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1、2012佳鑫诺专接本英语辅导教材答案第一部分语言基本能力精析强化一语音知识讲解与练习Keys to the Exercises: 一、 语音知识讲解与练习1. 1)able face grade paper savemap sad maths handany anybody manyafter fast dance grasswash want what watch2) be we even complete Chinese metrered enter forget November guestline alone advice live date3) ice die size drive

2、white child climb behindink ill big hill quick city windy4) open so hole whole noteoften October song shop modernother son come coverobey polite today5) use pupil music computer excuseblue rude ruler June trulyup uncle under brush rubber hurry6) each beast cheap heat meanbreath death head peasant re

3、ady7) born corner form short important recorderword worse worth works worldconductor doctor mirror monitor2. 1.D 2.B 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.D 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.B 21.A 22.C 23.D 24.D 25.B 26.B 27.B 28.D 29.C 30.C 3. 1-5 D B D B C 6-10 B A A A C三词法讲解与练习(一) 名词Keys

4、to the Exercises: (1)名词1-5 C A A C B 6-10 D C D D A(二) 冠词Keys to the Exercises: 冠词1. B C A B D A A D D C2.1.an 2. The 3./ 4.The 5.The; /6.a 7./ 8.the(/)9.a 10.an11.The 12.A 13.a 14.a 15.a 16.A 17.an 18.the 19.a 20.a21.an 22.the 23.a 24.the 25.The 26.the 27.The 28.the29.a 30.The31.the32.the 33.the34.

5、the35.the 36.the37.The38.The39.the 40.the(三) 代词Keys to the Exercises: 1-5 C B A B A 6-10 D B C B A(四) 数词Keys to the Exercises: 数词1-5 C C D A B 6-10 A C B D A 11-14 C B B A(五) 形容词Keys to the Exercises: 形容词 1-5 A B C C B 6-10 A C D C C 11-15 B C A B C 16-20 B B A A D21-25 A A C A C 26-30 B B B A D (六)

6、 副词Keys to the Exercises: 副词1.C(改为hot enough) 2.D(改为yet) 3.D(改为entirely well) 4.B(改为most) 5.D(改为extremely和very去掉其中一个) 6.A(改为straight) 7.A(改为把completely置于动词不定式的前面) 8.A(改为As quietly as) 9.D(改为fast) 10.B(把scientific改为scientifically) 11.B(改为such a strong accent) 12.A(改为fairly或quite) 13.A(改为always speaks

7、) 14.B(改为formerly) 15.B(改为is only) 16.C(改为higher) 17.C(改为differently) 18.D(改为coarser) 19.D(改为poorliest-taught) 20.A(改为too difficult)(七) 介词Keys to the Exercises: 介词1-5 C B C A B 6-10 A A D B C 11-15 C C C D B四语法讲解与练习(一)动词的时态Now please translate the following sentences into English:1)见到你我很高兴。2)李华只懂一点英

8、语。3)他们每天晚上看电视。4)我坐飞机走,明天早晨六点到那里。5)你多久给你的母亲写一封信?6)你的朋友看起来很年轻。7)汤姆经常在床上看书。8)你在发音方面有困难吗?Keys to the Exercises: 1)I am very glad to see/meet you.2)Li Hua only knows a little English.3)They watch TV every evening.4)I leave by air and arrive there at six tomorrow morning.5)How often do you write to your m

9、other? 6)Your friend looks very young.7)Tom often reads in bed.8)Do you have any trouble with pronunciation? 2、现在进行时翻译练习:1)新生下星期到。2)那边出了什么事?3)那辆汽车怎么停在门外?4)他们正在看电视里的足球赛。5)他老爱开玩笑。6)我们从国外进口机器,我们在学习新的科学技术。Keys to the Exercises: 翻译练习:1)The new students are arriving next week.2)What is happening over ther

10、e?3)Why is that car parking (stopping) outside the gate?4)They are watching a football match on television.5)He is always joking.6)We import machines from abroad; we are learning new science and technology.3、现在完成时翻译练习:1)他们已经答复了我们的信。2)自去年以来我就未遇见过王英。3)他刚把他的名字告诉我。4)你到过杭州吗?到过。我一个月以前去过那里。我去过两三次。5)他在海外住了很

11、长时间了。Keys to the Exercises: 翻译练习:1)They have already answered our letter.2)I havent met Wang Ying since last year.3)He has just told me his name.4)Have you ever been to Hangzhou? Yes, I have. I went there a month ago. I have been there two or three times.5)He has lived abroad for a very long time.4、

12、现在完成进行时翻译练习:1)你整个早晨在学习什么?2)你已经参加过期末考试了吗?3)学生们一直在为高考准备功课。4)我们从小就认识。5)1949年以来,王先生一直在这所学校教物理。6)雨一直下了一个星期。Keys to the Exercises: 翻译练习:1)What have you been studying all the morning?2)Have you taken your final examination?3)The students have been preparing their lessons for the college entrance examinatio

13、n.4)We have known each other since childhood. 5)Mr. Wang has been teaching physics in this school since 1949.6)It has been raining for a week.5、一般过去时翻译练习:1)他昨天晚上离开这里到上海去了。2)你昨天早上是什么时候醒来的?我六点钟醒的,可是到七点才起床。3)星期一有个外国朋友来参观过我们学校了。4)我上中学的时候总是六点钟起床。5)周总理曾经常在这里办公。Keys to the Exercises: 翻译练习:1)He left for Sha

14、nghai yesterday evening.2)What time did you wake up yesterday morning? ?I woke up at six oclock, but did not get up until 7.3)A foreign friend visited our school on Monday.4)I used to get up at six when I was at middle school.5)Premier Zhou used to work here.6、过去进行时翻译练习:1)我记得他哥哥上小学时经常在课堂上提问题。2)我母亲做饭

15、的时候,我父亲在抽烟。3)我正在写东西,小明把灯关了。4)夕阳西下,天渐渐黑下来了。5)你走进他们的房间时,他们正在听广播吗?6)她给你打电话的时候,你在干什么?Keys to the Exercises: 翻译练习:1)I remember his brother was constantly asking questions in class when he was at primary school.2)While my mother was cooking, my father was smoking.3)When I was writing, Xiao Ming turned off

16、 the light.4)The sun was setting. It was getting dark.5)Were they listening to the broadcast when you entered their room?6)What were you doing when she called you on the phone?7、过去完成时翻译练习:1)很幸运,下雨前我们已经到家了。2)张华说他的笔记本丢了。3)他曾告诉过我,会议两点钟开。可是当我到了以后,我还得等到两点半。4)他在这里住了两三天,才觉得没有什么拘束(feel at home)。Keys to the

17、Exercises:翻译练习:1)Luckily, we had got home before it began to rain.2)Zhang Hua said he had lost his notebook.3)He had told me that the meeting was at 2, but when I arrived I had to wait till 2:30.4)When he had stayed here for two or three days, he began to feel at home.9、一般将来时练习:用be going to 或will填空:

18、1)What are you doing with that spade? I _ (plant) some trees. 2)This is a terribly heavy box. I _ (help) you carry it. 3) Ive left my watch upstairs. I _ (go) and get it for you. 4) Who will post this letter for me? I _. 5) She has bought a length of cloth; she _ (make) herself a dress. Keys to the

19、Exercises: 用be going to 或will填空:1)(am going to plant) 2)(will help) 3) (will go) 4) (will) 5) (is going to make)10、将来进行时翻译下列句子:1)下月这个时候,我们将呆在南京了。2)在今天下午的会议上,你们讨论这个计划吗?3)你会见到我的兄弟吗?4)下学期你教我们吗?5)你来的时候,我们将在开会。6)下周这个时候,我们将在考试。Keys to the Exercises: 翻译下列句子:1)This time next month we shall be staying in Nan

20、jing.2)Will you be discussing the plan at the meeting this afternoon?3)Will you be seeing my brother?4)Will you be teaching us next term?5)When you come we shall be having a meeting.6)This time next week we shall be taking our exams.12、将来完成时翻译练习:1)七月份你们再来时,他们就搬进新房子里去了。2)到下一个五一节,我们在一起的时间就很长了。3)我相信,在你

21、到那儿之前,这些困难他已经解决了。4)到明年七月,我就大学毕业了。Keys to the Exercises: 翻译练习:1)When you come again in July, they will have moved into a new house.2)By next May Day we shall have been together for a long time.3)Im sure he will have settled/solved the difficulties before you arrive there.4)By July next year, I will h

22、ave graduated from college.二(语态)(九)练习1、将下列句子变成被动语态:主要步骤是:把原句的宾语变成主语(代词宾格要变成主格);把原句的谓语动词变成被动形式(注意:时态不变,新谓语动词与新主语要一致,疑问句要注意助动词的转换)。复合句中如有可能主句和从句都要变成被动语态。1)He gave me a present.2)My sister made the soup.3)The workers could not find the manager anywhere in the factory.4)The army engineers and soldiers h

23、ave built a bridge over the river.5)The police will surely arrest the thieves.6)My brother will repair my bike for me.7)You must clean your watch once a year.8)I didnt tell you Xiao Wang could do the job.9)I cannot find my dictionary. Someone has taken it.10)She cannot find her bag. Someone must hav

24、e taken it.11)The pupils asked the teacher to tell a story.12)The Association asked Mr. Green to make a speech.13)The government is sending him abroad.14)He told me to wait here for him.15)Mr. Hopkins has found his wallet.16)The workers themselves invented the new machine.17)They set up this hospita

25、l in 1950.18)Tom broke the window.19)Did you write the letter?20)They do not make this kind of watches in Beijing.21)People call him Little Old Man.22)John answered all the questions.23)The farmer was ploughing the field.24)People speak English in almost all the countries of the world.25)The wind bl

26、ew the clouds away.26)We shall paint the room.27)Must I do all the exercises on my own?28)I am going to ring Tom up.29)Everyone expects that he will win.30)Did you finish your composition in class?31)Do you wash your clothes very often?32)Have they paid you the money?33)Mr. Wang gave us an English l

27、esson.34)He told his brother the news.2、将下列句子变成主动语态:1)What were you told to do?2)They were made to learn the poem by heart.3)The house was being cleaned while the dinner was being cooked.4)It must have been done by an artist.5)The business has been taken over by his competitors.6)Such customs should

28、 be done away with.7)Why havent the letters been written?8)It must be done at once.9)I ought to have been told sooner.10)I wasnt told that he had been dismissed.3、用被动语态翻译以下句子(做翻译时,首先要看用什么句型和结构,再看用什么谓语动词,然后看用什么时态。这些是汉译英的关键。)1)没有人强迫你去做那项工作。2)这个班由布朗先生教英语。3)那棵大树被风刮倒了。4)这间教室靠两个火炉取暖。5)这篇文章是汤姆写的吗?6)你会得到老师们

29、的帮助。7)恐怕你要挨批评了。8)那封信已由王林写好。9)电影放映之前,票已全部售出。10)试卷上所有的题目都必须做吗?11)我们学校正在修建一个新的化学实验室。12)电视机关上了。13)在生产中可以很好地利用原子能。14)大家知道,物质是在不断运动和变化的。15)有人看见他和李红在一起。16)据报道,一两天内有大雨。17)林肯在竞选参议员失败后两年,当选为美国总统。18)他父亲被派到南京出差去了。19)-新方案实行了吗?-没有,还在计划中。听说还在提出各种建议。-新方案完成时就要采取下一个步骤了。20)-那个电话是什么时候打的?-我想是昨天晚上打的。Keys to the Exercises

30、: 1、将下列句子变成被动语态:1)I was given a present by him.2)The soup was made by my sister.3)The manager could not be found anywhere in the factory by the workers.4)A bridge has been built over the river by the army engineers and soldiers.5)The thieves will surely be arrested by the police.6)My bike will be re

31、paired by my brother.7)Your watch must be cleaned once a year.8)You were not told (that) the job could be done by Xiao Wang.9)My dictionary cannot be found. It has been taken by someone.10)Her bag cannot be found. It must have been taken by someone.11)The teacher was asked by the pupils to tell a st

32、ory.12)Mr. Green was asked by the Association to make a speech.13)He is being sent abroad by the government.14)I wa told to wait here for him.15)Mr. Hopkins wallet has been found.16)The new machine was invented by the workers themselves.17)This hospital was set up in 1950.18)The window was broken by

33、 Tom.19)Was the letter written by you?20)This kind of watches are not made in Beijing.21)He is called Little Old Man.22)All the questions were answered by John.23)The field was being ploughed by the farmer.24)English is spoken in almost all the countries of the world.25)The clouds were blown away by

34、 the wind.26)The room will be painted.27)Must all the exercises be done?28)Tom is going to be rung up.29)It is expected that he will win.He is expected to win.30)Was your composition finished in class?31)Are your clothes washed very often?32)Have you been paid the money?Has the money been paid to yo

35、u?33)We were given an English lesson by Mr. Wang.An English lesson was given to us by Mr. Wang.34)His brother was told the news.The news was told to his brother. 2、将下列句子变成主动语态:1)What did they tell you to do?2)The professor made them learn the poem by heart.3)He was cleaning the house while she was c

36、ooking the dinner.4)An artist must have done it.5)His competitors have taken over the business.6)We should do away with such customs.7)Why havent you written the letters?8)You must do it at once.9)You ought to have told me sooner.10)They didnt tell me that they had dismissed him.3、用被动语态翻译以下句子: 1)You

37、 are not forced/compelled to do the work.2)The class is taught English by Mr. Brown.3)That big tree was blown down by the wind.4)This classroom is heated by two stoves.5)Was the article written by Tom?6)You will be helped by the teachers.7)I am afraid you will be criticized.8)The letter has been wri

38、tten by Wang Lin.9)All the tickets had been sold out before the film began.10)Must all the questions on the paper be answered?11)A new chemistry lab is being built in our school.12)The television has been turned off.13)Atomic/Nuclear energy can be made good use of in production.14)It is well known t

39、hat matter is in constant motion and constant change.15)He was seen with Li Hong.16)It is reported that there will be a heavy rain in a day or two.17)Two years after he was defeated in the Senate race, Abraham Lincoln was elected president of the United States.18)His father has been sent to Nanjing

40、on business.19)-Has the new program been started yet?-No, it is still being planned. It is said that suggestions are still being made.-The next step will be taken when the new program is worked out.20)-When was the telephone call made?-I think it was made last night.(三)助动词和情态动词(四)非谓语动词动词不定式Now lets

41、do some exercises:1用动词不定式结构完成下列句子:1)Lets _ (早回家). 2)I am going _ (问问题). 3)Ive been hoping _ (会见格林先生)ever since I left school. 4)It is difficult _ (照顾这么多小娃娃). 5)He likes _ (在月光下散步). 6)She is afraid _(独自去). 7)I pretended _ (睡着了). 8)I should like _ (今晚去看那个话剧). 9)Be careful _ (别着凉). 10)Mr. Green seemed

42、_ (越来越不喜欢他). 11)It is too heavy _ (你搬不动). 12) You have to work hard _(考试及格). 13) Tom intends _(找个新工作). 14) What do you want _ (吃)?15) I hate _(这么早离开),but I am afraid _(我不得不这么早离开). 16)The enemy soldiers refused _ (再战斗下去). 17) He decided _ (成为物理学家). 18) The woman came out _ (看看在发生什么事). 19) I mean _ (完

43、成这个任务), one way or another. 20) He was planning _ (和她一起去). 21) He seems _ (过去是个猎手). 22) I happened _(看过这本书). 23) I happened _ (正挨着他站着) when he was shot. 24) The enemy is believed _ (已被击败). 25) The teacher wanted the composition _ (当堂做完). 26) He appears _ (是你的朋友) but I doubt if he is. 2汉译英1)学生们要求进来。

44、2)我希望不久可以见到我奶奶。3)我刚才设法把门打开了。 4)我答应等他。5)那位官员拒绝见我。 6)他们似乎误了火车。7)你想要和我一起走吗?8)他没答应走开。9)他答应不走开。10)记住不要和那个阿飞(teddy boy)说话。11)我希望不久接到他们的来信。12)比尔好像并不明白。13)你一定要记住,到七点钟你才能离开。14)那些人不愿意留在这里。15)望你及时把它完成。 16)登山的人没有到达山顶。17)他认为(expect)我会等他吗? 18)你没有告诉他在信上贴邮票吗?19)你愿意帮我学习这一课吗? 20)为什么你不让她帮助你?21)请你让前面那个人把帽子摘下来。 22)你要我干什

45、么呢?23)如果你的朋友们想留下,就让他们全呆在这里吧。 24)我们尽量设法使他明白。25)我不知道怎么开始。 26)很抱歉,我星期六没来。27)李红要一个人做全部工作。 28)我很高兴见到你。29)你不能使那些孩子们安静下来吗? 30)你打算带多少人去看电影呢?31)我没有把药吃完,因为你叫我别都吃了。 32)如果你要我给你做早饭,我就给你做。33)这水太脏,不能用。 34)那些石头太重,你搬不动。35)那台电视机太贵,我买不起。 36)工人们太累了(be tired enough),立刻就睡着了。37)那孩子很累,以致立刻就睡着了。 38)那个老头累得站都站不直。39)你想去看电影吗?不,

46、我宁愿呆在家里。 40)你不愿意你的朋友先和他谈谈吗?41)学生们急于知道考试的结果。 42)说实话,我不懂文学。43)我听到他们在隔壁房间里谈话了。44)我已下定决心要更加努力地学习。45)美国有可能消灭恐怖主义吗? 46)你把你的计划向他解释一下,方便吗?47)如果你有机会去西山的话,我愿意和你一起去。48)等你想好了,请把你的决定告诉我。49)探身窗外是危险的。 50)遵守法律是每个人的义务。51)约翰感到心跳得很快。 52)汤姆到浴室去洗手。53)小王站在椅子上,这样看节目能看得更清楚些。 54)他走出房间以便听不到闹声。55)孩子们急于要动身。 56)别惹我们笑了。57)应该把这件事

47、告诉老师。 58)这所房子只出租,不出售。59)他们是来看的,不是来给人看的。 60)这个成语难于解释,但不难(be no trouble)用。Keys to the Exercises: Now lets do some exercises:1用动词不定式结构完成下列句子:1) go home early2) to ask some questions3) to see Mr. Green4) to look after so many babies5)to walk in the moonlight6) to go alone7) to be asleep8)to go to watch

48、that drama tonight9)not to catch cold10)to dislike him more and more11)for you to carry12)to pass the examination13)to look for a new job14)to eat15)to leave so early; I have to16) To fight anymore17)to become a physicist18)to see what was happening19)to accomplish the task20)to go with her21)to hav

49、e been a hunter22)to have read the book23)to be standing next to him24)to have been defeated25)to be finished in class26)to be your friend2汉译英1)The students asked to come in.2)I hope to see my grandma soon.3)Just now I managed to open the door.4)I have promised to wait for him.5)The official refused

50、 to see me.6)They seem to have missed the train.7)Do you want to go with me?8)He didnt promise to go away.9)He promised not to go away.10)Remember not to speak to (talk with) that teddy boy.11)I hope to hear from them soon.12)Bill doesnt seem to understand it.13)You must remember not to leave until

51、seven oclock.14)Those men dont want to stay here.15)You are expected to finish it in time.16)The climbers failed to reach the peak (top of the mountain).17)Does he expect me to wait for him?18)Didnt you tell him to put a stamp on the letter?19)Will you help me (to) learn this lesson?20)Why not get h

52、er to help you? 或Why dont you get her to help you?21)Please ask that man in front of you to take his cap off.22)What would you like me to do?23)Let your friends all stay here if they want to.24)We tried to make him understand.25)I dont know how to begin.26)Im sorry not to have come on Saturday.27)Li

53、 Hong wants to do all the work alone.28)I am very glad to see you.29)Cant you make those children keep quiet?30)How many people are you going to take to the cinema?31)I didnt finish the medicine because you asked me not to.32)I will cook your breakfast if you would like me to.33)The water is too dir

54、ty to use.34)Those stones are too heavy for you to carry.35)That TV set is too expensive for me to afford.36)The workers were tired enough to fall asleep at once.37)The boy was so tired that he fell asleep at once.38)The old man was too tired to stand up straight.39)Would you like to go to the cinem

55、a? No, Id rather stay at home.40)Wouldnt you like some of your friends to talk to him first?41)The students are anxious to know the results of the exam.42)To tell the truth, I know nothing about literature.43)I heard them talk in the next room.44)I have made up my mind to study even harder.45)Is it

56、possible for the United States to wipe out terrorism?46)Is it convenient for you to explain your plan to him?47)If you have a chance to go to the Western Hills, Id like to go with you.48)After you think it over, please let me know what you have decided to do.49)It is dangerous to lean out of the win

57、dow.50)It is everyones duty to obey the law.51)John felt his heart beat very fast.52)Tom went to the bathroom to wash his hands.53)Xiao Wang stood up on a chair so as to see the performance better.54)He went out of the room so as not to hear the noise any more.55)The children were anxious to start.5

58、6)Dont make us laugh.57)The teacher ought to be told about it.58)The house is to let, not to be sold.59)They came to see, not to be seen.60)This idiom is hard to explain, but it is no trouble to use.二、动名词现在做一些练习:1根据括号里的汉语意思用动名词填空:1)(游泳)is a very enjoyable exercise. 2) His work is (修自行车). 3) European

59、s uses a knife and a fork (吃肉). 4) We will only succeed by (努力工作). 5) I don t want to force you into (做违反你意愿的事情). 6) Tom hates (早晨9点以前起床). 7) I could t help (迟到). 8) (等着没用). There won t be another bus. 9) Are you against (今天开会)?10) Instead of (挨批评), she ought to be praised. 2. 用动名词结构将下列句子译成英语:1)她听见敲

60、门声,停止了工作去开门。2)谢谢你给我写信。3)雨停了,太阳开始出来了。4)希望你原谅我问了这么多问题。5)你要吃点什么,别不好意思说。6)我一向很喜欢在这里工作。7)我建议再等半个小时。8)我不得不认为(believe)又一不幸事件将要发生。9)我盼望着收到他的信。10)那辆汽车需要修理。11)我记得我们离开房间之前把灯关上了。12)你对早起已经很习惯了。13)中国球迷们正盼望见到这些足球明星。14)光线够好的,可以看书。15)作为一个中国人,他感到骄傲。16)我善于游泳。17)他尝试过(try ones hand at)写一本书。18)我真的记得去年和他见过面。19)把门打开,让猫出去好吗


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