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1、2023届中考英语模拟试卷注意事项1考试结束后,请将本试卷和答题卡一并交回2答题前,请务必将自己的姓名、准考证号用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔填写在试卷及答题卡的规定位置3请认真核对监考员在答题卡上所粘贴的条形码上的姓名、准考证号与本人是否相符4作答选择题,必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应选项的方框涂满、涂黑;如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案作答非选择题,必须用05毫米黑色墨水的签字笔在答题卡上的指定位置作答,在其他位置作答一律无效5如需作图,须用2B铅笔绘、写清楚,线条、符号等须加黑、加粗. 单项选择1、What did your father say to you just now?He

2、 asked me _.Athat I would like to see a movieBwhere I will spend my holidayCif I enjoyed myself at the partyDwhen did I attend the graduation party2、 What kinds of fruit do you like eating?Apples as well as oranges.AandBbutCor3、- Cant I park my car free here?- You can, for four hours, _ you spend ov

3、er 100 yuan in this supermarket.Athough Bif Cunless4、Were you at home at 9 oclock last night?Yes. I a shower at that time.AtookBwas takingCwas takenDam taking5、Jeff is_hard-working boy and he got good grades at _end of this term.Aan; /Ba ; theCa ; anDan: the6、1The water dark and dirty. Its no longer

4、 safe to drink.Abecame Bwill become Chas become Dwas becoming7、-Wheres your father? We havent seen each other .-_.AHe has been to AmericaBHe has gone to EnglandCHe is going to EnglandDHe would visit my grandparents8、We ate rice and fish yesterday and we ate noodles _.Aas far as Bas soon as Cas well

5、Das long as9、-I think Mr Zhang may be in his office. -No, he be there. I saw him just now.Aneednt , leftBmustnt , leavingCcant , leaveDshouldnt , leave10、When you visit a foreign country,it is important to know how to ask for help _.AwiselyBlatelyCwidelyDpolitely. 完形填空11、One summer evening as I was

6、caking dinner, there was a knock at the door. I 1 it and saw a truly bad-looking man. But his voice was 2 as he said, “Good evening. I come to see if you have a 3 for just one night. I came for a treatment this morning from the eastern shore, and theres no bus till next morning.” He told me he had b

7、een hunting (寻找) but with no 4 I told him we would find him a bed, but to rest on the porch (门廊). I went inside and prepared dinner. When we were ready, I asked him if he would like to 5 us. “No, thank you. I have plenty.” When I had 6 the dinner, I went out to talk with him. It didnt take a long ti

8、me to see that this old man had oversize heart crowded that tiny body. He told me he fished for a living to 7 his daughter, her five children, and her husband, who was hopelessly disabled from a back injury. At bedtime, we 8 a bed in the childrens room for him. On his next trip, as a gift, he brough

9、t a big fish and some fresh oysters (牡蛎) I had never seen. In the years he came to 9 overnight with us, and there was never a time he did not bring us some fish or vegetables from his garden.I know our family will always be thankful to have known him, from him we learn what it was to accept the bad

10、without a complaint and the good 10 thanks.1Afelt Bopened Crepaired Dpainted2Aboring Bangry Cscary Dpleasant3Aroom Bbus Ctelevision Dcake4Asuccess Bdinner Cjob Dproblem5Acall Bvisit Cjoin Dinvite6Achecked Bfinished Cprepared Dcooked7Aprovide Bfetch Ceducate Dsupport8Aput Bplanted Ccovered Ddiscovere

11、d9Ahelp Bplay Cwork Dstay10Afrom Bfor Cwith Dwithout. 语法填空12、A robot has started serving customers at a high-tech highway restaurant in Chongqing. After greeting customers at the gate, the robot 1 (name) Amy brings meals to customers. But 2 can a robot avoid walking into customers and the restaurant

12、s human staff while walking? In fact, Amy has 3 in-built navigation system (导航系统) that allows it to choose a proper way to reach a customers table without any problem. Orders 4 (place) at two tables that double as big touch screens and customers can order food there or simply on their own phones 5 s

13、canning QR code(二维码). After they have ordered their food, diners can pay using a mobile payment app 6 as Alipay or WeChat Pay. While waiting for the orders, customers can use the special tables to play games, read some 7(news), and check the traffic and weather conditions for their journey ahead. Th

14、e robot catches everybodys eyes with 8 (it) human-like appearance. It is really welcomed by customers and the restaurant 9 it not only cuts down much of business cost for the restaurant, but makes diners wait a much 10 (short) time. So the local government is trying to put them into use in the citys

15、 other service stations. 阅读理解A13、1In English training class, you will have _ teachers.A Canadian B French C Chinese D Italian2If you want to improve your English, you will_.A call 6353188B have classes either in the morning or in the eveningC go to 808 Park RoadD have classes both in the morning and

16、 in the evening3How much do you need to pay for one-to-one piano training every time?A 300 yuan B 150 yuan C 450 yuan D 800 yuan4If Jim is exercising in the Body-building Club, you can find him _.A 808 Park Road B the highest floor of Sunny HotelC 696 Renmin Road D 306 Xinhua Road5Which of the follo

17、wing is not true according to the advertisements above?A You have to pay 800yuan for 4-month English training.B You have to pay more for using the piano supplied in the classC It is very convenient to get to the Piano Club.D You can enjoy drinks and fruits after body-building exercises.B14、 As tradi

18、tional Chinese art, paper cutting has a long history. The first and earliest paper cutting was found in China 1,500 years ago. But this traditional art is at risk of disappearing now. Luckily, Voyo Woo, a Chinese immigrant(移民)in America, is trying to bring this art back to life.One Saturday in 2014,

19、 Ms. Woo held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington. She got much fun and peace doing it. She hoped more people would enjoy it.Ms. Woo began to study the art of paper cutting as a 14-year-old girl in her hometown in China. She said all the students at school had to learn paper cu

20、tting. But she had a deep love for it. So her teacher spent more time teaching her after class. Later, she won the second prize in a national painting and art competition. Ms. Woo went to America after she finished collage in 2008. Soon after that, she took part in an activity to promote(宣传)Chinese

21、paper cutting. And then she was invited to show the art in many important activities. “It is important to promote this art to Americans or anyone who is interested in it. Maybe it will make this art more popular. ”Woo said. From the art of paper cutting, people can know about Chinese cultural values

22、, history and stories of peoples life. Ms. Woo uses the art as a tool to show Chinese culture to people who know little about it. Chinese art is not only for Chinese, but also for people all over the world.1In the passage, the writer thinks the art of paper cutting is_ now.Avery popular in AmericaBv

23、ery popular in ChinaCfor people who know about itDin danger of disappearing2What did Ms Woo do in 2014?AShe won the second prize in a national painting and art competition.BShe was invited to many activities to show paper cutting.CShe held a paper cutting show at a shopping center near Washington.DS

24、he took part in an activity to promote Chinese paper cutting.3Ms. Woo began to study the art of paper cutting_. Awhen she was fourteenBafter she got to AmericaCwhen she was in collegeDafter she finished college4Whats the writers opinion about paper cutting?APaper cutting doesnt have a long history.B

25、People can know about Chinese cultural values, history and stories of peoples life from paper cutting.CMs Woo uses the art as a tool to show American culture to people.DChinese art is only for Chinese.C15、 In most space-themed films, whenever Earth faces a disaster, the solution is always running aw

26、ay from the planet in spaceship. But the latest Chinese sci-fi movie, The Wandering Earth, offers a different idea. The movie is based on a short story by Chinese sci-fi writer Liu Cixin. In the film, Earth is in danger of being destroyed by the dying sun. Half of our planets population is already d

27、ead and big cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are destroyed. To save the Earth, the whole world works together and comes up with a plan: Move the whole planet to a safe place. Instead of running away from Earth, this time were taking it with us. Earth goes wherever humans go, because its our home.

28、 That makes The Wandering Earth different for Hollywood-style space films. And the makers of the film may have chosen the best time to tell its Chinese sci-fi story. The film was shown on Feb.5, the first day of Chinese New Year. Ti was a time when many people had just made the hard journey back to

29、their hometowns. “What is Chinese sci-fi?” Guo Fan, the films director, said in an interview. “Chinese sci-fi can really express our culture and spirit. If we cant do that, were just copying and telling the same American stories.”I think this is a great movie. When facing a disaster, people from dif

30、ferent parts of the world work together to save out planet. I was actually moved to tears by it. It is a movie you cant miss.1In the latest Chinese sci-fi movie, _ will destroy our planetAEarthBhumansCaliensDthe sun2Who thinks of the plans to move the Earth in the film?ALiu CixinBThe whole worldCChi

31、neseDGuo Fan3According to the passage, we know that _AChinese sci-fi movie are the same as Hollywood-style space filmsBThe Wandering Earth tells us a story about a superhero.CThe writer loves The Wandering Earth because its an interesting Chinese movieDThe Wandering Earth expresses the spirit of Chi

32、nese people.D16、A 15-year-old student who invented a flashlight(手电筒) getting power from the holders body heat is going home today from California with a big prize and a chance to do further research.Ann Makosinski was the only Canadian among the four winners at Googles international science competit

33、ion. Thousands of young scientists from around the world took part in the competition.Winning the science and technology competition was a surprise. Ann said, I think it will have a great influence on my future.Ann thanked her family for encouraging her interest in science and said that her first to

34、y was a box of transistors(晶体管).Anns prize includes $ 25,000 and a once in a-lifetime expericnce from Google for her Hollow Flashlight, which has no moving parts or batteries.The idea for the invention came from seeing unwanted batteries and her friends experience. When Ann visited a friend in the P

35、hilippines, she saw the friend couldnt study when it became dark because there was no electricity or light. She saw the need for a flashlight that has no batteries - Hollow Flashlight.In her project, Ann wrote I made two flashlights that do not use any batteries or harmful materials. They do not cre

36、ate any noise and will always work. The flashlight needs at least a 5 temperature difference between the holders body and the environment around to produce light.A video of Ann explaining how she creatcd the flashlight has been watched more than 1.4 million times on the Internet.Though Ann was succe

37、ssful, she has not made a decision about her career path. Ann hopes that she can find a way to join her love of film and science together.The four winners were chosen from 15 final competitors from eight countries. The competition attracted thousands of students in 120 countries.1In which part of a

38、newspaper can we probably read this passage?ATravel. BCulture. CTechnology. DAdvertisement.2The first paragraph is written to be a(n) _.Aintroduction Bwarning Cargument Ddiscussion3Paragraph 6 mainly tells us _.Awhat Ann saw in the Philippines Bwhy Ann invented Hollow FlashlightChow Anns family enco

39、uraged her interest Dwhat prize Ann got for Hollow Flashlight4According to the passage, we learn _.Aeasy to win the international science competitionBHollow Flashlight is safe, noiseless and can save energyCAnn has made a decision to be a scientist in the futureDfew people are interested in how Ann

40、created the flashlightE17、Every year on my birthday since I was 2,a white gardenia (栀子花) was sent to my houseNo card ever came with itCalls to the flower shop were not helpful at allAfter some time I stopped trying to find out the senders name and was just pleased with the beautiful flower,in soft p

41、ink paperI couldnt stop imagining who the giver might beSome of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming(幻想 )about the senderMy mother encouraged these daydreamsShed ask me if I had been especially kind to someonePerhaps it was one of my classmates Perhaps it was the old man who I once helpedAs a

42、girl,I had more fun imagining that it might be a boy that I had metA month before my high school graduation(毕业),my father diedI was so sad that I became completely uninterested in my coming graduation dance,and I didnt care whether I had a new dress or notMy mother,in her own sadness,would not let m

43、e miss (过) any of those thingsShe wanted her children to feel lovedIn fact,my mother wanted her children to see themselves much like the gardenia:lovely,strong and perfectMy mother died ten years after I was marriedThat was the year the gardenia stopped coming1The writer received on her birthday sin

44、ce she was 2Aa white gardeniaBa cardCa card and soft pink paperDa gardenia and a card3The writer was very when she was imagining who sent the flowerAhappy BsadCworried Dnervous4It can be inferred (椎断) from the passage that Athe writer didnt get a new dress for the danceBthe writer probably joined in

45、 the graduation danceCthe writers father died ten years earlier than her motherDthe writers father received a gardenia on each of his birthdays5The writer got the gardenias from on her birthdaysAher classmate Bthe old man Cthe boy Dher mother6The passage mainly talks about Awhat a gardenia meantBwha

46、t a girl dreamed aboutChow a mother loved her childrenDhow a daughter missed her fatherF18、More than anything else in the world, Lion liked being King of the jungle. He walked around, showing off his power and pride.Each day Lion took a long lazy sleep under the shade of his favourite tree. He alway

47、s dreamed of weaker animals bowing(鞠躬) before him.One day Mouse ran through the jungle and tripped over Lions huge paws. Lion woke up with a start. “How dare you wake me up! ” he shouted angrily. Lion grabbed Mouse with one paw. “On the second thought, Im in the mood for the snack, and youll make a

48、delicious meal.”, he said.Mouse cried out, “King Lion, please spare(饶恕)me! If you let me live, Ill always remember your kindness. And, some day, I might be able to help you.”“ How could such a powerless little mouse ever help me?” That thought made Lion laugh so much that he decided to let Mouse go.

49、 A week later, Lion was walking through the jungle on the way to his favourite tree when he stepped onto a hunters net. The net scooped him up. No matter how he twisted and turned, he couldnt escape.When Mouse heard Lions frightened shouts, he raced to help. Mouse quickly chewed through the ropes to

50、 make a hole in the net. Soon, Lion moved out and was free. Lion looked down at the little mouse. “Thank you for saving my life,” said Lion, smiling his widest smile. “I was mistaken. You are not a powerless little mouse. You are a great friend!”1What did Lion do each day?A He showed kindness to animals in the jungle.B He stepped onto a hunters net.C He bowed before weaker animals.D He had a good sleep under his favourite tree.2How did Mouse wake up Lion?A He prepared a delicious meal for Lion.B He made a hole in the net.C He shouted at Lion angrily.D He trippe


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