【课件】Unit 3 Using language 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第1页
【课件】Unit 3 Using language 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第2页
【课件】Unit 3 Using language 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第3页
【课件】Unit 3 Using language 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第4页
【课件】Unit 3 Using language 课件-2021-2022学年高中英语人教版(2019)选择性必修第三册_第5页
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1、Unit 3 Environmental Protection Using languageIn this class, we willread and understand the report on water pollution in the Li River.learn the organization of a report.learn to produce a mind map.master some useful expressions.Aims:Activation 1 Look at the pictures. What can you see? How do you des

2、cribe them? beautifulamazingawesomespectacularmassivebreathtaking.Unit 3 Using language Reducing Water Pollution In The Li RiverPrediction Style: The key words :What will the text be about?Reportwater pollution, the Li River,reduce 报告是一种常见的应用文体。报告征文通常包括问题描述、问题产生的成因分析、解决问题的具体措施以及成效。Reading Activities

3、ParagraphsMain ideasParagraph 1Paragraph 2Paragraph 3Paragraph 4Activity 1: Read the text quickly and match the main idea of each paragraph. Introducing the topic Describing the problem (causes) Presenting the measures (solutions) Presenting further solutions and resultActivity 2 Read for details1)

4、Para 1 Introducing the topic It has negative effects .The beauty of the Li River and its amazing surrounding scenery. What makes the Li River one of the most well-known tourist destinations in China? What effect does its reputation have on the rivers water quality?an increasing volume of touristsLi

5、River Pollution2) Para 2 Describing the problem (causes)Draw a mind map to show all the factors that caused the pollution.measures3) Para 3 Presenting the measures (solutions)Find out the measures of addressing the water pollution.Group work (15 minutes)Cheerleader Try-outs Lets help Joyce improve h

6、er draft by using noun/adjective/adverb phrases to add more information.Show time!an increasing volume of touristsLocal population rise to meet tourism demand =more household wasteMore chemicals for crop production going into waterRise in number of commercial and industrial enterprises = more wasteT

7、our boats throwing cooking oil in water Tourists throwing rubbish in water Li River PollutionThe factors that caused the pollution.construction of waste water treatment facilitiesthe collection and transport of household wasteclosing or moving the polluting enterprisessetting up regulations & rulesm

8、ediacarrying out inspections and finingmeasures The measures of addressing the water pollution.What is the “River Chief System”?The “River Chief System” holds senior officials responsible for reducing water pollution.3) Para 4 Presenting further solutions and result. Activity 3: Read the text again

9、and identify the structureA. Introducing the topic B. Describing the problem (causes)C. Presenting the measures (solutions)D. Presenting further solutions and result Activity 3: Read for the structure. Para 1Introducing the topicPara 2Describing the _Para 3Presenting some _Para 4Presenting further _

10、problems / causesmeasures / solutionssolutionsThe structure of a report on an environmental issue.1. 对.有负面影响 2.将垃圾扔进江中3.导致这个问题 4.造成了严重的水质问题5.破坏自然环境 6.改善水质7.制定严格规定 8.宣传环保意识9.鼓励更多地使用清洁能源 10.实施定期检查11.对旅游机构的违规行为进行处罚12.必须采取紧急措施以恢复漓江昔日之美。13.有了这些举措,相信漓江之美将会得到保护并世代相传。14.随着这些运动的开展,中国的水路正在走向洁净,可持续的未来。Activity

11、 4 Listen and find out the following phrases and sentences.Listen to the text and find out the following phrases and blem and causes :(Paragraph 1and 2) Activity 4 Listen and underline the following phrases and sentences. 1.对.有负面影响2.将垃圾扔进江中3.导致这个问题4.造成了严重的水质问题 5.破坏自然环境1.have negative ef

12、fects on 2.threw garbage into the river 3.contributed to the problem 4.led to severe water quality issues 5.damage the natural environment measures (solutions):(Paragraph 2 and 3)Activity 4 Listen and underline the following phrases and sentences.6.改善水质7.制定严格规定8.宣传环保意识9.鼓励更多地使用清洁能源10.实施定期检查11.对旅游机构的

13、违规行为进行处罚12.必须采取紧急措施以恢复漓江昔日之美。6.improve the water quality 7.set up strict regulations 8.spread environmental awareness 9.encourage greater use of clean energy 10. carry out inspections regularly 11.fine tourist organisations for abuses 12.Urgent steps should be taken to restore the rivers original be

14、auty.result:(Paragraph 3 and4 )Activity 4 Listen and underline the following phrases and sentences.13.有了这些举措,相信漓江之美将会得到保护并世代相传。13.With these measures, it is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations to come.14.With such campaigns in effect, Chinas waterways are headi

15、ng towards a clean and sustainable guture.14.随着这些运动的开展,中国的水路正在走向洁净,可持续的未来。 句式仿写:1. Urgent steps should be taken to restore the rivers original beauty. (sb)take steps/measures/actions to do sth. (主动句型)(某人)采取措施 做某事 必须采取紧急措施以恢复漓江昔日之美。(steps/measures/actions)be taken to do sth. (被动句型) 采取措施 做某事 我们应该采取紧急措

16、施以改善水质。_必须采取紧急措施以改善水质。_Urgent steps should be taken to improve the water quality . We should take urgent steps to improve the water quality . 2. With these measures, it is believed that the beauty of the Li River will be preserved for generations to come.有了这些举措,相信漓江之美将会得到保护并世代相传。With + 名词 作状语 有了这些举措

17、,这条被污染过的河流已经变成清澈的河流。With these measures, the polluted river has been turned into a clean one .Assessment What have we learned in this period?1. a report about the environmental problem in the Li River2. learn the organization/structure of a report3. master some useful expressions and sentence patternstopic/proble


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