



1、中考优秀英语作文参考中考 复习 ,我们应当要多参考中考优秀英语的范文,下面是为你共享的中考优秀英语作文参考的范文,盼望对你有关怀!中考优秀英语作文参考范文一:XX 黄冈中考英语优秀范文: Shopping On LineWith the development of the Internet, mny people re used to shopping on line. It hs becomefshion in our dilylife. Some of us students lso join the group.Shopping on line hs mny dvntges. Just

2、 by click of the mouse, you cn buy wht youre interested in without going outdoors. You cn void getting tired nd being trpped in the crowded people nd crs nd sve time. When shopping on line, you cn choose from more vrieties of goods, whose prices re generlly lower.Every coin hs two sides. Its disdvnt

3、ges re obvious, too.On one hnd, its very esy for you to buy goods different from the pictures you see on the Internet. On the other hnd, shopping on line my cuse people to buy goods tht re not bdly needed. Thts wste of money.ll in ll, I love shopping on line.随着 XX 络技术的进展,很多人都习惯了在XX 上购物。日常生活中, XX 购已然

4、成为一种时尚。有不少的学生也加入到了XX 购群体中。XX 购有很多的优点:只需轻轻一点鼠标,足不出户你就可以买到你感兴趣的商品, 由此幸免了劳累, 幸免了拥挤的人群和车流,从而节省了时间。在XX 上购物,可供选择的商品多,其价格通常也比较廉价。但是任何事情总有两面性。 XX 购的缺点也是显而易见的。一方面, 我们购置到的商品和 XX 上展示的商品图片可能并不相符。另一方面, XX 购可能会令你购置那些你其实不太需要的商品,因此造成了浪费。总的说来,我喜爱 XX 购。中考优秀英语作文参考范文二:XXXX 中考英语优秀范文: Lern to Express ThnksGood morning, b

5、oys nd girls!The topic of my speech tody is Lern to express thnks.We find most Middle School students dont show ny senseof Thnks. They think tht they re certin of eting well nd wering fshionble clothes.s Middle School students, we should lern to express thnks. We should thnk our prents for supportin

6、g us to go to school. nd we should express thnks to our hrdworking techers who tech us much knowledge. Besides, our friends lwys give us encourgement nd help.In word, we re lucky in everything. But we should lern to express thnks. In the future, we should never forget our society, prents, techers nd

7、 so on. t present, we should study hrder in order to mke our world more beutiful.Thnk you for your listening!各位同学,大家早上好!今日我要演讲的主题是学会感恩。如今大多数的中学生都没有感恩意识,他们认为吃得好穿得好都是理所当然的。其实作为一名中学生, 我们应当学会感恩: 感恩我们的父母供给我们上学;感恩我们的老师辛苦地传授给我们学问;感恩我们的伴侣给予的鼓舞和关怀。总而言之,我们是幸运的,我们应当学会感恩。 在将来的日 子里, 我们也不能遗忘社会、 父母和老师的付出与关怀。 而如今,

8、我们更要好好学习,为了更加美妙的世界!感谢大家 !中考优秀英语作文参考范文三:XX 杭州中考英语优秀作文范文: My DremI wnt to be writer when I grow up. Writing hs been prt of my life. Through writing I will be ble to shre my ides nd mke friends with others. I cn chieve my drem by redingwidely nd by working hrd t school to lern s much s possible. Its ls

9、o importntto find outhow successfulpeople did it so tht I could lern from them. Im determined to hold on to my drem till one dy it comes true.长大以后, 我想成为一名作家, 因为写作已经成为我生活的一部分。 通过写作, 既可以表达我的想法, 还可以交到很多伴侣。要想实现写作的幻想,我要博览群书,在学校里也要用功念书,学到的学问越多越好。 另外, 还要观看那些胜利的人们是如何实现他们的幻想的, 并把他们作为自己学习的典范。 我肯定会坚持 我的幻想,直到幻想成真的那一天。看了中考优秀英语作文参考范文范文还看:初中优秀英语作文范文 9 篇中考英语作文优秀范文附翻译经典初中优秀范文初三优秀英语作文范文五篇中考英语作文范文 20 篇中考优秀英语作文参考范文 中考复习, 我们应当要多参


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