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1、Unit 1 Know yourselfReading 新课导入ReviewFill in the blanks. Wu Wei always searches for something better or _ in order to share the best art with people. His friend thinks he is a _ artist. His sculptures for the Sunshine Town Square have won high _ from the art community.differentbornpraise新课导入 Su Nin

2、g is active and _. She quit her last job as an _ because she thought working with numbers day after _ would make her _. Now she is the general _ in a big company. She thinks life is like a _. She is ready to take on new _ any time.energeticaccountantdayuphappymanagerracechallenges新课导入 Liu Hao is the

3、 chief engineer of the _. He is _ and well organized. His workmates think he works to high _ but he is _ and easy to work with. Liu Hao said, “ To us, a miss is _ a mile.” They cant _ to make any mistakes.high-speed railwayseriousstandardsmodestas good asafford新课导入Doctor Fang is a _ heart surgeon. S

4、he is kind and _. In her opinion, a doctor cant be too _ because _ will be a disaster not only to doctors but also to patients. Fang Yuan has _ most of her time to her work. All the people _ her.patientpioneercarefulcarelessnessdevotedrespectLanguage points 1. Wu Wei is a born artist. 吴伟是个天生的艺术家。 bo

5、rn adj. 天生的 e.g. Song Zuying is a born singer. 宋祖英是个天生的歌唱家。2. Hes quiet and doesnt like to talk much, but his work shouts! 他很安静,话不多,但是他的作品却极具说服力。 his work shouts 运用拟人的修辞手法,传神地表达出很多艺术家的一种特性用作品说话。Language points 3. has impressed the whole country with his creativework. 以他的极具创造力的工作给整个国家留下了印象。 impress s

6、b with sth. 因某事给某人留下深刻印象 e.g. He impressed me with his excellent drawing skills. 他的绘画技巧给我留下很深印象。Language points 4. Su Ning gave up her job as an accountant five years ago. 苏宁五年前放弃了她的会计的工作。 give up “放弃”,后接名词或动词-ing形式,接代词放中间。 e.g. Teenagers have to give up their hobbies because of too much schoolwork.

7、 因为过多的学业,青少年不得不放弃自己的兴趣爱好。Language points 5. I could only work with numbers day after day. 我只能日复一日的和数字打交道。 day after day 日复一日 e.g. Im tired of doing the same thing day after day. 我厌倦每天做一样的事情。 同类结构短语: year after year 年复一年 month after month 一月又一月Language points 6. Life is like a race. You either take t

8、he lead or fall behind. 人生就像一场赛跑,你要么领先,要么落后。 1) take the lead 和 fall behind是一组反义 词,此处正好形成对比。 e.g. As a Party member, you ought to take the lead. 作为党员,你应该带头。 Never fall behind, keep up! 不要落后,要跟上。 Language points 2) either. or. 用于连接两个表示选择关系的名词或代词,要么要么 。 e.g. He must be either mad or drunk. 他不是疯了就是醉了。

9、常连接两个相同性质的句子成分,但有时后一成分可能省略与前一成分相同的词。若连接两个成分作主语,其谓语通常与靠近的主语保持一致。 e.g. You can either have tea or coffee. 你喝茶也行,喝咖啡也行。Language points 7. Im ready to take on new challenges any time. 我准备好随时迎接新的挑战。 take on 承担,肩负;呈现 e.g. He is unwilling to take on heavy responsibilities. 他不愿承担重任。 Your company must take o

10、n a new look now. 你们公司现在肯定呈现出一番新的面貌了。Language points 拓展:take 相关词组take off 起飞;脱下;动身take on 承担;呈现take over 接管take down 记下;取下take place 发生;进行;举行;产生take a break 休息一会儿take a look 看一下take action 采取行动Language points 8. To us, a miss is as good as a mile. 对我们来说,失之毫厘,谬以千里。 a miss is as good as a mile是谚语。 as

11、good as 简直是,和几乎一样 e.g. He as good as said Im a liar. 他无异于说我撒谎。 Language points 9. We cant afford to make any mistakes. 我们承担不起任何错误所造成的后果。 afford to do sth 负担/承担的起做某事 e.g. I cant afford to lose the ticket. 我可不能把票弄丢了。 afford sth. / to do sth. 买得起,常和can, could, be able to等连用。 e.g. Can we afford a new ca

12、r? 我们能买得起一辆新车吗?Language points 10. As a doctor, you cant be too careful. 作为一个医生,再怎么仔细也不为过。 cant.too. 无论怎样也不算过分,越越。 e.g. You cant praise the film too much. 这部电影值得大加赞赏。 也可以用can never, impossible等与too 连用来表达。 e.g. A kid can never have too many toys. 孩子永远也不会嫌玩具多。Language points 11. Carelessness will be a

13、 disaster not only to ourselves but also to patients. 粗心不仅对我们自己而且对病人将是一场灾难。 not only. but also. 不但而且 e.g. She likes not only music but also sport. 她不但喜欢音乐而且喜欢运动。 用于连接两个对等的成分;若连接两个成分作主语,其后谓语动词与靠近 的主语保持一致(即就近原则)。e.g. Not only my father but also I like the house. 不仅我父亲喜欢这个房子,我也喜欢。Language points 12. Do

14、ctor Fang has devoted most of her time to her work. 方医生把她大部分的时间都献给了她的工作。 devote.to. 把献给;把用于 e.g. They must devote a lot of time to that project. 他们必须在那项计划上花大量的时间。当堂小练翻译下列短语和句子1. 一个天生的艺术家2. 因为给某人留下印象3. 寻找一些更好的东西4. 日复一日和数字打交道a born artistimpress sb with .search for something betterwork with numbers da

15、y after day当堂小练翻译下列短语和句子5. 准备好迎接新的挑战6. 注意7. 乐意做某事8. 把奉献给be ready to take on new challengespay attention tobe willing to do devote. to.当堂小练翻译下列短语和句子9. 领先10. 落后11. 生活就像一场赛跑。12. 作为家长,再怎么耐心都不为过。take the leadfall behindLife is like a race.As parents, you cant be too patient.当堂小练翻译下列短语和句子13. 我父母都不在家。14. 要么我妈妈要么我奶奶在家。15. 不但我的父


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