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1、英语级别二级习思单词及句型习思备考词汇与句型专项 Home & RoomWords:house 房子 2.living room 客厅 3.study 书房 4.lamp 台灯 5.chair 椅子 6.TV 电视 7.room 房间 8.classroom 课室 9.kitchen 厨房 10.bedroom 卧室11.bathroom 浴室 12.dining room 饭厅 13.mirror 镜子 14.bed 床 15.table 桌子 16.wardrobe 衣柜 17.sofa 沙发 18.plate 碟子 19.picture 图画 puter 电脑 21.desk 书桌 22

2、.clock 钟 23.light 灯 24.closet 壁柜 25.phone 电话 26.air-conditioner 空调 27.broom 扫帚 28.bowl 碗 29.fridge 冰箱 30.wall 墙 31.door 门 32.washing machine 洗衣机 33.window 窗户 34.cup 杯子 35.floor 地板36.trash bin 垃圾桶 37.chopstick 筷子 38.glass 玻璃杯 39.fork 叉子 40.spoon 勺子 Phrases:empty the trash 倒垃圾 2.take a shower 冲凉 3.ope

3、n the window 开窗 4.have a sleep 睡觉 5.put on 穿上,带上 6.drink water 喝水 7.read a book 看书 8. have a snack 吃零食 9.answer the phone 听电话 10.hang up 挂,晾 11.go to bed 睡觉 12.make the bed 铺床 13. watch TV 看电视 14.set the table 摆餐具 15.take off 脱下 16.put away 把.放好 17.sweep the floor 扫地18. fold your dress 叠裙子 19.wash c

4、lothes 洗衣服 20.use a computer 使用电脑 21.cook the meals 煮 22.water the flowers 浇花 23.write a letter 写信 Sentences: 1.-What can you do? I can wash clothes.2.-Can you set the table? Yes, I can./No, I cant. 3.-There is a mirror on the wall. 4.-Where is the box? Its in / on / behind / under / in front of / n

5、ear. Season & weatherWords: 1. season 季节 2. winter 冬天 3. spring 春天 4. weather 天气 5. cold 寒冷旳 6. cloudy 多云旳 7. summer 夏天 8. warm 温暖旳 9. wet 湿旳 10. rainy 下雨旳11. autumn (fall) 秋天 12. cool 凉爽旳 13. dry 干燥旳 14. windy 有风旳 15. hot 炎热旳 16. sunny 晴朗旳 17. snowy 下雪旳 Sentences:1. Whats your favourite season? My

6、favourite season is .( Whats s favourite season? ) 2. Which season do you like best? I like best.( Which season does like best? He /She likes best.)3. Why do you like ? Because ( Why does like ? ) 4.What season is it in March/ in Beijing/?Its cool/ in Lasa/. 5. Whats the weather like ? Its warm/ Nat

7、ure Words: 1. sun 太阳 2. moon 月亮 3. star 星星 4. plain 平原 5. air 空气 6. ocean 海洋 7. stream 小溪 8. rain 雨 9. sunshine 阳光 10. sea 大海11. desert 沙漠 12. river 河流 13. lake 湖泊 14. water 水 15. snow 雪 16. hill 小山 17. vapour 蒸汽,水汽 18. cloud 云彩 19. ice 冰 20. rainbow 彩虹 21. flower 花 27. jungle 丛林 22. soil 泥土 23. mou

8、ntain 山脉 24. grass 草 25. leaf 树叶 26. tree 树 27. forest 森林 28. sprout 芽,苗 29. plant 植物 30. seed 种子 Sentences:1.Where does the rain come from? It comes from the clouds.2.Where does the cloud come from? It comes from the vapour.3. Where does the vapour come from? It comes from the water in the river.4.

9、 How can water become vapour? The sun shine and the water becomes vapour. Transportation Words:by plane 乘飞机 2. by taxi 乘出租车 3. by subway 搭地铁 4. by train 乘火车 by ship 乘轮船 6. by bus 乘公共汽车 7. by bike 骑自行车 8. on foot 步行 traffic lights 交通灯 10.traffic rules 交通规则Sentences:How do you go to .? I go . by bus/.

10、2. Stop at a red light. 3. Wait at a yellow light. 4. Go at a green light.PlacesWords:library 图书馆 2.bookstore 书店 3.hospital 医院 4. post office 邮局 shop 商店 6.park 公园 7.hospital 医院 8.cinema 电影院 9.bank 银行 bus stop 公共汽车站 11.school 学校 12.museum 博物馆 13.train station 火车站 tourist office 旅行社Sentences:Excuse me

11、, where is the library ? 2.Can you tell me the way to ? How can I get to? 3. Go straight ahead. Turn left. Turn right.4.Its near / next to/ opposite.Countries & citiesWords: China- Chinese 中国,中国人 2.the USA-American 美国,美国人 3.England English 英国,英国人 4. Japan- Japanese 日本,日本人5.Australia -Australian 澳大利亚

12、,澳大利亚人 6.Spain-Spanish 西班牙,西班牙人7.France-French 法国,法国人 8.Italy-Italian 意大利,意大利人9.Canada-Canadian 加拿大,加拿大人 10.Germany-German 德国,德国人11.Korea-Korean 韩国,韩国人 12.Beijing 北京 13.Paris 巴黎 14.Washington 华盛顿 15.Brazil-Brazilian 巴西,巴西人 16.New York 纽约 17.Soul 首尔 18.Tokyo 东京 19.Berlin 柏林 20.Sydney 悉尼21.Rome 罗马 22.

13、 Madrid 马德里 23.London 伦敦 Sentences:-Where are you from? .-Im from China. 2.-Are you Chinese ? Yes, I am./ No, I am not.3.-Beijing is the capital of China. Guangzhou is the capital of Guangdong.Activities:have/eat breakfast 吃早饭 2. have/eat lunch 吃午饭 have/eat supper(dinner) 吃晚饭 4.have a meeting 开会 5.

14、have classes 上课 have a sleep 睡觉 7.have a snack 吃零食 8. have a picnic 野餐 have a buffet dinner 吃自助餐 10.draw pictures 画画 11.feed the fish 喂鱼 build an igloo 建造冰屋 13.fly to the moon 飞上月球 14.have a party 约会 15.have a competition 竞赛 16.read a book 读书 17.sing a song 唱歌 18.make nests 筑鸟巢 19.make tunnels 挖地道 2

15、0.live in groups 群居 21.listen to music 听音乐 22.live in the jungle 生活在丛林23.go to South Pole 去南极 24.live in the desert 生活在沙漠 25.sail across the Atlantic 航越大西洋 26.hold on 坚持住 27.give up 放弃 28.look after 照顾 29.listen to the radio 听收音机 30.learn English 学习英语31.learn Chinese 学习语文 32.learn math 学习数学 33.tell

16、stories 讲故事 34.take a walk 散 步 35.ask and answer questions 问答问题 36.ride a bike 骑自行车 37.fly a kite 放风筝 38.ride a horse 骑马39.play computer games 玩电脑游戏 40.do homework 做作业 41.play games 做游戏 42.play hide and seek 玩捉迷藏 43.watch TV 看电视 44.take a shower 洗淋浴 45.take a bath 洗澡 46.open the door 开门 47.open the

17、window 开窗户 48.close the door 关门 49.close the window 关窗户 50.play football 踢足球 51.play basketball 打篮球 52.play volleyball 打排球 53.play badminton 打羽毛球54.play golf 打高尔夫球 55.play bowling 打保龄球 56. play table tennis 打乒乓球 57.play baseball 打棒球 58.play tennis 打网球 59.play soccer 踢足球 60.play hockey 打曲棍球 61.play c

18、hess下棋 62.go fishing 去钓鱼 63.go swimming 去游泳 64.go shopping 去购物 65.go skating 去滑冰 66.go bike-riding/ go cycling 去骑自行车 67.go skiing 去滑雪68.go camping 去野营 69.listen to the news 听新闻 70.read the newspaper 看报 71.read the magazine 看杂志 72.go to school 去上学 73.go home 回家 74.go to the park 去公园 75.go to the zoo

19、去动物园 76.go to the library 去图书馆 77.go to the hospital 去医院 78.go to the cinema 去电影院 79.go to see a film /movie 去看电影 80.get up 起床 81.go to bed 上床 82.go to sleep 去睡觉 83.brush the teeth 刷牙 84.wash the hands 洗手 85.wash the face 洗脸86.wash clothes 洗衣服 87.air the room 给房间通风 88.make the bed铺床89.mop the floor

20、拖地 90.clean the room 打扫房间 91.sweep the floor 扫地 92.climb the trees 爬树 93.limb the mountains 爬山 94.cook the meals 做饭95.drink milk/juice/coca cola 喝牛奶/果汁/可乐 96.play the piano 弹钢琴 97.play the violin 拉小提琴 98.play the drum 打鼓 99.play the guitar 弹吉她 100.play the flute 吹笛子 101.play the harp 弹竖琴 102.play th

21、e xylophone 弹木琴 103.play the erhu 拉二胡 104.play the trumpet 吹小号 105.stay at home 呆在家里106.at home 在家 107.at school 在学 108.at church 在教堂109.make a cake 做蛋糕 110. take pictures/photos照相 b hair 梳头发112. have a haircut 理发 113.go away 走开 114.stand up 起立 115. sit down 坐下 116.answer the phone 接电话 117.catch but

22、terflies 捉蝴蝶 118.clean the bedroom 打扫卧室 119.clean the room 打扫房间 120.collect leaves 收集树叶 121.collect stamps 收集邮票 e from 来 自e out 露出,浮现 124.cook dinner 做饭 125.count insects 数昆虫 126.do an experiment 做实验 127.bake a cake 烤蛋糕 128.dive 跳水 129.do housework 做家务 130.do morning exercises 晨练 131.do the dishes洗碗

23、碟 132.fly kites 放风筝 133.get off 下车 134.empty the trash 倒垃圾 135.get to 达到 136.go hiking 去远足 137.get up 起床 看一看138.go to work 上班 139.have a look 140.have art class 上美术课141.have an English class 上英语课 142.have math class 上数学课143.have music class 上音乐课 144.have P.E. class 上体育课 145.have science class 上科学课 1

24、46.have a fever 发热 147. have a cold 感冒 148.have a toothache 牙疼 149.have a headache 头疼 150.have a sore throat 喉咙疼 151. have some rest 休息 152.take some medicine 吃 药 153. buy presents 买礼物154.go to a restaurant 去餐厅 155.have a good time 玩得开心156.make a snowman 堆雪人 157.look at 看 158.look for 寻找 159.make th

25、e bed 铺床 160.make kites 制作风筝 161.pick up leaves 采摘树叶 162.plant trees 种树 167.plan a trip 筹划旅行 168.put away the clothes 收拾衣服 169.set the table 摆餐具 170.send grandma an e- card 给外婆发送电子卡片 171.take a trip 去旅行 172.use a computer使用计算机 173.watch insects 观测昆虫174.visit grandparents 看望(外)祖父母 175.watch TV 看电视 17

26、6.watch videos 看录像 177.water the flowers 浇花 178.write a letter 写信 179.write an e-mail 写电子邮件 180.write a report 写报告Clothes:pants 长裤 2.T-shirt 恤衫 3.shorts 短裤 4.jeans 牛仔裤 5.socks 短袜 6.shoes 鞋子 7.dress 连衣裙 8.boots 靴子9.shirt 衬衫 10.skirt裙子 11.jacket 夹克衫 12.cap 鸭舌帽子 13.tie 领呔 14.blouse 女衬衫 15.sweater 毛衣 16

27、.trainers 运动鞋 17.blazer 运动夹克 18.trousers 裤子 19.cardigan 开襟羊毛衫 20.scarf 围巾 21.school uniform 校服 22.stocking 长统袜 Sentences: What do we have on Monday?2 What do you do on Saturday? We have English, math and P.E. I often do my homework. hat 帽子3. What do you have for lunch on Mondays? We have tomatoes, t

28、ofu and fish. 4. What do you usually do on(at) the weekend? I (usually) go swimming.5. When do you get up? I get up at 6:30.6. Every weekend I climb mountains. What do you do? I often go hiking.7. Why do you like winter? Because I can skate and make a snowman.8. What would you like to do? I would /

29、Id like to climb mountains.9. What are you doing?Im doing homework. I am working on my computer.10. Dad is reading the newspaper.11. Can I talk to your father, please? Hes writing a letter, hold on please.12. What are they doing?They are swimming.13. Can tigers swim? Yes, they can. / No, they cant.1

30、4. The monkeys are swinging.15. Are they collecting leaves? 16. How do you go to (school)? Usually I go to (school) by (bike). Sometimes I go by bike.17. How can I get to Zhongshan Park? 18. How can I get to the hospital? You can go by the No.301 bus. Get off at the cinema. Then walk straight for th

31、ree minutes. The hospital is on the left.What are you going to do this weekend? Im going to visit my grandparents. Where are you going tomorrow? What are you going to buy?What do you want to be? 23. What does she want to be? Im going to the bookstore. Im going to buy a comic book. I want to be a (sc

32、ience teacher) one day. She wants to be a doctor in the future. You can go by the No.15 bus. Yes, they are.24. Whats your hobby? I like swimming.25. Where does your father work? He works in a school.26 What did you do last weekend?Did you play football with Zhang Peng? 28. What did Mike do yesterday

33、?I visited my grandparents. Yes, I did. He went swimming.29. Where did you go on your holiday? I went to Xinjiang on our holiday. 30. What did you do there? I sang and danced with my new friends. 31. What did you do last weekend? 32Did you play football with Zhang Peng? 33. What did Mike do yesterda

34、y?Familygrandfather /grandad 祖父,外祖父 2.father/dad 爸爸 / 爸爸 3.parents 父母 husband 丈夫 5.brother 兄,弟 6.cousin 堂,表兄(弟)姐(妹) uncle 叔叔 ,舅舅,伯父/母 8.son 儿子 9.grandson 孙子 grandmother / grandma 祖母, 外祖母 11.mother/mum 妈妈 / 妈妈 grandparents 祖父母, 外祖父母 13.wife 妻子 14.sister 姐,妹 twin 孪生旳,一对旳 16.aunt 姨母;姑母;伯母;婶母;舅 17.daugh

35、ter 女儿 18.granddaughter 孙女19.I visited my grandparents. Yes, I did. He went swimming.20.How many people are there in your family? There are people in my family.21.Whos your mother? Do you live in? / Does your live in? How old is your ?IIJobs genius 天才 2.policeman 警察 3.thief 小偷,贼 4.pupil 小学生 teacher

36、教师 6.superstar超级明星 7.detective侦探 8. friend朋友 student 学生 10.driver司机 11.worker 工人 12.singer 歌手 athlete 运动员 14.clown 小丑 15.boss 上司,老板 16.pilot 飞行员 artist 艺术家,画家 18.scientist 科学家 19.nurse 护士,保姆 grown-up 成年人 21.hero 英雄 22.neighbour 邻居 23.witch 巫婆 sheriff 郡治安官,州长 25.tourist 旅游者 What do you do ? What is y

37、our job? Whats your work? How long have you work there? How long do you work every day? 28.Do you enjoy your working there? How do you like your job?1.farmer 农夫 2.hunter 猎人 3.cyclist 骑脚踏车旳人 4.bookworm 书虫 5.secretary . 秘书 6.dancer 舞蹈演员 7.model 模特 8.doctor 医生,博士 9.player 比赛者,表演者10.pen-pal 笔友 11.heroin

38、e 巾帼英雄 12.guide 导游 13.officer 警官,军官 14. soldier 士兵,军人 15.winner 胜利者,优胜者习思备考词汇与句型专项Animals Words:arctic fox 北极狐 2. pig 猪 3. elephant 大象 4.mouse 老鼠 panda 熊猫 6.sheep 绵羊 7.squirrel 松鼠 8.goose(geese)鹅 hen 母鸡 10.kangaroo 袋鼠 11.cat 猫 12.duck 鸭 13. fish 鱼 rat 大老鼠 15. dog 狗 16. rabbit 兔 17.bird 鸟 kangaroo 袋

39、19.tiger 老虎 20.chick 小鸡 21.deer 鹿 cow 奶牛 23.butterfly 蝴蝶 24.seal 海豹 25.puppy 小狗 horse 马 27.snake 蛇 28. monkey 猴 29.fox 狐狸 30.bear 熊 31.giraffe 长颈鹿 32.goat 山羊 33.insect 昆虫 34.parrot 鹦鹉35.lion 狮子 36.chicken 鸡 37.ant 蚂蚁 38.zebra 斑马 39.lamb 小羊 40. whale 鲸 41.shark 鲨鱼 42.hippo 河马 43.goldfish 金鱼 44.snowy

40、owl 雪枭 45.hamster 仓鼠 46.wolf 狼 47.lemming 旅鼠 48.owl 猫头鹰 49.budgie 鹦鹉 50.frog 青蛙 51.polar bear 北极熊 52.bat 蝙蝠 53.donkey 驴 54.snail 蜗牛 55.crocodile 鳄鱼 56.hare 野兔 57.kingfisher 翠鸟 58.bee 蜜蜂 59.South China Tiger 华南虎 60.swan 天鹅Sentences 1.Act like a dog. 2.Climb like a bear.3.Feed the hens. 4.Shear a shee

41、p.剪绵羊。5.Hunt like a mouse. 6.Fly like a bird.7.Ride a horse. 8. Hold a lamb.9. Walk like an elephant. 10. Jump like a squirrel. 11. Milk a cow. 12. The deer is short. 13. The panda is cute. 14. The rabbit is funny. 15. The monkey is naughty. 16. The tiger is strong. 17. Hes as strong as an ox. 18. H

42、es as gentle as a lamb. 19. Hes as fast as a horse. 20. The giraffe is tall.21. Whats your favourite animal? My favourite animal isFood Wordsfruit 水果 2. orange 橙子 3. grape 葡萄 4. vegetable 蔬菜 5.cabbage 卷心菜 6.tomato 西红柿 7.fish 鱼 8.water 水 9. apple 苹果 10. watermelon 西瓜 11.strawberry 草莓 12. carrot 胡萝卜 1

43、3.eggplant 茄子 14.meat 肉 15.chicken 鸡肉 16.milk 牛奶 17. banana 香蕉 18. peach 桃 19.lemon 柠檬 20.cucumber 黄瓜 21.green beans 青豆 22.pork 猪肉 23.turkey 火鸡 24.honey 蜂蜜 25.coke 可乐 26.cake 蛋糕 27.ice cream 冰淇淋 28. pear 梨 29. mango 芒果 30.pineapple 菠萝 31. onion 洋葱 32. potato 土豆 33.beef 牛肉 34.drink 饮料 35.juice 果汁36.o

44、range juice 橙汁 37.coffee 咖啡 38.cola 可乐 39.bread 面包 40.hamburger 汉堡包 41.soup 汤 42.egg 蛋 43.tofu 豆腐 44.tea 茶 45.hot chocolate 热巧克力 46.rice 米饭 47.hot dog 热狗 48.French fries 炸署条49.pizza 比萨饼 50.chips 薯条 51.dumplings 饺子 52.chocolate 巧克力 53.sour 酸旳 54.healthy 健康旳 55.lunch 午餐 56.popcorn 爆谷 57.noodles 面条 58.

45、spaghetti 意大利面 59. cheese 奶酪 60.porridge 粥 61.sweets 62.steamed bread 馒头 63.candy 糖果 64.salty 咸旳65.crisp 油炸土豆片 66.salad 沙拉 67.sweet 甜旳 68.tasty 好吃旳 69.dinner 正餐 70.sandwich 三文治 71.hot 辣旳 72.meal 餐 73.supper 晚餐74.fresh 新鲜旳 75.breakfast 早餐Sentences:Show me the hamburger. 2. Cut the bread. 3. Smell the

46、 coffee.Pour the water. 5. Drink the juice. 6. Can I have some chicken? 7. Do you like apples? 8. Pass me the French fries. 9. Eat the hot dog. 10. Make the cake. 11. Taste the tea. 12.Certainly./Sure./OK.Would you like some juice? Yes, please. / No, thanks. What would you like for breakfast? Id lik

47、e some milk.What do you have for breakfast? I have milk for breakfast.16.Whats your favourite food? 17. Have some milk.18. Help yourselves.习思备考单词及句型ThemesKey Words brown,red, orange, blue, yellow, green, gray, purple, white, black. hot, cold, warm, cool, sunny, cloudy, windy, snowy, rainy pizza, ham

48、burger, fries, hot dog, ice cream, chocolate, candy, popcorn, bread, cake, beef, pork, chicken, fish, rice, noodles, milk, tea, coffee, carrots, tomato, potato, cabbage, apple, orange, banana, pear, grapes, breakfast.strawberries, plum, watermelon cap, shirt, T-shirt, blouse, skirt, dress, cardigan,

49、 sweater, jacket, blazer, socks, shorts, shoes, jeans, trousers(pants) , tie, trainers car, train, bike, plane, balloon, ball, doll, skateboard, soft toy, sticker, stamp, comics cat, dog, pig, fish, sheep, mouse, horse, elephant, crocodile, panda, rabbit, budgie(bird), monkey, fox, wolf, snake, duck

50、, chicken, hippo, hamster, snail, tiger, lion, frog, cow, tree, flower, grass, lake, mountain, farm, forest, eyes, nose, ears, mouth, teeth, head, hair, arms, legs, hands, toes, feet, shoulders, fingers dad(father), mum(mother), brother, sister,daughter, son, grandma, grandpa, uncle, aunt, pen, penc

51、il, pencil case, book, ruler, school bag, eraser, computer, desk, chair, board, floor, wall, window, curtains, light, fan, trash bin, in, on, under, behind, in front of play football/table tennis/basketball,play the piano/ guitar/ violin, swim,run, ski, roller skate, read books,listen to music, writ

52、e e-mail, ride a horse/bike, sing, dance, draw New Year, Childrens Day, Mothers Day, Fathers Day, National Day, Christmas Day, Easter, Halloween, Festivals Thanks-giving Day, Chinese New Year, Qingming Festival, Dragon-boats Day, Moon Festival (mid-Autumn Festival),Numbers 1100Key StructuresHow manycan you see? How m


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