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1、 PAGE 页码 9 / NUMPAGES 总页数 92022年牛津六年级上学期英语阅读理解考前专项练习班级:_ 姓名:_1. 根据短文判断下列句子是否正确,正确的写“T”,错误的写“F”Li Ying likes English very much. She works hard(学习努力). She reads English every morning. She likes speaking English. She often listens to the radio. She watches TV only on Saturday evening. Does she like dan

2、cing? No, she doesnt. But she likes drawing and singing. Her parents like her. And all the teachers and her friends like her, too.1Li Ying doesnt like English.(_)2She sometimes reads English.(_)3Li Yings dad and mom like her.(_)4Li Ying only has one friend.(_)2. 阅读对话,判断下列各句与对话内容是否相符。Martin: What do

3、you want to be when you grow up, Jiamin?Jiamin: I want to be a fireman (消防员). I think the fireman is cool.Martin: And you, Lily?Lily: I like children. I want to be a teacher. What about you, Martin?Martin: My father is a police officer. He can stop bad people. So I want to be a police officer.Jiamin

4、: Police officers can help people. Your father is great, Martin.Martin: Thanks. Look, Miss Wang is working hard. I think teachers are great, too.( )(1)Jiamin wants to be a firefighter.( )(2)Lily wants to be a doctor.( )(3)Martins father is a farmer.( )(4)Police officers can stop bad people.( )(5)Mis

5、s Wang is a teacher.3. 阅读理解。I am a student in China now. My name is Kelly Smith. I live with my parents, two sisters and a brother in Beijing. My parents teach English in No. 6 Middle School. I study in the same school. I am happy here, because I like my new school and the classmates. They are very

6、kind to me. They like to play with me because I look different from them. I have blue eyes and long blond hair. They often say I look like a doll (洋娃娃). Also I speak English well, so lots of students like to talk with me to improve (提高) their English.1How many people are there in Kellys family?( )A.

7、three B.five C.six2Kellys parents are _.( )A.doctors B.teachers C.farmers3Why does Kelly like her new school? ( )A.Because it is very big.B.Because it is very beautifulC.Because the calssmates are kind to her.4What color are Kellys eyes? ( )A.blonde B.black C.blue5Why do students like to talk with K

8、elly? ( )A.Because Kelly is a beautiful girl.B.Because Kellys English is very good.C.Because Kelly is very interesting.4. 阅读材料,能力测试。Weather ReportGood morning everyone! Here is the weather report for tomorrow.It is cold in Beijing. It will rain,and there will be fog. Youd better wear your warm coat,

9、 a face mask and take an umbrella with you, if you go out.The weather in Sanya will be fine .It will be sunny and hot tomorrow. When you go out and enjoy the sunshine, please put on your sunglasses.It is hot in Xishuangbanna(西双版纳). And there will be a heavy rain in Xishuangbanna tomorrow. It will no

10、t be a good day for a trip, youd better stay at home.It is windy and cold in Harbin(哈尔滨). It will snowy. You should put on your warm coat and boots when you go out.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。1Whats the weather like in Beijing?( )A.cool B.cold C.hot2If you go out in Beijing,you should take_ with you.( )A.sunglass

11、es B.hat C.umbrella3You should put on your boots if you go out in_.( )A.Beijing B.Harbin C.Sanya4It is _in Xishuangbanna .( )A.rainy B.cloudy C.windy5Which of the sentence is NOT TRUE?( )A.You shouldt wear sunglasses in Sanya.B.You should wear a face mask when you go out in Beijing.C.You shouldt go

12、out when you are in Xishuangbana.5. 阅读短文,回答问题。Mr Whites family is busy this weekend. Mr White is going to the post office in the morning. Mrs White is going to buy some food for next week. Their son Sam is going to finish his homework. Sams brother Tom is going to play computer games. And then, they

13、re going to visit Sam and Toms grandparents in the afternoon. Theyre going there by bus, because the Whites house is far from theirs.1Wheres MrWhite going to in the morning?2What is Mrs White going to buy?3Does Tom have a sister?4Do Mr and Mrs White have two children?5How are they going to visit Sam

14、 and Toms grandparents?6. 阅读海报(Posters),判断句子正误。Interrupting Chicken!Yell out an answer while a friend is trying to think about the answer.Shout out when the teacher is reading a story to the class,Talk at the same time as a friend is talking.Polite Students!Wait until the teacher has called on you b

15、efore speaking.Stay in your seat and sit quietly if the teacher is talking to a visitor in the classroom.Say Excuse me if you have to interrupt.( )(1)We can see these posters on a farm.( )(2)Stay in your seat and talk quietly when the teacher is talking to a visitor.( )(3)The posters only tell us so

16、me bad behaviour.( )(4)The writer wrote the posters for children at school.( )(5)Interrupting Chicken means a student without good behaviour.7. 阅读理解。On the morning, Anns Dad came back from Germany. Ken and Mom went to the airport(飞机场) to meet him.Ann saw Dad first and ran to him quickly .She wanted

17、to help Dad with his bag .Soon Ann came back with a blue bag,but it wasnt Dads bag .Dads bag was brown .Ann went away again. This time she came back with a brown bag. But it wasnt Dads bag, either. Because there were womens clothes in it. A woman walked to them. She had a brown bag in her hand, but

18、it wasnt hers. Finally Ann gave her brown bag to the woman and the woman gave her brown bag to Dad.( )1. Where did Anns Dad come back?He came back from_.A. China B. Germany C. England( )2. How did Dad come back?_.A. By bus B. By car C. By plane( )3. Who wanted to help Dad with his bag?_.A. Ann B. Ke

19、n C. Anns mother( )4. What color was Dads bag?_.A. Blue B. Brown C. Black( )5. The second time(次) Ann came back with _ bag.A. Dads B. a mans C. a womans8. 阅读短文,判断正(T)误(F)。Bill is an English boy. He is twelve. He lives with his family in China now. There are four people in his family. They are his fa

20、ther Jack Clinton, his mother Catherine, his little sister Betty and he. He has a yellow dog. Its name is Barbi. His father is listening to musi C. What is Bill doing? Ah, he is doing his Chinese homework. He cant speak Chinese very well, but he loves Chinese very much. Bills father works in a hospi

21、tal. Hes a doctor. His mother works in a TV factory. She is a worker. Bill and his sister go to the same school.1Bills family are in China now.(_)2Barbi is a cat.(_)3Bill can speak Chinese well.(_)4Bills mother is an English teacher.(_)5Bill and his sister are in the same school.(_)9. 阅读短文,判断下列句子正误。

22、Mrs Green has a little dog. One day the dog is lost, and its snowing outside. Mrs Green looks for it everywhere but she cant find it. She calls the police. A young policeman answers the phone, Dont worry, madam.Dogs are really strong animals. They can live for several days in the snow and be all rig

23、ht.Mrs Green is happy to hear the words. She says, My dog is very clever. She almost can talk. Well, the policeman says, why dont you put your telephone down? Perhaps she is trying to telephone you now.( )(1)Mrs Green loses her lovely cat.( )(2)Its raining heavily outside.( )(3)Mrs Green is worried,

24、 so she calls the police.( )(4)Mrs Green is very angry to hear the words.( )(5)Mrs Greens dog can talk.10. 阅读短文,根据短文内容填空。Sarah went to Shanghai with her parents over the summer vacation. They went there by plane. On Monday afternoon, they went to a beautiful beach. The weather was sunny and hot. So

25、they had a great time in the water. In the evening, they went to a shopping center but it was too crowded. They didnt enjoy themselves. On Tuesday they took a visit to a museum. It was so boring. It was windy and rainy on Wednesday and Thursday, so they stayed at the hotel for two days. On Friday th

26、ey went to a zoo and saw many animals. It was really fun. And then they came back home by train.(1)Sarah took ato Shanghai with her parents.(2)They went to aon Monday afternoon.(3)They took a visit to a museum on.(4)It was windy andon Wednesday and Thursday.(5)They went to a zoo and sawon Friday.11.

27、 阅读短文,判断正误。A man lost a needle (针) in the room. But it was dark in the room and he could not see it. He came out and looked for the needle in the street. A friend of his came up and said, What are you doing here? I am looking for my needle now. Where did you lose it? he asked. I lost it in my room.

28、You lost your needle in your room, but you look for it in the street. Isnt that funny? But it is dark in my room. I cant find it there. Here is bright and I can see it.( )(1)The man lost his needle in the street.( )(2)The man looked for the needle in the room.( )(3)It was dark in the room and it was

29、 bright in the street.( )(4)The man could find his needle in the street.( )(5)The man was very clever.12. 阅读短文,选择正确的答案。Hello, Im John. Its Monday today. I was busy last weekend. I didnt go to school on the weekend. And my parents didnt go to work. We all stayed at home. I cleaned the rooms and water

30、ed the plants. I did my homework and played basketball. My mother cooked the meals, washed the clothes and went to the shop. My father washed his car and saw his friends. We watched an interesting TV show last night.(1)It was_ yesterday.A. Saturday B. Sunday C. Monday(2)John had a _weekend.A. free B

31、. sad C. busy(3)John_ last weekend.A. went shopping B. saw his friends C. cleaned the rooms(4)_went to the shop last weekend.A. Johns mother B. Johns father C. John(5) What did they do last night? They _.A. watered the plants B. watched a TV show C. played basketball13. 阅读短文,回答问题。Today is Sunday. It

32、s fine. There is a sports meeting(运动会) in our school. On the playground, there are many students and players. Some football players are playing football over there, and many students are watching. Near the building, the boys are jumping.There is a big tree near the playground. Under the tree, some g

33、irls are playing table tennis. Liu Mei, Wei Hua and many other girls are playing basketball beside the tree. Look! There are some boys under the tree, they are watching their classmates(同学) playing basketball.1. Is there a sports meeting in our school today?2. What are the boys doing near the buildi

34、ng?3. Where are the girls playing table tennis?4. What are the boys doing under the tree?5. Can you see Wei Hua? What is she doing?14. 阅读理解。对的“T”,错的“F”。One day Mr and Mrs White went shopping by car. They stopped their car near a store. They bought a lot of things and they wanted to put the things in

35、 the car. But Mr White couldnt open the door of the car, so they asked a policeman to help them. The policeman was very friendly to help them. Just then a man came up and shouted: “What are you doing with my car?” Mr and Mrs White took a look at the cars number and they were frozen there. It wasnt t

36、heir car.( )1. Mr and Mrs White went shopping by bike.( )2. They bought many things.( )3. Mr White could open the door of the car.( )4. The policeman was very friendly to help them.( )5.The car wasnt theirs15. 阅读短文,选择正确答案。Dear Mummy,How are you? I am fine at school. Tomorrow is National Day. We dont

37、 have to go to school. I am going to take a trip with my friends in the morning. I am going to Zhongshan Park. I am going there by bike. Its near our school. In the afternoon, I am going to the bookstore and buy some new books. In the evening, I am going to watch TV. What are you going to do tomorro

38、w? Can you tell me?Your son,Tom1Whats the date tomorrow?( )A.Oct. 1st B.Nov. 1st2Where is Tom going on National Day morning?( )A.The bookstore. B.Zhongshan Park.3How is Tom going to the park?( )A.Ride a bike. B.On foot.4Is the park far from Toms school?( )A.Yes, it is. B.No, it isnt.5What is Tom goi

39、ng to do in the afternoon?( )A.Buy some new books. B.Take a trip.16. 阅读短文,判断句子正误。Mr. Zhous office is not far from his home, but he drives to work every day. He likes his car very much, so he often washes his car and he uses a lot of water to wash it. He tells Mrs. Zhou, I must keep my car very clean

40、. Mrs. Zhou says to Mr. Zhou, You shouldnt wash your car too often. You shouldnt waste too much water. Mrs. Zhou goes shopping every day. She goes to the market on foot. She likes walking. She thinks its good for her health.( )(1)Mr. Zhou uses a lot of water to wash his car.( )(2)Mrs. Zhou walks to

41、the market.( )(3)Mr. Zhou works near his home. He goes to work on foot every day.( )(4)Mrs. Zhou tells Mr. Zhou not to waste water.( )(5)Mrs. Zhou often drives the car.17. 阅读理解。Jack and Sally are good friends. They are in the same class. They are interested in swimming and riding bikes. They like to fly kites, too. They often fl


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