世界著名外企安全培训资料-4 滑倒,绊倒和坠落防护_第1页
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1、滑倒,绊倒和坠落防护By 8/24/2022Slip, Trip and Fall Prevention滑倒,绊倒和坠落防护Objective: At the completionOf this program the attendeeShould be able to recognizeAnd reduce potential hazardsAssociated with slips, trips and falls目的:完成这次培训后,参加者能够识别和减少类似滑倒,绊倒和坠落等潜在的危害What is it? Bomb!8/24/2022Whats the problem ? It is

2、the #1 leading cause of injury这些是导致伤害的主要原因 STFs represent 30% of all accidents滑倒,绊倒和坠落大约占所有事故的30%Greatest cost for lost work days损失工时的巨大成本8/24/2022Slip, Trip and Fall Injuries Breakdown滑倒,绊倒和坠落伤害的分类Same Level相同水平面 50%Different Level不同水平面 14%Stairs楼梯 10%Liquid & Spills液体和溅出液 16%Ice / Snow冰/雪白 1%Openi

3、ngs开挖空缺 4%Chairs椅子 1%Vehicles交通工具 4%8/24/2022Potential Hazards & Harm潜在危险和伤害Dont think they are not serious. Its possible to result in other more serious accident except wrick and/or contusion不认可它们的严重性.它们往往可能导致除扭伤或擦伤以外的其它更严重的事故Crash into hard, sharp, spiculate object撞上坚硬,锋利,尖锐的物体Crash into danger pi

4、eces of operating machine撞上运行设备的危险部件Fall into hazard substance (physics, chemical)坠入危险的物体中(物理的或化学的)Drowning溺死8/24/2022Slips 滑倒Slip-Loss of balance caused by too little friction between a persons foot and a walking surface.-员工脚底和路面之间的磨擦力太小,导致失去平衡而滑倒Common Causes常见原因:Wet or oily surfaces 潮湿或油滑的地面,Occa

5、sional spills 偶然的液体泄露,Weather hazards 露天天气危害,Loose, unanchored rugs or mats松动,不稳定的地毯或垫子,Flooring or other walking surfaces that are worn地板或其它行走表面磨损用旧.Poor lighting 光线不足Surfaces contaminated by dust or sands表面有灰尘或沙子等污染Incline 倾斜面8/24/2022Trips 绊倒Triphit an object, lose your balance and fall碰撞物体后,失去平衡

6、而倒下Common Causes常见原因:Obstructed view 障碍物Poor lighting 光线不足Clutter in your way 通道混乱Wrinkled carpeting 有皱的毛毯Uncovered cables 未上盖保险的电线Drawers not being closed没有闭合的抽屉Uneven (steps, thresholds) walking surfaces不平坦路面Unwound shoelace and flyaway松散的鞋带和宽松的衣服8/24/20228/24/2022Falls 坠落 Fall:- when you lose you

7、r balance & drop to the floor - 当失去平衡后,摔倒在地面There are three types of falls 大致有三类坠落:Falls on the same level 相同水平面坠落Slip or trip immediately precedes fall to floor or walkway坠落到地板或走道之前已经滑倒或绊倒Falls to lower level 坠落较低水平面Falls are from platforms, docks, ladders, steps or stairs从平台/码头/阶梯/台阶或楼梯上坠落Jumps to

8、 lower level 跳跃到较低水平面An intentional jump from one level to another故意从一个水平面跳到另一个水平面Employee jumps off ladder, dock, equipment员工跳离阶梯,码头或设备等8/24/2022Prevention -1Engineering Control 工程控制Enough Lighting 足够照明Good Drain System 良好排水系统Quality of walking surfaces (flooring) 走道表面(地面)质量Quality of Ladder 梯子质量Ra

9、mp Design 斜坡设计合理8/24/2022Prevention - 2Good housekeeping 清洁整理Selection of proper footwear 选择合适的鞋子Appropriate pace of work 适当的工作速度8/24/2022Housekeeping Clean up spills immediately 清除泄露液体 Mark spills and wet areas 标注液体泄露和潮湿的区域 Mop or sweep debris from floor 擦拭或清扫地板上的碎片 Remove obstacles from walkways 移

10、除走道上的障碍物 Keep walkways free of clutter 保持走道的整洁干净 Secure mats, rugs and carpets 安全可靠的垫子,地毯8/24/2022Housekeeping Close file cabinet or storage drawers 关闭文件柜或储存抽屉 Cover cables that cross walkway 掩饰保护好横穿走道的电线 Keep working areas and walkways well lit 保持工作区域和走道的良好光线 Replace burned out bulbs 替换清理烧坏的电灯泡8/24

11、/2022FlooringChange or modify walking surfaces改变或整改地面Recoat or replace floors重涂或替代地板Install mats铺设走垫Pressure-sensitive abrasive strips压敏性研磨条Abrasive-filled paint-on coating填充研磨性涂料Metal or synthetic decking金属或合成装饰8/24/2022FootwearConditions 条件:Floors - oily or wet 地板 油滑或潮湿 Considerable time outdoors

12、长时间户外Advantages 优势Properly fitted 合适尺寸Increased comfort 增加舒适Prevent fatigue 预防疲劳Improve safety 提高安全性8/24/2022What can YOU do to avoid slipping at work? 你该如何避免滑倒? Take your time 从容不迫 Pay attention 小心谨慎 Adjust stride to the task 调整任务的步幅 Walk with feet pointed slightly outward 用脚轻微的走路 Make wide turns a

13、t corners 拐角处转弯大8/24/2022What can YOU do to avoid tripping at work? 你该如何避免绊倒?Sufficient lighting充足照明Portable lighting 便携式照明Watch where you are walking关注你行走的环境状况Carrying or pushing objects 搬运/推动物体obstructions, spills or objects lying on the floor位于地面上的障碍物,泄露液体或其它物件8/24/2022Inclement Weather 险恶天气Slow

14、down to react to a change in traction减缓牵引上的变化反应Wearing slip-resistant shoes or overshoes穿防滑鞋或靴carry your work shoes 带工作鞋Sunglasses太阳镜 outdoors in ice and snow冰雪中的户外运动Treat walking surfaces确认你的行走路面状况Wet shoes on dry floors Caution!潮湿的鞋子在干燥地板上行走 小心!8/24/2022Report Hazards Immediately立即汇报危险If you canno

15、t fix the hazard yourself then:如果你不能自己弥补危险:Immediately report the hazard 立即汇报Alert or warn others in the area提防或警告这区域中的其他人Mark the area or stay there until help arrives做区域警示标记或等待直到维护人员到达Hazards not fixed in a timely manner危险不能及时的弥补消除Contact the Site Supervisor and/or the EHSS Center联系工厂主管或EHSS部门8/24/2022Can you identify what is wrong in the following pictures?你能识别下列图片中的错误么?8/24/20228/24/


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