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1、秋17春福师语言与文化在线作业二一、单选题(共 35 道试题,共 70 分。)1. ( )is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning.A. Connotative meaningB. Social meaningC. Reflected meaningD. Collective meaning对旳答案:2. Some nonverbal messages are consistent with accompanying verbal message, whic

2、h is the( )function of nonverbal message.A. complementingB. contradictingC. regulatingD. accenting对旳答案:3. I hear theyve promoted Tom, but he didnt mention _ when we talked on the phone.A. to promoteB. having been promotedC. having promotedD. to be promoted对旳答案:4. The English equivalent for “贱内” is(

3、).A. my husbandB. my wifeC. my sonD. my daughter对旳答案:5. Staring or gaping during a conversation is considered( )in English culture.A. curiousB. surprisedC. trustworthyD. impolite对旳答案:6. _leisure was generally considered a waste of time.A. Not until recentlyB. Not recentlyC. Until recentlyD. Recently

4、 until对旳答案:7. When westerns introduce one person to others, they( ).A. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his name first, then the positive or rankB. do not use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position and rank first, then his nameC. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his na

5、me first, then the position or rankD. use “title+surname”, and they introduce his position or rank first, then his name对旳答案:8. ( )refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.A. Ho

6、norificsB. Terms of humilityC. EuphemismsD. Verbal taboos对旳答案:9. The most basic reason why dialects should be preserved is that language helps to_a culture.A. retainB. relateC. remarkD. review对旳答案:10. Actually , information technology can_the gap between the poor and the rich .A. linkB. breakC. ally

7、D. bridge对旳答案:11. A completely new situation will_when the examination system comes into existence.A. ariseB. riseC. raiseD. arouse对旳答案:12. A word processor is much better than a typewriter in that it enables you to enter and_your text more easily.A. registerB. editC. proposeD. discharge对旳答案:13. “Re

8、d tape” means_.A. a red cassetteB. the rigid unnecessary official rules and regulationsC. the necessary of official rules and regulationsD. a red string对旳答案:14. _is the name given to a young man or young woman who rejects authority, existing institution and conventional attitudes towards morality, s

9、tyle of dress, etc.A. DukeB. CowboyC. HippieD. Knight对旳答案:15. It is said that by tradition the Chinese culture is a( ).A. shame cultureB. guilt cultureC. industrial cultureD. nomadic culture对旳答案:16. The company is trying every means to_the wholesale price of its products.A. pull downB. put downC. se

10、t downD. bring down对旳答案:17. The_that exists among nations could certainly be lessened if misunderstanding and mistrust were removedA. tensionB. strainC. stressD. intensity对旳答案:18. I am for your proposal that the discussion about future plans_.A. to be put offB. be put offC. should put offD. was put

11、off对旳答案:19. I know youve got a smooth tongue , so dont talk me_buying it.A. awayB. downC. outD. into对旳答案:20. _refers to some words or expressions which are to be avoided because tradition or social customs strongly frowns on their use and some topics which are to be avoided.A. HonorificsB. Terms of

12、humilityC. EuphemismsD. Verbal taboos对旳答案:21. _are language forms used to show the speakers modesty.A. HonourificsB. Terms of HumilityC. EuphemismsD. Taboos对旳答案:22. Computer power now allows automatic searches of fingerprint files to match a print at a crime_.A. stageB. sceneC. locationD. occasion对旳

13、答案:23. It is_to avoid rich foods if you are feeling ill.A. senselessB. sensibleC. sentimentalD. sensitive对旳答案:24. When thanked, the Chinese public servants customarily reply“( )”.A. 朋友之间,何需客气B. 说谢就见外了C. 一家人何需客套D. 没什么,这是我应当做旳对旳答案:25. Sentence“( )”is correct.A. He lives in 25 Robertson, Perth, Austral

14、iaB. He lives in Perth, 25 Robertson Road, AustraliaC. He lives in Australia, Perth, 25 Robertson RoadD. He lives in Perth, Australia, 25 Robertson Road对旳答案:26. Westerners are said to be_in interpersonal behavior.A. directB. indirectC. linearD. spiral对旳答案:27. I wish I_longer this morning, but I had

15、to get up and come to class.A. could have sleptB. sleptC. might have sleptD. have slept对旳答案:28. Intercultural communication is concerned with communication among people from different_.A. areasB. countriesC. cultureD. cultural backgrounds对旳答案:29. We didnt know his telephone number;otherwise we_him.A

16、. would have telephonedB. must have telephonedC. would telephoneD. had telephoned对旳答案:30. _is communicated when the feelings or attitudes are expressed in language.A. Connotative meaningB. Social meaningC. Reflected meaningD. Affective meaning对旳答案:31. The reason_the little boy died was lack of medic

17、al care.A. whyB. becauseC. forD. as对旳答案:32. The expression “ You dont seem to understand ”, can be called_from the perspective of interpersonal communication.A. beautiful wordsB. negative wordsC. redundant wordsD. softening words对旳答案:33. Id like to go to the cinema, but Im_to.A. enableB. disableC. u

18、nableD. able对旳答案:34. You will see this product_wherever you go in this city.A. advertiseB. to be advertisedC. advertisedD. advertising对旳答案:35. Waving good-bye is an example of_.A. substitutionB. accentingC. regulatingD. complementing对旳答案: 福师语言与文化在线作业二二、判断题(共 15 道试题,共 30 分。)1. In certain situations b

19、ody action contradicts what is being said.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:2. ( )It is said that the United States represents an “anti-smell” culture.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:3. ( )Thanksgiving Day is on the fourth Saturday of November.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:4. Some anthropologists refer to custom, rituals and, in a word, the total li

20、fe way of a people as popular culture.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:5. Americans expect an invitation to a dinner or a request for a date or for any other social event to be offered reasonably far in advance.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:6. ( )Some anthropologists refer to custom, rituals and, in a word, the total life way of a

21、people as popular culture.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:7. It is said that the United States represents an “anti-smell” culture.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:8. ( )In English-speaking countries you usually first introduce a man of higher social status to one of low social status, not the other way round.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:9. Monochronic time systems are characterized by several things happening at once.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:10. ( )North Americans prefer to sit where they are side-by-side to one another.A. 错误B. 对旳对旳答案:11.


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