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1、2022-2023学年中考英语模拟试卷注意事项:1答题前,考生先将自己的姓名、准考证号码填写清楚,将条形码准确粘贴在条形码区域内。2答题时请按要求用笔。3请按照题号顺序在答题卡各题目的答题区域内作答,超出答题区域书写的答案无效;在草稿纸、试卷上答题无效。4作图可先使用铅笔画出,确定后必须用黑色字迹的签字笔描黑。5保持卡面清洁,不要折暴、不要弄破、弄皱,不准使用涂改液、修正带、刮纸刀。. 单项选择1、 I come back to school before 10 oclock? No, you neednt.AMustBCanCMayDShould2、My cousin is heavy be

2、cause he often eats fast foodAtoo much;too many Btoo many;too muchCmuch too;too much Dtoo much;much too3、1 didnt mean to trouble Curry yesterday. It was pouring with rain so I his offer of a lift.ArefusedBreceivedCallowedDaccepted4、 Mom, Ive just signed a big box by Express (快递). What did you buy?I

3、havent bought anything these days. It_ be a present from your aunt. But Im not sure.AmustBshouldCmight5、Which is the sentence pattern of “I enjoy reading a lot .”AS +V +OBS + V +IO +DOCS+VDS+V +P6、Do you know Tom?Sure, we have _in the same village for many years.Aleft Blived Ccome Dgone7、It _ them a

4、bout one hour to get to the center of the city by underground.AusedBpaidCspentDtook8、Our basketball team wont win the match _ we work together.AifBsinceCwhileDunless9、 Do you think teenagers to make their own decisions? No, I dont think so. Theyre too young to do that.AencourageBare encouragingCshou

5、ld be encouragedDwere encouraged10、Middle school students don t need to go to _ _ school on weekends. They can go to_ _ park for fun with their parents or friends.A/,a Ba, a Cthe, a Da, /. 完形填空11、Yesterday my husband and I walked into a “ What a Burger” for lunch. As we were sitting waiting for our

6、1 to come, I noticed an older man in a wheelchair roll himself over to a table.He was all by himself and he 2 there for a few minutes, looking around , smiling all the time. No one seemed to notice him 3 me. I got up and went over to his 4 and asked if I could get him something to 5 .He smiled and s

7、aid , “ Oh yes! And thank you kindly. Id like some beer please.”When I brought him his beer , I told him my 6 and ask him to 7 if he needed anything else.We were in the “What a Burger” for a good hour. The man just 8 smiling at everyone and looking around the restaurant as he 9 ate his hamburger and

8、 fries.As we were getting ready to 10 , I wanted to refill our glasses and , as I walked by the mans table, I asked if he would like a refill 11 we left.Again , with a big 12 , he said,” Yes, please!”When I brought it back to him, he told me that he just loved beer and the hamburgers here. I told hi

9、m I did too. He told me I had made him 13 by coming over, talking to him, and 14 him out. I gave him a hug and told him he had made my day too! As I was turning to leave ,he told me to have a blessed day. I smiled and said I would and wished him to have 15 ,too.I hope he made his way back home safel

10、y.1Aticket Bchange Corder Dpicture2Asat Bstood Clay Drested3Alike Bbut Cas Dwith4Acar Broom Ctable Dgrade5Awatch Bfollow Cdrink Dread6Aplan Bhouse Cplace Dname7Awave Bstop Cstay Dshout8Aforgot Bkept Cfinished Dremembered9Acarefully Bseriously Cquietly Dfinally10Aleave Banswer Crefuse Dreturn11Aafter

11、 Buntil Cbefore Dwhile12Asmile Bthought Cvoice Dstyle13Anervous Bhappy Cpeaceful Dsad14Ataking Bsending Chelping Dbringing15Athat Bit Cthis Done. 语法填空12、Srikanth Bolla, 24 years old, is the first blind CEO in the world, who built a company valued at over $75 million. Today, he considers himself the

12、1 (lucky) man in the word, not only his 2 (succeed), but also for having great parents and friends who always stand by him.When Srikanth was born, some of his 3 (parent) friends and relatives them not to keep him, because it was difficult for a poor family 4 (raise) a blind baby. But his parents did

13、nt follow them. They decided to give Srikanth a positive, loving environment.Life was not easy for Srikanth. He had to face many challenges all his life. He 5 (refuse) by his village school. So he had to go to school for special children. He did very well in studies and also developed many hobbies s

14、uch as chess and cricket. Later Srikanth found a teacher who was kind enough to turn all his lessons into audio clips, and helped him 6 his exams.7 high school was difficult for a blind student, Srikanth didnt give up. Instead, he worked very hard and tried his best to go to MT(麻省理工), and graduated

15、from 8 university in 2012. After his graduation, he returned to India, and decided to start to a company 9 employed disabled people like him.Srikanth said, “Compassion(怜悯) is showing somebody the way to love and giving them the opportunity to grow up. If you do something good, it 10 (come) back to y

16、ou.”. 阅读理解A13、1From the passage, we can find that gazpacho soup _.Ahas a soft taste and is easy to make Bis best served in warm bowlsCis best known as a wintertime soup Dhas been made for many years in Spain2How many ingredients do we need to make the soup?A6 B8 C2 D123The best way to describe gazpa

17、cho soup from the recipe above would be a kind of _.Afruit soup Bvegetarian soup Cmeaty soup Dfish soupB14、 Kent Wilsons alarm clock rings at 5:30 a.m. every morning. Kent is a dog walker. People pay him to take their dogs for a walk.Kent picks up five dogs from their homes. He takes them to the par

18、k in his van. The dogs run around together and Kent throws balls and Frisbees for them. Sometimes he takes them to the beach. The dogs love to play in the water. After an hour, Kent puts the dogs back in his van. He takes each dog home. Then Kent picks up another five dogs. Kent takes fifteen dogs f

19、or a walk every day.“This job is very hard work, but I love it,” says Kent. “I love dogs and I take good care of them.” Kent takes dogs for walks in the rain and in the snow. He dries each dog with a towel before he takes it home. He feeds each dog when they arrive home. He stays with the dog until

20、it finishes eating. Then he leaves.Kent also feeds peoples pets when they are away. “I take care of all kinds of pets cats, rabbits, mice and fish,” says Kent. “But I dont have any pets of my own. I dont have time to look after them!”1Kent takes each dog for a walk for .Afifteen minutesBthirty minut

21、esCan hourDan hour and a half2According to the passage, Kent is .Aa kind and careful personBa dog hunterCa person who trains dogs for peopleDa person who loves dogs3We can infer that the dogs owners believe .Ahe has a god jobBhe has no pets of his ownChe doesnt leave until the dogs eat their foodDhe

22、 is a good dog walkerC15、Different weather makes people feel different. It influences health, intelligence(智力) and feelings.In August, it is very hot and wet in the southern part of the United States. People there have heart trouble and other kinds of health problems during this month. In the Northe

23、ast and the Middle West, it is very hot at some times and very cold at other times. People in these states(州) have more heart trouble after the weather changes in February or March.The weather can also influence intelligence. For example, in a 1983 report by scientists, IQ(智商) of a group of students

24、 was very high when a very strong wind came, but after the strong wind, their IQ was 10% lower. The wind can help people have more intelligence. Very hot weather, on the other hand, can make it lower. Students in many schools of the United States often get worse on exams in the hot months of the yea

25、r (July and August).Weather also has a strong influence on peoples feelings. Winter may be a bad time for thin people. They usually feel cold during these months. They might feel unhappy during cold weather. But fat people may have a hard time in hot summer. At about 18, people become stronger.Low a

26、ir pressure(气压) may make people forgetful(健忘). People leave more bags on buses and in shops on low-pressure days. People feel best at a temperature of about 18.Are you feeling sad, tired, forgetful, or unhappy today? It may be the weathers problem.1What can cause problems on health?AHot and wet weat

27、herBA strong windCWarm weatherDLow air pressure2A report shows that people may have more intelligence when _ comes.ArainBa strong windCvery hot weatherDlow air pressure3The writer wants to tell us that _.Ahot and cold weather influences all people in the same wayBweather influences peoples behaviorC

28、IQ changes when weather changesDpeople feel good on low pressure days4Which is the best title(标题) for this passage?AHot Weather Causes Health ProblemsBDifferent Weather Makes People Feel BadCWeather Influences FeelingsDWeather influences Health, Intelligence and FeelingsD16、Welcome to the Art Museum

29、!Youve just stepped into one of the worlds greatest collections of art, covering centuries of human creativity from around the world. With thousands of works on Show, You may wonder how to start your visit, but we are here to help. On the back of this Visitor Guide, youll find directions to some mus

30、t see works in our collectionthe “dont miss” list for the Art Museum. Its a great choice to start if you are new to the museum.The following pages include a clear floor plan of the museum and its collections. But because we have several buildings, the overlook(鸟瞰图) below might be helpful. Enjoy your

31、 visit and feel free to ask for help and directions at any point during your stay.1How many parts does the overlook of the museum include?ATwo BThree. CFour. DFive2Which part of the museum shows Chinese art?AThe “Bridge” BRice Building. CThe Modern Wing. DMckinlock Court3Where can we see the special

32、 artworks?AOn all floors of Rice Building. BOn the second floor of Rice Building.COn the first floor of Michigan Avenue Building. DOn the lower floor of Michigan Avenue Building.E17、 Face it,AndyYou sold your soul the day you put on that first pair of Jimmy ChoosThat line from the movie The Devil We

33、ars Prada is an example showing how a shoemaker has become famous in the fashion worldJimmy Choo (Zhou Yangjie) is a native Malaysian of Chinese origin ,born in 1961into a family of shoemakersHe created his first pair of shoes at age 1His family couldnt pay for his schooling,so he dropped out at a y

34、oung ageHe had to work with his father to support the familyBut his dream to be a fashion designer never disappeared,so he did all he could to enter an art college and finally took up a position in the fashion world through his talent and willpower Choo graduated from a college in London and had a s

35、mall workshop thereHe hit the international fashion scene when Vogue magazine described his designs in eight pages in 2His work was immediately popular and got love and support from Diana,Princess of WalesJimmy Choo shoes are known for their very high heels and pointed toesHowever,he does some flats

36、 and lower-heeled shoes for other womenChoo co-founded Jimmy Choo Ltdwith Tamara Mellon,UK Vogue editor, but left the company in 3Jimmy Choo shops have opened around the world,so his designs are more accessible to those who want a designer shoe,and can afford his prices.Choo also has a website where

37、 shoppers can view his ready-to-wear designsThe brand of Jimmy Choo has been comparable to top brands,like Channel,LV, etcBut its still young and has a bright future We cant imagine how hard it is for Choo to stand out in the worldwide fashion!He must have made greater efforts and had more difficult

38、ies than othersAnd so he didSo stop complaining about why good luck isnt always falling on you and devote yourselves to your work now4What is paragraph 1 written for?AComparing movies with fashionBShowing the shoes are popularCIntroducing the following passageDAttracting readers attention to shoes5W

39、hen he was young, Jimmy Choo_.Ahad got no educationBshowed his talent in making shoesCmade himself a famous fashion designerDwas born in China and then moved to Malaysia6Which of the following is the correct order about Jimmy Choo? aHe opened his shops around the worldbHis shoes appeared in Vogue ma

40、gazinecHe created his first pair of shoesdHe had his workshop in LondoneJimmy Choo Ltdwas set upAc-d-b-a-eBc-b-d-e-aCd-c-b-e-aDc-d-b-e-a7What can we learn from the passage?AChoo was lucky enough when he was youngBChoo must be thankful for Vogue magazineCJimmy Choois a brand with a long historyDIts m

41、uch harder for a man to succeed in the fashion worldF18、Bikesharing has swept across China, with an increasing number of people choosing bike riding instead of driving. The bike that the service company provides has GPS or Bluetooth on it, and those bikes can be easily unlocked with a smart phone an

42、d left anywhere in public. Bikesharing allows people to borrow a bike from one place and return it at another place easily. In some cities, we can see more and more people riding this kind of sharingbikes. Its very convenient to use the bikes if you have a smart phone. First, you have to download su

43、ch an APP on your smart phone. Then what you need to do is to find a nearest bike through the APP, scan the QR code on the bike or connect your phone with the bike over a Bluetooth wireless connection. You will find the bike can be unlocked itself. Then you can enjoy your trip. Whats more, the great

44、est advantage of bikesharing is that you can easily find one and never worry about where to park it. The cost of riding depends on the time that you spend. Normally, every hour you ride, you need to pay one yuan. It doesnt cost so much, does it?At the same time, some people park the bikes in their o

45、wn homes. Besides, some people dont value the bikes. Now service companies are trying to solve the problem like being stolen. Technology and science have changed our social lifestyles. We have to say bikesharing brings us more convenience without doubt. And we also hope that people can not only enjo

46、y it but also put it to good use.1From the first paragraph, we know _.Abikesharing is invented in ChinaBsharingbikes are used by some peopleCmost people in cities dont driveDsharingbikes can be borrowed anywhere2The underlined word “scan” in Paragraph 2 probably means _ in Chinese.A浏览B扫描C审视D细查3If you want to use a sharingbike, you must _ first.Ahave a smart phone and download an APPBdownload an APP and pay for the tripCunlock the bike and download an APPDfind a ne


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