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1、七年级下英语学问点总结 Unit 5 Topic1 短语总结 1. 在学校大门口 at the school gate 2. 来学校 come to school 3. 去学校 go to school 4. 上课 步 have class / have classes5. 行 骑自 on foot 6. 行车 坐 ride a bike/ ride bikes/ by bike / on a bike 7. 公交 坐 by bus / take a bus 8. 地铁 坐 by subway / take the subway / on the subway 9. 飞机 by plane/

2、take the plane / on the plane 10. 坐小汽车 by car / in a car/ take a car/ drive a car 11. 坐轮船 by ship 12. 坐小船 by boat 13. 坐火车 by train / on the train 14. 在我们组 in our group 15. 一群同学 a group of students 16. 我们中的三个人 three of us 17. 在平日 on weekdays 18. 在周末 on the weekends / at weekends 19. 起床 get up 20. 睡觉

3、go to bed 21. 早起 get up early 22. 回家 go home 23. 到家 get home 24. 去动物园 go to the zoo 25. 去公园 26. 看电影 27. 看电视 28. 在晚上 go to the park see a movie / film watch TV in the evening / at night 29. 帮忙父母 help parents 30. 做某人的家庭作业 doones my/ her/ his/ your/ theirhomework 31. 在学校 at school 32. 知道 ,明白 know about

4、 / learn about 33. 校内生活 school life 34. 一个美国同学 an American student 35. 在美国 in America / in the U.S.A. 36. 许多同学 many students/ a lot of students/ lots of students 37. 很少 very few 38. 吃午饭 have lunch 39. 出去吃饭 eat out 1第 1 页,共 42 页40. 在校期间 41. 休息一会 on school days have a short rest/ break 42. 午饭后 after l

5、unch 43. 在某人的业余时间 inones my/ his/ her/ their free/ spare time 44. 打篮球 play basketball 45. 踢足球 play soccer / football 46. 弹钢琴 play the piano 47. 弹吉他 play the guitar 48. 拉二胡 play erhu 49. 去游泳 go swimming / go for a swim 50. 去划船 go boating 51. 球赛 a ball game / ball games 52. 一年四次 four times a year 53.

6、听音乐 listen to music 54. 读书 read books 55. 看报 read newspapers 56. 看医生 see a doctor 57. 去图书馆 go to the library 58. 一周两次 twice a week 59. 见伴侣 meet friends 60. 每天 every day 61. 在七点半 at half past seven 62. 一小会 63. 晚饭后 for a little while / for a short time after supper 64. 吃饭 have dinner 65. 吃早饭 have brea

7、kfast 重要句型 1. I usually come to school by subway. 同义句 : I usually take the subway to school.对划线部 分提问 : How do you usually come to school.类似的有: go to school by bike=go to school on a bike= ride a bike to school=ride to school go home by bus=go home on a bus=take a bus home 2. 3. 4. 5. How do you usua

8、lly/ often .你通常 /经常怎样 .It s time for class.=Its time to have class. =Its time for having class. What about you. =How about you. How often . 询问频率 ,回答可以用频率副词: always, usually, often, sometimes, seldom, never, every day ,every +其他时间名词或表示频率的短语 回答 表示频率的短语:次数 +单位时间 6. 7. e.g. : once a day / twice a week /

9、 three times a month The earlybird catches the work. 谚 语 笨鸟先飞 Work / Study must come first. 工作 / 学习必需放在第一位! 2第 2 页,共 42 页8. Classes begin at eight. =Class begins at eight. 提问: What time does the class begin. / What time do the classes begin. 重要单词的用法 1. look 感官动词 看起来,后面加形容词 His mother looks very youn

10、g. They look very cute. Her dress looks very nice.You look very cool in this coat. by bike 2. by 介词 by 后面直接加表示交通工具的名词,中间不用任何词修饰,如: by +动词 ing 形式,表示通过某种方式 People show love to their mothers by giving cards. You can be a good student by working hard. 3. over 形容词 School / Class is over. 4. begin 现在分词 :

11、beginning 过去式 : began begin to do sth , begin doing sth He begins to write a letter. =He begins writing a letter. 假如 begin 本身为分词,只能用 begin to do sth He is beginning to run. 5. listen to 听(动作) , hear 听见 结果 6. always 反义词 never 7. 本话题涉及的时态为一般现在时,句中常有频率副词或表示频率的短语,如 果主语为三单,动词确定要用三单! (四)易错题 1. You new wat

12、ch look very nice. 2. Here be some news. 3. Oh, come on. Its time going to school.4. They usually go to school on feet. 5. In my class, forty of we go to school by bike. 6. The early bird catch the worm. 7. Kangkang often ride a bike to the park. 8. What time beschool over. 9. Work must come once. 1

13、0. It s time you to get up. 11. We often books in the morning. 12.Jills friendlikestudy inourschool.13. Mr. Wang teaches we English. of us like him. 14. How about go out with me. 15. Most students go to school the school bus. 16. do you go shopping with your mother. A. How soon B. How far C. How oft

14、en D. How much 17. What time do you usually get up weekdays. 3第 3 页,共 42 页18. He busy, so he has no time to play with us. A. is always B. seldom is C. always is D. often is 19. The last classfinish at twelveoclock. 20.Lets goboat. 21. Its time to have breakfast. 同 义句 . 22.Michael often ridesabike to

15、 school.同 义句 . 23. I always go to work on foot. 对划线部分提问 . 24. My mother goesshoppingtwiceaweek.对 划线部分提问 . 25. Mary alwaysreadsbooksin the library.反 义句 . 26.Heusuallydoeshishomework at school.否 定句 . 27. They often go to schoolbybusin the morning.对 划线部分提问 . 28.Janeseldomwatches TV onweekdays 改 . 为一般疑问

16、句 . 29.Heusuallyhaslunch at home.对 划线部分提问 . 30. Li Ping often goes to work on foot. 同义句 . 31. 几乎没有同学乘地铁去学校; . 32 我通常放学后做运动; . 33 你经常在图书馆看书吗? . 34 她母亲每天购物一次; . 35 他们在业余时间做什么? 36. 他们一年举办四次球赛; . . 37. 玛利亚怎样回家? . 38. 她有时坐地铁回家; . 39. 他通常放学后打篮球,但是不踢足球; . 40. 你经常骑自行车来学学校吗? . 4第 4 页,共 42 页Unit5 Topic2 一 重要单

17、词: 1. borrow:指主语借入 borrow sth. from sb. e.g You can borrow this book from the library. May I borrow your eraser. lend: 指主语借出 lend sth. to sb. / lend sb. sth. e.g Can you lend your car to me. They often lend us their ball. 2. keep keep 和 borrow, lend 的意思一样 ,都是表示借的意思 , 区分是 borrow 和 lend 是 瞬 间动词 ,而 kee

18、p 是连续性动词 ,表示借一段时间 , 后常跟上一段时间 e.g You may keep this book for two weeks. 借进 borrow 借出 lend 借多久 keep 3. find 和 look for find : 找到 ,发觉 ,强调结果 look for 查找,强调过程 Im looking for my shoeseverywhere, but I can not find it. 4. return return :归仍 =give back return sth to sb=give sth back to sb e.g Please return t

19、his book to Steve=please give back this book to Steve. e.g He will return from America next month. 5. on time: 准时,强调不早不迟到达 in time: 准时 ,强调在规定的时间以前到达 e.g We must go to work on time. The students can get there in time. 6. Japanese: adj 日本的 ,日本人的 ,日语 n.日本人 ,日语 的 当 Japanese 表示日本人时 ,是可数名词 ,单复数同形 与 Chines

20、e 用法相 同 e.g Two Japanese and three Chinese are swimming in the swimming pool. 7. also 与 too 两个都表是“也”的意思 , also 用在句中 , too 用在句e.g Helen is also a student. 末 I have long hair and she has long hair, too. 8 plan n.平面图 v.方案 plan to do sth 二短语总结: 1. on time 准时 2. in time 准时 3 .in the center of: 在 .中心 4 .n

21、ext to 在什么隔壁 ,在什么旁边 5. at the back of ; 在 .后面 外部后面 6. in front of 7. behind 在 .在 .前面外部后面 .后面 内部后面 5第 5 页,共 42 页8. in the front of 在 9 .on the left 在左边 .前面 内部后面 10. on the right 在右边 11. Show sb around 领某人参12. between and 在 .与 .之间 13. from .to 从 .到 . 14. On the shelf 在架子上 shelf 复数形式是 shelves 15. do be

22、tter in sth/doing sth 在 方面做的更好 do well in sth/doing sth 在 .做得好 be good at sth/doing sth 在 .方面善于 16. at the moment 现在 ,此刻 17. play computer games 玩电脑嬉戏 18. a few 几个 19. the Great Wall 长城 三重要句型总结 1. Whats in+sth表示哪里有什么东西 Whats inyourpurse.钱包里有什么东西 .What else 仍有别的什么么 . else: 别的 ,其它的 What else do you ha

23、ve. Who else 仍有别的什么人么 . Where else 仍有别的什么地方么 . else 除了可以放在疑问词 what,who, where 等后面,仍可以放在 something, anything, nothing, somebody, anybody, nobody 后 I dont haveanythingelse to do. I cant seeanybodyelsein the room. 2. Here are some photos of his. 名词 Of+名词性物主代词 /名词全部格 - 双重全部格 afriend of Sams萨姆的一个伴侣 a fri

24、end of mine 我的一个伴侣 3. love doing sth 习惯性的爱好和习惯 love to do sth 一次性的动作或目前想做的事 e.g She loves reading in bed. I (四)语法: 现在进行时 love to go swimming today. 1 . 现在进行时表示正在发生或进行的动作 ,可与 now, at the moment 等时间状 语连用 Im readingabooknow.2. 现在进行时表示当前一段时间内始终进行的动作 Theyreworkingona farm this week.3. 某些行为动词的现在进行时形式可以表示将

25、来 ,经常有意图 ,支配或预备的含 义 , 并 且 可 与 表 将 来 的 时 间 状 语 连 用 , 到 目 前 我 们 所 学 的 这 类 动 词 有 come,go,fly,return e.g They are flying to London this afternoon. We are going to Hong Kong tomorrow. Steve is coming tomorrow evening. 4现在进行时的构成 : 现在进行时主要由 be+doing 构成 6第 6 页,共 42 页确定句 :主语+be+doing+sth 否定句 :主语+be+not+doing

26、+sth 一般疑问句 :Be+主语 +doing+sth 回答 :Yes,主 代+be /No,主代+be+not 特殊疑问句 : What+be+主语 +doing. 5. 现在分词的构成: 一般在动词末尾加 -ing buy-buying call-calling drink-drinking 以不发音字母 e 结尾的单词 ,去 e 加-ing 末尾只有一个辅音字母 ,且这个辅音字 母前面不是字母组合的词 ,要 双写末尾辅音字母 ,再加 -ing 以 ie 结尾的词 ,变 ie 为 y,再加 -ingcome-coming drive-driving give-giving plan-pl

27、anning swim-swimming stop-stopping sit-sitting die-dying lie-lying 五典型习题 : 1Excuse me, how long may I the book. -For two weeks. A. borrow 2-Hi, Xiao Qi, I would like to go to the zoo this Sunday. I like watching animals best. -I like watching animals best. A .too 3-Could you come please. I want some

28、 help. - A. Yes, I could. C. Sure, Im comingnow.ourewelcome. hats all right. 4-Bob, may I your MP4. -Sure,but youd better not it to others. A.lend, lend B.lend,borrow C.borrow,borrow D.borrow,lend 5Shes herpurse, but she cant it. Lets help her. A.find; look for B.looking for; find C. look for; find

29、D.finding; look for 6-What is your mother doing. -My mother is Miss Li. C.talk to the gym. A. talk with with 7-Can I a soccer -Of course, you can. A.borrow;to 8-How long -Three days. A.I can keep 句型转换 : B.lend; from C.borrow;from D.borrowing;from your story book. B.can I borrow C.I can borrow D.can

30、I keep 1-Are the children swimming in the swimming pool. 做否定回答 7第 7 页,共 42 页- , 2 They are watching TV.改为一般疑问句 watching TV. 3 Im playingcomputergames.对 划线部分提问 are you . 4 The boys often playsocceron the playground 改 . 为现在进行时 The boys soccer on the playground. 5 Hecankeep the MP4 for threedays 对 . 划线

31、部分提问 依据句意和汉语提示完成以下句子 can he keep the MP4. 1-Where is Chen Kang. -Heisplayingbasketball 操场上 2-Hello. Li Ming. What are you doing. -I am 做作业 3-Look, what are they doing. -They are 查找 Jims bag.4-What class are they having. -They are玩 电脑玩耍 now.5-Where is此 刻.6-Do you like 长城 7I often do my homework 7:00

32、从 .到 8:30 in the evening. 8I have 几个 good friends. Unit 5 Topic 3 (一)重点单词 Today, Wednesday, Monday, Tuesday, geogrophy, Thursday, Friday, art, history, math, science, meeting, activity, lesson, draw, learn, interesting, difficult, boring ,which, subject, best, other, friendly, February, newspaper, h

33、ard, wish, story. (二)重点短语 1.Have a music class上. 音乐课 2.at ten oclock 在十点钟 3.be over =finish 终止 4.on+星期名词 在星期几 5. outdoor activities 户外活动 6. work on 致力于,专心于 7. learn about the past 明白历ts time for 史 该干 了 9.be friendly to 对 友好 10. play with sb 和某人玩耍 Play with sth 玩弄某物 11. swim in the swimming pool 在游泳池

34、游泳 8第 8 页,共 42 页12.draw pictures 画画 14. every Tuesday and Thursday 每周二和周 四 15.tell sb sth=tell sth to sb 把某事告知某人 16. school newspaper 校报 17. and so on 等等 18. learn sth from 从 学到 19. hard work 辛勤工作 20. thank sb for sth/ thank sb. for doing sth 因某事而感谢某人 21. run on the playground 在操场跑步 22. watch animal

35、s 看动物 23. play soccer at school 在学校踢足球 24. read a book at home 在家看书 25.have dinner in the school dinning hall 在学校餐厅吃饭 (三)重点句型 1. What day is it today. It s Wednesday.What day .常用来表示对星期几的提问; 留意: Whats the date.是对日期的提问; 2. What class are they having. -They are having a music class. What class 用来询问“什么课

36、程” , class 与 lesson 同 3. What time does the class begin.什么时间开头上课? -At tenoclock. begin“开头”同义词是 start 反义词是 finish 或 end. 4. How many lessons does he have every weekday. 他每天上几节课? 5. You must like English very much. 你确定特殊宠爱英语; must 在这里表示确定估量; 6. -What do you think of it. -Sometimes its difficult andbor

37、ing,so I dont like it very much. What do you think of . 相当于 How do you like .意思是“你认为怎么样?”询问对方对某事或者某人的看法; 7. Whats your favorite subject.你最宠爱的科目是什么? What ones favorite 某人最宠爱什么? . = What does sb. like best. 8. -Why do you like it. 你为什么宠爱它? .-Becauseits easyandinteresting因. 为它简洁而好玩; 回答 Why .用 Because 假

38、如表示你为什么不用 Why not .或 Why dont you9. My teachers are very friendly to me. be friendly to sb.意思是“对某人很友好” 9第 9 页,共 42 页留意: friendly 是形容词“友好的”“友善的”,而不是副词; 10. It s time for class. Lets go.哦,上课的时间到了,我们走吧! Its time for sth= its time to do sth. 该做某事了 英语书信格式 请参考课本 P107 页的介绍,把握英文书信的格式; 四 练习题依据汉语完成句子 1. Liste

39、n. They 唱歌 in the classroom. 2. (星期几) is it today. 3. What time the class (开头) . What time the class(_终止) . 4. He (上) English class now. 5. She (画画) at home at the moment. 6. Look. Peter (解答) a math problem; 7. We must _学习明白) the past. 8. He_做户外活动) after school every day. 9. Its time / (_上学) 10. Whi

40、ch subject ? =What 你最宠爱 11.you?it youit .(你对;看法如何) 12. My teachersme(. 对;友好) 13. My is very interesting(. 校内生活) 14.at 8:00am;(上课)15. I study art,music and (其他一些学科) 16. I often my _和同学们说英语) 17. I canaloti;t (从;学到) 18. We must Lei Fen(. 向;学习) 19. Thank you .(辛勤劳动) 20. I likemy friends(. 和;打篮球) 10 第 10

41、 页,共 42 页21. He (认为) math is and (枯燥难学) and English is 对划线部分提问 1It s Wednesday.and (简洁好玩) is it today. 2. The class begins at 10:00. the class . 3. It is over at 10:45. it over. 4. They are having a music class. they . 5. He has six English lessons every week. English lessons he every week. 6. He ha

42、s Chinese, English and math lessons on Monday. he on Monday. 7. I likehistorybecauseits easy. you history. 8. He thinks PE is very interesting. ( he PE).PE. he9. I like PE best. do you like . 词形转换 VVs/ be+Ving /Ving/to V 原 Ns 1.They are all friend to me. story. 2. I like English well 3. Best wish to

43、 you for Mothers Day. 4.My mother often tells me many interesting 5. The Great Wall is wonder. 11 第 11 页,共 42 页6. They do a lot of outdoor activity after school. swim in 7. They are many books on those shelf. 8. He is run on the playground. 9. Its 9:00. They arehavea class. 10. May often it. watch 1

44、1. They usually ride bikes to school. 12. Sunday is the one day of a week. 13. Jim usually do sports after school. Look. He the pool. 14. Maria likes read in the library. She books in the library every Saturday. 15. It s time havelunch. The students havelunchinthe dinning room at the moment. 16. Lis

45、ten.They They sing in the classroom. singsongs in the music lessons once a week. 17. Its 10 pm. Janewouldlikesleep.Look, she 18. Kate 19. Li Ming usually sleep in the bed now. think maths be different from Chinese. ride a bike to school. But today it s late. Sohetake a car to school now. 20. My brot

46、her Now, he like play computer games very much. have a computer class. Unit 6 Topic 1 (一)重点短语: 1. on the second floor 在其次层 ( The building has four floors. I am on the first floor.) 2. go upstairs( adv.)上楼; 3. a moment later 过了一会儿 4. play with sb 和某人一起玩 go downstairs 下楼 play with sth. 玩弄某物 12 5. in f

47、ront of 和 in the front of 区分:加 the 的词组表示物体内部的前面 6. on the wall 在墙上 in the wall 7. on the tree (苹果) in the tree (鸟) 8. a model plane 模型飞机 9. play on the computer 玩电脑 (二)重点句型 : (比较 play computer games 玩电脑嬉 戏) 1. There be 句型 (翻译出来是“在某地有某物” ,表示一种 客观存在 , 而 have 表主观拥有 ,其主语是人;结 There be + 主语 +介词短语, 构 留意 就近

48、原就 ) 确定句: There is a computer in your study. 否定句: Thereisnt acomputerinyour study. 一般疑问句: Is there a computer in your study. Yes, there is./ No, thereisnt. 特殊疑问句: Whats in your study. 问数量: How many computers are there in your study. 【注】 There is some milk on the table.(此处虽然是 some milk, 但是由于是不行数名词, b

49、e 动词仍是用 变为否定句: Thereisnt anymilkon the table. is) 就近原就: There is a lamp , a computer, some books and so on. 有一盏灯,一台电脑和一些书等等; 2. Welcome to my newhome【home 作 对比 Welcome home 【 home 作 adv.】 n.】 3. Therearesomanybookson the shelf 架上有这么多好看的书啊; 4. Why notgoupstairsandhavealook. = Why do. nt you .? 为什么不上楼

50、看一看呢? 5. My dog is playing with my computer. 我的狗在玩我的电脑呢; 6. Dont put them here. Put them away别. 把它们放在这儿,请收起来放好; 7. You must look after your things.你必需保管好你的东西; 8. Howmanypairs of shoesarethereunder the bed.在床下有多少双鞋子? 9. Therearemanybeautifulflowersin the garden, but therearetnany trees in it. 花园里有许多漂

51、亮的花,但是却没有树; 10. I love playing on the computer in the study. 我宠爱在书房玩电脑; (love doing sth.=like doing sth. 宠爱做某事) (三)重点 介词 用法 年,月,午(别),季(节) in 加上, 某日午别当用 on; 钟点时(刻),日(期)用 at, 一周七天均用 on. (四)重点易错题: 一)依据句意,用适当的介词填空; 1. Look, there are many apples the tree. 2. The footballisthe door,soyou cant see it. 3.

52、My sisters bedroomisthe first floor. 4. Would you like to go upstairs me. 5. Here is your coat. You must look after it carefully. 6. It s aquarterfive. Lets gohome.13 第 13 页,共 42 页二)单项 1. There good news for you. I find your lost purse. Really. Thank you very much. A. have B. are C. is D. be a ball

53、and some shoes 2 Look at the picture of my bedroom. There under the bed. A. are B. is C. have D. be 3. there a pair of pants on the bed. No, but there is a coat. A. Do B. Does C. Is D. Are the house. C. behind D. back the morning of May t4 h. 4. The house is behind the tree, so the tree is A. in the

54、 front of B. in front of 5. TherewillaclassmeetingA. have, at B. have on C. be, at D. be, on 6. What on the desk. There are some flowers. A. be B. am C. are D. is 7. Im glada letter from you. D. gets A. get B. getting C. to get 8. Are there flowers in your room. No,therearent. A. a B. some C. the D.

55、 any 9. Janeislookingherlittle sister, becauseher mother istnat home.A. at B. after C. for D. up 三句子 1. Therearemanyappleson the table改 . 为一般疑问句 apples on the table. 1. My bedroom is next to my study. 对划线部分进行提问 bedroom . 2. Jack is playing basketball. 对划线部分进行提问 Jack . 3. Why not go to the study. 同意句

56、转换 go to the study. 4. There are seven days in a week.(对划线部分提问) . 5. Whose bike is this. It s not my. Its Jack. 6. There are five rooms on the two floor. 7. My cousinisplayinggameson the playground.对 划线部分提问 is your cousin on the playground. Unit 6Topic 2 (一)重点短语 14 第 14 页,共 42 页1. 在农村 in the country

57、 在郊区 in the suburb 2.一套三居室的房子 house with three bedrooms 3. call sb. at +电话号码 ,拨打 .与某人联系 4. a quiet double room under 300yuan per month 一间安静的双人间, 月租低 于 300 元 5. house with furniture for a family of three 适合三口之家,家具齐全的房子 6. rent sth. to sb. 把某物租给某人 rent sth. from sb. 从某人那租某物 7. on the street corner 在街角

58、 8. keep money 存钱 9. 寄信 mail post letter 10. see a doctor 看医生 11. month 的复数 months 12 at the end of 在 .的终点 13 community service center in our area 在我们这带的服务中 14. 靠近 be close adj. to / close adv. to / near / next to 紧 靠 【反义词是 far from】 15. right now 马上,马上 = at once 16. Childrens Day儿童节 ; TeachersDay老师

59、节 ;Womens Day妇女节 (二)重点句型: ts yourhomelike.你的家是什么样的? -It s an apartment building.它是一栋公寓楼; 2. They live in a big farmhouse in the country. 他们住在农村的农舍里; 3. Whats the matter with.= Whats upwith.= Whats wrongwith. 有什么事? 4. I hear you playing the piano 我听到你正在弹钢琴 ( hear sb. do sth. 表示听到某人做过了某事,类似的有 see,watc

60、h,find) 5. -I m afraid it s too loud.-生怕声音有点大; -I m really sorry about that. -我真的对此很愧疚;6. Therearenohouseson the right. = Therearetnanyhouses . (no 后可以加可数和不行数名 = not any 后加不行数名词或者可数名词词 数 / not a 后加可数名词单数) 复 7. There are a lot of tall buildings and small gardens in our community. 在我们的社区里有许多高楼和小花园; 8.


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