1、作文模版图表作文近年考得少了,准备的时候还是以看图作文为主吧。大作文要想得高分,除了按所给提示合理安排结构之外,一是避免语法、拼写错误,二是用一些比较新颖的词汇、谚语、例子。描述图画(图表)、揭示含义、分析原因、解决办法。一般题目给的提示,不外乎以上四点中两到三个方面的组合。记基本框架的时候,例句其实并不需要记太多,太多了反而容易混。基本的框架,我只记了以下这些,拟卷的时候写作文基本上就是以这个为基础来套,觉得够用。认真看看的范文,记一些好的表达和谚语,多动手练练(千万不要到的时候才是你第一次写完整的作文),作文基本上可以搞定了。常用句型:1、 描述图画(图表)图画一般有两种,一是象征性的漫画
2、;一是现实As is shownhcture , we can see clearlytOne glance at., can leave the viewerUpon further consideration,看到这幅图的第一感觉,再细细品味, A is symbolized by BB 象征着AA stands for BA 代表Bmake people neither cry nor laugh 哭笑不得,讽刺性的现象用这句很好2、 揭示含义Drawings can be useful tools; a simplcture may reveal a profound truth.Th
3、e illustration above, for exle, is far from complicated, and yet carries demplications. 这一句其实是废话,但可以展示你的写作水平,还可以凑字数。Studying further, we will obta thought-provoking 发人深思的 Unfortuna y, in our society, 引到现实生活类似的实例中ore meaningsthcture.这个词很好,可以形容,或者反映uch the same wayt (图中主角)does 把中的现象I can exemplify thi
4、swithA case in poisAs an illustration,三种关于举例的表达In our daily lives, we are often faced wivery similar situation.Thcture has revealed a sol phenomenon which is widespread now.The importance of is of practical significance to university students espelly. 联系实际Just as,so is/ As, the same is true of 正如,也如
5、此People may have heard of this problem, but not everyone is paying enough attention to its seriousness. 可以用这句引出问题的严重性和影响The effect is both immediate and far-reaching. As far as the present is concerned For the distant impact影响不仅是眼前的,而且是长期的。多用 far-reaching ,thought-provoking 这样的词汇会给老师很好的印象3、 分析原因What
6、 factorslead to this phenomenones a concern to many people.There are somesible reasons responsible for this instance, and thefollowing are the typical ones.The main reason why ist资料欢迎到启星一些常用的连接:For one thing, For another, In addition, As a result,lead to consequently, accordingly,be closely related
7、to A be responsible for BA contribute to BB be caused by A4、 解决办法以上三种表达 A 是造成B 的原因Nowt we know, what should we do toFaced with such a problem, people from all walks have tried various measures to To begin with,SecondlyLast but not least,must be put under controleducate people realize the importance
8、oflaws and regulations should be formulated and put in force 几个方面的措施Only inng thus can we/by taking firm actions can we By song, I be ve最后重申可用:Thctures value is reminding ust以上是四个基本部分,下面是我的一些常用的表达:put too much emphasis on名词+in growing numberse increasing+形容词这两种表达越来越的方式就比more and more 新颖have drawback
9、s as well as merits 利弊皆有merits outweigh drawbacks利大于弊be harmful to / produce harmful effect on / do sb. harm / do harm to / do no good不要总是以人称代词作为句子开头,可以多用一些 It ist. 句型代替产生不良影响如用 It is widely accepted should 句型可以改成 多用否定代替肯定:There is hardly+名词t 代替 Many people thinktbe certainly requiredIts imsibleNobo
10、dy will denyt可用 a host of 代替a lot ofmeet the need in / meet what is expected of满足需要appeal to/ call forth sb. to do呼吁create/form a healthy/good atmosphere形成良好的气氛promote the virtue of 提倡美德pollute the sol ethos, the loss of which is fatal to our society.损害社会风气及其资料欢迎到启星Peoples attitude towardsvaries fro
11、mto观点因人而异We all hopet Unfortuna y the reality often goes against our will.现实常常与愿望相反 It goes without sayingt 不言而喻spare no efforts inng sth.不遗余力例子不多举了,很多参考书上面都有,大家可以在阅读范文和自己练笔的过程中做点笔记,熟记一些自己喜欢的句型,举一反三。上了高联辅导班商志的作文班。其实就是获得了一个作文模板,来,让大家看一下。大作文第一段的时候很是受用,发出How enlightening and compelling the above drawin
12、g is!It is so funnyt whoever sees itcannot help thinking:. (这句自己加完整,从宏观上描述一下图画就可以,笼统的,大体的) while.(这句从微观上具体说明一下图画要描述的点,必须找到点,用到 while 这个单词) Simple as it looks,itsended(或者用 imp d) meaning goes far deeperwhat on earth(究竟) does the drawer(作者) really aim to convey.第二段What the image above vividly mirrors
13、(名 词用 做动词 ) goes far moren a simpleimage,insteed,it carries(有) a thought provoking sophenomenon:.(本文的主旨)Thereare upsetting( 如文章不是讽刺性的,就把 upsetting 删除) parallels today in our contemporarycommunity,and an acquaance of mine may serve as a good exle.( 用一句话或者两句话来举例)Another够就不用再举)第三段:ling exle is my fomer
14、 colleague,who.(另外一个例子,如果字数Much can be done. To begain with the schools and the mass media should develop noble andworthy values and qualities among people,ng their utmost to awaken people of the growingthreat of this worsening situation.(of this worsening situation 自己可以换成主旨的句子,如果不换,这样也可以。如文章不是讽刺性的,
15、就把worsening 删除)What is more,the authoritie s()should play a dominant role就把 curb 换成 promote) such practiaking nationwide actions to curb(如文章不是讽刺性的,.In,all the society should actively moresustained (持续) and concerted (一致)offorts.Although we still have a long way to go ,apromising star benind.注意事项:1 不
16、要写题目s bagun,and a happy,healthy and harmonious(和谐) society may be not be far要看清楚图画是一副还是两副,单数还是复数看清楚是卡通还是普通图画卡通 cartoon 也可以用以下几个 picture image drawing illustration图画 Photo 也可以用以下几个pictureimagephotograph 4 红色字体就是可以直接套用的。任何题材都可以。小作文:Dear Sir or Madam,(在没有明确收信人的时候,就用这个)第一段资料欢迎到启星第 1 句介绍自己,按照这这个句型就可以 I a
17、m a senior in Computer Science Department (计算机系)of Fudan University. 第 2 句说明自己的目的_(自己写).第 3 句 So I am writingto you for help.或者 I am writing to present my reguest. 第 4 句通用句your attention to this letter.第二段nk you in advance for第 1 句通用句 There are a host of/ many a (许多)factors contributing to this deci
18、( 如果是邀请就写 inviion,如果是介绍信就写roduction)如果是两点式 on one thing。on another。如果是三点式:首先:to begin with/ initivally/ primarily第二:What is more/ moreover /he second place第三:Additionally/he third place(以上自己选择一种,固定下来,只要遇到三段式就按照自己选择的词语写,但是注意hesecond place 和第三段he third place 不要重复用,可以避开)I,d be most grateful if you can
19、.Your kind reply to the letter ( 或者 my inquiry)at your ear st covenience would be very much appreted.(通用句)Yours sincerely(必须这样)阅卷老师对英语作文模板应用十点看法快了,对于英语作文的复习,大家比较常用的方法就是背模板,来听听一些阅卷老师的看法:一、作文模板要背,但不要背太多。关键是要准!老师是人,当然知道大家都是模板,不会因为这个难为大家。模板不是错,也没有,但你连摸版都背,都背错,那就是你的不对了。我发现很多同学上下句不连贯,但都很优美,可见是拼接的,按本人经验,模版一个就可以对付大多数,问题是你要会用,而不是背一堆,又行?,同时还自己拼,那怎么能二、考场上除非万不得已不要抄上面卷面上的句子。本人第一天连续发现 4 张卷子句子相同 。上报组长,卷,差点按 0 分处理,后来还好又发现类似卷子,原来都是从翻译抄下来的 ,0 分终于避免了,但 8 分以下是跑不了了,老师啊三、要有发光点,注意你是在,你让老师看到的是 important,therebe,那就等着 8 分左右吧,好象中国学生最会的句子就是 therebe,一片 therebe,更郁闷的是,有人还把时态弄错了,那完了,祈祷吧!用词,要对的起的水平啊,你就不能
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