fast. What should I do?Ss: You should do more exercise.T: I cant play the piano well. What should I do?Ss: You should do more exercise.3.学习词组: wear warm clothes.教师说:I feel cold now. what should I do? Oh, I should wear

5、 warm clothes.边说边穿上衣服:wear warm clothes.全班摸仿穿衣动作,边说词组:wear warm clothes.4学习词组 take a deep breath 和 count to ten。教师做深呼吸的动作,说:take a deep breath.板书:take a deep breath. 告诉学生当我们的情绪很紧张很激动时,我们可以通过做深呼吸来平 复情绪,让学生边做深呼吸边说词组。教师对学生说:Now please count to ten.学生数完后,教师说count to ten也是平复冲动情绪的一个好方法, 板书count to ten。学生齐

6、读该词组。5.教学 Lets learno(1)教师出示课文挂图,播放课文录音,全班静听,理解课文。(2)学生翻开教材,播放Lets learn的录音,学生逐句跟读。Step 3 Consolidation and extension.教学 Play card gameso.巩固练习。填一填,读一读。.You should(看)a doctor.You should do(更多)exercise.You should(穿)warm clothes.You should take a deep(呼吸)and(数至ll十).Step 4 Homework抄写并背诵单词和短语。板书设计Unit 6

7、How do you feel?see a doctortake a deep breathcount to tendo more exercisewear warm clothesA:What should I do?B:You should see a doctor.Part B第二课时Lets try and Lets talk教学目标.能够听懂、会说本课对话。.能够听、说、读、写句型:Whats wrong?Your father is ill.He should see a doctor this morning.Dont be sad.并能在实际情景中运用。教学重难点掌握四会句型并

8、能在实际情景中运用。教学准备教学课件,录音机,磁带教学过程Step 1 Warm-upFree talkT:l am cold. What should I do?S:You should wear warm clothes.T:lm ill. What should I do?S:You should see a doctor.T:lm angry. What should I do?S:You should take a deep breath and count to ten.T:lm worried. What should I do?S:You should do more exer

9、cise.Step 2 Presentation.教学: Whats wrong? Your father is ill. He should see a doctor this morning. Don/t be sad.T:(故做悲伤状)What should I do?Ss: Whats wrong?T:My father is ill.Ss: He should see a doctor. Don t be sad.(操练句子).教学单词feel, welloT:l,m ill. I dont feel well.教师板书feel, wello解释单词的意思并带读。.教学句子:Dont

10、 be sad.教师装出悲伤的样子,说:l,m sad.然后做 出忍住忍悲伤的样子,说:Dont be sad.板书Dont be sad.让学生齐读句子。.教学 Lets tryo(1)教师翻开课本,读一读Lets try中呈现的问题和选项。(2)教师播放Letstry的录音,学生听完后圈出正确的答案。(3)全班校对答案。.教学 Lets taiko(1)教师播放Lets talk的视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:Who is ill?What should he do?视频播完后,让学生来回答这两个问题。(2)再次播放Let,stalk的视频,每句后暂停,学生跟读。(3)让学生分角色朗读课文

11、。Step 3 Consolidation and extension教学 Act with your friendso活动方式:学生两人一组,根据图片提示中朋友所遇到的问题,给出自己的意见Step 4 Homework完成配套练习册板书设计Unit 6 How do you feel?I am sad/angry.What should I do?Don/t be sad.You should.Part B第三课时Read and write教学目标.能够掌握Read and write局部的短文和单词:sit grass hear、ant worry、mud、pull everyoneo.

12、能正确认读单词末尾的to教学重难点.巩固本单元词汇和重点句型。.理解短文内容。教学准备教学课件,教学挂图,录音机,磁带教学过程Step IWarm-upl.Translate and read.see a doctortake a deep breathcount to ten怎么了?不要生气。.活动:Draw faces for each word.活动方式:学生根据单词的提示在各自课本上画出:afraid, happy, angry, sad四种表情,比比,谁画得好。Step 2 Presentation.教学单词:sit、grass hear ant worry. (1)教师用粉笔在黑板

13、上 画出一些草,介绍说:This is grass. I like sitting on the grass.教师接着拿出挂图,贴在黑板上说:Look! Robin likes sitting on the grass, too.教师板书:sit on the grass.并带读。(2)教师出示蚂蚁图片说:This is an ant. Its a little ant. It is very small. Robin doesnt see it. He is going to sit on the ant. So the ant is afraid. It says: uPlease don

14、t sit on me. One day, I can help you. Robin hears, he says, Dont worry, little ant. I wont sit on you. ”教师板书hear, worry并带读。.教学单词 stuck, mud, pull, everyoneo(1)教师拿出Robin摔倒在泥中的图片说:Its raining next day. Robin is stuck in mud.教师板书stuck in mud.解释意思,并带读。(2)教师拉着一位学生说: Im pulling him” .板书pull,让学生边做拉的动作边说:pu

15、ll, pull, Fm pulling.(3)教师询问全班同学:Are you happy?得到肯定的回答后,教师指着全班说:Everyone is happy.板书并带读everyone.教学 Read and writeo(1)教师先让学生看课文,理解课文内容,画出不理解的句子。(2)教师板书并讲解学生不理解的句子。(3)播放教学视频,学生 观看进一步理解课文内容。(4)让学生完成:What does the story tell Number the pictures.然后全班讲评订正。(5)学生独立完成Fill in the blanks.Step 3 Consolidation a

16、nd extension.教学 Tips for pronunciationStep 4 Homework完成课后练习。板书设计Unit 6 How do you feel?sit on the grasshear ant worrystuck in mud pull everyonePart B第四课时Let/s check & Wrap it up & story time教学目标.复习本单元重点单词和句型。.能够独立完成Let/s check & Lets wrap it up的活动。.理解story time中的故事。教学重难点巩固本单元词汇和重点句型。教学准备教学课本,录音机,磁带,

17、单词,卡片教学过程Step 1 Warm-upl.Sing the song: if you are happy., clap your hands.2.以单词卡片的形式复习三会单词和四会单词。Step 2 Presentation.教学 Lets checko(1)先让学生观察所给的图和文字。(2)教师播放录音,学生听音连线。(3)全班讲评订正。Listen again and circle the right answers.教学 Lets wrap it up。(1)让学生读出课本所列感觉类的单词。(2)让学生添加上更多同(1)教师在黑板上画一个笑脸,说:This is a happy

18、face. Km happy now. Are you Happy?板书happy,带读并记忆单词happyo然后提问一些学生:Are you happy?引导学生用Yes, I am.或No, Im not.来回答。(2)教学单词sad。教 师在黑板上画一个哭脸,问:Is he happy?学生回答: No, he isnt.教师补充:Hes sad.板书sad.拼读记忆sad,让学生边做抹泪的动作边说:sad, sad, Km sad.教学单词angry和afraid o(1)教师在黑板上画一张生气的脸说,He is angry.接着教师也装作生气的样子说:I am angry, too。

19、板书angry,让学生用生气的语调和表情说angry。(2)教师出示一张老虎的图片问:“Whatsthis?”学生回答:Its a tiger.教师问:Are you afraid?板书afraid,在单词旁画一张害怕的脸,然后让学生用害怕的语调和表情学说单词afraid o.教学单词worried o教师做出担忧的表情说:My pet dog is ill. He didn/t have food a day. Im worried about him.教师在黑板上画一张担忧的脸,板书worried。类的单词。(3)学生两人一组编对话,谈谈现在的感受。(4)表演对话。3.教学 story t

20、ime.(1)教师指着挂图,先做背景介绍:T: Zip is going to watch a TV show. Zoom is going to make some popcorn.What happened? Lets see.(2)阅读故事,了解故事大意。(3)播放视频,理解故事内容。教师播放故事的视频,让学生通过 视频理解故事内容,最后让学生模仿故事中的人物语音、语调说以下 句子:My favourite TV show is on soon. Ill go and make some. He must be making lots of popcorn. Km a little wo

21、rried now. But they take a long time to grow. Km still waiting.(4)模仿角色的语音语调,学说故事。(5)鼓励学生分角色扮演。Step 3 Consolidation and extension活动:排忧解难学生四人一组,排演一个小品,讲述他所遇到的烦恼, 其他之人排忧解难。最后请同学上台表演小品。Step 4 Homework.复习本单元重点单词和短语。.完成配套练习册。板书设计Unit 6 How do you feel?I cant waitIm so happy.Where is he?Im a little worried

22、.What are you doing here?Dont be angry.Count to ten and take a deep breath.Part B教学反思本单元B局部在描述心情感受的同时,需要同学们学会提供建议, 给予关心。在此局部,学生需要通过自由活动、编对话的形式学会关 心他人。Unit 6矢口识北二聚四 会 单 词.angry生气的.afraid 害怕.sad难过的4.worried担忧的.happy高兴的. wear 穿.more更多.deep深的.breath 呼吸.count 数数会单词.chase 追赶.bad邪恶的,坏的.mice (mouse的复数)老鼠.hu

23、rt (使)受伤.ill有病,不舒服6.wrong有毛病.should 应该.feel感觉.well健康,身体好lO.sit 坐11.grass 草坪.hear 听见.ant蚂蚁.worry 担忧.mud 泥.stuck陷住,无法移动.pull 拉,拽.everyone 每人重 要 句 型.They are afraid of him.它们害怕他。.The cat is angry with them.这只猫很生他们的气。.一Whats wrong?怎么 了 ?一Your father is ill.你爸爸病 了。.He should see a doctor this morning.他今天

24、早上应该去看医生。然后让学生用担忧的表情和语调读worried.4.Say the chant.Happy, happy, Km happy.(食指放在脸颊的两旁)Sad, sad, Im sad.(以手拭泪)Afraid, afraid, Km afraid (双手放在下巴边侧身躲避)Angry, angry, Im angry.(双手叉腰并瞪眼)Worried, worried, Km worried.(双手托下巴作担忧状)活动方式:要求学生边做动作,边用相应的表情和语调来说chant。5.教学 Lets learn0(1)教师播放Lets learn的课文视频,学生整体感知课文内容。2)

25、教师再次播放课文视频,每句后暂停,学生跟读。Step 3 Consolidation and extension.教学 Lets sing: If you are happy, clap your hands.(1)教师播放歌曲录音,学生静听。(2)再次播放歌曲录音,让学生小声跟唱,体会歌曲的节奏。(3)继续播放歌曲的录音,让学生大声跟唱。(4)让学生配上动作,边演边唱。.教学 Write and say。(1)学生独立根据图片填空。(2)全班讲评订正并一起拼读所填单词。(3)两人一组看图说话。Step 4 Homework.抄写并背诵单词。.用be动词的三种形式写一句话描述自己和他人的情绪。

26、教学板书Unit 6 How do you feelangry afraid sad worried happyHe/She/Sarah is angry/.They are sad/.Part A第二课时Lets try & Lets talk教学目标.能够听、说、认读单词:chase、mice bad、hurto.能够听、说、读、写句子:They are afraid of him.The cat is angry with them.能用 be afraid of, be angry with 造句。教学重难点掌握句型,读懂对话。教学准备教学课件,教学挂图,录音机,磁带教学过程Step

27、1 Warm-up.Sing the song: If you/re happy, clap your hands.抽读单词:angry, afraid, sad, worried, happy.活动:Listen and draw活动方式:教师说句子,学生根据听到的指 令画画。eg: Draw a happy face. Draw a sad girl-Step 2 Presentation.教学单词:chase mice bad hurt.(1)教学单词bad。教师出示白雪公主的图片并介绍:This is a good girl. She is friendly.再出示巫婆的图片:This

28、 old woman is bad.板书good一bad,让学生说说bad的意思并带读。(2)教学单词mice。教师出示一只老鼠的图片介绍:This is a mouse.板书mouse.接着出示一群老鼠的图片说:They/re mice.板书:miceo告诉学生:mice是mouse的复数形式,是不规那么的变化。带读mouse 和 miceo(3)教学单词chase和hurt。教师指着老鼠的照片问:Are the mice good?学生回答:No, they are bad. 教师接着追问:Why?并 自答:Because they often eat our food. They hur

29、t people板书 hurt, 并带读教师接着说:The mice hurt people. Who can help people? Yes, the cats are good. They can chase the mice.板书 chase,解释并带读。.教学句子 Theyre afraid of him. The cat is angry with them.教师出示 猫捉老鼠的图片说:“The mice hurt people. The cat is angry with them.” 板书The cat is angry with them.学生读句子,教师指着图片继续说:“The cat is angry with them. So the cat chase the mice. And theyre afraid of him.”板书 They are afraid of him.最后让学生用 Im afraid of 的句式说说自己害怕什么。.教学 Lets tryo(1)教师让学生翻开课本,读一读Lets try中呈现的两个问句及其 选项。(2)教师播放Lets try的录音,学生听完后圈出正确的选项。(3)全班校对答案。.教学 Lets taiko(1)教师播放Lets talk的视频,要求学生带着问题看视频:What does the cat do?视


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