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1、第 PAGE7 页 共 NUMPAGES7 页GRE备考3个方法快速看懂复杂句式GRE备考3个方法快速看懂复杂句式GRE阅读长难句看不懂有哪些危害?1. 干扰阅读速度和对文章的理解长难句对考生造成的危害主要集中在阅读局部,特别是长篇阅读中往往混杂了大量长难句,有时候一个文章段落甚至就是长难句组成的。这种情况下考生的阅读速度和对文章的理解才能都会受到严重干扰。阅读速度上大家想要快速看文章就会发现绕不开长难句,毕竟整个句子完全不看的话说不定会缺少掉很多内容。而长难句因为复杂的句式构成也会让考生找不到核心所在,读完这么个句子不知道到底重点在哪里,降低考生对文章的整体理解和把握。而假设阅读题目的问题正

2、好出在长难句上,那么考生就更是难以应对了,毕竟看不懂句子文章做题也无从谈起。2. 无法理清文章逻辑关系GRE阅读中有不少考察考生逻辑分析p 和推理判断才能的题目,也就是俗称的逻辑题。这类题目的解答要求考生可以先理清楚文章中的详细逻辑关系链,知道哪个局部是前提,哪些又是推论和结论。这类题目本来就对大家有比拟高的思维上的要求,假如再加上长难句简直可以说是难上加难,考生在逻辑题上扣分较多,其实也和长难句有很大关系。3. 填空题也存在长难句现象另外,除了GRE阅读外,在填空题中其实也存在不少长难句,比方双空或者三空题中就常会出现整个句子就是长难句的情况,这也会让考生更难找到填空的解题线索,无法正确分辨

3、前后句的逻辑关系,从而影响大家的理解和对空格词汇的选择。GRE备考如何训练提升长难句理解力?1. 理解长难句多练少看2. 面对长难句先学会简化句式3. 长难句提速也需要专门训练总而言之,GRE阅读中的长难句问题是需要考生在备考中重点解决的一个问题。而快速准确理解长难句的才能也将会帮助大家在GRE阅读甚至整个VERBAL局部中获得更好的成绩,希望大家可以认真学习本文内容,早日搞定长难句拿到GRE高分GRE长难句练习及解析:出版的书信全集But those of us who hoped, with Kolb, that Kolbs newly published plete edition of

4、 Prousts correspondence for 1909 would document the process in greater detail are disappointed.译文:但是我们当中的那些希望(也算上Kolb本人)Kolb新出版的1909年书信的全集可以更加详细的记录下这一过程的人都大失所望。解释:该句考察的也是复杂修饰和插入语。首先是受who引导的定语从句的影响,主语those of us与谓语的间隔 很远是造成该句子你难以读懂的原因之一;修饰主语those of us的定语从句who hoped之中又套了一个of引导的宾语从句,宾语从句的主语plete editi

5、on又被一前一后的两个定语所修饰,让整个句子显得错综复杂难以理解是造成句子难懂的原因之二;再者,本就是从句套从句的句子当中又参加了一个小小的插入语with Kolb,这个句子虽小,但是却打断了定语从句前后完好的连接,这可谓是造成整个句子难理解的原因之三。解法:放眼一望,不难看出本句是从句中套从句,还连带有插入语。为了防止干扰,考试可以直接跳过who引导的定于从句和with引导的成对出现逗号的插入语,直接定位到后面的句子谓语局部,化繁为简:But those of us are disappointed. 如此以来,此题志在必得。GRE阅读真题In Raisin in the Sun, Lorr

6、aine Hansberry does not reject integration or the economic and moral promise of the American dream; rather, she remains loyal to this dream while looking, realistically, at its inplete realization. Once we recognize this dual vision, we can accept the plays ironic nuances as deliberate social mentar

7、ies by Hansberry rather than as the “unintentional” irony that Bigsby attributes to the work. Indeed, a curiously persistent refusal to credit Hansberry with a capacity for intentional irony has led some critics to interpret the plays thematic conflicts as mere confusion, contradiction, or eclectici

8、sm. Isaacs, for exle, cannot easily reconcile Hansberrys intense concern for her race with her ideal of human reconciliation. But the plays plex view of Black self-esteem and human solidarity as patible is no more “contradictory” than Du Bois famous, well-considered ideal of ethnic self-awareness co

9、existing with human unity, or Fanons emphasis on an ideal internationalism that also acmodates national identities and roles.1. The author of the passage would probably consider which of the following judgments to be most similar to the reasoning of the critics mentioned in line 11?A. The world is c

10、ertainly flat; therefore, the person proposing to sail around it is unquestionably foolhardy.B. Radioactivity cannot be directly perceived; therefore, a scientist could not possibly control it in a laboratory.C. The painter of this picture could not intend it to be funny; therefore, its humor must r

11、esult from a lack of skill.D. Traditional social mores are beneficial to culture; therefore, anyone who deviates from them acts destructively.E. Filmmakers who produce documentaries deal exclusively with facts; therefore, a filmmaker who reinterprets particular events is misleading us.2. In which se

12、ntence of the passage does the author provide exles that reinforce an argument against a critical response cited earlier in the passage?A. The first sentence (“In Raisinrealization”)B. The second sentence ( Once wework”)C. The third sentence (“Indeedeclecticism”)D. The fourth sentence (“Isaacsreconciliati


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