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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业专心-专注-专业精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上专心-专注-专业Unit1 Playing SportsTopic2 I will kick you the ball again.1. Michael, could youhelpme?(1) Could you = Would you?意为“请你好吗?后接动词原形 (2) help sb = give sb. a hand帮某人的忙2. Butone ofmy teammatesfellill. (1) one of +可数名词复数+谓单 (2) fall ill生病(强调动作)

2、be ill病了(强调状态)3. - Would youmindteachingme?- Not at all.Would you mind (not)doingsth.你介意(别)做某事吗?(礼貌地请求某人做或别做某事)Would you mindmysmoking here?(常用物主代词my, her, his, our等) Would you mindif +从句PS:(不介意)肯定回答:Notat all . / Of course not. / Certainly not.(介意)否定回答:Sorry,I wont. /Yes, please dont. / Youd better

3、 not.4.Michael, Ikickthe ball to you. kick sth. to sb.=kick sb. sth.5. Keep trying!keep的用法:keep (sb) doingsth. keep + adj6.But Im not good at it.be good at = do well in擅长于7. Sorry, Ill put itsomewhere else. somewhere else别的某个地方 (somewhere是不定副词,else是形容词.形容词修饰不定副词、不定代词时,常放在其后) something sweet甜食;Anythi

4、ng else?还有别的吗? Nothing serious不严重8.Would you mind not throwing bottles around?throw . around乱扔某物9.Ill do it right away.right away = atonce立刻,马上10.Michael, welostbecause you wouldnt pass the ball.lost为lose的过去式 lose失去;loseones life丧命 lose输掉lose in the game输掉比赛 lose迷失;loseones way迷路;lose oneself in.迷失于

5、11.Dontshout atme like that.shoutat sb.对某人大喊大叫(生气,带有感情色彩) shout to sb.对某人大喊大叫(没有感情色彩,大声只为让对方听得见)12.Kangkang, Michael, please dont fight. have a fight(with sb) =fight (with sb. )打架13. Hedid his best.do ones best = try ones best尽某人最大努力,后接动词不定式.14. Kang, Michael, Dontbe angry witheach other. be angry w

6、ith sb.生某人的气15. Kangkang, what aboutsaying sorry to Michael?say强调说话的内容Say sorry to sb.向某人道歉say hello to sb.向某人打招呼/问候say goodbye to sb.向某人道别16. Iam sorry forwhat I said. for后面的whatI said(我所说的)是一个宾语从句。类似的还有:whatI saw (我所见的),whatI thought about(我所考虑的) be sorryfor表为道歉,后面接名词、代词、从句或动名词。 be sorryto dosth.抱

7、歉去做某事。17. Its nothing.= Never mind. = It doesnt matter. = Thats OK/all right. = Not at all.没关系。都可以用来回答“Imsorry.”18. Keep trying! Weare sure tohave fun.be sure to do sth.确信要做某事(表将来)Its sure torain.肯定要下雨。be sure +(that)从句, We are sure that we will win next time. have fun (in) doing sth19.With the help

8、 ofMaria andJane, Kangkangsaid sorry toMicheal. With the help of sb. = with ones help在某人的帮助下20.Ill try my best tofinishmy homework on time.finish(doing) sth.完成(做)某事21. The invertor invented basketball forhis students.invent动词发明;inventor名词发明家;invention名词发明物22.Basketball isoneofthe most popular sports

9、 in the United States andotherparts ofthe world.one of +形容词最高级+名词复数+谓语动词单数other意为“另外的”作限定词,后接复数可数名词= others23. It has a history ofover a century. over a century = more than acentury多于24.At first, it was an indoorgame so that students could play in bad weather.at first首先起初;at last最后25.The goal is to

10、throw the ballthroughthe other sides basket, and tostopteamfromdoing so.(1) through介词,意为“通过,穿过”,指从物体的中间通过、穿过 across介词,意为“通过,穿过”,指从物体的表面通过、穿过 (2) stop . from doing sth.意为“阻止,阻拦做某事”26.Butit ismore importantforyou and the other playersto playasa team.It is +形容词(forsb.) + to do sth.意为“(对某人而言)做是样的” as:作为

11、27.A large number ofpeople enjoyed basketball. a large number of大量的许多,后接谓语动词复数形式 the number of .的数量,后接谓语动词单数形式28.Doyou know how to score in the game? score既可以当名词,也可以当动词。 scoren. (游戏,比赛中的)分数,比分 eg: Whats the score in the basketball game? scorev. (在游戏,比赛中)得分,进球 eg: Which player scored the most?29.Lots

12、 ofpeople play football in parks of playgroundsjust for fun. just for fun意为“只为开心/乐趣”30.With hundreds of years history, it is one of the most popular sports inEngland. With hundreds of years history有着几百年的历史31.The English love football very much and theyturnedmost of their mainplayersintofamous person

13、o把转变为语法动词双宾语定义:某些及物动词的后面可以接两次属性不同的宾语,一个是“人”,为间接宾语,一个是“物”,为直接宾语,两者合称为双宾语。结构:V.+ sb. + sth. = V. + sth. to(for) sb.例如:Hismother bought him a pair of shoes. = His mother bought a pair of shoes for him.He teaches us English. = He teachesEnglish to us.He told us a very interestingstory. = He told a very interesting st


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