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1、新希望加尔各答动物饲料私人有限公司New Hope Kolkata Animal Feed Private Limited年产 26 万吨饲料加工项目Annual output of 2,60,000 tons of feed processing project施工合同The Construction Agreement合同编号: NHKTJ2016033001(土建工程)Agreement No. : NHKTJ2016033001 (Civil works)Agreement award date : May 7 th, 2016第一部分协议书Part One The Agreeme n

2、t发包人 ( 全称 ) :新希望加尔各答动物饲料私人有限公司以下简称甲方 )The Employer (full n ame) : New Hope Kolkata Ani mal Feed Private Limited (Here in after referred to as FirstSeco nd Party)承包人 ( 全称 ) :印度朴实建筑发展私人有限公司以下简称乙方 )The Con tractor (full n ame): Pushy Con struct ion and developme nt In dia Pvt Ltd. (Here in after referr

3、ed to asSeco nd Party)依照印度其他有关法律、行政法规,遵循平等、自愿、公平和诚实信用的原则,双方就本建设工程施工事项协商一致,订立本合同。In accorda nee with releva nt laws, admi nistrative rules and regulati ons in In dia, based on theprin ciple of equality, volun tari ness, fair ness, hon esty and credit, the two parties con cludethe follow ingAgreeme nt

4、 onn egotiated consen sus of the con struct ion items on this con structi on project.一、工程概况The Project Overview工程名称:新希望加尔各答动物饲料私人有限公司年产 26 万吨饲料厂项目 ( 土建工程 )Project Name: Annual output of 2,60,000 tons of feed processing projects for New Hope Kolkata AnimalFeed Private Limited (civil works)工程地点:印度西孟加拉

5、邦奈哈蒂政府工业园The address of the project: Plot-A5, Rishi Ban kim Shilpaudya n, PS-Naihati, North 24 Parga nas, WestBen gal, PIN-743165工程立项批准或核准、备案文号:西孟邦政府工厂局批复第 23 号 ( 13/01/2016 )Formality: No. 23 of year 2016, Directorate of Factories of West Ben gal (13/01/2016)资金来源:发包方企业自筹( 已到位 )Capital source: Rasie

6、d by First Party (In place)棚、发电工程内容:承包人按照施工图及甲乙双方的合同约定对主车间、成品车间、原料车间、雨棚一、锅炉房、卸料机房、水泵房、综合楼、门卫、磅房、食堂、浴室、箱变、筒仓基础、地磅的土建、装饰、给排水、电气、消防、总平道路工程等图纸内容等分项工程。Contents of the project: The Con tractor un dertake the followi ng sect ional works in accorda ncewith the con struct ion drawing and the agreeme nt of th

7、e con tract: the civil engin eering and otherengin eeri ng in clud ing第 1 页共 78页decorati on, water supply and dra in age, electric, fire protect on and the whole flat road for themain workshop, finished products warehouse, raw materials workshop, canopyI , boiler room,unioading shed, generatorroom,

8、water pump room, complex buildi ng, guard room, pound room, can tee n, the bathroom, the box-type tran sformer, the silo foun dati on, the floor scale and so on , which are specified in the draw ings.、工程承包范围 Scope of the project con tract ing1、承包范围:主车间:包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;成品车间:包括土建、装饰、 电气工程、给排水工

9、程、消防工程;原料车间:包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;雨棚、 锅炉房:包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;卸料棚:包括土建、装饰、电气工程;发电机房、水泵房:包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;综合楼:包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;门卫、磅房:包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;食堂:包括土建、 装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;浴室:包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;箱变: 包括土建、装饰、电气工程、给排水工程、消防工程;筒仓基础:包括土建、电气工程( 防雷与接地) ;地磅: 包括土建工程;总平:包括道

10、路、总平给排水、总平电气、总平消防等图纸分项内容。Agreeme nt scope: The main workshop: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engineering; the finished products warehouse: including civil, decoration, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng ; the raw materials w

11、arehouse: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engin eeri ng; the boiler rooms and canopy I : in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng;the uni oadi ng shed: in clud ing civil, decorati on and electrical

12、engineering; the generator roomand the pump room: including civil, decoration, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engineeri ng; the complex buildi ng: in cludi ng civil, decorati on, electrical, water supply and drain ageand fire engin eeri ng; the guard room and the pound room: in clud

13、i ng civil, decorati on, electrical,water supply and dra in age and fire engin eeri ng; the can tee n: in cludi ng civil, decoratio n,electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the bathroom: in cludi ng civil, decoratio n, electrical, water supply and dra in age and fire engineer

14、ing; the box-type transformer room: including civil, decoration, electrical, water supply and drain age and fire engin eeri ng; the silo foun dation: in cludi ng civil and electrical(light ning protecti on and grounding )engineering; the floor scale: including civil engineering; the total flat: incl

15、uding roads, watersupply and dra in age , electrical and fire engin eeri ng , etc. , which are specified in the draw in gs.2、甲方安排的小型或零星类工程,将以签订合同补充协议 ( 附件 7) 的方式计算价款,其费用按照甲方总 部核定的价格协商执行,乙方不得以任何理由拒绝施工或提高造价;The cost of any additional sporadic or small works arranged by First party will be calculated a

16、ccording to the Agreeme nt suppleme ntary agreeme nt (appe ndix 7) sig ned by two parties, and its price will be performed un der n egotiati on which is approved by the headquarters of Part A. Second Party shall not refuse to con struct or raise the cost for any reas on.3、承包方式:双包,包括并不限于包工、包料、包工期、包质量

17、、包资料( 书面资料及电子版资料卜包括图 纸规定范围内的施工措施、包安全文明施工、包施工现场多次驳运、包现场成品保护、包已完工建筑产品保护、 包垃圾清运至市政要求的地方、包管理、包临时设施等。 ( 不包含场外弃土及垃圾)Con tract ing way: in cludi ng but not limited to labor, materials, time limit, quality, docume nts(both soft and hardcopies) , con struct ion procedure that specified in the draw in gs, saf

18、e and civilized con struct ionmeasures, thecon struct ion site tran sfer, the protect ion of completed buildi ngs and fini shed products, refuse cleared up to a regi on of the muni cipal requireme nts, man ageme nt and temporary facilities, etc. (not in cludi ng discard ing the soil and the garbage

19、bey ond the site)三、合同工期Agreement duration合同工期:总有工期360 天。Agreeme nt durati on: Total durati on is 360 days.材料准备开工日期为 2016 年 4 月 5 日;进场开工日期为 2016 年 5 月 7 日 ( 以甲方正式的开工报告时间 为准 ) 主车间基础完成且达到钢结构入场安装条件时间为 2016 年 7 月 30 日;竣工日期为 2017 年 5 月 2 日, 需要特殊说明的是因不可抗力等因素,如当地大选除外或者连续下雨8 小时,工期可以适当顺延,顺延时间由 甲方根据实际情况定,顺延期间误

20、工费等所有费用均用由乙方自行承担;The commencement date for material preparation is April 5th , 2016; the commencement date for startingwork is May 7 th, 2016 (subjected to the First Party formal work-start time ); the finished time forthe main workshop foundation is July 30 th , 2016 and in the meantime the site co

21、ndition shall meet the requirement of steel con struct ion in stallati on; the completi on date is May 2nd, 2017. There isa special in structi on that the time limit may be appropriately postp one due to force de majeure,such as State elect ion or Eight hours con ti nu ous rain. The postp one time i

22、s con firmed by First Party accord ing to the actual situatio n, and all the expe nses in curred because of the delays shall be borne by Second Party.工程质量标准:一次性验收合格。(按印度工程质量验收标准达到备案合格标准)。本工程土建竣工资料由土建承包单位进行,钢结构施工单位资料由钢结构单位进行,资料由各施工单位自行负责交由土建单位汇总后交由甲方保存。Stan dard of engin eeri ng quality: On e-time ac

23、cepta nee. (reachi ng the sta ndard for record accord ing to theIndian engineering quality acceptance standard). As-built documents for the civil works should be done by the civil works Con tractor, accord in gly as-built docume nts for steel fabricati on works should be done by the steel fabricatio

24、 n works Con tractor. All the documents should be collected and submitted to First party by the civil works Con tractor after each Con tractor submit their docume nts to the civil works Con tractor.五、合同价款 Agreement price1、合同金额(大写):合同范围内总承包价:贰亿柒仟陆佰陆拾万卢比整。(小写):合同范围内总承包价: INR27,66,00,000.00 。The Agreem

25、e nt sum (in words ) : Total con tract ing sum with in the Agreeme nt scope: Rupees Two Hun dred Seve nty Six Millio n Six Hun dred Thousa nd On ly. The Agreeme nt sum(in nu mber ) : Total contract ing sum within the Agreeme nt scope: INR27,66,00,000.00.此承包价为招标图纸土建范围内所有工程量包干价,若招标图纸无修改、无设计变更及工程承包内容内增

26、减,则合同总价一次包干,不作调整。(如图纸设计中无做法与详图及材料要求的无法报价项,则不在包干范围内,包括但不限于厂区绿化工程,厂区大门,办公楼区域围栏等)The Agreeme nt sum is a lump price in cludi ng all the civil works in the ten der draw in gs, which will not be adjusted if none of these special cases occurs such as the revisi on of ten der draw in gs, desig n alterati o

27、n and the in crease and decrease in civil works.(If the items un able to bidwithout any requireme nts on materials and methods in the draw in gs, they will be excluded from con tractors resp on sibility scope. The Agreeme nt sum in cludes but not limited to the gree nery in side the factory, factory

28、 gate and the fences of the office buildi ng area and etc.)2、合同总价包干内容为Content of the Agreeme nt sum:1)、完成设计图纸中确定的全部内容:所发生的人工费、材料费、机械费、措施费、检验费、安全文明施工 费、管理费、利润、税金、垃圾清运费(垃圾需运到甲方场内指定堆放地点,只限于土建工程项所产生的建渣及生活垃圾);En tire contents specified in the desig ning draw in gs: Expe nses in curred in labor, materials

29、, machinery, measures fee, exam ine cost, safe and civilized con structi on costs, man agement fees, profits and taxes and refuse clearanee. (Refuse should be cleared up to the specified location, only including build slag and living garbage in the course of civil con struct ion.)2)、乙方投标文件承诺及乙方商务标书中

30、漏错项内容;The contents promised in Second Party bid docume nts and omissi on and fault in their commercial bidd ing.3)、涉及工程制作施工、安装施工、验收所有检验(测)、实验费等;Expe nses in curred in in spect ion and test ing for engin eeri ng manu facturi ng, in stallati on andaccepta nee.六、款项支付与结算Payments and settlements1、本合同无预付款

31、;This Agreeme nt in cludes no Ada nve mon ey;2、月进度款,每月按工程实际量的80被付,乙方每个月25日提交上月25日到本月24日的工程量审核报 告,甲方相关人员三天内须到场审核,审核后在20工作日内支付进度款;其中用方代乙方支付材料款等合计一千五百万(INR1,50,00,000.00 )卢比整,经甲乙双方约定将从第一笔进度款中全额扣除。Mon thly progress payme nt should be 80% of actual amount of the qua ntity that fini shed in that month. Se

32、cond Party shall submit the audit report of actual qua ntity duri ng the period of 25 th last monthto 24 th this mon th, after submissi on First Party shall audit the qua ntity on-site with in 3 days.Once approved, mon thly progress payment should be paid within 20 work days. Both Parties agreed tha

33、tRupees Fifteen Million Only (INR1,50,00,000.00) which First Party has paid on behalf of Second Partyas payme nt for materials shall be subtracted from the first mon thly progress payme nt.3、工程竣工验收审核:乙方先自行检查,甲方项目组进行复查,合格后申请甲方总部进行综合验收,三个月 内甲方总部进行综合验收合格后,乙方需向甲方交清整体验收合格报告、竣工图、竣工资料等并办理结算;结 算办理完成后30天 内支付

34、至工程总价的95%余下的5%乍为质保金,质保金一年后无息返还,质量保证要求严格按印度标准执行;Audit on completion acceptanee of project: Second Party shall first make a self-inspection. FirstPartysproject group check aga in for review, they willapply to their headquarters for comprehensiveaccepta nee after the review is passed. Within three mon

35、ths after comprehe nsive accepta nee. SecondParty should submit to First Party all the documents including the overall acceptance report, as-built drawing and completion data and han dle the settleme nt. 95% of the project total sum should be paid to with in 30 days after the completi on of settleme

36、nt, the remaining 5% will be regarded as quality retention money and be returned a year later with no-i nterest. Quality guara ntee is carried out accord ing to In dia Stan dards.、 质保期自验收合格之日起开始计算,质保期内乙方得到甲方维修通知后须在24 小时内做出回应并在15 日 内到场维修。如果乙方未按时到场维修,甲方可另请其他单位进行维修,其费用按实际发生金额的三倍扣罚 .The quality guara nt

37、ee period starts from the date of accepta nce. In quality guara ntee period, Second Party should resp ond with in 24 hours and commence repair with in 15 days after receipt of First Party sno tice.IfSecond Party fail to arrive on time, First Party has the right to ask other unit for repair and deduc

38、t three times of its cost in curred accord ing to the actual amount as pen alty of Second Party.、 甲方支付乙方工程款前,乙方应先向甲方提供正式发票,并由甲方扣除源头税(TDS) 。A payment notice with company stamp is considered a prior for issueing the payment ,After each payment ,a formal in voice shall be provided by Second Party withi

39、 n 5 days .TDS will be deducted upon esch payme nt by First Party .双方代表 Representative from both sides1 、 甲方现场代表:刘 柯 电话: +91-9830342154 ;First Party represe ntative on-site: LIU/KE Mobile:+91-98303421542 、 乙方现场代表:徐彬 电话: +91-7044304796 。Second Party s represe ntative on-site: XU/BIN Mobile:+91-704430

40、4796双方的权利和义务Rights and obligations for both sides、 甲方向乙方提供图纸肆套,中英文各两套;This Agreement is madein four identical copies with each Party holds two copies. All copies are equally authe ntic.、 甲方提供乙方施工所需电和水,甲方只提供水(指定接管点)、电源头,具体安装由乙方负责;甲方井水免费,电 费乙方自行支付; First Party will provide electricity and water n eede

41、d in con struct ion to Second Party which arerestricted to desig nated locati on for conn ect ing water pipes and power source. Second Party shallbe resp on sible for specified installation. First Party well water is free but electricity billsshall be paid by Second Party themselves.、 在施工中, 乙方必须严格遵守甲方的一切规章制度做到文明施工, 若因乙方操作不当或管理疏漏造成任何 人机事故,均由乙方承担一切责任及连带责任; 如由乙方原因给甲方造成的财产损失或人身伤害 , 乙方应负责赔偿甲方的全部损失;Second Party must strictly abide by all rules and regulations of First Party


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