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1、1serve1)vi. 为服务;服役They served under the king.他们在国王手下工作。serve in the army 服役2)vt. & vi. 侍候(进餐);开(饭);上(菜)The daughter served at table.女儿侍侯进餐。She served us tea and toast.她给我们端上茶和吐司。3)vt. 为服务He has served the company for fifty years.他已经为公司工作了50年。Serve the country heart and soul.全心全意为祖国服务!注意:(1)“为人民服务”不可

2、说serve for the people,而应说serve the people。(2)serve作“侍侯进餐”讲时,其后可跟双宾语。She served us tea. (She served tea to us.)她侍奉我们喝茶。知识拓展serve out 分发serve as 作为,用作be of service to 对有用service n. 服务;贡献serve sb. right 给某人应得到的惩罚in service 在职,在运转中give good service 服务周到即学即用Christmas Day is drawing near. Every day the sa

3、lesgirl has a lot of customers to _.AdependBwaitCserve Dwatch答案:C2decide vt. & vi.决定;决心1)decide (not) to do sth.Tom decided to leave home himself.汤姆决定一个人离家出走。I have already decided to help the poor girl.我已决定去帮助那个贫穷的女孩子。2)decidethatclauseIt has been decided that the meeing should be held today.已经决定在今

4、天举行会议。Lets first decide where we should go.我们先决定到什么地方去。3)decide疑问词to doI cant decide what to do next.我不能决定下一步做什么。I have decided how to do it.我已决定怎样做了。4)decided名词/代词Its not the seller but the market that decides the price of goods.是市场不是卖者决定商品的价格。注意:decide 后不能跟动名词。知识拓展decision n. 决定decisive adj. 决定性的;

5、果断的decide adj. 确定的;明显的decide on 就作决定a man of decision 果断的人with decision 断然come to/get to/reach/arrive at a decision 作出决定decide against 决心反对make a decision 作出决定pass a decision 通过一项决议词语辨析decide, make up ones mind, determine三者均表示“决定”。但decide着重表示经过考虑或商量,在几种可能性中作出选择;make up ones mind意为“打定主意;下定决心”,与hesita

6、te“犹豫不决”相对;determine较正式,指决心做一件事,任何东西或情况均不能动摇这个决心。They decided not to accept the invitation.他们决定不接受这个邀请。It is a mans social being that determines his thinking.人们的社会存在决定人们的思想。He made up his mind not to speak a word.他打定主意一个字也不说。即学即用_to go to college, Mike spent most of his time in learning English.ADet

7、ermining BDeterminedCTo be determined DHaving determined答案:B解析:本题考查形容词短语作状语的用法。句意为:因为决心要上大学,迈克把大部分时间都用在学习英语上。句中的determine的过去分词形式已经转化为形容词,在句中作状语,表示原因,相当于原因状语从句As Mike was determined to go to college。3operate1)vt. 操作;开动Who can operate the machine?谁能开动这台机器?2)vt. 经营;管理The company operates three factorie

8、s.那个公司经营着三家工厂。3)vt. 实施;负责Who operated the programme?谁负责这个项目的?4)vi. 动手术The man has to have his eyes operated on.那个人的眼睛必须做手术。5)vi. (机器等)运行;运转The machine doesnt operate smoothly.这台机器运转不灵。知识拓展operation n. 手术;操作operator n. 操作员;技工operate on 对起作用;对进行手术bring into operation 实施,使生效in operation 运转中come/go into

9、 operation 开始工作,实施,生效o operation 实施;运行;使生效即学即用The doctor was _ the young man who _the computer well.Aoperating, operated onBoperating, operatedCoperating on, operatedDoperating on, operated onHe cant come back home tonight, for he will perform an operation_a 10yearold boy _appendicitis.Aon, f

10、orBon, ofCto, forDupon, as答案:CA4judge1)n. 法官,裁判员;鉴定人A judge hears and decides cases at lawcourt.法官在法庭审理和判决案件。2)v. 审理;判决Who will judge the case?谁将审理此案?No one would judge between us.没有人愿意在我们之间充当裁判。3)v. 判断;认为Dont judge a man by his look.不要以貌取人。I judge it safer to travel by air than by train.我认为乘飞机比乘火车旅

11、行安全。Judging by his accent, he must be from Hunan.从他的口音判断,他一定是湖南人。注意:judge表示“断定,认为”时,后接带形容词、名词或不定式的复合结构,还可接that从句或wh从句。知识拓展judg(e) ment n. 审判,裁判;意见,看法judge by 从来判断,从来看judge from 从看,根据可以看出in ones judgement 依据某人的看法即学即用_from what he said, he must be an honest man.ATo judge BJudgedCJudge DJudging答案:D解析:j

12、udging by/from“以来判断”,是评述性状语,不受句子主语影响。5evidence n. 证据;根据;迹象He produced much experimental data as evidence for his theory.他提出许多实验数据作为其理论的依据。Later, we got evidence of another leak.后来我们又找到有另一漏洞的证明。知识拓展a piece of evidence 一项证据give false evidence 作伪证call sb. in evidence 传某人作证provide/produce/give/introduce

13、/evidence提供证据词语辨析proof与evidence1)proof指当事人所提供的证明,不仅真实而且有法律效力。We finally got several proofs of his innocence.我们终于取得数个证明他无罪的证据。2)evidence为一般用词,既可指当事人,也可指第三者所提出的有真实性的证据。Is there any evidence for his guilt?有什么根据证明他犯罪?即学即用完成句子_ _ _ (有迹象显示) that someone has been living here.答案:There is evidence6meet vt. &

14、 vi. & n.1)v. 遇见;迎接Lets go to the station to meet him.我们到车站去接他吧。Happy to meet you.很高兴遇见你。2)vt. 满足;符合What will they do if we fail to meet their demands?要是我们满足不了他们的要求,他们会做出什么事来呢?He didnt meet the qualifications.他不符合要求。3)vt. 应付;对付How shall we meet the situation?我们应该如何应付这一局面?4)n. 会,集会a sports meet 运动会知识

15、拓展meet with 遇见,碰见;遭遇meet up with 碰上,偶然遇见make ends meet 使收支相抵meet ones eyes 与某人的目光相遇词语辨析meet与meet with两者都有“碰到,遇见”之意,但meet可能是预先约好的相见或碰见;而meet with纯属偶然的遇见或碰见,有“不期而遇;撞见”的意思,它的偶然性比meet强。另外,meet with还有“遭受”之意,而meet则没有这一意思。We met with a storm on our way there.我们在去那里的路上遇见了暴风雨。I met with an old friend at the

16、dinner party.在晚宴上我遇见了一个老朋友。即学即用完成句子Being out of work and having two young children, they found it impossible to _ _ _ (收支平衡)答案:make ends meet7wear1)vt. 穿戴;系;佩She was wearing a smart French Tshirt and jeans.她穿着一件时髦的法国T恤衫和牛仔裤。She was wearing a gold ring.她戴着一枚金戒指。She used to wear her long hair.她过去留着长发。

17、2)vt. & vi. 磨损;用旧;侵蚀The water has worn the rocks.水把岩石侵蚀了。The heels of his shoes began to wear.他的鞋后跟开始磨损了。3)vi.耐用,耐磨This cloth wears well.这种布很耐穿。知识拓展wearable adj. 可穿戴的wearing adj. 令人疲倦的weary adj. 疲劳的;厌倦的wearisome adj. 无聊的,乏味的wear away 磨损;流逝wear off 消失;逐渐减弱wear out 穿破;厌倦;耗尽wear down 磨掉wear a long face

18、 耷拉着脸词语辨析put on, wear, dress三者都有“穿”的意思。put on侧重于“穿上”这个动作,宾语一般是衣服、鞋帽等;wear强调“穿着”的状态,用法较广,除穿衣戴帽外,还可表示佩戴首饰、蓄留须发、面带表情等;dress的意思是“给某人穿衣服”,宾语只能是人,要表示“某人穿着”,须用be dressed in。He put on his coat and went out.他穿上外套出去了。She is wearing a black skirt today.她今天穿着一条黑裙子。The girl is old enough to dress herself.这个女孩足够大

19、了,能自己穿衣服。That night she is dressed in black.那天晚上她一袭黑衣。即学即用Do you know the girl _white?Adressed in Bhaving onCputting on Dwearing onCould you please tell me where you bought the shoes you _yesterday?Atried on Bput onChad on Dpulled on答案:AC8else1)adj. 别的,其他的Do you have anything else to say?你还有什么要说的吗?W

20、hat else would you like?你还要别的东西吗?2)adv. 另外,其他Where else did you go?你们还到哪里去了?How else can you do it?你还有别的办法吗?注意:(1)else常用于不定代词或疑问词以及all, little和much后面,但不能说which else,应说what else。(2)当else连同它的修饰词需用所有格时s应加在else之后。(3)作形容词或副词时,意义与other相当,但位置不同。else放在被修饰的名词之后,而other在前。如:anything elseany other thing。知识拓展els

21、ewhere adv. 在别处;向别处or else 否则else than 除以外高考链接I hear they arent pleased with the house youve chosen for them.Well, _could they live in such comfort?Awhere else Bwhat elseChow Dwhy解析:where else“别处”,live用作不及物动词,上句中the house暗示需用where else才合语境。答案:A即学即用Victor certainly cares too much about himself.Yes. H

22、es never interested in what _is doing.Ano one else Banyone elseCsomeone else Dnobody elseI dont think weve met before. Youre taking me for _.Asome other Bsomeone elseCother person Done other答案:BB1as well“也”,置于句末,通常不用逗号隔开,用于肯定句。I can see how English is used in everyday life as well.我也能够看到英语在日常生活中是怎样被

23、运用的。知识拓展1)as well as而且,既,也He grows flowers as well as vegetables.他种了蔬菜而且也种了花。He as well as his parents likes watching TV.他和他的父母都喜欢看电视。注意:若句子主语后面带有with/together with/but/except/as well as等短语时,句子的谓语动词要跟最前面(句首的主语形式)保持一致。2)as well as (well adj.)和身体一样好He is as well as his father.他和他父亲的身体一样好。3)as well as

24、(well adv.)做一样好She doesnt speak as well as her friends, but her written work is excellent.她说得不如她朋友好,但她的写作棒极了。高考链接John plays football _, if not better than, David.Aas well Bas well asCso well Dso well as解析:该句可理解为:John plays football as well as David, if he doesnt play better than David.句意为“如果不比David踢

25、得好的话,至少John同David踢得一样好”。答案:B即学即用_the danger from another attack of earthquake, people had to overcome a shortage of food, drinking water, medicine, clothing, and almost everything.AAs far as BAs well asCAs bad as DAs much as答案:B解析:在本句中,as well as的作用相当于and。2live on1)vt. 以为生计(过活)He lives on $80 a week

26、.他一星期靠80美元过活。2)vt. 以为主食They live on fish and rice.他们以鱼及米饭为主食。3)vi. 苟全性命,继续活着The spirit of Lei Feng will live on.雷锋精神将永存。词语辨析live on与feed on1)live on “以为主食”,主语通常是人;并且此词组不可分开用。2)feed on “(动物)以为主食,以当饲料”,主语可以是婴儿。Cows feed on hay during winter.牛在冬天吃干草。3)feed.to. 用喂养We feed meat to our dog.我们用肉喂我们的狗。即学即用S

27、he feeds the baby_milk and hay_her cattle.Aon; to Bto; onCwith; to Don; with答案:A解析:考查feed与不同介词搭配的不同用法。根据feed人/动物on食物feed食物to人/动物的搭配,A项符合题意。B、C、D三项均与feed的搭配不符合。句意为:她用牛奶喂婴儿,把干草喂给牛。3by oneself 独自,亲自,为自己The box is too heavy for me to lift by myself.那个箱子太重,我一个人提不起来。知识拓展1)for oneself独自,亲自,为自己One should no

28、t live for oneself alone.人不能仅仅为自己活着。2)to oneself 独自享用When one dines in a restaurant, one likes a table to oneself.人们在饭店吃饭时,喜欢独占一张桌子。3) of oneself自动地The door opened of itself.门自动开了。4)in oneself 本来,本身Modern technology is not dangerous in itself.现代科技本身并不危险。5)come to oneself 苏醒,恢复意识The patient came to h

29、imself quickly.病人很快就苏醒了。6)be oneself 身体(头脑)正常;行动自然Im not myself today.我今天不太正常/不太对劲。7)beside oneself 忘我,发狂(withn.)She was beside herself with sorrow.她悲伤得要发疯。高考链接(2009湖南)Most Americans would prefer to keep their problems _ themselves, and solve their problems _ themselves.Ato; byBby; toCfor; toDin; on

30、解析:本题考查动词短语的固定搭配。keep their problems to themselves 意为:把问题留给自己;solve their problems by themselves意为:自己解决问题(强调亲自动手,不凭借外力)。答案:A即学即用You will find as you read this book that you just cant keep some of these stories to _. You will want to share them with a friend.AitselfByourselfChimselfDthemselves答案:B4at

31、 least1)至少It will cost at least 5 dollars.那至少要花5美元。2)无论如何,至少You should at least try it.你至少应该试一下。 知识拓展1)not the least(1)一点也不My pen pal didnt have the least knowledge of my country.我的笔友对我的国家毫无认识。(2)不少,很,非常There was not the least danger.危险可不小呢。2)least of all 最不,尤其不I like that one least of all.我最不喜欢那个。I

32、 dont want to eat, least of all tonight.我今晚尤其不想吃东西。3)not least 相当地,不少地,主要地Trade has been bad, not least because of the increased cost of oil.生意一直清淡,主要是因为石油价格上涨。4)not in the least (not at all)一点也不You are not disturbing me in the least.你一点也没有打扰到我。5)to say the least (of it) 至少可以说He is wrong, to say the

33、 least.至少可以说,他错了。即学即用David has won the first prize in singing; hes still very excited now and feels _desire to go to bed.Athe mostBmoreCworseDthe leastAlan is a careful driver, but he drives _of my friends.Amore carefully Bthe most carefullyCless carefully Dthe least carefully答案:DD5account for 作某事物的

34、解释;解释某事物的原因His illness accounts for his absence.他因病缺席。Please account for your disgraceful conduct.对你的可耻行为请作出解释。注意:account vt. 将某人/物看作/视为,accountn.n./adj.I account him lucky.I account him a lucky man.我认为他很幸运/是一个幸运的人。In English law a man is accounted innocent until he is proved guilty.根据英国法律,一个人未经证实有罪

35、仍视为无罪。知识拓展account 用作n.时的意义及相关短语:1)n. C说明,解释;报告,报道He gave me a full account of his plan.他针对他的计划给我作了完整的说明。Todays paper carries an exciting account of the match.今天的报纸刊载了这场比寒的精彩报道。2)n. C 计算,账(单);收支明细;借贷清单They send their account at the end of the month.他们在月底时送出账单。Put it on my account.Charge it to my acco

36、unt.将它记在我的账上。3)n. C(银行等)户头;交易关系I would like to open an account.我想开个户头。4)n. C理由;根据I wont be able to come on this account.因为这个缘故,我不能来。5)常用短语:by/from all accounts 根据大家的说法;根据各种报道make much/some/no account of对非常重视/轻视/忽视of much/some/no account 重要的/有点重要的on ones account为了(某人)的缘故,记在(某人)的账上on account of (介词)为了

37、的理由,为了的缘故,为了的利益on all accountson every account 无论如何,务必on no account 绝不o accounttake account of. 注意/考虑take no account of 对丝毫不加考虑,忽视即学即用I hope my teacher will take my bad illness into_when judging my examination.Areason BstatementCstory Daccount答案:D解析:考查词义辨析及短语搭配。take sth. into accounttake sth

38、. into consideration是固定短语,意思是“把考虑在内”。reason“原因”;statement“叙述”;story“故事”均不能和take构成搭配。句意为:当老师评价考试成绩时,我希望老师能考虑到我的病情。6by contrast 相比之下She had almost failed the exam, but her sister, by contrast, had done very well.她考试差点不及格,而她的妹妹相比之下考得很好。知识拓展in contrast to/with 与相比The blue curtain is in beautiful contrast with the white wall.那蓝色窗帘与白色的墙壁形成美丽的对比。In contrast to the city life, time seemed to pass slowly in the country.与都市生活相比,在乡村时间似乎过得慢。即学即用_, M


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