



1、 经典的英文优美段落带翻译英语优美段落一You are THE BEST at being yourself 做自己的时候最棒You have unique gifts and talents that no one else in this world has. Sometimes we feel that we need to be someone else in order to fit in, be a better mother or wife, or portray an image that we believe everyone else will love. No matte

2、r how hard you try to be someone else you will never be good enough. You willdo the best and be the happiest only if you stop living by someone elses standards and start using your unique potential to shine like a light in this world. 你拥有这世上独一无二的天赋。有时我们会觉得:为了更好融入这世界,我们得扮成别人,比如当个称职的妈妈、妻子,或是扮演我们认为人人都会

3、喜欢的形象。然而,无论你多努力,也永远当不了完美的别人。只有抛开别人的标准,挖掘自己的潜力,你才能成为最好、最快乐的自己。英语优美段落二You deserve being taken care of and cherished 你值得被珍惜We spend a big part of our lives trying to make others like us. The truth is that no one will ever like you if you dont start loving yourself first. Give your love to others like y

4、ou do every day already but dont forget to leave some for yourself. Spend some time reading your favorite book, exercising, giving yourself a manicure or enjoy a relaxing bubble bath. You are worth it!在一生中,我们花了许多力气来让别人喜欢我们。而事实上,如果不自爱,别人亦不会爱你。对他人付出的同时,也请记得留一些给自己。花点时间去读书、锻炼吧,或是修指甲、泡个澡无论哪样,你都值得拥有!英语优美段

5、落三You are rich. 你很富有True wealth comes from within. Of course, money matters but so does the way you spend and treat it. If money is the only purpose of your life then you will never feel rich even if you become a millionaire. Treat money the way it was meant to as means to existence rather than the ultimate source of happiness and joy. Right now write down 5 things that make you a rich person and keep this list where you will always see it.真正的富有来自内心。钱很重要,但你对待金钱的方式也很重要。假如赚钱是你生活的


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