英语人教新起点六年级上册-Unit 3 Animal World Lesson 1教案_第1页
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英语人教新起点六年级上册-Unit 3 Animal World Lesson 1教案_第4页
英语人教新起点六年级上册-Unit 3 Animal World Lesson 1教案_第5页




1、Unit 3 Animal World Lesson 1教学设计 教学目标通过本节课的学习,学生能够达到以下目标:1. 知识目标(1)能够听懂、会说reptiles, birds, fish, mammals, insects, penguin, shark, whale等单词,尝试借助音标、拼读规律和其他词汇学习策略记忆单词,并能根据语境选择恰当的单词或短语。(2)能够听懂、会说用来询问动物类别的功能句:What animals do you like? 及相应答语:I like They are They can 能够初步学会在恰当的情境中运用,并能按要求在所提供的语境中说几个意义连贯的句

2、子。2. 能力目标(1)能够使用本单元所学的句型,谈论自己所喜欢的动物及他们的类型。(2)能够仿写与动物有关的单词和句子。3. 其它目标(1)能够积极参与课堂上的各种活动或游戏,并能与同伴合作完成活动。(2)能够在活动中认真倾听同伴发言,并尝试表达自己的观点。教学重点用英语表达某种动物的类别。教学难点引导学生综合运用语言描述动物类别及特征。教学过程复习(复习U2重点单词)设计意图:复习以前学习过的单词和句子。唤醒学生大脑中已有的知识。T: Look at the picture. What animals can you see the picture?S: Animal.T: Good! T

3、oday we are going to learn Unit 3 Animal World. (教师板书课题)2. 学习(1)单词教学)教学reptileT: (点击课件,出现一只正在爬行的乌龟) Whats this?Ss: Turtle.T: Yes. Its a turtle. What do you know about turtles?S: T: What kind of animals are turtles? Lets listen and choose. (点击课件)Ss: BT: What does reptile mean?S: 爬行动物T: Right! What do

4、es e say? Lets have a look! ( 点击课件,出现red)S: /e/T: What does i-e say? (点击课件,出现like, nice)Ss: /ai/T: Well done! How to read this word?S: /reptal/T: Good! Follow him/her!Ss: /reptal/设计意图:在新单词的学习之中,采用旧单词带出新单词的读音。让学生体验学习的成功乐趣,从而有进一步学习英语的兴趣。T: What are reptiles? Can you tell me?S: T: Clever! Look! Who can

5、 read it? (点击课件,出现爬行动物的特点)教师领读,学生跟读。T: Wonderful! Dinosaurs are reptiles. Lizards are reptiles. What else are reptiles?S: _ are reptiles.设计意图:让学生根据刚才爬行动物的特点,结合自己已有的知识进行表述。让学生“学了就用”。教学penguin, birdsT: What are they?S: 企鹅T: Whats this in English? (点击课件,出现penguins单词)S: T: Lets listen and read after it.

6、 (点击课件,出现penguin 读音)Ss: /pegwn/ T: Great! What do you know about penguins?S: T: What kind of animals are penguins? Lets listen and choose. (点击课件)Ss: (学生听音,选择相应的单词) BT: What does bird mean?S: 鸟T: Right! What does ir say? Lets have a look! ( 点击课件,出现girl)S: /:/T: Super! How to read this word?S: /b:d/T:

7、 Good! Follow him/her!Ss: /b:d/T: Penguins are birds. What are birds? (点击课件,出现鸟类图片,引导学生归纳鸟类特点)S: T: Well done! (点击课件,出现鸟类特点) Who can read this for us?S: T: Thank you. Look here. Parrots are birds. (点击课件,出现乌鸦和麻雀)S: Sparrows/Crows are birds.T: Right! What else are birds?S: _ are birds.T: You know so m

8、uch. 教学shark, fishT: Is this a bird?Ss: No.T: Whats this? Its a _.S: Shark.T: Yes, its a shark. What does ar say? (点击课件,出现car)S: /a:/T: Right! How to read this word? (手指shark)S: /:k/T: Wonderfu! Lets listen and repeat. (点击课件,出现shark读音,学生听音跟读)Ss: /:k/T: What do you know about shark?S: T: Sharks are _

9、. Listen and choose. (点击课件,出现选择题。学生听音,选择单词。)S: B.设计意图:在单词的教学中,让单词融于句子。先听音,根据读音选择正确的单词。让学生将单词的形和音结合起来。T: You are right. Lets listen and repeat.Ss: /f/T: What are fish? Can you say?S: T: Goldfish are fish. What else are fish?S: _ are fish.教学whale, mammalT: Is this a shark?Ss: No.T: Whats this?S: Whale

10、.T: Yes. Its a whale. (点击课件,出现whale单词及意义) What does a-e say? (点击课件,出现cake和name)S: /ei/T: How to read this word? (手指whale 单词)S: /wel/T: Is he/she right? Lets listen.(点击课件,出现whale读音)Ss: /wel/T: What do you know about whales? S: T: Sounds great! What kind of animals are whales? Lets listen and choose.

11、(点击课件,出现选择,学生听音选择单词)Ss: BT: What does it mean?S:哺乳动物T: Yes! What does a say? Lets listen and answer. (点击课件,听mammal读音)S: /T: Lets listen and follow it.学生听音跟读。T: What are mammals? Look! Lions are mammals.S: T: (点击课件,出示哺乳动物特点) Read by yourselves.学生自读T: Are you clear?Ss: Yes!T: (点击课件,出现猴子) Monkeys are m

12、ammals. (点击课件,出现老虎和大象)S: _ are mammals.T: What else are mammals?S: _ are mammals.教学insectT: Look! Whats this?Ss: Bee.T: Bees are insects. (点击课件,出现Bees are insects. Insects的意思及读音。)Ss: /nsekt/ T: What are insects?S: T: Look! Insects have these features. (点击课件,出现昆虫特点。)学生快速浏览。T: Butterflies are insects. (点击课件,出现这个句子) What else are insects?S: _ are insects.T: Super! Look at the picture. Lets talk about the animals in gr


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