



1、PAGE PAGE - 4 -.单词拼写1Jim celebrated the _ (到达) of the New Year with a party for his friends. 答案:arrival2I used to _ (钦佩) him as a true scientist and hard worker. 答案:admire3The fruit was often served at wedding _ (盛宴) 答案:feast4Ive made up my mind,but its _ (明显的) that you need more time to think it ov

2、er. 答案:obvious5That answer wont _ (使满意) her. 答案:satisfy6He was _ (授予) a medal for bravery. 答案:awarded7He _ (原谅) her the awful things she said about him. 答案:forgave8They entered the room without _ (允许) 答案:permission9Dolphins have sometimes been known to save _ (溺水的) swimmers. 答案:drowning10The harder

3、the young students worked,the more _ (精力充沛的) they became. 答案:energetic.完成句子1When did their quarrel _ _?他们的争吵什么时候发生的? 答案:break out2Im sure your watch will _ _ one of these days.我担保你的手表准有一天能出现。答案:turn up3That school was founded _ _ _ the famous scientist.这个学校的成立为的是纪念这位著名的科学家。 答案:in memory of4Children

4、often _ _ _ the arrival of a holiday.孩子们经常盼望假期的到来。 答案:look forward to5There will be a party this evening,please _dress_ _up_ for it.今晚有个聚会,请好好打扮一下。.单项填空()1Thank you very much for helping me out of trouble,Bob. _.AWith pleasure BDont mention it CThats right DI hope so解析:选B。考查交际用语。Dont mention it意为“不用

5、谢;别客气”,常用来回答别人的道谢。With pleasure 意为“非常乐意”,表示愿意做别人要求做的事。2In most western countries, on April Fools Day,people often play _trick on each other; children especially have great _fun.Aa;a Bthe;the C不填;a Da;不填解析:选D。考查冠词。play a trick on 为固定短语,意为“搞恶作剧,开玩笑”;have fun意为“玩得快乐”,fun 是不可数名词,前面通常不加冠词。3Is Blake still

6、 absent from class? I think he _be punished if he goes on with it.Ashall Bmust Ccan Dwill解析:选A。考查情态动词。情态动词shall用于第三人称的肯定句中,表示警告。4When I talked about the thing, I felt Jane watching me uncomfortably,looking_she wished to speak.Aas though Beven though Cso that Din case解析:选A。考查连词。as though好像。句意:当我谈论这件事

7、时,我觉得Jane不安地看着我,看起来想要说什么。even though尽管;so that以至于,结果;in case假使,以防。5.Even though Jack has failed many times in his experiment,he holds a belief _he will succeed one day if he carries on with it.Awhat Bwhich Cwhether Dthat解析:选D。考查名词性从句。that 引导的同位语从句进一步说明belief的具体内容。句意:即使Jack的实验已失败了很多次,但他抱有这样一种信念:只要继续坚

8、持下去,他最终会成功的。6The headmaster told the boy _the angry teacher,but he refused to.Ato apologize Bapologize to Cto apologize for Dto apologize to解析:选D。考查动词用法。tell sb.to do sth.告诉某人做某事;apologize to sb.(for sth.)(因某事)向某人道歉。7._not to miss the flight at 1520,the manager set out for the airport in a hurry.ARe

9、mindingBReminded CTo remindDHaving reminded8.She found the beautiful dress she had been _to_to others.Looked forward; sold B. Looking forward; was soldC.Looking forward; sold D.Looked forward; selling9.The letter he had been looking forward to_at last this morning.AcomeBcomes CcomingDcame10.(2010江西)

10、 I have told you the truth._I keep repeating it?A. Must B. Can C. May D. Will.多项选择11I will not wait for him for a secondhe may have something else to do, so he could not _ here.Acome up Bcome out Cturn out Dturn up解析短语 turn up 表示“到场;露面”的意思。 答案D12(2012江西南昌一中月考)The conference was _ fixed for the 10th,

11、 August, but later the unexpected landslide (泥石流) in Zhouqu in Gansu province, made us put it off.Anormally Bobviously Coriginally Dpresently解析originally 原来地。normally 正常地;obviously 显然地;presently 现在地。句意:原来定在八月十号的会议由于甘肃省舟曲的意外泥石流使我们推迟了它。 答案C13Sir, you are not allowed to enter the building if you dont g

12、et our managers _.Apermission Bconnection Cinstruction Dintroduction解析考查名词辨析。permission 允许,许可。句意:先生,如果没有我们经理的允许,你不准进入这座大楼。connection 连接,关系;instruction 指示,说明;introduction 介绍。 答案A14(2011清华附中检测)What time are you planning to _ tomorrow?Its up to you.Aset off Bput off Cturn off Dtake off解析句意:“你打算明天几点启程?”

13、“由你来决定。”set off“出发;动身”,符合句意。put off 推迟,拖延,使分心;turn off 关掉,避开;take off 拿掉;起飞;脱衣。 答案A15Mary did do some bad things about me, but I have _ her for that.Aregretted Bfreed Crelaxed Dforgiven解析regret 遗憾,后悔;free 释放;relax 放松,松懈;forgive 原谅,forgive sb.for sth.原谅某人(做了)某事。 答案D16 In China, the Midautumn Festival

14、 is a good chance for family gettogether under the full moon, a _ for happiness and prosperity.Asignal Bcelebration Cfeature Dsymbol解析symbol 象征。signal 信号;celebration 庆祝;feature 特色。句意:在中国,中秋节是一个在满月下家人团聚的机会,一个幸福和繁荣的象征。17_ in a space suit in the base,the young man looks more like an astronaut Ive been

15、_.ADressed;admiring BDressed;admired CWearing;admiring DWorn;admired解析:句意:这个年轻人在基地穿上宇航服时,看起来更像我一直羡慕的宇航员了。第一空处用过去分词短语作状语,相当于when he is dressed in a space suit,第二空用admiring构成现在完成进行时,这里表示“我一直羡慕的”,故选A。答案:A18(2011杭州模拟)Traditionally,people make cakes _ chicken,duck,tortoise, pig,cow or sheep with rice flo

16、ur to celebrate the festivals.Ain memory of Bin honour of Cin the shape of Din the name of解析:in the shape of以的形状,“把蛋糕制成鸡、鸭、龟等形状”。in memory of“为了纪念”;in honour of“向表示尊敬”;in the name of“以为名子的”。答案:C19 Disabled as the girl is,she is _.In other words,she makes a living on her own.Aloyal Bcreative Cindepen

17、dent Dreliable解析:句意:尽管身体残疾,这个女孩却很独立。换句话说,她自食其力。independent“独立的”;loyal“忠诚的”;creative“有创造力的”;reliable“可靠的”。故选C项。 答案:C20How the big forest fire has _ remains to be a mystery.Abroken out Bbroken in Ctaken place Dturned up解析:考查动词短语辨析。break out“(火灾、战争等)爆发”;break in“闯入”;take place“发生”;turn up“出现”。由题意可知A项正确

18、。 答案:A21(2012福州模拟)My watch has _ five minutes,and I should set it back.Agathered Bgained Clost Dremained解析:句意:我的手表快了五分钟了,我得调回去。gain在此表示“手表走快”的意思。答案:B22I dont think shes ever _ me for getting her name wrong that time.Aexcused Bforgiven Cforgotten Dsatisfied解析:句意:我想她还未原谅我那次把她的名字搞错。forgive sb.for doing

19、 sth.“原谅某人做某事”。答案:B23(2012会宁二模)We are looking forward to _ a chance to watch the opening ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games.Agive Bbe given Cbeing given Dgiving解析:句意:我们期望有机会看到伦敦2012年奥运会的开幕式。look forward to后面要跟动名词形式,根据语境可知要用被动,故C项正确。答案:C24He played a trick _ Alice and he had to apologize _ tre

20、ating her _ a nice lunch.Aon;for;to Bin;by;to Con;by;to Don;by;with解析:play a trick on sb.“开某人的玩笑,捉弄某人”;by表示方式;treat sb.to“宴请某人”。答案:C25(2012长沙模拟)He is looking for another job because he feels that nothing he does _ his boss.Aserves Bsatisfies Cpromises Dsupports解析:本题通过语境考查词义辨析。serve“服务,提供”;satisfy“使满

21、意”;promise“答应,许诺”;support“支持,养活”。答案:B26(2012海淀模拟)I really _ you for your way of making decisions.Aaccept Babsorb Cadvise Dadmire解析:admire sb.for sth.因某事而钦佩某人。accept“接受”;absorb“吸收”;advise“建议”。答案:D27My sister met him at the Grand Theatre yesterday afternoon,so he _your lecture.Acouldnt have attended B

22、neednt attendCmustnt have attended Dcant attend解析:选A。考查情态动词的用法。“情态动词have done”表示对已经发生的某件事情的推测。must have done“肯定发生了某事”,只能表示把握较大的肯定的推测。表示“不可能已经发生某事”则有cant/couldnt have done。句意:我姐姐昨天下午在Grand Theatre 遇到了他,因此,他不可能听了你的讲座。28.(2010 陕西)May I take this book out of the reading room?No, you_. You read it in her

23、e.A.mightnt B.wont C.neednt D. mustnt29.(2009山东)Do you have enough to._all your daily expenses?Oh yes, enough and to spare.A.cover B.spend C.fill D.offer【解析】考查动词词义的区别。问句句意为:你有足够的钱来支付你所有的日常开销吗?cover“足够支付”;spend“花费”;fill“填充”;offer“提供”,根据句意选A。【答案】A30.You cant imagine that a well-behaved gentleman _ be

24、so rude to a lady. (上海2001)A. might B. need C. should D. would 点拨 选C。should在此句中表示惊讶。31. Did you go to her birthday party? I _, but I had to work extra hours to finish my homework. A. would B. meant to C. did D. would like toB本题考查的是虚拟语气在具体语言环境中的运用。通过题干语义所体现的是对过去所发生的事情的虚拟表达,按常规它应该使用would have done sth

25、.表示“过去该做的事情而实际上并未做到”。答案A 应该是would have才对,但它并不是。meant to 则有着这一用法,所以答案是B。 32.Her _ performance made me _, so there was_ expression on my face. A. satisfying; satisfied; satisfied B. satisfied; satisfied; satisfiedC. satisfied; satisfying; satisfying D. satisfying; satisfied; satisfyingA本题考查的是“情感反应”动词的

26、ing与ed作为形容词的语义区别。本句的语义是:她那令人满意的表演使我感到满意,于是我的脸上就露出满意的笑容。第一个空所表达的是“令人满意的”;第二、三个空所表达的是“满意的”,所以答案是A。 33._it is to have a break between classes! A. What a great fun B. What great fun C. How fun D. How funnyB本题考查的是:fun与funny区分和fun作为名词前的冠词问题。通过语境语义反映出的是“课间能稍事休息是一件多么惬意的事情啊!”而不是“滑稽可笑的”,作为名词其前一般是不加冠词的,所以答案是B。

27、 34.Suddenly it _ to me that we should do what we could to collect money for the poor college students. A. happened B. took place C. occurred D. came aboutC本题考查的是关于“发生”意义的词的区别。通过题干所表现出的语义是“计上心头”之意,所以答案是C。 35. No matter how low you consider yourself, there is always someone _ you wishing they were th

28、at high. A. getting rid of B. getting along with C. looking up to D. looking down uponC考查动词短语的辨析。 get rid of 去除;look up to 尊敬,赏识;look down upon看不起;get along with 与某人相处。根据语境:不管你把自己想得多低,总有人尊敬你,希望他们能有你那么高的地位。所以答案是C。36. Would you please _ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?A. look around B. look into C. look up D. look throughD考查动词短语。该句意思是“请你为我检查一下文章看是否有明显错误”。look through可表示“检查,浏览”之意。look around“环顾”,look into“调查”,look up“抬头看,查阅”。37.Though there are some differences bet


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