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1、2022-2023学年高考英语模拟试卷考生请注意:1答题前请将考场、试室号、座位号、考生号、姓名写在试卷密封线内,不得在试卷上作任何标记。2第一部分选择题每小题选出答案后,需将答案写在试卷指定的括号内,第二部分非选择题答案写在试卷题目指定的位置上。3考生必须保证答题卡的整洁。考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。第一部分 (共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)1How about his design?Well, to tell the truth, it is _ but satisfactory. So youll have to try your best to better it

2、.AsomethingBanythingCeverythingDnothing2Throughout history, China never colonized any nation. _ this peaceful tradition, it is committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind.AIn line with BIn regard toCIn harmony with DIn addition to3Whats up? You look down. I have piles of paper

3、s _, but I type so slowly.Ato be typed Btyped Cto type Dbeing typed4Look, _ fashionable clothes is she wearing that all the eyes are fixed on her!AsoBsuchChowDwhat5I refuse to accept the blame for something _ was someone elses fault.AwhoBthatCasDwhat6The professor _about how to protect the endangere

4、d animal in the conference at this time tomorrow.Atalked Btalks Chas been talking Dwill be talking7.Would you have told him the answer had it been possible? .I would have, but I _ so busy then. Ahad been Bwere Cwas Dwould be8_ well for my job interview, I really had butterflies in my stomach on my w

5、ay to the company I had applied to.AHaving not preparedBNot having preparedCNot to have preparedDTo have not prepared9In a competitive marketplace, finding the key factor that _ your business from others is highly valuable.AdefendsBdistinguishesCprohibitsDselects10Did Max go to the concert with his

6、family yesterday?The report scheduled to be handed in tomorrow, he _ it.Acouldnt have attendedBneednt have attendedCwouldnt attendDshouldnt attend11.I didnt _ having to do the cooking myself, or I would have learnt one or two dishes from my mom.AexpectBanticipateCforecastDpreview12If we_ a table in

7、advance, we wouldnt be standing here in the long queue.AreserveBreservedChave reservedDhad reserved13As you go through this book, you _ that each of the millions of people who lived through World War II had a different experience.Awill findBfoundChad foundDhave found14By the time I saw the angry exp

8、ression on his face, I _ exactly what I was having to face.Aknew Bhad known Cwould know Dhave known15For many days I have been trying to _ what it is that makes Jack so annoyed.Acarry outBfigure outCwatch outDstand out16More often than not, the enterprise around us are getting even richer, _ recipe

9、is dont put all your eggs in one basket.Aof whichBwhichCwhoseDof whom17What does Nickys job involve as a public relations director?_ quite a lot of time with other people.ASpending BHaving spentCTo spend DTo have spent18The old road is indeed less direct and a bit longer. We wont take the new one, _

10、, as we dont feel safe on it.Asomehow Botherwise Ctherefore Dthough19_ what had happened, they knew I would struggle and simply wanted to help because it was the right thing to do.AHearingBTo have heardCHaving heardDHeard20In the past few years, weve seen works by Chinese sci-fi writers winning inte

11、rnational _.AconclusionBstandardCpotentialDrecognition第二部分 阅读理解(满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。21(6分) When men get together, they seldom talk about their feelings or inner thoughts. However, they talk about a lot, like their newest computer, how to repair their car, or even business.Talk mig

12、ht move to the best place to find fish or women, jump to computer games, then continue to the sport of the season. They also like to tell jokes each other and spend a fair amount of time playing one-up and boasting (吹牛). Men seldom call each other to chat.When man meets woman, he usually wants to ma

13、ke a good impression. Many single men try hard to carry on amusing, fun, and pleasant conversations. They use conversation to discover her interests and feelings in order to learn how to be attractive to her.Some men, either out of nervousness or ignorance, spend most of the time talking about thems

14、elves, often appearing to brag about their achievements or talk endlessly about their problems or work. Even the quietest man talks to his woman when love is new.When women get together, they talk about feelings and relationships, their work and their family. They enjoy talking but also want the giv

15、e and take of talk, then listen. Women often call each other to chat. Conversation is an important part of most womens 1ives.As relationships progress, however, many a man turns on the television and forgets how to talk. This raises anger and cry from his woman partner who says, “You never talk to m

16、e anymore.” Some men start talking. Many, however, mainly discuss their own achievements and problems.When the woman starts talking about her favorite subjects: feelings, family, relationships, friends and her work, many men lose interest or bring the conversation back to themselves. Pretty soon, th

17、e man is back to staring at the television each night, wondering where his relationship has gone. The woman is talking to her friends, mom, sister, or neighbor, often about that very relationship and how she is hurting.1、What can we know about men from the first two paragraphs?AThey like to talk abo

18、ut practical matters.BThey are willing to expose (暴露) their inner thoughts.CThey prefer to take adventurous travels.DThey often call each other to chat about work.2、Which of the following can replace the underlined part “brag about” in Paragraph 4?AShow off.BDream about.CPut forward.DCare for.3、What

19、 is the same topic in both mens and womens talk?AFamily.BWork.CFriends.DJokes.4、What is the best title of this passage?AHow a man makes a good impression to a woman.BGood relationship between men and women.CTalking, the womens main tool in communication.DMen talk; women talk; do they talk together?2

20、2(8分)A few years ago, Darla Hoff painted a pumpkin face onto a round straw bale(捆)at A1 and Karen Goldmans farm in Idaho Palls to advertise her U-pick pumpkin field. While Darla has stopped growing pumpkins, the annual tradition of straw bale art lives on at the farm and has drawn friends and neighb

21、ors to participate in it. Past creations have included an owl, Minions, tractors and a teddy bear.To make the tractors, A1 baled round straw bales in two different sizes smaller ones for the tractors front tires and larger ones for the rear(尾部). Large square bales made up the bodies. Jerry Kienlen u

22、sed his farming equipment to arrange the bales in the shape of two tractors. Then it was time to bring the tractors to life. Karen and her daughter. Lana Hedrick, secured some green paint, and A1 got some red paint. Darlas husband, James, sprayed the creation with a paint gun. For the finishing touc

23、hes, Steven donated two shiny exhaust stacks (排气管),and A1 and Karen donated two steering wheels from their farm parts.The farms annual straw bale art projects have now become a way for everyone to celebrate the end of another growing season. Its just something fun to do together after harvest. This

24、neighborhood has always been close. Generations of these families have grown crops in this soil. Raised on the farms where they live now, they grew up together as their elders did before. A1 and Karen are truly super neighbors. Every year they also grow about two acres of corn to give away. Anyone c

25、an pick some, or A1 and Karen will even deliver. And during long Idaho winters, everyone gathers at the farm to enjoy fresh coffee and cookies.This years straw hale creation theme is Straw Wars. And all eyes will be on A1 and Karens farm as their creation takes shape.1、Why did Darla paint a pumpkin

26、face onto a straw bale?ATo recycle straw bales.BTo please his neighbors.CTo create a new tradition.DTo make an advertisement.2、What does the underlined phrase “the creation in Paragraph 2 refer to?AThe straw bale tires.BThe square straw bales.CThe straw bale tractors.DThe farming equipment.3、What do

27、 local people think of the straw bale art show?AIt needs something fun.BIts a good way to celebrate harvest.CIt makes A1 and Karen famous in the town.DIt stands for the beginning of a new season.4、What kind of neighbors are A1 and Karen according to Paragraph 3?AGenerous. BCreative.CFunny. DDetermin

28、ed.文章内容To make the tractors, Al baled round straw bales in two different sizes- smaller ones for the tractors front tires and larger ones for the rear(尾部).得知他们都在制作23(8分)On January 13, 2016, France became the first country in the world to pass a law requiring supermarkets to donate food that is appro

29、aching its expiration date (保质期) instead of throwing it away. The regulation that applies to supermarkets over 4,000 square feet requires stores to sign official donation agreements with local food banks.The law also makes it illegal for stores to pour water over nearly-expired food, or store it ins

30、ide locked warehouses until it is picked up by the garbage trucks. These measures are often undertaken by supermarkets to prevent the hungry from searching for food through the dustbins.Though that may appear cruel, the stores claim they do it to avoid potential food poisoning that could occur if th

31、e product is on its way past its expiry. Those who do not obey the new law face the risk of heavy fines.Also, excess goods like yogurt or milk that are likely to go bad quickly are now allowed to be donated directly to the food banks. Though this has always been possible, the current process is long

32、 and complex, making it difficult for producers to give away the food in a timely manner.Frances food banks are of course thrilled about the possibility of receiving extra food. Jacques Bailet, who heads a network of French food banks called the Banques Alimentaires, says that of the 110,000 tons of

33、 goods received annually, only 36,000 tons comes from supermarkets. Bailet estimates (估计) that just a 15% increase in supermarket donations would translate to over 10 million additional meals to feed the hungry each year.Though this is a great first step, Arash Dermabarsh, the activist responsible f

34、or the grassroots movement that led to the ban, is not done. He now wants to extend the law to other places like restaurants and also try to convince other countries in the European Union to pass similar regulations. These steps are necessary because of the over 9 million tons of food wasted in Fran

35、ce; an astonishing 67% is thrown away by consumers, with supermarkets and restaurants making up the rest.1、What should stores do with nearly-expired food?AThrow it away. BSend it to the hungry.CStore it in refrigerators. DGive it away to food banks.2、What does the underlined word “excess” in Paragra

36、ph 4 probably mean?AExtra. BCheap.CSeasonal. DReturned.3、What might Bailet agree with about the French food banks?AThey have a lot of expired food.BThey will get much benefit from the law.CTheir food is enough for the people in need.DTheir food mainly comes from supermarkets.4、What does Dermabarsh p

37、lan to do?ABuild more food banks in France.BMake the law take effect in more places.COrganize a campaign to promote this law.DRaise consumers awareness of waste reduction.24(8分)It took multiple weddings for Christine Law to realize what she needed to do. In the summer of 2014, her schedule was packe

38、d with friends, marriage celebrationsflowers filled occasions that got her thinking, “Where do all the flowers go after the party?” More often than not, they were thrown out. Law, then 27, was confident she could find a better use for them.By August, she had a plan: convince couples and companies ho

39、sting events to donate their flowers, which she would pick up and deliver within 48 hours to seniors across the city. She wanted to bring beauty into the lives of the elderly. She drew on her experience volunteering with non-profits in order to set up her own organization, which she called Floranthr

40、opie. Not having enough bouquets (花束) for all 150 people of a health center, Law asked the staff to provide a list of patients who needed cheering up most, “The first woman I approached thought it was a mistake, and that the flowers couldnt possibly be for her,” says Law. “I said they were a gift, a

41、nd we talked for a half hour.”In addition to health centers, Floranthropie focuses on community groups devoted to the elderly. Theleme is a volunteer for Les Petits Fieres, an organization that aims to help the elderly who dont have a support system. The group receives a dozen or so bouquets from Fl

42、oranthropie monthly, and then redistributes them. “Our motto is flowers before bread,” says Theleme. “We dont focus on primary care, but rather on nourishing (滋养) the spirit. Floranthropie helps that. Its amazing what a big difference a small bouquet can make.”In the beginning, most of Floranthropie

43、s donations came through word of mouth. These days, Law receives messages from strangers via her organizations Facebook page and has connected with corporations and flower wholesalers. Law hopes to expand Floranthropie nationally, but at this point is happy to be able to oversee each delivery person

44、ally.1、What made Christine Law set up Floranthropie?AThe Waste of flowers. BThe loneliness of seniors.CThe persuasion of other friends. DThe warm atmosphere of weddings.2、What was the womans first reaction to Christine Laws flowers?AShe was moved. BShe was excited.CShe was worried. DShe was surprise

45、d.3、What can we infer about Floranthropie from Laetitia Thelemes words?AIt should focus on primary care.BIt is benefiting more than the elderly.CIt is doing something of great importance.DIt should cooperate with more non-profits.4、What is the best title for the text?AVolunteer Your Time BDont Throw

46、 Them OutCSpecial Delivery Makes Your Day DBrighten Seniors Lives With Flowers25(10分)International Weather Forecast (January 18th, 2008)Paris WeatherToday: Plentiful sunshine. High 59F. Winds NE at 5 to 10 mph.Tonight: Generally clear. Low near 35F. Winds light and variable.Tomorrow: A mainly sunny

47、sky. High 59F. Winds ENE at 5 to l0 mph.Tomorrow night: A mostly clear sky. Low 36F. Winds light and variable.New York WeatherToday: Cloudy with rain and snow showers Temps nearly steady in the mid 39s.Winds SE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.Tonight: Rain and snow showers this evening changing t

48、o rain showers overnight. Low 34F. Winds ESE at 5 to 10 mph. Chance of rain 60%.Tomorrow: Cloudy skies early will become partly cloudy later in the day. High around 45F. Winds WNW at l0 to 20 mph.Tomorrow night: Partly cloudy early with increasing clouds overnight Low 29F.Winds W at 5 to10 mph.Londo

49、n WeatherToday: Cloudy and windy. High 56F. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph.Tonight: Partly cloudy and windy. Low 43F. Winds W at 20 to 30 mph.Tomorrow: Windy with occasional light rain. High 58F. Winds SW at 20 to 30 mph. Chance of rain 70%.Tomorrow night: Cloudy and windy. Periods of light rain early. L

50、ow 54F. Winds WSW at 20 to 30 mph, Chance of rain 60%.Sydney WeatherToday: Cloudy with periods of rain. High 73F. Winds NE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Rainfall around a quarter of an inch.Tonight: Rain. Low near 70F. Winds NNE at 10 to 15 mph. Chance of rain 70%. Rainfall near a quarter of

51、an inch.Tomorrow: Showers in the morning with isolated thunderstorms arriving in the afternoon. High 78F. Winds NNE at 5 to10 mph. Chance of rain 40%.Tomorrow night: An isolated thunderstorm possible during the evening, then occasional showers overnight. Low near 70F. Winds WNW at 5 to 10 mph. Chanc

52、e of rain 40%.1、Which city has the strongest wind on January 19th?AParis.BNew York.CLondon.DSydney.2、There will be thunderstorms in Sydney on_.Athe evening of January 18thBthe afternoon of January 18thCthe morning of January 19thDthe afternoon of January 19th3、If you go on a tour on January l8th, wh

53、ich of the following places of interest is the most favorable according to the weather report?AThe Eiffel Tower.BStatue of Liberty.CBig Ben.DThe Sydney Opera House第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节)第一节(每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项26(30分) More people are travelling than ever before, and low

54、er harriers to entry and falling costs means they are doing so for 1 periods.The rise of “city breaks” -48-hour bursts of foreign cultures, easier on the pocket and annual leave balance has increased tourist numbers, but not their 2 spread. The same attractions have been used to market cities such a

55、s Paris, Barcelona and Venice for decades, and visitors use the same infrastructure as residents to reach them. “Too many people do the same thing at the exact same time,” says Font. “For 3 , the city no longer belongs to them.”This starts with marketing, says Font, who notes that Amsterdam has star

56、ted advising visitors to seek 4 outside of the city centre on its official website. “That takes some balls, really to do that. But only so many people will look at the website, and it means they can say to their residents theyre doing all they can to ease congestion.”But it also 5 a better way, it i

57、s called “detourism”: sustainable travel tips an 6 itineraries for exploring an authentic Venice, off the paths beaten by the 28 million visitors who flock there each year.A greater variety of 7 for prospective visitors ideas for what to do in off-peak seasons, for example, or outside of the city ce

58、nter can have the effect of diverting them from already saturated landmarks, or 8 short breaks away in the first place. Longer stays 9 the pressure, says Font. If you go to Paris for two days, youre going to go to the Eiffel Tower. “If you go for two weeks, youre not going to go to the Eiffel Tower

59、14 times.”Similarly, repeat visitors have a better sense of the 10 , “We should be asking how we get tourists to 11 , not how to get them to come for the first time. If theyre coming for the fifth time, it is much easier to integrate their behavior with ours.”Local governments can foster this sustai

60、nable activity by giving preference to responsible operator and even high-paying consumers. Font says cities could stand to be more selective about the tourists they try to attract when the current metric for marketing success is how many there are, and how far theyve come. “Youre thinking, yeah but


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