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1、Unit9Uint10 单元考试试卷一:单选选择(25分)()1. When my mother came back home last night, I was still.A. wakeB. wokeC. awake()2.you are free, come to my home and let s have some coffee.A. Whatever B. Whenever C. Whoever()3. Jim needs his English if he wants to be a flight attendant(服务员).A. to improve B to discove

2、r C. to learn()4. - have you been studying English? - Since last year.A. How far B. How soonC. How long()5. I don t like those two coats because of them fits me.A. either B. neitherC. none()6 Mr. Li Paris. He Paris many times.A. has been to; has been toB. has gone to; has been in C. has gone to; has

3、 been to()7. These are from Berlin.A. GermanB. GermenC. Germans ( )8. The clothes are very beautiful in this shop, and of the clothes are for children.A. third fourB. fourth three C. three quarters()9. He writese-mails every year.A. ten thousandsB. thousand of C. thousands of()10. Dont talk loudly,

4、or you will the baby.A. wake upB. get up C. put up( )11. Laura bought this house because it is close to the school.A. especiallyB. Finally C. simply( )12. The man fearsin the river because he cant swim.A. playB. playsC. to play()13. youlikeswimming, fishing boating,you ll have fun in the water park.

5、A. Whether; orB. If; or C. Either; or()14. I m certain to the airport on time now.A. getB. will get C. to get()15 (2013 衡阳中考)一Look at these stamps. I them for five years.Wow, they are wonderful.A. keptB. have kept C. have bought()16. Stay away from junk food, please. It s bad for us, for children.A.

6、 recentlyB. Especially C. probably()17.Where is Mr. Wang?He is the basketball players.A. amongB. Between C. over( )18. My grandfather me stories when I was young.A. used to tellB. is used to telling C. was used to telling()19.(2013雅安中考)My sister has learnt English . A. for twelve years agoB. since s

7、he was four C. twelve years ago()20. In China it is a custom to give kids lucky money during the SpringFestival.A. finallyB. luckilyC.especially()21. Bill Gates is really great. He has most of his money to charity.A. given awayB. handed out C. put up()22. My father on business for two weeks. He ll r

8、eturn in three days.A. has been awayB. Left C. has left()23. I have been collecting stamps I was nine years old.A. beforeB. ifC. since()24.- Peter, can you tell me the differences the four words?Sorry, I don t know.A. betweenB. amongC. for()25.- Why are you so quiet?一I m considering a new sweater.A.

9、 buyB. boughtC. buying二.完形填空(10分)The first Disneyland in Europe was opened in Francein 1992. At first, it was known 1 Euro-Disney ”But it was renamed “Disneyland Paris ” in 1994. Itis now one of the most successful Disney theme 2 in the world with up to 70, 000 3 a day during the warm summer months.

10、The park has five different sections(音日分)called “lands ” . Each land has itsown unusual and exciting features(特1点).The five different lands are called MainStreet USA, Adventureland, Frontierland, Fantasyland and Discoveryland. After 4 the lands, you can have a meal in one of the many restaurants in

11、the park or you can meet 5 and Donald Duck. 6 not visit Disney Village? In Disney Village you can relax and 7 the beautiful scenery, go shopping or visit a nightclub. For people who would like to stay for more than one day, there are seven 8 . The Newport Bay Club is one of these hotels and is, in f

12、act, the 9 hotel in Western Europe.Weknow that you will love Disneyland because it has 10 for everyone. Book your trip of a lifetime now!1. A. forB. asC. with2. A. placesB. gardensC. parks3. A. childrenB. visitorsC. players4. A. livingB. stayingC. visiting5. A. SupermanB. Walt DisneyC. Mickey MouseA

13、. WhatA. enjoyA. housesA. smallB. HowB. watchB. hotelsB. largerC. WhenD. WhyC. receiveC. placesC. largest10. A. somethingB. Everything C. nothing:阅读理解(30分) AI ve been in England for two months now. I hopeyou don t think I have forgotten you. There are so many places to see and so many things to do t

14、hat I ve nothad much time to write letters.I will soon be starting mystudies at King s College.So far I ve been learning about England and British ways of living. I will tell you about London. One great thing about it is that it has lots of books you can readll be more interested to knowand lots of

15、pictures you can look at. I am sure youwhat I think about the life here.I find some of the customs( 风俗)new and interesting. People here don t shake hands as much as we do in Germany. During the first few weeks I was often surprised because people didn t put out their hands when I met them. Men raise

16、 their hats to women but not to each other.Yours, Wang GangThe writer came London from . A. GermanyB. India C. South AfricaThe writer .A. will come to England in two months B. came to England just nowC. came to England two months agoThe writer has . A. not written any letters B. no time to write let

17、tersC. a little time to write lettersThe writer came to England to . A. make a living B. Study C. learn about life thereThe writer .t like the life there at allA. enjoys the life there B. doesnDear Zhang Hua,capital of Thailand and it is a verysome places of interest in the city.C. knows nothing abo

18、ut the life thereHave you ever been to Thailand? It is a country in Southeast Asia. I ve been in Thailand for a few days with my parents. We are here for a holiday.Nowwe are staying in Bangkok(曼谷).It is theinteresting place to visit. Yesterday we visitedThey are great! This morning we went shopping.

19、Bangkok is a wonderful place to shop for jewelry( 珠宝)and clothes. My mother boughta nice necklace, my father and I bought some fashionable T-shirts.Thailand is called “ Land of Smiles because people here are very friendly.And it s true! When we eat in the restaurants in Bangkok, the waiters are real

20、lynice and they are always smiling. Thai food is delicious, but it is sometimes a littlespicy( 辛辣的)for me. You can also get Chinese food here because a lot of Chinesepeople came to live in Bangkok many years ago. Chinese food is very good, and itisn t as spicy as Thai food. Our American food can als

21、o be found in Bangkok, however,I don t eat it. You know, I d like to try new things when I travel.The weather has been very hot. Yesterday it rained and got a little cooler. But today it s hot again.Yours,MaryMary and her parents went to Thailand . A. to buy thingsB. to eat Thai food C. for a holida

22、yBangkok is a good place . A. to buy jewelry and clothes B. to buy necklaces C. to buy T-shirtsWhy is Thailand called Land of Smiles ?A. Because people there are happy. B. Because people there are friendly.C. Because things there are cheap.Which one is NOT true?A. Sometimes Thai food is spicy. B. Yo

23、u can try Chinese food and American foodin Thailand.C. Mary doesn t like American food.Today the weather is . A. hotB. rainyC. cooler才(2015 湛江中考)Techeng Island( 特呈岛)lies in the southeast ofZhanjiang. The villagers there used to make a living by fishing. But now, most of them make much money by doing

24、 business. They believe that their island is a gift from nature and they give thanks to it every day. In2003, President Hu Jintao cameto visit the island and pointed out that the government of Zhanjiang should take the island into a “civilized new eco-tourism island ”(文 明生态旅游新海岛 ).Since then, the is

25、land has opened a new page in history.Today, the island has become a popular place for tourists. It takes you about15 minutes to get there by boat from Maxie Pier(码头)near Haibin Park. But it isa just 8-minute boat ride from ZhanjiangPort Pier. In the resort(度彳民村),you cannot only enjoy the fantastic sights but also have a lot of interesting things todo, like walking on the beach, visiting the museumand enjoying the delicious seafood. The best way to relax yourself is to enjoy the hot springs(温泉)there. Welcome toTecheng Island! It s a place to be!How did the villagers


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