1、Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Part A1、For Questions1-5you will hear a talk about personal income tax in ChinaWhile you listen,fill out the table with the information you have heardSome of the information has been given to you in the tableWrite only l word in each numbered boxYou wil
2、l hear the recording twiceYou now have 25 seconds to read the table below Personal Income Tax in China Individual income tax threshold will rise by 1. When the amendment is expected to become effective 2. Now the proportion of income earners who do not need pay income tax 3. How much the move would
3、reduce government revenue 4. How high is the threshold set in 2006 5. _2、 _3、 _4、 _5、 _Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Part B6、 For Questions 6-10,you will hear a talk on organic farmsWhile you listen,complete the sentences and answer the questionUse no more than 3 words for each answ
4、erYou will hear the recording twiceYou now have 25 seconds to read the sentences and the questions below. How much was the estimated total market Value of organic products estimated to be by 2002? 1. Due to what has the European Union shifted Agricultural subsidies to organic farmers? 2. What is the
5、 total hectares that EU reaches in 2008? 3. Which country has the most organic land according to statistics and Emerging Trends 2009? 4. What risk is lowered for children having organic food? 5. _ 7、 _8、 _9、 _10、 _ Section I Listening Comprehension (30 minutes) Part C11、Questions 11-13 are based on
6、an interview with Peter Wilson,who works Green peace.You now have 15 seconds to read Questions 1113 What is the mans chief responsibility in the Green Peace organization?AHes involved in antinuclear activityBHes responsible for conservation and protection of animalsCHes the action organizer and arra
7、nges any protests.DHes involved in protection and support of the eco一system.12、 How does Green Peace try to stop people from dumping nuclear waste?AThey harass the dumping ship with boatsBThey attack the dumping shipsCThey talk with them in a mild wayDThey stop them in a violent way 13、 What is the
8、womans attitude towards the Green Peace campaigns?AContempt BAppreciate CDisapprove DSuspicious 14、Questions 14-16 are based on the following dialogueYou now have l5 seconds to read Questions 14-16 What crops does the farmer grow?ACotton every year BCorn and wheat.CRice DOther things 15、 How does th
9、e farmer pay his employees?AHourly BWeeklyCMonthly DYearly 16、 What work does the farmer need to do?AIrrigate my fields BApply pesticidesCFix machines DAll the above 17、Questions 17-20 are based on the following dialogueYou now have 20 seconds to read Questions 1720 What hasnt Devorah Day involved i
10、n?AMadrigals BFolkCRock DOpera 18、 What is Devorah Day going to sing in future?AContinue to sing jazz BTransfer to opera.CWhatever songs she is offered DShe is not sure 19、 How is her family?AIt doesnt have any musical backgroundBIt has many musiciansCThey pay much attention to Days workDThey didnt
11、care about Day at all 20、 Which statement is true about Devorah Day?AShe starts singing as a jazz singerBThe session for the album was done in l999CHer family suppogs her work very muchDShe has faith in herself despite opposition of people aroundSection II Use of English (15 minutes) 21、根据以下资料,回答21-
12、40题: Nowadays,air travel is very 21We are not surprised when we watch on TV that a politician has talked with French President in Paris and attended a meeting in Beijing on the same day_22_if a person takes longdistance flying frequently,he can be so tired that he maybe feel his brain is in one coun
13、try,his_23_in another_24_,he _25_knows where he is When we fly from east to west or _26_ versa,the _27_ we experience after taking a long-distance flying is _28_ ,because we cross time zonesAccording to doctors,air travelers,after crossing several time zones,are in no_29_to go to work,and they shoul
14、d go _30_ bed _31_ arrival As to airline pilots who often live _32_ their own watches and ignore local time,there is no need for them to worry about their health although they sometimes have breakfast at midnight, because they are used to _33_ and are_34_fit Many businessmen like long-distance fligh
15、ts,thinking they are 35 to have been chosen and they are out for promotionThey are lucky if the company follows the doctors advice and allow them to rest for a day or two_36_ workingHowever,sometimes the manager is SO energetic that he believes everyone is _37_ to be as fit as he isSince he has neve
16、r felt _38_ after flying himself,the work he assigns is so _39_ that the employee is too _40 _to carry the work out satisfactorilyThat is disastrous for the employees health and the companys reputation Aordinary Bcommon Cplain Dusual22、AHence BHowever COtherwise DFurthermore23、Adigestion Bconcentrat
17、ion Cfriends Dlife24、AIn short order BAll in one CIn a word DIn other words25、Aalmost Bnearly Chardly Dpractically26、Avice Bvia Cvicar Dvibes27、Aweary Bfatigue Ctired Dstrain28、Astrengthened Bincreased Creinforced Daggravated29、Astatus Bstate Csituation Dcondition30、Aaway Bstraggly Cstraightforward
18、Dstraight31、Ain Bwhen Cafter Don32、Aon Bby Cupon Dwith33、Any Bflying Clive Dlives34、Amentally Bemotionally Cphysically Dbodily35、Afavored Bflattened Cflayed Dflattered36、Abefore Bbehind Cafter Din front of37、Alikely Bsupposed Cgoing Dexpected38、Adiscontent Bresentful Cdissatistied Duncomfortable39、A
19、demeaning Bdemanding Cdemonstrative Ddeplorable40、Asleepy Bexcited Cexhausted DangrySection III Reading Comprehension (60 minutes)Part A41、 根据以下资料,回答41-60题: Nowadays,our society is being reshaped by information technologies-computers,telecom munications networks,and other digital systemsOf course,ou
20、r society has gone through other periods of dramatic change before,driven by such innovations as the steam engine,railroad,telephone,and automobileBut never before have we experienced technologies that are evolving so rapidly,altering the constraints of time and space,and reshaping the way we commun
21、icate,learn,and think The rapid development of digital technologies creates not only more opportunities for the society but challenges to it as wellInstitutions of every stripe are grappling to respond by adapting their strategies and activitiesIt is no exaggeration to say that information technolog
22、y is completely changing the relationship between people and knowledge But ironically,at the most knowledgebased entities-the colleges and universities-the pace of transformation has been relatively modestAlthough research has been transformed by information technology in many ways,and it is increas
23、ingly used for student and faculty communications,other highereducation functions have remained almost unchangedFor example,teaching largelycontinues to follow a classroomcenteredseatbased paradigmHowever,some major technologyaided teaching experiments are emergin9,and some factors suggest that digi
24、tal technologies may eventually drive significant change throughout academia American academia has undergone significant change beforeThe establishment of secular education began during the l8th century and the LandGrant College Act of l862 resulted in another transformationThat Act created institut
25、ions serving agriculture and industries;Academia was no longer just for the wealthy but charged with providing educational opportunities to the working class as wellAround the year of l900,the introduction of graduate education began to expand the role of the university in training students for care
26、ers both scholarly and professional Higher education has already experienced significant technology based change,even if it currently lags other sectors in some areasWe expect that the new technology will eventually impose a profound impact on universitys teaching by freeing the classroom from its p
27、hysical and temporal bounds and by providing students with access to original source materials and that new learning communities driven by information technology will allow universities to better teach students how to be critical analyzers and consumers of information The information society has gre
28、atly expanded the need for university level education;lifelong learning is not only a private good for those who pursue it but also a social good in terms of our nations ability to maintain a vibrant democracy and support a competitive workforce Which of the followings does not belong to information
29、 technologies? ALaptop BTelephoneCTelecommunication networks DDigital systems 42、 Many institutions adjust their strategies and activities in order to_ Amake moneyBchange the relationship between people and knowledgeCtake advantage of the opportunities provided by digital technologiesDadapt to the d
30、evelopment of digital technologies43、 The phrase“highereducation functions”(Line 4,Paragraph 3)probably means_ Aincreasing studentsability Bbroaden studentshorizonsCenriching studentsknowledge Dthe way of teaching44、 The transformation resulted from the LandGrant College Act of l862 was_ Athe popula
31、rization of educationBthe establishment of secular educationCthe introduction of graduate educationDthe appearance of a competitive workforce45、 Information technology will have an impact on the following aspects except_ Afreeing the constraints of time and space on classroomBthe chance students hav
32、e to read original source materialsCthe way of communicationDtraining students for professional career 46、根据以下资料,回答46-65题: Now the politics of US health reform is in a mess but the odds on a bill passing in the end are improvingIt will not be a tidy thin9,but if it moves the country close to univers
33、al health insurance the administration will call it a success At this moment,that point of view may seem too optimisticLast Friday,the Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives had hoped to produce a finished billBut they failed,because the partys fiscal conservatives demanded further sa
34、vingsHouse Democrats are also divided on revenue raising measures The Senate is dealing with the same problems:how to contain the cost of expanded insurance coverage,and how to pay for what remains,SO that the reform adds nothing to the budget deficit over the course of lo years Where the money come
35、s from remains the crucial problemApparently,the answer is straightforward:tax employerprovided health benefitsAt present,an employer in the USis free from paying tax if he pays the health insurance while an individual purchaser has to buy it with aftertax dollarsThis anomaly costs nearly$250bn a ye
36、ar in revenue-enough to pay for universal coverageand then someYet many Democrats in both the House and the Senate oppose to ending itWill there be a breakthrough in terms of that aspect?However, to get employers out of health insurance should be an aim,not something to be fearedMany US workers have
37、 complained that if they lose their job,their health insurance will go with it and tying insurance to employment will undoubtedly worsen the insecurity What about highrisk workers who are thrown on to the individual market? If the tax break were abolished as part of a larger reform which obliges ins
38、urers to offer affordable coverage to all people regardless of pre-existing conditionsit will not be a problemIts true this change needs to increase tax,and many people in Congress are reluctant to contemplate in any formBut some kind of increase is inescapableThis one makes more sense than most The
39、 President should say soHis Republican opponent John McCain called for this change during the election campaign and Mr Obama and other Democrats assailed the ideaSo what? MrObama has changed his ideas on other aspects of health reformFor example,it seems that he now prefers an individual mandate to
40、buy insurance。Let US see a similar flexibility on taxing employer-provided insurance According to the author,_Athe politics of UShealth reform is a total failureBthere is no possibility of passing a billCits difficult to pass a billDUSwill achieve universal health insurance47、 In the authors opinion
41、which of the following is “revenueraising measures”?ATax employerprovided health benefitsBTax individual-purchased health insuranceCEnding taxing employerprovided health benefitsDEnding taxing individualpurchased health insurance 48、 Why did the author say that to get employers out of health insuran
42、ce should be an aim?ABecause employers evaded paying taxesBBecause tying insurance to employment was bad to workersCBecause its illegal for employers to provide health insuranceDBecause the administration needed to raise revenue 49、 What does the author feel about Presidents preference to an individ
43、uals buying insurance?AGoing back on his wordBStubbornCFlexibleDShort-sighted 50、 What “change” did John McCain once called for during the election campaign?AIncreasing taxBObliging insurers to offer affordable coverage to all people regardless of pre-existing conditionsCInsurance should be bought b
44、y individual instead of being provided by employers.DTo get employers out of health insurance51、根据以下资料,回答51-70题: According to Peter Salovey,Yale psychologist and author of the term EQ,IQ gets you hired and EQ gets you promoted.Salovey tells of a simple testSome fouryearold kids were。invited into a r
45、oom and were given the following instruction:“You can have this marshmallow right now;or if you wait,you can have two marshmallows when I get back”Then,the researcher leftSome kids grabbed for me treat as soon as the researcher was out the door,while others waited for the researcher to return. By th
46、e time the kids reached high school,significant differences appeared between the two groups The kids who held out for two marshmallows were better adjusted,more popular,more adventurous,more confident,and more dependable than kids in the quick gratification groupThe latter group was also more likely
47、 to be lonely,more easily frustrated,more stubborn,more likely to buckle under stress,and more likely to shy away from challengesWhen both groups took schohstic aptitude tests.the“hold out group”walloped the “quick gratification group”by 210 points f the test scores range from a minimum of 200 point
48、s to a maximum of 800,with an average for all students of 500 points) Researchers have been discussing whether its possible to raise a persons IQGeneticists say No,while social scientists say YesBut while brain power researchers continue the debate,social science re-searchers have concluded that its
49、 possible to improve a persons EQ,and in particular,a persons“people skills,”such as empathy,graciousness,and the ability t0“read”a social situation According to the social scientists,there is little doubt that people without sufficient EQ will have a hard time surviving in lifeEQ is perhaps best ob
50、served in people described as either pessimists or optimistsOptimistic people have high EQ and treat obstacles as minor,while the pessi-mistic people have low EQ and personalizes all setbacksIn social research circles,EQ denotes ones ability to surviveand its here that there may be an overlap betwee
51、n EQ,IQ,genetics and environmentAs to thatI am reminded of the words of Darwin,“The biggest,tlle smartest,and the strongest are not the survivorsRather。le survivors are the most adaptable”Those of us who survive and thrive in this complex world are not only the most adaptable,but also the most optim
52、istic and the most likely to have a high EQ EQ gets you promoted,not because_Aa person with high EQ is better adjustedBa person with high EQ is more stubbornCa person with high EQ is more confidentDA person with high EQ is more popular52、 The word“walloped”(Line l0,Paragraph 2)most probably means“_”
53、AhitBdefeatedCwonDlost53、 According to the social scientists,_ Apessimists have high EQBoptimists have low EQCits impossible to improve a persons EQDa person having low EQ will have a hard time surviving in life54、 In the view of social scientists,EQ is_ Aones ability to surviveBempathyCgraciousness
54、Dthe ability to“read”a social situation55、 From the text we can infer that_ Aits universally accepted that it is possible to improve ones IQBthere is nothing in common between IQ and EQCa person with high EQ is willing to take risksDa person with low EQ is likely to sympathize with other people56、根据
55、以下资料,回答56-75题: Queuing is nothing special in JapanEvery day,television programs show long lines of people queuing for up to one hour even in front of regular noodle shops,only to finish their food within less than ten minutes Why Japanese people queue so often? Do they love it? Probably they d0:Acco
56、rding to Japanese people,just like an excessively high price Call evoke an image of equally high quality,long waiting lines act as an indicator for popularity,reduce availability and increase the subjective value of a goodThus,for many Japanese customers,waiting lines are probably the most effective
57、 advertisementFor example,in an article published in The Japan Times in summer 2007,a Japanese woman confessed that she enjoyed queuing outside shops and restaurants and that she usually joined the line before asking the person in front of her what kind of product was soldStanding in line also incre
58、ases and extends anticipation until-yatto!(finally!)-patience is rewarded with the desired productBut when taken to an extreme level,the product one is actually queuing for ceases to be of any importance at all There are also some customers who are unable to queue or who are unwilling to wait,thinki
59、ng its a waste of time queuing in a lineWhat could they do? They can rent a queuer who will stand in line and purchase the desired product for themObviously,this service is not free of chargeSome service companies who offer all kinds of unusual service provide rentable“queuers”.Whats more,in additio
60、n to providing queuers to individuals,the service companies also provide queuers to some shops to increase the image of a hardtoget product and make customers want to join the line by forming or extending linesTherefore,waiting lines have become a marketing tool and it would not be surprising to fin
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